

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michele, there wasn't any altercation actually shown on DWTS, just the response of the people. Carrie Anne was saying that it had to stop, the look on Ryan and his dancer Cheryl Burke was what showed it the most. Cheryl looked really scared for quite a while. I am afraid no one is going to give Ryan a chance at all. The overall hatred of him and what is did is pretty intense.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,674 Member
  • lorigug9364
    lorigug9364 Posts: 28 Member

    My name is Lori, truthfully. I have used the MFP app before and loved it and I am back to it again. I am looking for friends to share happy times with, success during the week, and just to chat with. When I used this app before, I was able to use the food list when I wasn't sure on the calorie amount, etc. and of course, it was an android that I had before. Now, I have an iPhone and I cannot figure out how to find the food list! I lived by the food list and I so need it back again! I have 9 weeks to lose at least 20 pounds in and I plan on being completely truthful and faithful. Help! I cannot afford to pay for the premium in this app due to being of low income. Please help!

  • Purl62
    Purl62 Posts: 37 Member
    I crashed on my bike on Sunday. Good news is that nothing besides my skin and a tooth is broken and I will heal. Left hand is in a splint (I'm left handed). My bike will be ok too- after I got checked in at urgent care Tom took my bike to the shop. Front wheel was bent beyond repair but the frame was ok. After x-rays of my shoulder, hand and neck the verdict is a splint and an acute cervical sprain. Funny aside- told my 23 yr old dd that I had an acute cervical sprain and she crossed her legs, held her abdomen protectively and said "how did you sprain your cervix falling off your bike??" lol. We were supposed to go on a cycling trip to Victoria BC this weekend but will postpone that a week. Meanwhile, I look like I was punched in the jaw and dh feels terrible. He caused it (from now on I will ride in front!) Everything hurts. I know this is small potatoes compared to what others are going thru.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Lori- welcome to our group! I use my iPhone all the time for entering food into my diary. After you click on breakfast you go up to the top where it says search enter in the food, then hit enter and a list of different foods matching that item comes up.

    Purl- I am so sorry to hear that you had a terrible fall off your bike. I'm sure that your husband is feeling terrible. I hope you heal quickly!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Thanks Pip!!
    oh no Purl, sorry to hear about your fall!

    Today I rec'd some easy pull-on jeans from another TOPS member who outgrew them. I came home and promptly tried on some pants that I had been saving. Still kind of snug... I have 4 pairs of jeans that are a size 20, and when I lose maybe 10 more pounds I shall be able to wear them. I have 5 tee-shirts that are med/lrg and they are waiting patiently until I can wear them too. I have two pairs of tan canvas pants, really great quality, one is 20 and the other is 18 and those will be fun to wear. I bought them toward the end of my Jenny Craig journey, but I never really got to wear them sadly. I'm like a baby that is growing (smaller) and I need to keep trying on clothes so I don't miss the opportunity to wear them!

    Good meeting, but I wasn't the biggest loser. My one friend that always loses got it. I am happy for her, but she never divulges HOW she loses, so when I lose (like today 4 lbs yay!) I brought in my log journal for every day. That is my accountability. She has a lot going on in her life, and losing with stress is difficult. I think she just doesn't eat, which is an unfortunate thing. Also she has a disorder that makes her pick at her forearms etc. Her poor arms were so red with sores today. She is our weight recorder, so I think that helps her contribute, and kind of forces her to be sociable.

    Today we are traveling to Longview with son for his Navy future sailor class and PT. There is a "Sizzlers' restaurant nearby, so we are going there after. I need to look up their menu so I can have a plan of attack!

  • lillielocklear5
    Hey everyone I'm Lillie my goal is to start back losing consistently I've lost 40 pounds and got stuck I keep losing the same 1-3 pounds gain it back lose it I'm ready to get the rest of my weight off but I keep sabotaging myself
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Welcome Lillie!

    Purl ~ That does not sound like a "small" accident. So sorry you have been hurt.

    Becca ~ Congrats on you 4 lb loss. Very good progress.

    Lenora & Heather ~ I try my best not to intervene in my DIL and Son's life. They live about 40 minutes from us and are very busy working and tending the two grands. My worst moment was when I got tired of Jo's hair hanging in his face (age 1) and trimmed the bangs. DIL was pregnant with baby #2 and cried and cried because I had done that. She wanted to give him his 1st haircut. Funny that they didn't notice it for almost a week. LOL

    Putting my foot in my mouth was one of my worst problems when I was teaching. Seemed like I was always saying something that upset students, parents, or co-workers. I think I was a very good teacher but lacked the tact needed to handle social interactions.

    We went to a seafood restaurant today for lunch and I felt good about choosing a large salad that had baby shrimp and a bit of crab meat on it. Did have a small cup of clam chowder so that may have undone the good of the salad.


  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Welcome new ladies! Keep checking in , even if you don't feel like posting jist reading the ups and downs and humor and wisdom of the group can be very inspiring.
    Purl what a bummer, falling off the bike, it's sweet that you can find the humor in you DD's comment. Take care of yourself

    Thanks for the book suggestion:pursuit of less. Sounds like its just what I've been looking for! I will have to pick it up this weekend for more inspiration. I am approaching a month of no clothes shopping(don't even miss it) and no eating out (this is the harder one for me) I am 3 weeks in focusing on using up food not letting it go to waste. Very good exercise for DH and I. NYKAREN
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Wednesday from cool and damp Nebraska. I love this Fall weather. Opened the windows and even had to turn the heat on last evening as DH was sitting in the chair wrapped in sweatshirt and blankets. I am so far behind so just starting from here and doing the best I can. Time just seems to be getting away from me. Scares me how fast Christmas is coming.
    Been having issues with my back and think I must of done something when I fell last time. So I went to the chiropractor on Monday and he did some traction. Feels better but think I will have to go again next week. See how the rest of this week goes. Weigh in yesterday I was done a little over 2 pounds. I will take it.
    Yesterday at work was a nightmare. Just before noon our phone system went down. No one could call into the hospital and we could not call out. It was almost 4 hours before they got it fixed.
    Cheri--I am going to use your idea and set my phone so every hour I get up and do walking. Thanks for sharing.
    Slowly catching up again. Enjoying all the pictures. DH and I had fun with the purple hair. It washed out really easy so thinking we may do it again.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!Welcome new ladies.
    wt loss is going slow,but Im loosing.Hard to ex with walker and leg in splint and other one messed up.I do what I can and watch the calories.
    See ortho dr to remove staples.4 more weeks with the splint.
    Hugs jane
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Jane- The time will go by very quickly and you will be back at it very soon! For now take care of yourself and remember 80% is diet anyhow!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: I'm glad the KOA campground pool near Fort Stevens is open to local seniors. That is very good news, and much closer to where you live if my mental map of the area is any good. Fort Stevens Park is a place we love to visit often. :heart:
    Carol - I don’t think my DOGD is going to have the ‘tact’ to handle being a teacher. She’s doing it because if she signs a 5-year contract, they will pay 2 years of college loans. She is a biology major so getting a job is going to be easy since they don’t have that many and are always looking for science and biology teachers. Sisters say if she goes ahead and gets her 'masters' she can almost get better pay. She wants to teach in middle school; but, things are a lot different from when she was in middle school where her teacher made her fall in love with science. DYS called her and has tried to ‘talk her out of it’. He’s dated 2 teachers since he has been out of school and says he has never met a ‘happy teacher’; but, both of the ones he dated were single or single mothers. But, her mind is set. I also think that her Dad is not particular happy about her changing her dreams. She wanted to be a Vet, then decided that ‘if’ she and her boyfriend get married; she would be the main breadwinner as he goes through PT school and doesn't want to be faced with a lot of student loans. The thinks that $16K is high; she should see what my DYS is paying back ... over $100K because he went to an 'out-of-state' university. He says he will never get them paid off. She is rather bossy; and, this summer when we took them on our ‘beach trip’ it was more noticeable than it has been in the past. I’m not sure what is going on; but, at this point, we have discussed just not doing it anymore. About the only one who was agreeable most of the time was our DYGD. But, she is only 10, and going anywhere is a treat for her.

    Purl – I can understand your daughter getting the two body parts confused. And sitting in a protective manner. Brings back a few times as a child falling off a bike and straddling it. Not much fun. I’ve done it as an adult … it must feel like when a man gets hit in his “Johnson”. I wanted to double over myself. I am glad that you were not hurt worse. Maybe you won’t have to be in a cast/sling for long. I’m right-handed and I have torn my right rotator cuff twice in as many years. Good thing that I am also pretty ambidextrous. I got so tired of wearing that padded sling that holds your arm out from your chest/stomach day and night for about 6 weeks. Could not lift anything, could not drive much, DH had to get the prep work for cooking meals done for me, it was just a total P.I.T.A.

    Oh, … and now I know what DWTS means, too. Finally figured it out when someone mentioned the swimmer that got into so much trouble in Rio.

    Vicki – I started yesterday on what I call my Fall cleaning (for Thanksgiving). My mood has to get better than it is to really do it right. One project down and 100 more to do. Got my bookshelf cleared off and ‘Marie Kondo-ized’. Still has a lot on it; but, at least, it looks a lot better. Thirty books looking for a place to stay. Out on the porch. Want to build some shelving out there so I can move them and my flamingo collection out there. IF this is all aa 'repeat' I am sorry. I'm in 'terminal brain fart mode' today.

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Purl Karen Crapola! I agree with Peach Carol - that doesn't sound like a small accident. Yikes! Hope you heal fast...I know you are going to be really sore for a few days. (((Air Hugs)))

    Karen in Virginia
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Welcome, new people! :flowerforyou: Slow but sure is best in the long run. It took me 18 months to lose 57 lbs, but I've kept it off for two and a half years. I've been on this thread for 4 years. Could not have done it without these wonderful women. :D<3

    Purl - That accident sounds terrible! I hope you can get your tooth fixed. Sending you good wishes to heal fast! <3

    Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,674 Member
    Purl62- oooooo sorry to hear bout your crash, I can definitely relate! Take care
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Hello to all: Welcome to the newcomers. Went to water exercise this morning and then worked in the barn moving some stuff to get it out of the way for storing winter hay. Need to get some shelves moved but need help with that from DD. Yay! choir starts tonight. The Aquasox lost last night so our choir director is done announcing baseball now. I am really looking forward to singing again.

    Rori - You are looking good woman.

    Purl - Sorry to hear about your accident. Hope everything heals soon.

    Becca - congrats on your loss. The hot tub sounds good. Doesn't Miriam exercise in hers?

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    Evening ladies,worked a 10 1/2 hr day.. Tired but will tell you a story in the morning,,,