September (2016) Running Challenge



  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Feeling under the weather today. Stayed home from work but felt well enough around 5:00 to go out for a walk. Ran 0.5 miles of it just to test the legs. I think I should be well enough to run tomorrow.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    A short slow 6 km Stretch Run to work the post race kinks out of the legs.

    09/01 – 0.0 km – 0.0 - 140 km – 842.7 km
    09/04 – 8.0 km – 8.0 – 132.0 km
    09/06 – 8.0 km – 16.0 – 126.0 km
    09/08 – 8.0 km – 24.0 – 118.0 km
    09/10 – 7.0 km – 31.0 – 111.0 km
    09/11 – 10.0 km – 41.0 – 101.0 km
    09/13 – 6.0 km – 47.0 – 95.0 km – YTD 889.7 km

    The 7 km that I did on the 10th as a pre-race slow stretch was a little to long, will have to cut back to 4-5 km max.

  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @mom3over40 - Water alone is definitely not as good for hydration as water + electrolytes, at least in warm weather. How big the difference is between water and water + electrolytes may vary from one person to another, and certainly varies with the weather. Also, some runners may need to watch potassium or magnesium more than other runners do. That's an individual type of thing that you learn by paying attention to how your body reacts to different things you try.
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    September Running Totals (miles)
    9/1 – 10.07 warmup + tempo intervals
    9/2 – 7.76 partial course preview
    9/3 – 3.80 easy 30 minutes
    9/4 – 15.44 warmup + Oak Tree Half
    9/5 – 4.52 easy 30 minutes + 4 strides
    9/6 – 6.72 warmup + speed work
    9/7 – 4.04 easy
    9/8 – 7.18 warmup + intervals
    9/9 – rest day
    9/10 – 6.06 easy
    9/11 – 11.04 partial course preview
    9/12 – 3.77 easy
    9/13 – 6.36 warmup, intervals, cool down

    September total to date – 86.76

    Nominal Challenge Goal – 200 miles
    Real Goals: Manage Rochester Marathon well as a race, recover quickly.

    Today's notes – Today's assignment was 2 miles easy, 4 x 1000 at T, 2 miles easy. The club party was this evening at Mendon Ponds Park, which meant I got to run the workout on hills. We happened to run into multiple other groups there for soccer, cross country, and I don't know what else; so I ran most of the workout on a dead end road that the traffic wouldn't need to get out of the park. That happened to be up and down one of the more minor hills for the intervals, so that was okay. There were no good 1000m markings, so it was an estimate of 0.62 or 0.63 miles by Garmin for the 1000, but that's okay too. Ended up chopping a mile of easy off the end of the workout because I was back at the shelter and wanted to cool down before we ate.

    Ate too much, but had a good time. Several club members BQ'd at Erie Sunday, including a couple of guys who had been trying to get to Boston for several years. And our open women's team captain beat the men's BQ target with 3:03 and change.

    No more hard running or long running before Sunday.

    2016 races:
    January 1, 2016 Resolution Run 7.5 mile (Mendon, NY) finished in 53:58
    January 9, 2016 Winter Warrior Half Marathon (Gates, NY) finished in 1:30:59
    March 12, 2016 Johnny's Runnin' of the Green 5 mile (Rochester, NY) finished in 32:32
    March 26, 2016 Spring Forward Distance Run 15K (Mendon, NY) finished in 1:05:24
    April 18, 2016 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA) finished in 3:23:01
    April 24, 2016 Flower City Challenge Half Marathon (Rochester, NY) finished in 1:36:50, targeting MP
    May 15, 2016 Highland Hospital Lilac Run 10K (Rochester, NY) DNS - injury
    June 19, 2016 Medved 5K to Cure ALS (Rochester, NY) DNS - recovering from face plant
    July 16, 2016 Shoreline Half Marathon (Hamlin, NY) finished in 1:31:11
    August 13, 2016 Bergen Road Race 5K (Bergen, NY) finished in 19:07 (5K PR)
    September 4, 2016 Oak Tree Half Marathon (Geneseo, NY) finished in 1:31:37
    September 18, 2016 Rochester Marathon (Rochester, NY)
    October 2, 2016 USATF Masters 5K Championship (Syracuse, NY)
    October 15, 2016 Finish Strong 15K (Hilton, NY)
    October 22, 2016 Scare Brain Cancer Away 5K (East Rochester, NY)
    November 24, 2016 Race with Grace 10K (Hilton, NY)

    2017 races:
    April 17, 2017 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA) {acceptance pending}
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    I'm a little behind but bear with me!
    @kristinegift - looking good in that race photo! I love your shorts <3
    @RespectTheKitty - congratulations on the 5K PR!!
    @emmab0902 - woohoo, 10K is such a fun race distance! Don't worry, the race day adrenaline will kick in and suddenly 10K will seem completely doable!
    @dkabambe - I feel your pain! I haven't ran in three weeks now (it feels so much longer than that!) due to injury -_- a week off now is so much better than weeks or months off in the future because you ran through the pain and made things worse! Wishing you a speedy return to running
    @AdrianChr92 - love the shorts! Do they make them in girl sizes!?!
    @mbaker566 - awesome shirts! Definitely a great purchase
    @skippygirlsmom - those 24 hour races sound crazy! I couldn't imagine doing anything for 24 hours straight, especially not running...

    Took Sunday off to let my legs recover. I've been pretty sore/tired getting back to cardio after taking 2 weeks off from all physical activity! I went to the pool again last night (it was so crowded, uhg) and swam 2.5 km total with 25 minutes of water running sprinkled throughout. Like I said before, it is just so boring, but I'm hoping that I'll become mentally stronger in the coming weeks and can endure more than 5-10 minutes at a time. Today's workout was 2 minute sprint intervals on the bike again, and man my legs were pretty sore! As I was cooling down, a friend of mine that I haven't seen in a few months sat down on the bike next to me, so my 5 minute cool down turned into 25 minutes as we caught up. I stretched out really well afterwards, and then spent 30 minutes this evening doing core and hip strengthening. The good news is that I haven't had any pain whatsoever in my shin for about two days now! And it does not seem to be tender to the touch anymore. I'm going to try a brisk walk again sometime in the next few days to see where I am.

    8/06: bike- 5 min easy, 10x(2 min hard/1 min easy), 5 min easy + core
    8/07: 30 min steady state, elliptical + 6.5 min walk (3.4 mph) + core
    8/09: bike - 5 min easy, 6x(4 min hard/2 min easy), 5 min easy + 1.3 mile walk (leisurely)
    8/10: 1.5 km swim + 25 minutes deep water running interspersed + core
    8/12: 2.5 km swim + 25 minutes deep water running interspersed
    8/13: bike- 5 min easy, 10x(2 min hard/1 min easy), 25 min easy + core
  • jodilynnsanders5104
    Broke my running up into a short before work jog, a 30 minute interval run at lunch, and a 30 minute tempo run this evening. 11.5km total for today. Past the half way mark to my goal for the month!


  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    @mom3over40 - Water alone is definitely not as good for hydration as water + electrolytes, at least in warm weather. How big the difference is between water and water + electrolytes may vary from one person to another, and certainly varies with the weather. Also, some runners may need to watch potassium or magnesium more than other runners do. That's an individual type of thing that you learn by paying attention to how your body reacts to different things you try.

    Thank you!
  • vs_shine
    vs_shine Posts: 1,322 Member
    edited September 2016
    wow. Ya'll are all really inspiring!!
    I've run 11 miles so far this month.
    I'll shoot for 30!

    My New Year's Resolution for this year was to do a 5k every month! And I have surpassed that!
    So happy! Doing better running than I ever thought I could!

    2016 Runs:
    1/30- Mardi Gras 5k
    2/14 - Paramount Break-A-Leg 5k
    3/18 - Lucky Trail 5k.
    3/26- Inflatable 5k.
    4/2 - Pet and Owner Fun Run 5k.
    4/16- Wine Run 5k.
    4/2 - Gritty Goddess 5k Mud Run
    5/1- Santo De Mayo 5k at St Arnold Brewery
    5/21- Rennaissance Mud Run 5k
    6/27 - Las Vegas Strip Run 5k
    7/16 - Sunset 5k for Ainsley's Angels
    8/24 - Midnight Run 5k
    9/10 - 9/11 Travis Manion. Heroes Foundation 5k.

    Races to Come:
    9/18- Toughest Kemah 10k. My first 10k :-)
    10/1 - Dog Original Mud Run 5k
    10/8- Head for the Cure MD Anderson 5k
    10/15- Strut Your Mutt 5k run
    11/24- Turkey Trot 5k
    12/3- Inflatable 5k
    12/18- Santa Hustle 5k
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    I'm Australian, and we say "dodgy" too. I have a workmate whose nickname is "Dodgy".

    Haha! You non Americans are so awesome! I've cought myself saying "oi" and "dodgy" but it makes me want dodgy jammers, and timey wimey stuffs.
    @Elise4270 When it comes to local language terms, What ever you do don't buy any Budgie Smuggler Swim Trunks for your DH - @Orphia is LOL right now.

    Oh, yes, you know I am...

    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @juliet3455 haha! Budgie smugglin'! Sounds criminal! I'll have to hit Google for that one. Haha! Oh I love Google!


    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @louubelle16 Dodgy is used a little here. Your just more likely to hear sketchy for activities or gimpy for an injury. I like it. Reminded me of dodge vehicles... Maybe they're dodgy. The Brits didn't like the US vehicles? (Mines German). No dodgy US auto here. Hahaha!

    Now how do I clear my browser on mobile? Rarely see a fella here in anything that shows even their knees!

    Hahahahahaha, you did it! Oh dear. Hope you had Safe Search on at least.

    I pity you all the pictures of Tony Abbott! :open_mouth: (I don't have to Google, I just know that would happen.)
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Thanks, @5512bf for your answer to my question about pausing your timer. Makes sense.

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Started feeling good yesterday after lunch (that is no more headache!) So my headache was basically hour 24 - 48 after the 100 miles. I use Ultima Replenisher after my runs on super hot days. Why in the world I didn't think to drink it after Sunday is beyond me! I think I was just delirious. I drank it Monday night, Tuesday morning and today after my run and it is great.

    So got a nice run in this morning. It was very hot/humid but I was fine!
    I feel like I'm going to be way behind my monthly goal - but I have no idea what the rest of the month will bring. If it rains on the weekend then I will run instead of bike so anything can happen.

    9/1 - 4.8 miles
    9/2 - strength training
    9/3 - 34 miles biking
    9/4 - 100 KM biking (63 miles).
    9/5 - 45 miles biking
    9/6 - 4 miles run
    9/7 - 5.1 miles + Strength training
    9/8 - rest day (avoid the bears)
    9/9 - 5. 0 miles + strength training
    9/10 - 34 miles biking
    9/11 - 100 miles biking
    9/12 - rest day
    9/13 - rest day #2
    9/14 - 5.1 miles


    Upcoming races
    2/5/17 - Daytona Beach HM
    2/26/17 - Disney Princess HM Orlando

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    9/1- Rest
    9/2- 4.13
    9/3- 10.03
    9/4- 3.02
    9/5- Rest driving home from visiting family
    9/6- 7.01
    9/7- 7.01
    9/8- 7.17
    9/9- 4.06
    9/11- Rest
    9/12- 4.04
    9/13- 7.06
    9/14- 4.06

    Total: 69.6/115

    Today's notes: Recovery run at very easy pace, between yesterday's and tomorrow's race pace workouts. Health paranoia mode hit full throttle this morning. Temp was 35F (1.6C). Normally this would be weather where I wear a light weight long sleeve pull over, shorts, glove and maybe a hat. Not today! Warm Hat, my winter gloves, long winter running pants, and my medium weight pull over. I DO NOT want to get sick with my race only 10 days off. I only have one more harder workout, and a long run this week, then maybe 2-3 short, easy runs next week, before the race, so I'm going to be extra careful about staying warm and healthy!
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    9/1 - 4 miles. Weather was beautiful! Had to cut it short because I hit snooze too many times.
    9/2 - Unplanned rest day. Apparently yesterday's snoozing was due to impending illness. First virus of the new school year.
    9/3 - 8.09 mile group run. Again, beautiful weather! Plus, virus seems gone.
    9/4 - Normal rest day. Way overate at family picnic.
    9/5 - 5.06 miles.
    9/6 - Bodypump class, followed by Abs/Core class.
    9/7 - 4.03 hot, humid, sticky miles...summer is not over yet!
    9/8 - 5.2 miles at Trek/treadmill class.
    9/9 - Managed to turn off my alarm and oversleep by 2 hours = no run or spin class :-1:
    9/10 - 9.4 mile group run. Another gorgeous morning for a run!
    9/11 - Insanely busy church/family activity day.
    9/12 - 4.7 miles. Getting spoiled by this weather.
    9/13 - Life got in the way.
    9/14 - 5.08 miles...seriously, this weather is fantastic for running!


    Seriously behind on reading everyone's posts. Hope you all are doing great! Will try to get caught up.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    edited September 2016
    Sept 1-5.9 miles + 0.6 miles with puppy
    Sept 2-7.5 miles
    Sept 3- 14 hilly miles
    Sept 4-rest day-long hike
    Sept 5-4.0 miles + 0.6 miles with Stella
    Sept 6-8.0 miles w/ cruise intervals
    Sept 7- rest day (because I needed it!)
    Sept 8- 6 miles hills
    Sept 9- 4.4 miles dreadmill speed work AM+ 3.0 miles recovery PM
    Sept 10-3.8 miles
    Sept 11-11.1 miles
    Sept 12- Rest Day
    Sept 13- 7.0 easy miles
    Sept 14 4.1 "should have been easier" miles

    Ok. I think I have to break down and admit that I need to give this hamstring a little more TLC. It felt good on my run on Sunday, but I may have pushed it with way too much yard work Sunday afternoon. I don't know about you guys, but yard work (specifically weeding and picking up trimmings) is always murder on my hamstrings.

    Anyway, last evening's run was supposed to be 60 minutes with 40 at tempo. I planned to do it on the bike path after work because it's flat and I prefer that for my tempos. When I went to get dressed, however, I realized that I had forgotten to put my shoes in the bag. Since my neighborhood is hilly, I decided to just do 60 easy at home and do my tempo today. Well, the 60 easy wasn't all that easy and since it was a nice morning, I decided to loosen my legs up with a short AM run. Ugh! It was rough. It took me 3 miles to get my pace under a 9 minute mile and I was running faster on the uphills than the downhills. It was pretty clear to me that the hamstring is a bit of an issue.

    I have two weeks padded into my training schedule, so I am going to make this another easy week. No speed work and shortened mileage. Also gonna skip tonight's tempo run all together. It works out well because some of my family is coming to visit this weekend, so the timing is good. Trying to play it smart. Why is that so hard to do???

    In other (better) Boston registration day is finally here!!! It felt like it took forever. Registration opens at 10AM, but the BAA site is blocked at my work (how stupid!), so I will register when I get home. I have so much to do tonight, that I am kind of afraid I will forget. I even left myself a note on the kitchen counter.


  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @skippygirlsmom That guy does sound a bit nuts. Stay safe out there! And have fun in NJ!! Come and visit ;)

    @lporter229 TLC that hamstring! It's hard to do and no fun but you don't wanna risk it. And YAY BOSTON REGISTRATION! Hopefully that will be me at this time next year :) Just don't forget!
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    9/1 - 4
    9/3 - 4.2
    9/6 - 2.5
    9/7 - 4
    9/8 - 4.2
    9/10 - 5.1
    9/11 - 6
    9/13 - 0.5
    9/14 - 3.5

    Still a tad sick this morning, but went out for a run anyway. Let's just say I had a few more snot rockets than usual. I kept it short, but still managed okay. The weather was very nice, cloudy but not raining and about 66 degrees.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited September 2016
    Can you imagine a train cutting through your marathon when you are trying to qualify for Boston. What a shame.

    @kristinegift if we were staying longer I would have asked you to meet up. First it would be great to meet in person and second Skip would love to run with you. ha ha!! Next trip for sure! We are getting in Thrs night and leaving Monday morning. I don't want to keep her out of school too long.

    Since I'm posting stuff to read, I found this last year and love it, what Cross Country is... I know so many of us distance runners can relate.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @skippygirlsmom -People are seriously nuts. A gun? Over dog poop? Be careful around this guy. You might want to think about a gun yourself! Also, thanks for pointing out the "inspiring" button. I hadn't noticed it, but I agree about the "that sucks" button too!
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78

    1/9: 5.74 km + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises
    2/9: REST (hungover from the wedding the day before)
    3/9: 20.43 km + 20 mins yoga
    4/9: REST
    5/9: REST
    6/9: Life but walked all over
    7/9: 5.48 km + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises
    8/9: My Bday!!! 20 mins elliptical + 40 mins yoga + 4.61 km in the evening
    9/9: 5.49 km + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises
    10/9: REST
    11/9: REST
    12/9: 4.63 km in the evening
    13/9: 5.62 km + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (arms and core)
    14/9: 5.61 km + 20 mins yoga + strength exercises (shoulders, upper back and core)

    Current PR: 5K in 32:50 / 10K in 1:17:18 / 20K in 2:45:11


    24/9: Obstacle Course “Coureur des bois”
    20/10-01/11 : Zombies Run! App 2016 Fall Virtual Run

    Happy Hump Day everyone!! :smiley: