Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,920 Member
    You know that annoying feeling when someone points out your obvious mistakes? ... I hate being wrong! But I'm the kind of person to admit it... :neutral:
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    @Nikion901 Your post is full of so much awesome & motivating info! Love it!!

    For those interested in using reddit, there's a pretty cool subreddit called MealPrepSunday with tons of ideas for making a week's worth of lunches at a time.
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    I have meal prepped this weekend like crazy! Yesterday I made giant pots of butternut squash chili, hearty beef borscht, a pan of coleslaw, and today I've grilled some chicken breasts and broken down a whole pork loin. In order to fit the loin in our freezer, I had to pull out all the chicken carcasses I've been accumulating, so now there's a big stockpot going- and I'll pressure can them later this evening.

    Sunday in the kitchen for me.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited October 2016
    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)

    I sit too much. It's a terrible habit I let myself get into after my last boyfriend and I broke up a couple of years ago, during the 'feeling blue' stage of recovery from a broken romance. Now I'm having a very hard time breaking free of that habit. And I know I must become more active to continue making improvements in my health and fitness level. There's a challenge on MFP about it and today's post had an interesting article mentioned that I thought was something some who read this thread might find informative, useful, or motivating. Here it is ...

    Thanks @pinkstarberry for the kind words. The article was my newspaper yesterday, and the story is mine.
    @badnoodle ... all your cooking sounds like the food I like to eat ... can you share your butternut squash chili recipe? I have one sitting on the kitchen table looking at me.
    @MermaidPrincessRach ... :)
    @KATRENAJ are the third person I know who goes in for the night drums. Sounds very interesting.
    @kayfhoward1 ... ride that pony! (sorry your family has/had troubles)

    Have a good day. Niki
  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    @Nikion901 Sure - this is the recipe I used

    I did make some alterations to the recipe: I used Boca crumbles instead of meat, chicken broth instead of water, and a pint jar of tomatoes. If I had used real meat, I think it would have been better, but even so it was really good and SUPER filling with all those beans.
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    edited October 2016
    Sunday Sharing. I retired in the late spring of 2013 from Vanderbilt University Medical Center. I was a PA in Pathology when I went there, but soon after I had an alpine skiing accident that tore my ACL, and I had to have surgery to reconstruct it. I couldn't stand up all day cutting tissue and doing autopsies for quite a long while, so I got a transfer to the Medical Intensive Care Unit, where I worked for a couple of years instead of returning to Pathology when I recovered, because I found that having patient contact was so wonderful. But alas, all good things come to an end so I went back to Pathology in a new position, where I did research work for the National Cancer Institute for Research. I collected tissue for NCI researchers. That gave me a lot more patient encounter because I would have to explain to them what I needed to collect, with their permission, when they had surgery. Then go to the surgery and collect the tissue I needed to send to the researcher looking for that particular type of tumor or whatever. I loved that job too, but then the Pathologist I worked for gave up the grant, and we had to all go out and get a new job. I was offered a job in Nephrology (study of the kidney) Clinical Research. I spent the last 9 years of my career there and all of my patients were either diabetics with kidney disease, dialysis dependent, or kidney transplants. I learned a lot about what lack of exercise does to the human body, especially when it is already sick from diabetes. Vanderbilt is a major research center and they do a huge amount of exercise physiology research. Thanks to some of that research, the last five years I worked there my desk allowed me to stand or sit to work. I rarely chose to sit unless I was just extremely tired. It was far easier and more comfortable to stand. It allows you to move your feet and legs so much more and cuts down on back and eye strain, as well as reducing the incidence of carpal tunnel. I highly recommend it.

    @Nikion901 Thanks so much for sharing that article. It was great! Since retiring I have become a sitter to my detriment! That article reminded me of my desk at Vanderbilt, and how I need to figure out something with my desk to allow me to stand. It will mean that I will have to go back to a desktop puter, but that's ok, I was thinking of doing that anyway, and just use the laptop when I travel.

    @MermaidPrincessRach- You tickle me to death! You have such a great sense of humor!
    @badnoodle , that is positively inspiring. Being retired I don't have to prepare lunches ahead of time but my house mate says I become Mz Crankypants when I need to eat (she's right LOL I do because I have hypoglycemia), so I have learned that it's best to have some stuff prepared and in the fridge or freezer that can be ready to eat quickly!
    @pinkstarberry - thanks so much for the link. That was my first encounter with reddit and I loved it!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @campfire-- your career sounds fascinating! Although I'm an English teacher, my second love is the sciences. I'm very analytical and it even shows in my approach to analyzing literature. I warn my students that they may have to get me back to the creative, "big picture" aspects of a text when I start geeking out on some small detail. Anyways, my love of science as a kid meant that my absolute favorite TV show was Quincy M.E.--remember that one? So I sincerely mean it when I say your life in pathology intrigues me.

    @badnoodle-- wow, that's a lot of prep! It reminds me that I need to plan some food prep tomorrow for the rest of the weak or I'll be living on Lean Pockets and Lean Cuisines--neither of which is the best route to me getting lean.

    @niki-- I've also seen recent articles comparing sitting to smoking. I am on my feet most of the day in class, but on days when my students are testing or writing in class, I usually stand at my podium to grade. It's in the evenings at home that I'm more likely to sit for too long while watching TV and working on my laptop. I with I had a podium in my living room!

    @rach-- I also hate being wrong, and unfortunately, when I make a mistake at work, it's usually a 16 year old who gets to point it out to me. DOH!

    @katrena-- glad you enjoyed the drum circle. :smile:

    @kay-- good for you for staying on track during a tough week. Hope this next week is better for you and your family.

    Saturday Success:
    I started logging again after about a week off. It hasn't been great, but not too bad either. I really need to get back to the gym, so I've put it on the schedule a few days this week.

    Sunday Share:
    I've made some progress in my grading and getting some errands done. Yesterday I went for a much needed pedi, and then met a friend to go shopping and to dinner. It was sort of for my birthday so I got to choose the place. I picked Thai food b/c my DH isn't a fan, so I rarely get it. It was good, but probably ate too much.

    Today, I went to get a tire looked at due to a slow leak. Luckily it just needed a patch. It took them forever--almost 2 and half hours!--but on the plus side, I got through some grading.

    Tomorrow, I have to go get an appraisal for the damage from when a tree branch fell on my car a couple of weeks ago. Then I have an appointment to go donate blood. Afterwards, weather permitting, I really need to mow the backyard and do some fall clean-up of my flower beds. Also need to get through a couple more rec letters.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 2/6 letters of recommendation
    2. 5/10 AP analysis activities
    3. 16/40 Siddhartha reflections
    4. 16/40 Frost journals

    Fitness Goals for the month of October:
    Run 1 mile at my fastest pace 3x/month:
    Run 2 miles in 23 minutes 4x/week:
    Run a 5 k in <36 minutes 1x/month:

    You vs Year Challenge:
    280 k done/ 720 k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner
    Mon-- walk gunner + gym or mow lawn
    Tues-- walk gunner
    Wed-- walk gunner + gym
    Thurs-- walk gunner
    Fri-- walk gunner
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,920 Member
    Monday :neutral: played the money "game" this morning (and i dont mean monopoly). Why is it so hard to stay within budget? And why is it so hard to lose weight? :confused: someday i will b skinny n rich...
    <3 Rach
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Monday - Check In (how are you doing? Had any successes or struggles this week-end?)

    I'm back to my Sept 12 weigh-in ... another 4-week setback due to two high calorie days during this week and 3 such days last week. I've been 'there' many times over and this will not derail me from pushing forward.
    Today is a new day. Make the best of it.
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Saturday success & Sunday share on Monday morning. Enough said. The hurried I go the behinder I get. Busy last two weekends. And busy weeks too!
    Success, belt getting smaller and new pants getting bigger.
    Share: spent Saturday building a cork gun shooting gallery for our church bazaar and yesterday running it. Over 500 customers. I was on my feet from 9 to 6 with a 15 minute break. Didnt eat well, got dehydrated too. Second place in the booth decorating contest. Sore feet, hands and shoulders. A whole lot of pumping the cork guns, modified BB guns. Lots of happy kids and frustrated d
    ad's. Best shooter was a mom. Works at one of the alphabet agencies.
    I'm still frustrated with the weight loss. About 5 for the last 30 days but I'm changing shape. I'm feeling skinnier but I saw a photo of me in my kayak coming in through the surf, I'm fat. Hate that but working on it. Still it bothers me. I want to see more of a change, I want to see what I see in my mind.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Scale shows a set back this morning. Too many "events" over the last 3 days. I'll work diligently to reverse the damage by weigh in on Thursday.
    Have a great week. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Monday check in: Had a wonderful weekend with my friend. She and I live 4hrs apart and once a year or so we meet in the middle for a ladies weekend. Part of that involves going out to restaurants for pretty much all our meals. Needless to say, I'm clueless about how many calories I consumed over the weekend, but all of it was beyond delicious. We do this once a year, and I feel just fine about it. Plus, despite relentless rain we spent a great deal of our time walking, hiking, and wandering. I doubt that I worked off the calories of the fish & chips I ate, but I'm sure I mitigated the damage at least a little. Today, back to "normal."
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello ,

    I have been missing in action lately! I needed to step back life was hitting me hard in the face I needed to come to terms as i still am it is a daily minute to minute thing.
    Last week I was diagnosed with Grade 2 cancer of the uterus! I meet Wednesday with the onocologist to learn more! My Doctor stays he will set the staging I thought that was the stage. Things I never new! I missed a lot of signs this past year I just didn't know they were that.

    I went online did research and trying with full force keto for cancer! It is confusing need a cheat sheet for dummies. But it is coming along.
    Praying a lot ! For it to stay one area to be removed . I know the Doctor is concerned about my obese and type 2 diabetes. But it can be over Come! Sorry for long message!

  • badnoodle
    badnoodle Posts: 216 Member
    It's late for it, but I'm present for Monday check in. Last week I didn't meet a single one of my fitness goals. I barely made it past "sedentary" on my misfit. But, I didn't cheat at all, not even a little, so I'll count it a win.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,920 Member
    Roberto Agauyo kicked the winning field goal for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers last night after missing an attempt just a few minutes earlier. Here is testiment to getting back on track right away after messing up, no matter if it's football or weight loss.
    ''Obviously you get a little angry when you miss them,'' Agauyo said. ''You can't dwell on it or you won't be ready for the next one.''
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    Hello ,

    I went online did research and trying with full force keto for cancer! It is confusing need a cheat sheet for dummies. But it is coming along.

    This is an established keto group that might be able to help you, I used this group when I did keto a couple of years back, it is an established active My fitness pal keto group.

    the group bellow is also active and although is a mix of various levels of low carb it has several members doing keto in it

    This man started Keto around same time as me and then he stuck to it and has done really well and is still an active member on MFP. I only did it for 3 months but it was effective for weight loss and i was not hungry on it, I just went off rails for other reasons. I did loads of reading about it at the time though and its medical applications were very impressive and made sense. I would absolutely go back to it if fighting a battle like yours. This guy might be worth sending a friend request because he was very passionate about keto.

    I wish you ever success, Many hugs

  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good morning, all! I hope the week is going well for everyone :)

    Tuesday goals: Well, today I hit 210.2 lbs and my short term goal is to see Onederland by Christmas, which I'll definitely make as long as I stay on track with no cheating. Back in May, when I started at 277 lbs, if I told myself I could be under 200 lbs by Christmas I never would've believed it...hehe

    That brightens my day a lot, especially because I woke up this morning with a really bad allergic reaction to something and my whole face and neck/throat area is swollen and red, eek... I had to miss my morning walk because of that, since it looks and feels so awful and I'm embarrassed to be seen like this, plus I dunno if something outside triggered it. :( I guess I'll take this as a rest day, although I wish I could do something more since I'm feeling so motivated from the new low scale weight.

    I also had a small NSV yesterday, in that it was Canadian Thanksgiving and I was able to enjoy a delicious and satisfying celebratory dinner without going nuts on carbs. I never would've thought that was possible before, since I love cornbread stuffing, sugary cranberry jelly, sweet potatoes with marshmallows, etc... so I'll take this as a small victory :) I did certainly enjoy a slice of pumpkin pie though!

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any Goals you want to update us?)

    Today I want to make a big pot of chili ... I defrosted a pound of 85% lean ground beef and it will also have lots of celery, peppers, onions, tomatoes, some garlic, and beans in it, along with my own blend of spices.

    @ObesityWarrior - thanks for the links, I've run across DittoDan before and find his blog very interesting. I won't do a full blown out Keto diet for myself though I do find that when my carbs are under 150 grams a day that I feel and lose weight better.

  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @drogurl28 - welcome! I'm new as well and have found this group to be a wonderful source of support and inspiration.

    @pinkstarberry - great loss and good goal to have for Christmas. You WILL get there! Good job, staying in control for Thanksgiving - do very hard to do.

    @MermaidPrincessRach - I'm not a sports girl, but even I feel inspired by your post. Good reminder...

    @badnoodle - well, I'd consider that a win as well. Good job!

    @Elizabeth2360 - my heart aches for you! Such a frightening diagnoses. One day at a time, Sweetie - the most important thing right now is that you do whatever possible to get well. We are all here for you. Sending hugs and white healing might.