

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Joyce, no I am in the SE "bootheel" of MO, about two hours from Memphis to the south or Nashville to the east. This is a doctor connected with the hospial here in the small town of Dexter. Jack's mom is 6miles north in Bloomfield MO. I liked this doctor. He didn't look at me and say I have no idea what it i, I'll have to reaearch it. He had a couple thots as to the cause and immediately begin tests in the process of elimination. He did say I need to see my PCP when I get home as I may require an extended period of steroid trestment, as long as 12 months.

    Janetr okc
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Thanks for lifting me up!


    Karen in Virginia
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,832 Member
    Whew! Crazy morning! My newest little guy (7 weeks old) is colicky, the two year olds are cutting molars and one of them has begun biting, the three year olds are vying for the "alpha male" position now that the four year olds are in preschool and the one four year old that is still with me part time, I am pretty sure, sent his evil twin in his place this morning. I feel like I have run a marathon. To top it off, today is the day the temps are in the low 80's and no one brought swim stuff. Add my menopausal, hot-flashing self into that mix and I set up the sprinkler anyway and the kids went through in underwear and diapers. Gotta get them outside, otherwise the "bad mood" escalates until nap time. The kids came in hungry and had grilled cheese roll-ups, homemade tomato soup and apple slices. I had leftover pot roast. Every one is now sleeping; or in that dreamy half way state.
    It feels so good to sit down and catch up with you ladies.
    Joyce Loved the story of you and Charlie's trip to the grocery store! I think I have gone with my husband once in all of the years we have known eachother (36 yrs. dating plus marriage). We have only gone once, because the man drives me up a wall, while we shop. I have an actual list that I follow, he never does. And he ALWAYS wants junk food. Or ready made dinners. Then when we go through check out, he has a cow at the cost and blames me and my produce! LOL! Nope, we don't do well shopping together.
    Lisa So sorry about your pizza adventure. :(
    Allie Happy anniversary! Marriage isn't easy. I don't care for the fairy tale quotes I see posted on facebook or in the news about how you should expect to be treated (like his Queen), or what you should be looking for...I just think it is different for everyone. If everything was supposed to run smoothly, without bumps (and those romantic slumps are bumps that happen) then people with emotional issues/mood disorders/mental disorders should never get married??!! I think Tom is just unhappy with where he is in life, not necessarily you. It could be his job, could be just the sameness of every day, could be his aging issues that he is not ready to deal with. We tend to take our stresses out on the people we feel safest with, which most times, unfortunately, is our family. Love you dear friend, and I hope Tom brings you the flowers, card, chocolates, and joy you deserve!
    My thoughts are with each one of you whose hearts are worried over children, grandchildren with emotional issues/depression/ anxiety. It is so hard! My cousin just messaged me this morning looking for advice for her and what she should do about her 15 yr old daughter. She had just gotten back from the hospital after receiving a call at 3am Monday morning that her daughter was found unconscious in the park! Her daughter had almost overdosed on alcohol and drugs. At 15! My heart just aches for all of them. I haven't heard from this cousin in years and she called me knowing that I work with children. I just recommended calling Family services or asking the hospital for a referral or number for some one who can advise her and give her information on how to help her daughter. I felt so lame not being able to help her more, but the kids that I work with leave me at age 4/5 yrs. :(
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Bummer of a day for no good reason or cause. I will try to shake it off and get back my mojo. :# NYKAREN
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    KJ ~ Your are to be so admired for keeping those little ones. I don't think there are many people who could do it and do as great a job as you do.

    Pip ~ He looks a little guilty. Or, maybe needing attention!

    DS's family went on their first overnight camping trip today. The little ones were so excited they woke up at 5 AM. The 6 yr told his mom that he was taking his BB gun and would shoot a bear for their dinner. Mom told him they would just put ribs in the cooler just in case!

  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited September 2016
    I read and read and read some more. Now my head is aclutter with all the things happening to all of you.


    Happy birthday, happy anniversay and good job! to those this applies to. (Includes weight loss, new jobs and other good news events) t3415.gif

    Sorry to hear Janetr is still having shoulder pain and one of you looks red all over but it's not because you are angry. t2508.gif

    Glad to hear we have one with super powers that is to be able to dodge a falling tree. :p

    Pizza must be a universal food group - I love a good thin crust pizza with a home made crust. I too have been known to fail at stopping when I should have and paid the price all night long. Sorry to hear, hope you are feeling better by now.

    Charleen in Colorado
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited September 2016
    KJLaMore: I like the comments you made to Allison. I connected with them too. :smiley:

    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Just because

    "I'm so tired, tired of waiting for you—"
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,327 Member
    edited September 2016
    KJ - Gosh - You do have your hands full! A 7 week old on top of the others! I don't think anyone is allowed to look after that many children at once in the UK, especially with a baby or child under one. Very strict rules and lots of paperwork. My son said he had to fill in a huge book for his childminder in London.
    I think I would be having a super breakdown! :sad: You are incredible. When we look after the grandchildren, there are two of us and we rarely have Bea as well, except when she is asleep.
    So sorry to hear about the 15 yr old. My younger son was heavily into recreational drugs at around 16 and used to go out to raves and end up sleeping it off in the park. We were very worried about him. He is now the proud father. ;) Still, likes a drink though, but much more controlled.

    We have been invited to join DH's cricket friend and his wife at our local gastro pub tomorrow night. :D I have booked a table, but they weren't sure if my favourite one , a round one in the window, was available. It will be lovely to see them anyway. I will have to tidy up in case they come back for coffee. :laugh:

    Still debating and negotiating this potential house move thing. Inertia has crept over me a bit and DH feels we need to talk to DS and DDIL before we even seriously consider it. I said we could at least get a valuation of our house so we have a ball park figure to work with. I really love my yoga group here and have some nice friends, but that is all. I love my house, especially the kitchen. Moving is daunting. I am trying to talk myself out of it. :ohwell:

    Love you all, Heather UK
    Tracey in PA – Yep, it was pretty scary; and, big news around this small town.

    Mary from Minnesota – I knew NOT to move; wasn’t stung, surprisingly, they just landed all over me in spots, just picked them off and let them drop. I remember when I was in girl scout camp, one of the girls, stepped into a bee nest (the kind that make them underground – think it was yellow jackets); she started running and screaming, her sister was right behind her trying to pull her clothes off, she was headed to the showers; they ended up taking her to the hospital and she did not come back to camp; but, we were all assured that she was ‘fine’; and, her sister stayed at camp, too.

    Carol – The last time my DnL acted this way was at least 6 months ago. She seemed fine when she brought over the BBQ she got in Forsyth; but, when they came in, I could tell that ‘things’ between them were not ‘ok’. I wanted, so badly, to find a copy of that email she had sent to me, which I never even responded to … wasn’t worth the effort. She can stay away if that is what she wants; she can be ‘divisive’ if she wants to be … but, I think it will come back and bite her in the @$$.

    I gained 1/2 lbs. from last weigh-in; but, that was 'muscle' weight. Nurse/MD says that I am one of her 'favorite' patients; because I work so hard. She said she had a lot of patients who 'gripe' because they is not a 'magical pill' to swallow and then they ask her 'what SHE's going to do about it'? I also had on some 'heavier' clothes than I normally wear; but, I figure it is getting to be cooler soon, and I just cannot continue wearing light-weight short, and a sleeveless shirt. I will gradually increase my weight of clothes; if I still see some movement downward. Still feeling the irritation of last night w/DnL. She's got some real problems; I hated that my granddaughter had to witness this. DMGD told DH, that (screaming) is all they do and she is so tired of it. IF he grades suffer, it will be because of this $#*T! I'm hoping that studying is an outlet for her (where she can close her door and maybe not have to listen to it.

    Pip - Your sweet babies are so cute! Such facial expressions!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    I am not happy with myself. Weigh in this morning I gained back one of the pounds I lost last week. I need to get on track. So today really looking at what I am eating and making cuts. Working the long shift today 6-5:30, so not going to snack when stressed or bored. Thank all of you for your support and for not giving up or letting me give up.
    Frankiesgirl--The group Rolling Thunder rides thru Nebraska and they stop for a meal and overnight at the Veterans home here in Grand Island. Our motorcycle group helps with that. Several years ago we rode with them to Iowa. It is awesome to see all those bike going down the interstate and talking with them, they are from all walks of life and do this every year. I also wore one of the POW braclets. Never did know what happened to the guy.
    Heather--Sorry to hear the news about your DS's. If only we could wave a wand and make all things better. I keep trying. Please take care of you.
    Mary--Thank God you were not hurt. God was watching your back.
    Joyce--I had to smile about your shopping trip. I do understand the going in for acouple things and ending up with a cart full. Great news on the doctor and the MS meds.
    Becca--I will miss you. Take care of yourself.
    Katla--Good news that you both like the new doctor. that always is a plus.
    Janetr--Praying for quick recovery. Sounds like this doctor listened and did what needed to be done.
    Heather--How exciting to think about and plan.
    pip--Love the picture, he looks like he is really thinking about something.
    Well ladies been a busy day, not sure why but seems a lot people want to be in the hospital.
    Have a good night, Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,877 Member
    Hello ladies: Muddy, muddy around here after the storms yesterday. DGD's 12th birthday today. We are going to Olive Garden tonight, her choice. I am getting lots of steps in and working in the yard and barn and planning good choices using the online menu. It should be a good evening.

    janetr - Sounds like you got a much more thorough checkup this time. Hope it goes away quickly.

    Becca - See you soon and glad you let us know.

    Allie - Happy anniversary!

    Margaret - Happy Birthday to your mom.

    Pip - Yogi is a very handsome lab.

    Lisa - Sorry the pizza got the best of you. I think it is a trigger food for a lot of people.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 396 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Well my friends, I am taking a break, but will be back in a couple of weeks. No worries, just taking a break from everything digital. Be well all (((((group hugs)))))
    doing a reality reboot in
    Have a great digital vacation! We will miss you!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    So down in the dumps...had a big bowl of spaghetti......made a cup of coffee...and made myself go to the gym and fiercely walked 3 miles on incline at 4.0 speed. Changed my mood. How's that for kicking myself with a boot(insert fierce boot kicking emoji here!)

    Way to go!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    Don't you hate it when someone tells you hey how are you doing, and you can't even remember who they are. High school former classmate I guess.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Margaret: Best wishes to you mom. She's lovely, like you.

    NYKaren: Sending you a big pat on da back. Good job.

    Lisa: Attacked by the pizza monster....arrrgh. Sounds like lesson learned, and you'll be stronger from this day forward.

    Katla: ((hugs)). Can't imagine the angst of dealing with ailing DH and DD having difficult pregnancy. Deep breaths, it will all work out.

    Heather: Oh what an exciting prospect to move closer to the grandchildren and the coast.

    Difficult day today in my office. Already know I will have to miss my usual pre-dawn workout and get back to my computer to finish a presentation for later in the morning. I hate rushing at the last minute, but this project has a lot of moving parts and multiple people in the mix.

    Meanwhile, on the Honolulu-front, three condos have sold this month in my building. I've scheduled the Salvation Army to come pick up all the furniture, none of which I will bother to keep or sell. All needed contractors scheduled. Need to start thinking about what to pack. Counting down to Sept. 29!

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills