

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kayla- you ok? That was a weird face?

    Love when this I pad auto corrects...KaTla!


    No worries. I fight with auto correct, too. :grumble:
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,082 Member
  • froggysfriend
    froggysfriend Posts: 220 Member
    Hello everyone.

    This seems like a lovely chatty group. I am now 53 (just turned a couple of weeks back) so have to come to terms with being over 50 - the first couple of years I could kid myself that I wasn't that old, but it's too late for that now.

    I just started back on a weight loss journey this month, having gained way too much over the last while. I know that recording my eating works for me, and it's great to find this place to do that. I'm also getting more serious about working out again.

    One of my biggest challenges in life is making the time for self-care and sticking to my self-care "routine", work tends to take over.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    welcome froggyfriends. Come and chat, we are a very supportive group. Let us know a little bit about yourself and sign posts with name you want to be called.

    Having a lovely Saturday. Nice 3 mile walk and pulling weeds, such a perfect day here.
    Am trying a new slow cooker recipe with red beans, chicken sausage, sweet potatoes and onions. fingers crossed it tastes good-because it sure looks like a lot of food and I will have to eat it all week :#:s NYKAREN
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • Purl62
    Purl62 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi everyone, hope you all are having a great weekend! Everyone is out of the house and I just finished a yoga video. I'm still sore, but thought I'd start with that. I could do it as long as I was slow and deliberate. My shoulders are still sore but I was able to do enough to get credit. The challenge I'm doing with the neighborhood group requires 3 of the 21 day fix workouts a week. They are actually good workouts and I'm glad I got the starter package. I'm not sure I'll continue to use the Shakeology though. I do like the flavor of it, but I have noticed in the last 2 weeks or so that I have been craving snacky foods. Of course, there are many variables that could be contributing to that and I shouldn't assume it is the shake, like going back to work, my accident, having leftovers in the house from dd's school bbq, etc. I ordered a couple other brands of protein shakes thru the local food co-op to try too. I also haven't been tracking very well...I start off great tracking my shake in the morning but then just lose it. I know that meal planning key to success and that just went out the window after last weekend! Back to it. The fridge is loaded with veggies, lean turkey, and I have no excuse. I also have 3 heads of cauliflower so will rice at least a couple of them. I want to try these cauliflower egg cups I saw for lunch next week. Any canners in the group? Today I am going to can the last of our plums. My friend who is going thru chemo is craving stewed plums. I'm going to make labels and call them Penny's Plums. I'm also going to surprise her with a plum butter - forget the name of it, but I found a recipe for it after she casually mentioned a plum butter from Poland that they used to get when she was a girl in England.

    Purl in rainy WA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    Hello everyone.

    This seems like a lovely chatty group. I am now 53 (just turned a couple of weeks back) so have to come to terms with being over 50 - the first couple of years I could kid myself that I wasn't that old, but it's too late for that now.

    I just started back on a weight loss journey this month, having gained way too much over the last while. I know that recording my eating works for me, and it's great to find this place to do that. I'm also getting more serious about working out again.

    One of my biggest challenges in life is making the time for self-care and sticking to my self-care "routine", work tends to take over.

    U r not old. Am I the only one that didn't care about turning 50!?
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,832 Member
    Good afternoon ladies! Down to one vehicle for the weekend as DOS headed back to his place, with one vehicle, to attend a friend's wedding and get some things done around his place. It's all good, since both DH and I have weekends off, but makes for a lot of extra running this morning! Between my own regular Saturday shopping/errands, getting DYS to his beach clean-up event, then home to eat, shower, and change for work. Taking him to work and back home again...whew...more running than normal for me. Missed breakfast and by the time I had lunch fixed, my coffee was eating a hole in my tummy (I hate that feeling). I let myself have a burger for lunch with a side of pretzel thins and hummus. Cal count still came out lower than if I eat breakfast and lunch. Anyway....boy am I rambling.
    Janet- Your time in the Ozarks looks like a well spent vacation! So beautiful!
    Katla and the other bakers- I haven't baked in so long. Well, we did make gingerbread men for our Merry Chrissummer party with the kiddos; but I made sure to halve the recipe so I wouldn't have extra gingerbread laying around. I was always the "cookie/cupcake mom" for my kids school/extracurricular functions. My family really misses the breads, cookies, etc. I have always said I am not a "bread" person, but I do love home baked goods. I will probably hold off on baking until Thanksgiving time. That will give me a little longer to get rid of a pound or twenty.
    Heather- Your cake looks gorgeous! I can't wait to see what your latest creation looks like! Enjoy making the zoodles!
    NYKAREN-I have riced cauliflower, but then I use it to make pizza crust or "tortillas" for tacos.
    Margaret-I LOVE the Chihuly sculptures! Makes me smile and makes my heart soar! So lovely! Thank you for sharing!
    LInda- Yea! Enjoy the latest Lisbeth book!
    Well, it's a semi sunny day today. I suppose I should get busy doing something I enjoy less. Like cleaning, or mowing, ugh! I wish the grass grew slower.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,832 Member
    PIP- I am not 50 yet (November), but I am loving the age I am and looking forward to 50! I feel better about me and my life now, than I have ever felt in my life. More in control, making better choices, taking on more and ready to do/try more. I am going to live the heck out of 50. I will wear it out until it is frayed at the edges, has holes in the knees, and is worn enough to see 51 through it!!! Whoot!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    PIP- I am not 50 yet (November), but I am loving the age I am and looking forward to 50! I feel better about me and my life now, than I have ever felt in my life. More in control, making better choices, taking on more and ready to do/try more. I am going to live the heck out of 50. I will wear it out until it is frayed at the edges, has holes in the knees, and is worn enough to see 51 through it!!! Whoot!

    Awesome way to loose at it! I am hoping to b in just as awesome shape when I turn 60, and have that same mindset. 57 now
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2016
    klanders30 wrote: »

    Having a lovely Saturday. Nice 3 mile walk and pulling weeds, such a perfect day here.
    Am trying a new slow cooker recipe with red beans, chicken sausage, sweet potatoes and onions. fingers crossed it tastes good-because it sure looks like a lot of food and I will have to eat it all week :#:s NYKAREN

    Oh that sounds yummy. I'd love the recipe. Crock pot is great in the motor home. :)

    Janetr okc
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Margaret, so awesome, thank you for sharing with us.

    Janetr okc
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    I'm finally feeling much better and tink I'm almost 100 % recovered. So this morning, for the first time, I did my weight resistance work out and kettle bell swings. I felt a bit rubber legged for a bit afterwards but it felt good though.

    Jack is fishing. Im getting ready for OSU Cowboys Football And OU Sooners later on. I love football. :)

    Janetr okc
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,324 Member
    Hi all! My zoodles were awesome! Definitely do those again. :D

    Just watched two episodes of a New York series. All about the amazing infrastructure that goes in to running the city. Fascinating! One more episode to go. DH said he wouldn't mind going back,so I guess we might be coming over soon. We both loved NYC , which was a surprise to DH.

    Realised I've got to take a present for DDIL's mother tomorrow. I've wrapped up a jar of homemade apricot jam. And a card. DDIL wanted photos of us both with the birthday girl so she can put them in her bedroom. No problem with DH, but I didn't have many with me! I am always the one taking the photos. ;) She was pleased with the ones I found.

    My cake is made. I have trimmed and sliced the big tier - will trim and slice the top one tomorrow. Then we are off for DGD 's party and our exciting night in Brighton. B) What fun!

    Love you all, Heather UK
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Janet ~ Glad you are having fun. Enjoy the game.

    Margaret ~ The Chihuly sculptures have been at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens this summer. I've only been there one time many years ago and would not be able to find the place as I don't drive downtown. The sculptures you photoed look very ethereal.

    Went to 6 yr old's ball game today. Sadly, they have not won a game this season. But, it's fun to watch and cheer them on.

    I saw myself in a mirror at Walmart today and noticed how pudgy I look. Need to start exercising!
