

  • Purl62
    Purl62 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks all, no, it wasn't a small accident, but as these things go it could have been much worse and I feel very lucky! Just got back from the dentist and there doesn't appear to be more than the little chip which can be easily fixed. He recommends waiting a few weeks just to be sure that there isn't nerve damage that will pop up. He thinks that is highly unlikely, but is cautious. When it first happened I thought I'd knocked out a couple teeth but it was just gravel. :)
    We call that "Face Plant" oneself. Nothing to really break the fall and face hits the gravel. Ooooo, I don't think that was a small accident. Hope you did not black out afterwards. That can also cause delayed problems. Take it really easy for a few.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    stats for the day:
    Ride hm 2 gym- 11.09min, 15.8amph, 150mhr, 2.9mi = 127c
    SPIN- 43min, 87r, 94w, 9-17g, 130ahr, 153mhr, 18.4mi = 367c
    ride gym 2 dome- 5.07min, 16.4amph, 145mhr, 1.3mi = 69c
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.04min, 9amph, 153mhr, 2.5mi = 177c
    total cal 740
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Janetr Charming photos!

    Karen in Virginia
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello Accomplished Angels!

    Absolutely nothing to report today... another busy day at work, another crockpot dinner awaits.... another successful workout day - got up early enough to do 55 minutes of cardio in addition to my crunches and some back extensions.


    Purl - Take care of yourself! (Hugs)

    Janet - Looking fabulous! Love the photos.

    Becca - Planning ahead on those dinners is the way to go. Yay for you!

    NYKaren - Gratz on the oven fix!

    Rori - Awesome pictures. Love to see those big, beautiful smiles! Vegas is always great fun.

    Michele - I am sure you are right about the Goodwill... I am going to have to make a trek to the nearest one.

    DJ - Thanks! Patience is the hardest part, right now.

    Lenora - Foot in Mouth disease is a tragic affliction that visits us all at one time or another. Everyone generally survives it...perhaps a little wiser for the experience. I know I always am. >:)

    New folks - WELCOME!!! Pull up a keyboard and tell us about yourselves...

    Everyone else - Sorry I don't have time to talk to each and everyone of you wonderful women... perhaps another day! I am still reading and thinking about you.


    I have some bubbling hot chicken stew at home, calling out my name... Time for a bit of R&R.

    See you all tomorrow.

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :) I thought I had a long afternoon to do what I wanted including reading and responding to all of you...instead I got a call from a friend I haven't heard from in years and we talked for 90 minutes, then I watched the DVD of our line dance performance from the fair...also made a couple of CD's of line dance music so here it is bedtime and no time to reply.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    19,000 steps
    205 minutes of dog walking
    48 minutes riding the exercise bike
    line dance class

    81824br5uyrfrsr.gifBarbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington t113030.gif

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    When I went to do the Firm Cardio Overdrive DVD, I got a message that my machine couldn't read the DVD. Gotta look into that further. If I can't figure it out, then I'll return it to Total Fitness. It doesn't say anything about it being only for a certain region. So I just did a Gin Miller Classic Step DVD. Update: the reason it couldn't be read was because there is a big crack in it. Told Mary at Total Fitness and she's sending me another one

    Sue in WA - let me know if you find something that will kill the weeds but not the grass. I'd be really interested in it.

    pip - I really like your new pic

    Becca - hoping for a loss for you tomorrow

    Chris - let me know what turns up about your elbow. Mine has been hurting, but no where near what yours has been. I've discontinued the kettlebell wondering if that would help. It doesn't seem to help nor hurt. Have a good visit with your mom. I'm sure she'll appreciate it

    Rori - YOU CUT YOUR HAIR!!!!! I like, I like. Sounds like you had a wonderful time in LV

    Mary - those babies are just adorable!

    Joyce - thanks for telling me about DWTS. I wouldn't be in the least surprised if Ryan was the first one sent home.

    Lori - welcome back. Wish I could help you, I have an Android

    Purl - get better fast

    flabflipper - welcome! Hang out as much as you'd like. Pretty soon you'll want to join in. Go right ahead

    lillielocklear - Hi there

    Had the Newcomer general meeting. I had a feeling it would be packed, and packed it was! I do have a lot of leftovers to take to the soup kitchen tomorrow. One lady brought Krispy Kreme doughnuts. The smell just permeated my car even tho they were in the trunk. I broke down and had 1/2 of one. Yuk! Now I wish I hadn't done that. Well...at least it was only 1/2! Then home to get dinner and then ceramics. Finished painting my patriotic snail, it goes into the kiln to be fired tomorrow. How I pray it doesn't shiver!

    Tomorrow volunteer at the Green Room but first I'll stop at the soup kitchen.

    Michele in NC
  • GalatiansTwoTwenty
    I am new to the internet, new to this site, and wanting to give up the 'making health goals and never carrying them through' pattern that I have held to faithfully all of my life. I would very much like to join this 50+ goals thing. I don't have any goals yet and we are half way through Sept so I will work on setting goals for October.

    I put this In the reply section, should I have created a new 'post'? (Is that the word I use for my entry here?) Or should I have 'created' a new discussion? I would appreciate some help in how to use this site. Thank you, and God Bless. (and what is a BBCode? that is written under this reply box)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hey all. The scan shows a small tumor, probably a granuloma, a result of an old infection. They feel it is benign and either slow growing or "dead." We will watch it over the next few months. The rotator cuff surgery will be done on the 26th. I'm really really tired as the pain has been pretty constant now and I basically can't use my left arm at all. I can't lift my arm to look at my watch (it's that bad). The Dr. feels I have finished off the tear and my 85% torn has become a 100% tear. Fun. I'm taking pain pills at night so I can sleep but I'm kind of anti-medication and so I avoid it except at night.

    Headed back to Colorado for a funeral on Saturday. The daughter of a friend we have known for years died. She was 29. She had been up late watching TV and the next morning her dad found her dead in the recliner. Absolutely no idea what happened. She was her mom's caretaker as her mom has MS. Not into drugs or anything, didn't even drink so it was a real shock. It is really hard on her folks, her mom especially.

    chugging along in Houston
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good late evening women. I feel I have been absent the last couple of days but I am here now. Well, a little here. I know the little things I do pales in comparison to what many of you do all day but it is almost for me. I wish I was in cardiac rehab for many reasons. I think if I were, there would be a cardiac nurse who would nurse that would have been observing me and be a advocate through to the doctors office. Plus I really feel the cardiac rehab would help. Ironically we got our 'annual change of benefits' booklet from our insurance yesterday and the co-pay has gone down from $45 to $20/month! I would have jumped at the chance at that price. But I do not, repeat do not want to have another stent next month just to take advantage of a decent price. Yesterday was my first day that I went to the grocery store and walked in the store. And I did OK. Went to choir practice and survived it but that is about all I did. I don't know how many times I had to stop. But that was when we got to the Christmas Cantata and we just went from song to song without stopping. We were up to 4 songs tonight. For those of you that read music, I am a true alto and where C was my top note I could sing comfortably and A is now. With cantatas, many of the songs have sustained notes, especially at the end and I can't hold a sustained A now. And I feel the arthritis in my jaws is coming back. It was treated before with high dose Aleve. Sadly can't do that until next August 22nd because of this stupid stent. I am sitting here looking at my recumbent bike and know it needs to be a constant companion. It will have to be my own personal cardiac rehab.

    When I got home, I normally would have put on the finale results for America's got talent but Charlie is enjoying watching it and he is still out. So it will have to wait for tomorrow.

    I think it was Lori who is new and mentioned something about she is on a limited budget and can't afford the premium. Lori, I doubt many of us here have the premium

    Love you all and know that some day I will feel like being back here at the degree I was before.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Re in TX - I think I am ‘out of the dog house’ so to speak; but, I might be wrong, I’ve been so before, no wait, I forgot I wasn’t wrong. No, seriously, I got pictures of our ‘grand puppy’ who had gone to a ‘new’ groomer. DDnL#2 said it was BAD; and, more expensive. She sent me pictures. One he looked like he was trying to run away and jump off the bed so she would not take his picture. Second picture, he was laying down on the bed with the look of ‘ok, you caught me’, last one was a shot of him with a ‘red’ halo drawn over his head and he was cutting his eyes over at someone out of the picture. She said he had a bad comb-over and about ½ inch of bangs. I wrote back and asked if she thought his last name was now “T****”. Pure baby, he did look bad. Yeah, I think I have (again) learned my lesson, it will be one that sticks with me awhile, until I open my mouth again and it fall back in so easily. My ‘foot’ stays in my mouth as it concerns my DDnL#1; so I am pretty used to it. I just did not want to get on the wrong side of my ‘newest’ DDnL#2. Both have little, to no, filters on their brains and will ‘say it as they see it’. I’m pretty good about saying what is on my mind, too. It is a juggling act. Dropping balls all over the place.

    Have any of you seen the commercial about MasterPass? [Some way to pay for services with an app on their cellphones]. “I’ve masterpassed that.” Seems like they are just trying their best to sort of trying to 'say’ things that sound like they are saying something else … a little less acceptable for prime time TV. Like they are pushing the limits on what can and cannot be 'censored'. I can’t recall who the commercial is for of by whom. Maybe my mind is just in the gutter this week. LOL! I know that TV changed their commercial about ‘where your Silver Card is,' because of suggestive language’.

    I’ve tried several times to PM you, without success … to get a copy of your crockpot recipes. The error message I am getting says that there is a problem with the server and they are aware of it. I’m still getting that message. I’d still like to get them; but, at this point not sure how to get my ‘mailing information’ to you. Can you try it from your end to see if you also get that message? Maybe MFP doesn’t know about it (yet) if it is a problem from your end. I’ve not had any issues sending PMs to others.

    Marcelyn – I got about a 50/50 opinion about whether or not to have rotator cuff surgery; but, when I could no longer lift my right arm to paint, I decided that was something that I ‘had’ to do. I had changed OrthoMDs; and when I went to the new one, he did a lot more x-rays, with and without contrast. I definitely had torn it. When they did the surgery; they took pictures during the surgery. It also clearly showed that I had chipped my shoulder in the surgery. It was a piece about 1/4th of an inch in diameter; and, he told me that was probably the reason for the 'frozen shoulder'. Doing shoulder surgery was his forte. He was surprised when he came in for rounds that it no longer hurt and that I could raise my arm over my head; but, I still had to go through PT. Believe me it was worth everything in the world to get a great result. The 2nd time I tore it, I knew I had done so, so I made an appointment to go in; and, they did that one on an ‘out-patient’ basis. First time, I had to stay overnight because my BP kept spiking up and down.

    Sorry about the death of the daughter of your friend. I know that would be difficult for her parents. Maybe she had a massive heart attack. I know that one of our friends and neighbor rode to Lowe’s with his wife (they were practically inseparable); he told her that he would just sit in the truck while she ran in to pick up the item she needed. When she got back to the car, he was dead. Autopsy showed that he had had a heart attack, and probably did not suffer. A "widow maker." One of DH’s aunt’s thought she had indigestion and asked uncle to get her a glass of water; when he came back in the den, she was dead … also of a massive heart attack. One never knows when they time is going to be up. I know you don't always get what you want; but, when I go I hope it is swift, and quick. Although that might be harder on my family. I just don't care to suffer with a long, drawn out death process.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    JanetR: I'm so glad you shared the Ingalls-Wilder homes photos. I loved the Little House on the Prairie books. I had no idea their homes were so lovely. I have the mental picture from the TV series getting in the way of reality. Thanks. :flowerforyou:

    Marcelyn: I'm so sorry your friends lost their daughter at such a relatively young age. What an awful shock. :broken_heart:

    Joyce: (((HUGS)))

    We defrosted the mini-fridge in our wet bar this afternoon. We used a hand truck to move it onto the deck, and put an electric teakettle in it to melt the ice that packed the freezer section. It is now back in its place, clean and working well. We have one repair left to do tomorrow. The door to the freezer section needs to be repaired and put back in. DH has the skills that are needed. We looked for a new mini fridge online and in local appliance stores. Nothing they had was any better than the one we have already, other than the small repair ours needs. We are feeling the beginnings of the seasonal change to fall & are getting ready for fall & winter. Tomorrow our local heating and air conditioning company will come out to service our furnace and get it ready for winter work. It is making an odd noise and now is the best time to get it put to rights.

    Have a good day tomorrow.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Marcelyn--glad the news was semi-good from the CT scan, and hope you'll get a great result from the surgery. Sorry, too, about your friend's daughter.

    Purl--hope there's no nerve damage.

    Nearly 4 a.m. here in the wilds of West Texas. Another paper's out, another week's gone, and we're nearly at October now. My relationship with time revolves around press day now, and what it takes to get there. Still adjusting, nearly five months later, but beginning to get there. Hope to get it to the point where I can work out Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri, and am almost to that point. This week, Mon/Thu/Fri will have to do.

    Heading for my sister's next week, hotel reservations are made. I love her, but she doesn't have enough room in her house to swing a cat, so I'll stay in town. I'll be there Thurs/Friday night, head back here on Saturday.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas