30 Day Shred Group - July



  • vtakougang
    vtakougang Posts: 46
    i've already started and i was just wondering if beside the dvd, does anyone do any other exercises, or go running? or do you just stick to the dvd?
  • I started June 25

    Sw 156.6
    cw 150.4
    Gw 135.0

    Good luck everyone
  • I am in the Army and our unit does P90X in addition to the run/walk
  • Squirkie
    Squirkie Posts: 135 Member
    i've already started and i was just wondering if beside the dvd, does anyone do any other exercises, or go running? or do you just stick to the dvd?

    I walk alot (mainly on trails in the Forest Preserves) and I also throw some martial arts in there. I think this is what has helped me with the soreness. Don't get me wrong, I have been sore because my body is used to the other exercises which is why I had to switch it up, but not as bad as what some of the other people have mentioned.
  • LadyByrd77
    LadyByrd77 Posts: 115 Member
    i've already started and i was just wondering if beside the dvd, does anyone do any other exercises, or go running? or do you just stick to the dvd?

    I also do Zumba.
  • emyjane84
    emyjane84 Posts: 67
    D8L1 done! Feel free to friend me if you need motivation and support while doing the shred. ^^
  • wildestian
    wildestian Posts: 188 Member
    i've already started and i was just wondering if beside the dvd, does anyone do any other exercises, or go running? or do you just stick to the dvd?

    I do some spinning (30 minutes) before the dvd. So I'm already warm and it doesn't hurt at all.
  • wildestian
    wildestian Posts: 188 Member
    Day 10 L1, I measured and I lost 4 cms in total.. That's something!
    But I don't think I'm ready for lvl 2.
    Am I the only one who hates the static lunge with bicep curl? My ankles can't take it! I'ts the only exercise I can't do completely
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member

    How long should I wait to switch to level 2? The first 3 days of level 1 left me sore as hell...but that's gone now...and I kind of miss it! haha
    I would do at least 10 days. Just because you aren't sore doesn't mean it's not working. Level 2 is a killer and I ended up going back to Lvl 1 for more time the 1st time I did the shred program.
  • mrswiley07
    mrswiley07 Posts: 65 Member
    i've already started and i was just wondering if beside the dvd, does anyone do any other exercises, or go running? or do you just stick to the dvd?

    Some days I also work on my Elliptical Machine for 10 minutes. But other than that, I am strictly the 30DS.
  • Finished Level 1!!! Today was exceptionally tough! Dumb cold! Onto Level 2 tomorrow!!!
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    Skipping the shred today but it is definitely not a rest day. I hiked 7 miles cross country this morning. In the Georgia heat. Even after lunch at McDonald's I still have than a day's calories left.There's no way my legs can take anything more. I really want a shower but I can't convince myself to stand for that long.
    MOMSHOME Posts: 72
    i've already started and i was just wondering if beside the dvd, does anyone do any other exercises, or go running? or do you just stick to the dvd?

    I walk alot (mainly on trails in the Forest Preserves) and I also throw some martial arts in there. I think this is what has helped me with the soreness. Don't get me wrong, I have been sore because my body is used to the other exercises which is why I had to switch it up, but not as bad as what some of the other people have mentioned.

    I was wondering the same thing, even asked my husband if I should work out doing other things, riding the stationary bike or some other exercises. he thought the DVD workout was fine. But I am left feeling like I need to be doing something else. I am on D5L1 and the soreness has FINALLY been better today.
  • mrswiley07
    mrswiley07 Posts: 65 Member
    Decided to skip Day 10 of Level 1 and just go ahead and start Day 1 of Level 2. All I can say is OMG. That workout was no joke.
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    i've already started and i was just wondering if beside the dvd, does anyone do any other exercises, or go running? or do you just stick to the dvd?

    I walk alot (mainly on trails in the Forest Preserves) and I also throw some martial arts in there. I think this is what has helped me with the soreness. Don't get me wrong, I have been sore because my body is used to the other exercises which is why I had to switch it up, but not as bad as what some of the other people have mentioned.

    I was wondering the same thing, even asked my husband if I should work out doing other things, riding the stationary bike or some other exercises. he thought the DVD workout was fine. But I am left feeling like I need to be doing something else. I am on D5L1 and the soreness has FINALLY been better today.

    I agree, after the 20 minutes are up, I too feel like I should do something else. It's only 20 minutes (which is a lot when you're doing it), so after it's done I'll go for a walk for a half hour. *shrugs*
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Skipping the shred today but it is definitely not a rest day. I hiked 7 miles cross country this morning. In the Georgia heat. Even after lunch at McDonald's I still have than a day's calories left.There's no way my legs can take anything more. I really want a shower but I can't convince myself to stand for that long.

    After a 7mile hike in the heat i'd definitely clean up no matter how tired I am. How about a nice hot bubble bath? It'd be nice on your tired/sore legs too. =)
  • LadyByrd77
    LadyByrd77 Posts: 115 Member
    I barely made through day 7 but I dit it!
  • cband
    cband Posts: 45 Member
    D4L1 and it felt awesome today! Someone got me in the mood for yoga so I'm gonna do it in a bit.
    Also my cat decided to rub against my more-than-normal sweaty forehead when I was on the floor during it *LOL*
  • karenodonut
    karenodonut Posts: 28 Member
    Level one of 30 day shred is finished. Start level 2 tomorrow.
    Have just watched it through, looks evil.

    And i've put on 1/2lb :-((
  • cband
    cband Posts: 45 Member
    Level one of 30 day shred is finished. Start level 2 tomorrow.
    Have just watched it through, looks evil.

    And i've put on 1/2lb :-((
    I'm not DARING to look before I start. I'll wanna put it off too much. I haven't been around a scale yet either. I don't know how but I JUST measured myself and am 1 inch down on my stomach and almost 2 on my hips! WOW :D