Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • drogurl28
    drogurl28 Posts: 14 Member
    Fitness Friday: I have a physical disability so a strenuous workout is out of the question but in the past I have walked around the house as a form of exercise. I'm thinking about installing a step tracker on my phone and setting a daily goal for myself. I prepare for the weekend by having a couple cheat days. It's not a chance to over eat I just have one or two snacks because I try to.only have two meals a day during the week
  • MrsHull840
    MrsHull840 Posts: 100 Member
    @grandmakaye44 your granddaughter sounds very sweet. She's doing a good job helping!

    Friday Fitness: I will go for a run and complete 3.1 miles today!
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    Friday Fitness-I'm thinking I may make my entrance back into the world of not sick people by taking a walk today if the weather cooperates. This morning I was laying in bed thinking I needed to get up and start moving, so I did some little stretches, and on my goodness, all this laying about has made me stiff as a board. I feel 90 years old, I need to get outside and getting the circulation going! I hope you all have a wonderfully successful day! Holly hugs all around! :D
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm going to have to do some rethinking of my usual fitness routine since walking is my go-to exercise and we are having rain all weekend and into next week. We had a summer with literally no rain so it is badly needed, but it fouls up my routine. Cathy is my walking partner and she broke 2 toes yesterday morning, so I will be without a partner for awhile, too.
    Looking forward to the weekend. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Fitness this week has been hurry up and Waite going to doctors etc. Working on eating correctly learning for me how to do keto finally feel i am getting a handle on it. Taking my family with me kicking and screaming but they are adults can't force it but both being supportive allowing me to get things out of the house. They can get treats when out of! All of this no one needs the sugar here, but my daughter needs to be more ease so will allow her a self for a few snacks!

    Fitness yesterday at work we walk around the Botanical garden in Boise beautiful . It was a good walk reminds me I need to be out ! It help me not only physically but emotionality too. So starting back at the Y.

    Sorry for the long Posts.

    From Illinois living in Idaho
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Friday Fitness ... had a busy morning today with blood lab work scheduled for first thing. Then I got a haircut and then went grocery shopping. Since it's a beautiful day outside today, I will do some yard work this afternoon. We had our first hard frost during the night, and I protected a pot of geraniums by putting a big trash can over it, I want to dig them up and try to hold over a couple of them in my house over the winter. The weekend will bring a return of rain (we need it) and that will continue on more days than not for the next couple of weeks so any outside work I need to do has to become a priority now.
  • drogurl28
    drogurl28 Posts: 14 Member
    Success Saturday: being able to log calories and post this while I'm waiting to be seated at a restaurant
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,964 Member
    Scary stuff ... When my mom (72yo) eats chocolate or sugar, she coughs up blood! She has a doctor appointment on Monday.
    <3 Rach
  • MrsHull840
    MrsHull840 Posts: 100 Member
    @MermaidPrincessRach that is terribly scary! I hope the doctor can make her well quickly.

    Success Saturday: I was mindful of my food choices this week. That doesn't mean I always made the best choices, but they were considered.
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Success Saturday, I gained 1.5 lbs. but I'm not going to lose my mind. I ate good today walked, a bit slow, but walked and did my mother in laws brakes. Today I did what I could and that is all I can control. Tomorrow I get another chance to get it right.
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member

    @Rach that is scary I hope the Doctors will help your Mom feel better.

    Saturday Success! My daughter really wanted to hang out with me! She wanted to go out to eat her favorite is Golden Corral . I did it and stayed on the planned left there not feeling sick from over eating ! Plus had a lovely visit with my daughter!
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member

    @Rach that is scary I hope the Doctors will help your Mom feel better.

    Saturday Success! My daughter really wanted to hang out with me! She wanted to go out to eat her favorite is Golden Corral . I did it and stayed on the planned left there not feeling sick from over eating ! Plus had a lovely visit with my daughter!

    I've found that I can go out to eat and not over eat as long as I look at their menu first and pick out what I want to eat and pretrack. Or if it is a Resturant that had the calories in the menu then I make sure I know how many calories I want to stay below for that meal.
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Having a day. I just want to EAT EVERYTHING! Restless and directionless. Got kids going one direction wife going another and tomorrow's Monday again. So busy with stuff, groceries food preparation for the week laundry and I just want to find a shady spot near the water and smoke a nice cigar or just spend time with my bride where she isn't neck deep in 10 different projects, all almost overdue. Instead I'm doing everything that needs to get done and saying hi and bye and wondering what's next that I didn't know was on the agenda.
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @Rach- your mom is in my prayers!
    @pneschich- Hey Buddy, we all have times like that and it is what it is and you have the right attitude! As Kay says onward and downward!
    @grandmakaye- When the weather is bad and I feel bored with walking at the Y because the track is small and has a small winding metal staircase up to it, I go to a big box home store or a super store and walk the inside of the store on the outside most aisles. They tend not to be so crowded so you can cover some ground pretty quickly and it's dry and cool or warm whatever the season calls for, works good for me.
    @MrsHull840- You can't change what you don't recognize, so you are at least half way there! Good job!
    @Elizabeth2360- good job girl, it's hard for me when there is so much food available! I'm happy for you that you were mindful and succeeded!
    @trinati2001- good advice it works for me. The menus here don't usually have the info available but I try to be prepared ahead of time and if not I'll stick with the safest choice I can find and hope for the best!

    My Saturday Success was that I finally got to feeling better! I'm not back on my walking schedule completely but I'm making progress and I'm under goal on calories!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Sunday Share ... better late then never: that's what I say today about finally getting some yard work done that's been begging for attention from me. Of course, it's going to rain every day for the next week or two by a little or a lot so I'm also grateful to myself for getting done what I did get to do. Also cooked a childhood favorite ... kind of a flat meatball, or a mini individual meatloaf ... we grew up on these delicious nuggets of tasty goodness. I made 12 of them and 2 at a time are a serving. For tonight I had them as a sandwich stuffing, but they'll be served other ways over the next few days.
  • dabidwell
    dabidwell Posts: 1 Member
    This is my 1st time to this message board. My VA dietician showed it to me. With her help, advise and encouragement, I have lost 45 of the 100+ pounds I'm striving to lose. Even though I've only got 3 more pounds to lose to complete my second "10% of body weight--weight loss goal", I'm having difficulty staying motivated. I'm tired of dieting, and that buttered popcorn I ate at the movies today was wonderful.

    Tomorrow is a new day, and my goal for this coming week is lose 1-2 pounds and walk at least 10T steps each day.
  • kayfhoward1
    kayfhoward1 Posts: 63 Member
    Sunday Share - I actually joined a gym yesterday. I've been mainly walking local trails but the weather here tends to get rainy and nasty this time of year so I didn't want to be left without options (yes I know there are always options) if and when it does.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Things are really crazy around here and it's about to get worse. We spent time with some family this afternoon to celebrate 2nd son's birthday. That was just one more event!
    Got word today that DH's sister-in-law passed away this morning. That means a 5 hour drive each way and being gone for 3 days this week. I'm sorry for the family. I realized that that sounded callous and I don't mean it that way at all. She was the same age as DH.
    The last weekend in October I get to spend 4 days visiting my sisters. It's not often that all 5 of us can be together so I am really looking forward to that.
    Then Halloween and those of you who've been here awhile know that means about 12 dozen donuts for the trick or treaters.
    It makes me tired just thinking about it. I'm just going to hang on tight and hope not to gain for the next couple of weeks.
    I love the idea of walking around a big store, but the closest one to me is 30 min. away. It's not really an option.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    @Trini this is a big buffet that i have noticed calories posted! I just used my phone and looked up things. I did have a game plan . I like their chicken.

    @Kaye , hang in there! One step at a time!

    @danidwell - welcome!

    @campfirequeen I am glad that you are feeling better.

    @kayfhoward-- I belong to our local Y. I like having the membership. It allows a place to go when weather isn't nice.

    Woke up at 3AM freezing and starving. Had to get a snack. Luckly i had a healthy choice that was a quick grab.

    Have a lot of errands today. Plus my pre-op appointment! Hopefully I can get another hour of sleep.

    Have a good Monday!

    From idaho

  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,964 Member
    I spent Saturday cleaning/sorting a bunch of old dusty things for a garage sale. I think I stressed myself out or I am fighting a bug b/c I went to bed at 7 yesterday and slept all the way thru for 12 hours! Going to focus on drinking more water today.
    @dabidwell welcome! And congrats! On all your success so far. What movie did you see? I believe in little splurges every once in a while. We've got to enjoy this journey called life or else why go thru with the troubles. I hope you find a few friends here to share the weight loss journey with!
    <3 Rach
    From Florida