30 Day Shred Group - July



  • karenodonut
    karenodonut Posts: 28 Member
    Level one of 30 day shred is finished. Start level 2 tomorrow.
    Have just watched it through, looks evil.

    And i've put on 1/2lb :-((
    I'm not DARING to look before I start. I'll wanna put it off too much. I haven't been around a scale yet either. I don't know how but I JUST measured myself and am 1 inch down on my stomach and almost 2 on my hips! WOW :D

    Wow, that is good on the inch loss. I measured myself yesterday and can't really tell. I feel different though. Just keep on trucking and hope that after the 30 days something happens!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    as well as the 30DS i do 30 mins extra cardio on my 2 days off and 10 mins extra cardio on one of the other days.

    2 weeks in and i lost 4lbs after week 1 and weighed in today and kissed goodbye to another 2lbs so 6lbs off since i started it.

    getting shredded!
    MOMSHOME Posts: 72
    as well as the 30DS i do 30 mins extra cardio on my 2 days off and 10 mins extra cardio on one of the other days.

    2 weeks in and i lost 4lbs after week 1 and weighed in today and kissed goodbye to another 2lbs so 6lbs off since i started it.

    getting shredded!

  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    Today's workout went by really fast! I had to laugh though..I was on the floor doing side crunches (one leg crossed, elbow to knee, while the other arm is out to the side). So I was doing those while my son's kitten watched my every move. I had my arm out to the side when I felt a little paw on my hand....he held his paw there until it was time to switch sides. Just a little moral support from the fur-baby :heart:
  • jenniferfelice
    Holy crud! Just finished L2D1 and it definitely kicked my butt! Sooo much harder than level 1 but it was good tough! I think level one was getting too easy so this was a nice change! Looking forward to how I improve in the next 10 days cuz there were a lot of parts I couldn't get the whole way thru!
  • karenodonut
    karenodonut Posts: 28 Member
    Hmm, got to go to London tomorrow so won't be able to do the shred. Do you think I can do it now instead? Already did last day of Level 1 this morning.....
  • coggins6170
    I feel totally stupid, I went to Target bought Jillian Michaels SHED, but it is only 2 workouts Level 1 and Level 2, Guess I purchased the wrong one. but I have been working out to it every other day. No wonder I was confused with everyone talking about day 3 and day 4, day 6, Mine is not 30 days,,,,,, have to go back to Target.
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    Day 15 done! 5th go on level 2. Almost got thru it all without a mini break but the last minute of abs got me. Such a hard workout!! but can get a little more done each day.

    Half way there!! 15 down, 15 to go....
  • luvs_choc8
    luvs_choc8 Posts: 788 Member
    I bought this dvd the beginning of July and did it twice before I went on holidays. I gained 2lbs on said holiday and need to get back on the wagon. I will be starting over again on D1L1 tonight. Am I too far behind everybody to be in this group?
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Tonight is Day 9 Level 1. So far I've lost 5lbs and I've lost 2in in my waist, 2.5in in my hips, and 1in in my thighs! =) Can't wait to do it tonight & the rest of the 21 Days! =)

    Can't wait to take before and after pictures!!!!
  • wildestian
    wildestian Posts: 188 Member
    Today's workout went by really fast! I had to laugh though..I was on the floor doing side crunches (one leg crossed, elbow to knee, while the other arm is out to the side). So I was doing those while my son's kitten watched my every move. I had my arm out to the side when I felt a little paw on my hand....he held his paw there until it was time to switch sides. Just a little moral support from the fur-baby :heart:
    awww so cute!!!!
    My dog just stares at me in confusion like I'm dying in pain (sometimes I am lol) and comes back often to check if I'm still alive.
  • cband
    cband Posts: 45 Member
    Tonight is Day 9 Level 1. So far I've lost 5lbs and I've lost 2in in my waist, 2.5in in my hips, and 1in in my thighs! =) Can't wait to do it tonight & the rest of the 21 Days! =)

    Can't wait to take before and after pictures!!!!

    Congrats! I'm interested to see that. I can't believe I've lost almost 2 inches on my waist in 4 days. It seems impossible, but I KNOW I measured right. About to do D5L1.
  • Squirkie
    Squirkie Posts: 135 Member
    Day 5 Level 1 Completed.
    My husband joined me again today...I'm beginning to love this! :-)
  • siufat2409
    siufat2409 Posts: 22 Member
    Day 4 Level 1 Completed ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • siufat2409
    siufat2409 Posts: 22 Member
    i've already started and i was just wondering if beside the dvd, does anyone do any other exercises, or go running? or do you just stick to the dvd?

    I stick to the dvd everyday plus doing other exercises ~~~~~~~~~add some running or squash
  • siufat2409
    siufat2409 Posts: 22 Member
    Day 7 Level 1 of 30DS done. Still not feeling ready for Level 2. But definately feel stronger. And I've lost 2lbs since last Saturday.

    How is everyone else doing?

    Still don't want to face my weight now >.<~~~~~~~~I am so afraid of putting on weight ................

    but keeping going on the shred!!
  • wondergirl1003
    wondergirl1003 Posts: 138 Member
    After a long weekend and some tough non-Shred related workouts (boxing Friday, lifting and zumba saturday, boot camp-like workout Sunday and today completely off) I'll be back for more punishment early tomorrow morning.

    Normally I'm a terrible runner and want to die on my first lap on the track, but I did really well on Sunday. I wonder if the Shred's cardio portion has anything to do with that....

    You guys are doing awesome! This thread moves very quickly! Gotta try and keep up.
  • fit_healthy
    fit_healthy Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everyone, been a long time since i have posted.

    I am now on Day 12, and moved up to level 2. However i have missed 2 days which i need to make up on.

    Im nearing to the half way mark, but havn't really noticed any changes as of yet. But that maybe because of all the birthday cake i've had recently.

    Good luck to everyone else
  • jenniferfelice
    L2D2 done! Not as hard as yesterday considering I still have this pesky cold but that last circuit kicks me in the butt every time!
  • LadyByrd77
    LadyByrd77 Posts: 115 Member
    L1D9 complete one more day of level 1 then onto level 2! So far no days off hopefully I can keep it up!