can I start a PCOS Vent your frustrations Thread? lol



  • ChikyLee
    ChikyLee Posts: 28
    Dear PCOS,

    The Metformin is making me feel so sick today I can barely even get out of bed. I have an electrologist appointment next week so I can get rid of the hair on my face, and after 2 years of going almost every week, I'm still not done. I hate you for all the pain you've caused me and my friends. I hate you for making me feel ugly and unworthy. I hate you for trying to rob me of the one thing I want in my life.

    But I will fight back. I will make that support group at my college so other girls who are fighting you can have a place to go and vent their frustrations. I will beat you, because I am on the quest to end PCOS.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    The Metformin is making me feel so sick today I can barely even get out of bed. I have an electrologist appointment next week so I can get rid of the hair on my face, and after 2 years of going almost every week, I'm still not done. I hate you for all the pain you've caused me and my friends. I hate you for making me feel ugly and unworthy. I hate you for trying to rob me of the one thing I want in my life.

    But I will fight back. I will make that support group at my college so other girls who are fighting you can have a place to go and vent their frustrations. I will beat you, because I am on the quest to end PCOS.

    That is soooo amazing!!! I hope it all works out good for the support group and for YOU!
  • imburnram
    imburnram Posts: 2
    I knew I would find women with PCOS here! We are always struggling to lose weight! My name is Burnadette and I live in San Antonio, Texas! I am a 36 year old yo-yo dieter. I have quite a bit to lose and I can honestly say that I am bigger than I have ever been. I have lost huge amounts of weight and I have gained even more each time. There are a lot of things that contribute to my obesity - self-esteem, genetics, family history, PCOS. blah blah I HATE PCOS. It sucks for a number of reasons but mainly it sucks because it makes it easier for you to get fat and the fatter you get the worse the syndrome gets. I have been able to lose weight but most of the time it was with a protein only diet but then I would gain it all back and then some. In fact, the last time I lost a great deal of weight I got pregnant! Hence, my 3 year old son, Noah! I know many women with PCOS struggle with infertility so I am very blessed to have him. Anyway, about a year ago I started the process to have gastric bypass because I was really sick of the PCOS and all the health problems that go along with it but at the same time I was scared to death. Well, I was never really into it. Now, I want to be healthy for me and my son. I want to be here to watch him grow but I want to try to do this the healthy way. I don't want to throw up because I ate sugar or end up in the hospital because I did something wrong with my diet like I am scared the gastric bypass would make me feel.

    I have recently been facing my health issues. I went to the doctor and he called me with my test results from my blood work. Well, I was pretty scared. I was certain he was going to tell me that I have diabetes. I already have high blood pressure and cholesterol (Thanks, PCOS). As I was waiting for the nurse to give me my results I prayed to God that if this came back fine I would really try this time. Well, needless to say no Diabetes - yet - and here I am.

    I am really looking for a support system here - from women who understand what I am going through. I want to lose the weight and try to have another baby before I am too old to have kids! I looking for people to help keep me motivated! Please let me know it you are interested in a great friend and motivator! (Or just add me as your friend! Thanks, ladies!
  • Rheagansmom
    Rheagansmom Posts: 53 Member
    PCOS you suck!! I am working my butt off and nothing is happening. I cannot stand how freaking badly you affect my life.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I had a huge pizza craving.....ate 3 slices and literally gained 3 pounds.....impossible to be actual weight right? Hoping its just water weight....and not pcos rearing its ugly head.
  • sunnysideup05
    sunnysideup05 Posts: 15 Member
    Love this thread! I have been on MFP for quite some time now but stumbled upon these posts while googling some things about PCOS! PCOS (and TTC) often leave me feeling very alone! So glad to read y'all's comments and know that I'm not the only one plucking chin hairs every morning, haha!
  • Clarehc
    Clarehc Posts: 15 Member
    What a fantastic thread, I love it. Much sympathy to everyone battling with PCOS, it's a daily struggle.

    Dear PCOS

    Thanks for the infertility, two miscarriages and 8 years of TTC. I'll make a deal with you - you can keep giving me hair in odd places and I'll keep those extra pounds around my middle if you just let me ovulate regularly and fall pregnant with a sticky baby sometime in the next year or two. This is non-negotiable. Thank you.

    Clare :-)
  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    Just a little update. I started taking birth control 26 days ago even tho I am fixed. I figured since june I got my cycle on my own I wasn't going to have the surgery to remove my uterus. So far this pill is amazing, no weight gain, no acne issues, and absolutely no breakthrough bleeding! Every pill,shot, patch ect I have tried has given me the dang break through bleeding. This is a 4 phase pill where you only have 2 placebo days where u might get you period. Only side effect I've had is slight bloating feeling. But since starting this pill I made it past my rut and lost more weight. I used to take provera to have my clycle and hated it! So women if you are not ttc please ask your doc about natazia. Its a wonderful pill and will help your cycles. Best of luck to you all! Ohhhh and 4.5lbs til my half way point.
  • taralou20
    taralou20 Posts: 30
    Dear PCOS,

    Thanks for the 7 month long period, and constant stomach cramps, oh and for lessening my chances of ever having kids, the one thing that i was really looksing forward to in life.

    Much love! <Sarcasm
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Just a little update. I started taking birth control 26 days ago even tho I am fixed. I figured since june I got my cycle on my own I wasn't going to have the surgery to remove my uterus. So far this pill is amazing, no weight gain, no acne issues, and absolutely no breakthrough bleeding! Every pill,shot, patch ect I have tried has given me the dang break through bleeding. This is a 4 phase pill where you only have 2 placebo days where u might get you period. Only side effect I've had is slight bloating feeling. But since starting this pill I made it past my rut and lost more weight. I used to take provera to have my clycle and hated it! So women if you are not ttc please ask your doc about natazia. Its a wonderful pill and will help your cycles. Best of luck to you all! Ohhhh and 4.5lbs til my half way point.
    That's fantastic!!!! You're doing so good!! Provera sux ...ugh! Only had to take it for about 3 cycles but it was
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Just keeping the thread going! How are all my Cysters doing?! I hope all is well. I fell off my wagon ...AGAIN...but Im still logging this time. I plan on jumping back on next week hardcore. My busy summer schedule is absolutely horrible for my workout regimen.........arrrrg!!!!!!!!!! And dieting alone just has no effect at fact I still gain weight if Im dieting....nice......
  • trishtrish84
    trishtrish84 Posts: 237 Member
    I just thought I would drop in to vent!

    Dear PCOS,
    Thank you for being the constant pain in my *kitten*
    Thank you for making me hate all of my best friends because they are happily having children and Meanwhile I sit on the sidelines and I get to be "the godmother".
    Thank you for the excess hair that I have to wax every other week... painfully I might add... because no matter how many times you wax it still hurts like hell.
    Thank you for the jacked up periods... Like the one I am on now... I started and then stopped all within the same day! Fantabulous huh?
    Thank you for giving bullies extra excuses to pick on me in junior high....
    Because not only was I dorky but because of you I was over weight, talked like a male, with excess facial hair, and acne!
    Thanks for getting my *kitten* kicked PCOS!

    PS- F*** OFF!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I just thought I would drop in to vent!

    Dear PCOS,
    Thank you for being the constant pain in my *kitten*
    Thank you for making me hate all of my best friends because they are happily having children and Meanwhile I sit on the sidelines and I get to be "the godmother".
    Thank you for the excess hair that I have to wax every other week... painfully I might add... because no matter how many times you wax it still hurts like hell.
    Thank you for the jacked up periods... Like the one I am on now... I started and then stopped all within the same day! Fantabulous huh?
    Thank you for giving bullies extra excuses to pick on me in junior high....
    Because not only was I dorky but because of you I was over weight, talked like a male, with excess facial hair, and acne!
    Thanks for getting my *kitten* kicked PCOS!



    PS- F*** OFF!

    I hate pcos just as intensely! Stay strong! We can beat this!
  • LetGoLaughin12
    LetGoLaughin12 Posts: 14 Member
    It makes me have a sigh of relief to know I'm not the only one out there with all these issues!

    Dear PCOS,

    I hate everything you have done to me, but I'm in control now!

  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    Add me to the list of loathers of this disease!

    I've always been a healthy active person with no weight issues. I had never even been to a doctor until I hit the age of 25 when my health started to decline for unknown reasons. I started gaining weight in my mid-section and was always extremely tired. My hair started to fall out, and I got horrid cystic acne along my jawline and back. After many tests and specialists they diagnosed me with PCOS, insulin resistance and a sluggish thyroid (hypothyroidism and PCOS often go hand in hand). They basically just said: "Go home and lose weight." Really helpful, right? Regardless of eating a healthy diet and regular exercise, i just could NOT lose weight.

    Fortunately, I have a great family doctor, who put me on 2000mg/day Metformin back in Feb. 2010. This changed everything for me. Coupled with daily exercise and a healthy eating plan (Canada's food guide), over the next year I was able to lose 35 lbs. While Metformin isn't a weight loss medication, it certainly allows someone with insulin resistance to lose weight like a 'normal' person - in other words, it can make all your hard work "count" for something in the weight-loss department! I still have another 30lbs. or so to go to reach my goal (hubby and I are not TTC by the way - I had a hysterectomy earlier in the year for other reasons) .....but I'm in this to kick PCOS's butt! :-)
  • caitastic24
    caitastic24 Posts: 674 Member
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Checking in:) lost. A little over 2 pounds this week! Yes!
  • clala82
    clala82 Posts: 90 Member
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Thanks for the post!!!!

  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I ordered miracle noodles from their website:) I am so excited for these! Who would've thought? A noodle with zero carbs......I really hope this works out!