
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Mary, thank goodness you didn’t get hit by the tree. I do have a question that I have always wondered about. I know you were there but did it make a noise? happy-tree-smiley-emoticon-animation.gif (sorry, I’m just in one of my silly moods.) Glad you are okay!!!

    Re, sorry to hear about all the unexpected and unwanted expenses. Hang in there and hopefully you will get them paid off before you are my age. money-exchange-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Joyce, bless you for your patience at the store!!!! Congrats on your MS report. That is wonderful. (((Hugs)))

    Janetr, so sorry you are covered again but glad you got a thorough check. I hope all those meds do the trick.

    Heather, I recall you saying that your DH was a “country boy” that you didn’t think would ever want to move to the city. That is exciting just to think about a possible move. Is it likely that your DS and DDIL will be staying in Brighton/Hove for the long term? Hoping the best for your DS and the future job search.

    Lisa, thanks for the good reminder that we have to be ever mindful about what we put in our mouths….or / and even on our plates. If it’s on my plate, I’m likely to eat it. I’m like you in that I hate to throw up. If over eating did that to me, I’d probably think twice the next time.

    CarolGA, good move to turn off the TV unless there is a specific program you plan to watch. Hope it goes well for you.

    Terri,, so good to see you again. That is terrific for your DD, both the job and living arrangement. Glad the ankle is coming along and not too painful. Do come in when you can. We miss you!

    Katla, sorry your DD is having problems. I know it can’t be easy to leave your DD when you go to be with her but hopefully he will be fine. ((((Hugs))))

    Those I haven’t responded to, please know that I value each and every one of you. Hello to all and best wishes for all of your wishes to come true.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I went to Dolly Parton’s Pirate’s Voyage tonight. I didn’t eat the soup but the baked chicken was melt in your mouth delicious. I did eat the wedge of potato but passed on the corn on the cob. The real deal killer was their warm apple turnover that is to die for. I had already decided I would splurge on it. Oh yum. The performance has changed since the last time I went which was over 3 years ago and it was better than ever. I went with some very good friends and we had a fun girl’s night out.

    Sending love and good thoughts to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Katla- I agree with your teacher. If you are going to be riding by yourself you don't want a horse with unpredictable temperament.

    DJ- I thought the same thing immediately after! Yes, trees, thankfully make a lot of noise when falling!

    I will be on the road all day tomorrow. Unable to respond most of the day. I will be getting up early to swing the Kettlebell!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,036 Member
    morning ladies~
    thank you for the anniversary wishes, we both worked 10+ hr days
    He did get me a nice cars, the front has 2 little kids smooching under an umbrella.and says I may be an ordinary man, and you open and it says But I am married to one extraordinary woman, beautiful amazing you.. and he put xoxox as the signature.. now it is a beautiful card.. you know how us women read through alot until we get the right one, I am wondering if he just picked one and went lol. but hey I will take what I can get..
    Janet~ sorry for the rash, and hope you can get that taken care of so you can enjoy your vacation
    Pip~ just want to snuggle up with the pups...
    working 1-6 today and tomorrow off.. trying to figure out what to do with myself for the day.. was gonna go to the Big E, but maybe will find something quiet to do for myself
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,650 Member
    edited September 2016
    We are still dithering about whether we are actually wanting to move, but we thought it was a good idea to get a valuation on our house so we know what we can buy. I rang the estate agents we bought this house from, nearly six years ago, and they are coming next Wednesday.
    Still need to have a conversation with DS etc. DH is very concerned about that. Plus we need to be sure this is for us, not just to be nearer the grandchildren.
    One problem is that it does involve some serious downsizing because of the expensive area they live in. I would be happy in a new apartment with balcony, but I can't see DH signing up for that. We also need a room for our gym machines. There are smaller houses around there, but not many. Can't see the point of living further away from them, although good public transport can makes a difference.
    Oh well. As Katla said, there is no rush.

    By the way, Katla, I send hugs for your current worries about your daughter and husband. I remember there was one time you left him with his sister. Could you organise someone to pop in once a day? I know you worry about his blood sugar and general health.

    Looking forward to going out tonight. :D Got to tidy up and vacuum the living room etc. :laugh:

    Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,036 Member
    going down in a bit to feed DFIL havent been down in a week because of work schedule and being in N.H. for the weekend
    second cup of tea.. and then off I go..
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Wednesday! It is going to be a great day. I can feel it. I got my full eight hours. Took a walk this morning in the dark and ran into a train. Not a train, really, just a man I see frequently on my morning walks who wears a full vest of lights. He just reminds me of a big locomotive coming my way. I have one headlamp and here he comes with about six rows of lights across his chest. LOL! Makes me giggle every morning! My newborn and his brother have arrived. Newborn still asleep and brother dozing on the sofa with his blankie and I popped Winnie the Pooh in the dvd player, so he is quite comfortable. PLUS...it's pancake day and pb&j day. Every Wednesday I serve pancakes for breakfast and pb&j for lunch. The kid's favorite meals/day.
    Heather - I am not sure if the childcare rules in the US are the same for every state, but here in Michigan we are allowed to care for up to 6 children under the age of four. Can only have two under 18 months at one time. I think each caregiver really needs to assess the ages that work best for them. I am finding as I get older, that my patience is wearing thinner. LOL! 23 years of childcare and it's still the same old thing. I fell like I have said "No!" so many times and that I have changed diapers for half the kids in the city I live in. Most days it feels as if I am headed either for sainthood or the psyche ward. So neat that you and dh are on the same page and looking into a move. I agree that having your current place appraised is a smart move. I also agree that you have time. No rush! Moving is a chore; so you def want to be sure!
    Pip - Love the pups! They bring so much comfort!
    Re- Hoo-boy! I know exactly what you are feeling right now. That feeling that you are treading water and your head is just barely above the surface. AND to have all of the tasks and chores of daily life that just seem to be there, needing to get done. Hang in there! It will get better! Sending much love and hugs!
    Marcelyn- Wow! What a trip! A funeral, a hike to try to shake the blues away and then the awful person at the airport. Hope you found comfort in being back home! <3
    Allie- So glad he got you a card! And both of you working long hours on your anni? It is hard to fit life in, sometimes! My dh frequently shops for me at the nearest gas station for birthdays and anniversaries. So when I get something that I can tell some type of thought went into it....I keep it forever. I seriously have a shoebox, under my bed with cards and notes that he has given me. He has kept all of mine, too. I found them all stashed in a box in his office. I am pretty sure we will grow old together. I have images in my mind that we will be like Katherine Hepburn and Henry Fonda in On Golden Pond. I will be the old woman that keeps things going and he will be the cranky "Old Poop" that exasperates the He** out of me!

    Ah well, pancakes on the griddle. Have to go and begin "the feed". Baby Levi still asleep. He must have been up all night.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,036 Member
    KJL~ that is one of my favorite movies!!! yea I think we will too, not all marriages are romance and fairy tales
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Pip - what beautiful dogs! I love labs and retrievers!

    My Charlie is a double doodle - mum a goldie x poodle, dad a lab x poodle. She looks like a black retriever, poodle brain and lab tendencies to raid bins! Chloe is a chocolate smoothie doodle. Mum and dad both first cross chocolate doodles - she has a lab coat and a poodle frame. Both are fab dogs - both achieved their gold awards and both work in our Display Team.96d187shmgr1.jpg

    Maryann in UK
  • Foggiblu
    Foggiblu Posts: 20 Member
    Hi. I'm fairly new to the community. I hope to find a supportive group that will help my future weight loss journey. Unfortunately it seems to be a weight gain journey. Anyway next month I am starting a weight loss plan called Naturally Slim privided by my insurance company. Has anyone tried this program? Well my goal for September is to stay on the boards and soak in all the information and really get started in October. If i lose a couple of pounds fir the rest of September, that's good too.

    Hope to get to know y'all. Not sure if joined this group, but I want too.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,161 Member
    MA_B wrote: »
    Pip - what beautiful dogs! I love labs and retrievers!

    My Charlie is a double doodle - mum a goldie x poodle, dad a lab x poodle. She looks like a black retriever, poodle brain and lab tendencies to raid bins! Chloe is a chocolate smoothie doodle. Mum and dad both first cross chocolate doodles - she has a lab coat and a poodle frame. Both are fab dogs - both achieved their gold awards and both work in our Display Team.96d187shmgr1.jpg

    Maryann in UK

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,161 Member
    Cozying up to grandmallie
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,225 Member
    Michelle love the snail.

    Marcelyn frustrating! It is the staff job to handle people like them in such a way where they do not cause problems for others. Not an easy task. I dealt with a student yesterday who was like that at the end of the day. He kept his classmates waiting to go home while he played around instead of staying on task to get out the door. He was the one who ended up in the buddy room earlier in the day.

    A peaceful night of sleep last night makes a tremendous difference. I purposely am not working today so I could catch up on my sleep. Moles are now moving onto the next yard. We had our turn.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited September 2016
    DJ: "Mary, thank goodness you didn’t get hit by the tree. I do have a question that I have always wondered about. I know you were there but did it make a noise? http://www.sherv.net/ (sorry, I’m just in one of my silly moods.) Glad you are okay!!!"

    I'm happy Mary is okay, too. Groaning over your falling tree. I'll bet that one of the sounds it made was that of her heart pounding! :devil:

    Allie: " thank you for the anniversary wishes, we both worked 10+ hr days
    He did get me a nice cars, the front has 2 little kids smooching under an umbrella.and says I may be an ordinary man, and you open and it says But I am married to one extraordinary woman, beautiful amazing you.. and he put xoxox as the signature.. now it is a beautiful card.. you know how us women read through alot until we get the right one, I am wondering if he just picked one and went lol. but hey I will take what I can get.."

    Allie, Accept the compliment and let yourself enjoy it. Don't look for a slam. :noway: (((HUGS)))

    Heather: I will definitely talk to the neighbors before I go. A professional advice nurse lives just across the sidewalk and we have a number of friends here who will look in on DH if they know I'm gone for a while. :heart:

    Fogglblu: Welcome to a great group. You can find us again by clicking on the blank star at the top of the page. It will turn yellow. Then whenever you log in, you can find us by clicking on the gray star at the top of the MFP page. I don't have a clue about the weight loss program you are planning to try, but I encourage you to do something that you can sustain for life. I love the MFP "program." I let MFP set my calorie goals for me. They started me at a calorie count based on my starting weight & as I lost weight they reduced my allowed calories, but never below 1200 per day. I used portion control as my primary strategy & ate foods of my choice that help me feel healthy and energetic. This requires weighing and measuring everything for a long time. Because of my choices, my diet ends up higher in protein and fat than some people prefer. I'm not quite on a paleo diet, but my choices lean that way. The weight loss was slow, but healthy and sustainable. My weight came off slowly, but it is still gone after 1438 days of logging here. Other women in this group have made different dietary choices than me, but calories in v calories out, or CICO, is the key to success. Patience is also helpful. It took awhile to gain the weight and it takes a while to get it back off. :flowerforyou:

    Yoga today! Yay!!! I need it. I am sore here and there and part of that is my own fault because I overdid my Monday workout at the gym.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,036 Member
    Katla~I was just joking,,, :) believe me im amazed that he has done some real nice things lately..
    Pip~ I would be right down on the floor snuggling with all 3 of em....
    love my birdies, and put up my window birdfeeder, but Tom just planted grass seed, so I spend the big bucks and got shelled safflower seed so there will be no mess on the ground..
  • ;
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,161 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    Janet- Fingers crossed for a full recovery!

    Pip- <3 Puppies!!

    KJ- The children made me laugh and exhausted me just reading about them!! Sorry about the 15 year old. Such a difficult thing. I have a little experience of sorts with that. There are no easy answers. You look for help wherever you can and if it doesn't work you look for me. It is so hard. Keeping you all in my thoughts.

    NYKaren- Glad you found some mojo or even better, created your own!!

    Heather- Take all the time you want. It is a life altering decision. You may change your mind from one day to another for awhile. Eventually you will know the answer. Just don't put too much pressure on yourself and stress yourself out.

    Re- Glad the AC estimate wasn't worse. Here's hoping you can figure out a solution soon....

    Carol- I have been thinking about backing off the Tv thing too. I just like to have it on as background noise (probably since I am home alone so much) Half the time I don't think I am even really watching it. Last night I decided quiet time is 8:00. Turned it off and read a book until bedtime. (Usually, I am reading the book with the TV on...) By the time I get home from work, take my walk it's often after 6 til I get dinner, and I eat dinner in front of the tv. I know that is a no no generally. But I make my dinner, put it on a plate take it in and eat it and I am done. So I don't see the harm. Any way then I have to get dinner cleaned up and things situated for work the next day so out of about 2 hours anymore with it on, I am still not watching it that much.

    Foggiblu- Hi!!!

    Vickie- Hang in there girl, You can do this!. I remember POW bracelets back when I was a kid. We had a friend who wore one every day of his life. He was a Nam Vet too. He passed away from some agent orange induced cancer 8 years ago. He is one of the reasons why Thunder is so important to us. He was our road captain on that journey for years. He was wearing his bracelet til the end. I am not sure if he took it with him or If it was returned
    to the POW association. The soldier on the bracelet still has never been found. So many of them still haven't. All those grieving families with no real closure. Hopefully some day their stories will be told.

    My bursitis was kicking in something ferocious yesterday. I was really upset because I thought the exercise was really helping. I went for my walk last night but cut it shorter than planned because of the pain. Doing my household chores last night was brutal. Anyway I still made my fitbit steps and activity minutes since I had done a little rowing in the morning so still happy. I took a couple Advil PM and went to bed early and today I feel just great. So glad as I won't be in to see the doctor until the middle of next month and we have vacation before that.

    In the meantime, we have tickets to see Elton John on Friday night. So excited!! I only saw him once in a partial show done with 2 other artists a few years ago in Milwaukee at the 100th Anniversary of Harley Davidon. Have to tell boss today I would like to sneak out of work a little early that day!...LOL

    Hope I didn't miss too many of you!

    Sending a big Group Hug!

    -TRACEY in PA

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-3X5X 40
    Russian kettle bell swing-19 X7X 40
    Week three, day two of transitioning from the 35 pound to the 40 pound kettle bell. No issues with strength or body.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Whitbygramgirl
    Whitbygramgirl Posts: 75 Member
    Love all the pics of the dogs! - Love all animals! - they make me happy!

    Love all your posts - It takes a lot to read them all!

    I haven't got anything new - other than the fact that I just ate a FAT LADEN BLUEBERRY MUFFIN! Now I feel blah!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,225 Member
    Pip thanks for the dog fix!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Pip- The pic of your pups sleeping in front of the fire should be your Christmas card. You could caption it with: "the children were nestled all snug in their beds; while visions of rawhide bones danced in their heads..."

    Speaking of which, all of my kiddos are OUT again today for naptime! Whoot! Makes me feel like the "baby whisperer"! This means I get to sit and eat my lunch while it is HOT!!! This is a blue ribbon day for me!

    Allie-It has only been the past ten years that my dh has been so cranky. MANopause maybe. But he frequently yells to the neighbor boy who cuts across our yard to get from here to there, and I always tell him that the kid is fine and to leave him alone; and in my head I always add "...you old poop!"
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    MaryAnn UK- I wish I could reach out and touch the ears of your darker doodle! Looks so soft! And the faces on them are just gorgeous!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,875 Member
    Today is my short day 7-3:30 and I am glad. They are doing all these updates to the computer and phone systems and it is driving me nuts. All these guys walk around carrying laptops and ask all kinds of questions. I will be so glad when it is done. They are planning a major down time starting at 10 tonight and for several hours no phones in or out or inside will work. Thanks for letting me vent.

    Re--I completely understand about money from the sky. Two years ago we had to replace our funance. We were lucky and found a guy to put it in and let us split the payments up a couple months. And we chose the mid priced one and then found out at tax time it was the one you didn't get credit for. Good Luck.

    Michele--Love the snail. Your pool area is going to look so good with all these animals be looking for pictures.

    Margaret--Thanks for sharing the picture of your mom. Glad you enjoyed your visit.

    I finished reading the first chapter of the book I am reading with some of the women from our motorcycle group. It talks about what you put on your beam and how you can balance everything for everyone. You have to decide what is most important for you and learn to say no. That you can be happy doing what you are good at and handing off what you are not and it does not make you a bad person. I do think I am going to learn a lot from this. And I have to learn how to love the person I am. Now I have to put it to use.

    Allison--Glad you got a nice card and enjoy your day off.

    Well ladies no other news from here today. Take care .
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,650 Member
    edited September 2016
    Vicki - Your book sounds like my DDIL. I have never met anybody who is so guilt free about saying no and only doing the things she chooses. She is quite happy to say - "I don't do ..... and I have no desire to learn." She concentrates her energies on what she is good at and enjoys. I still am amazed at that. I have learnt a lot from her, but I am nowhere near her standard. :laugh: The interesting thing is, everyone respects her choices and respects her. :o

    Margaret - Amazing to still have your mother. It must be difficult coping with her memory loss, but nice that you can still give her a good day out. :)

    Going out for dinner in a minute. I'm wearing my new boots and carrying my new bag. My bday presents from DH. My birthday isn't until October. :laugh:

    Lots of love, Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,161 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Pip- The pic of your pups sleeping in front of the fire should be your Christmas card. You could caption it with: "the children were nestled all snug in their beds; while visions of rawhide bones danced in their
    Allie-It has only been the past ten years that my dh has been so cranky. MANopause maybe. But he frequently yells to the neighbor boy who cuts across our yard to get from here to there, and I always tell him that the kid is fine and to leave him alone; and in my head I always add "...you old poop!"
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Pip- The pic of your pups sleeping in front of the fire should be your Christmas card. You could caption it with: "the children were nestled all snug in their beds; while visions of rawhide bones danced in their heads..."

    Allie-It has only been the past ten years that my dh has been so cranky. MANopause maybe. But he frequently yells to the neighbor boy who cuts across our yard to get from here to there, and I always tell him that the kid is fine and to leave him alone; and in my head I always add "...you old poop!"

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,161 Member
    Kjlamore - that caption would b good for this pic