90 Day Fitness & Food Challenge



  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member
    Big Sigh. Still stuck at 130.8. I know it is 1 pound less than last week, but I have been stuck at 130.8 since last Saturday! Even if I just got down to 130.6, I could pull off the next sticky note from my progress wall! At this point, breaking into the 120s is looking slim for this month. I am going to start retaining water soon so unless I have a really quick drop in the next few days, I will lose minimal if any until next month. Did circuits today and walked. Won't be able to get in a second work out today or the rest of the week. Tonight is dinner with the sister. Going out to get burgers and cupcakes. I have found a way to work this in, without going over, but it certainly isn't going to help the weight loss process. Tomorrow I'll work out, but I'll have to pick up the bf from the airport after work so tomorrow evening is a no go. Hoping to get a meaningful workout in over the weekend and try to limit going out to eat as much as possible.

    Rinde - That sounds so great! I hope you do well on the 5k training! Sounds like you have it covered!

    Becs - Hope you found time to hit your goals! Hopefully you are back in the 120s!
  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Aliem: keep up the good work and you'll get there! You may be slightly off your schedule, but look at all the weight you've lost and the transformation you've made. I always have to remind myself that the goals I set are great, but if I don't meet them I can't let it diminish all my other accomplishments.

    Another 60 minutes for me today: 15 minutes yoga to warm-up and then 45 minutes body resistance work. Trainer has me increasing strength workouts in preparation for weights. Hard work ahead for me!

  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Guys I am messaging from a holiday market I am here today and tomorrow. No workouts but loading unloading merch and standing all day. Hoping for a good weigh in tomorrow or Saturday.

    Aliem - I was at 130 again today too. Fingers crossed we get below soon.

    Rinde- you are amazing and I am so with your trainer. Strength training is awesome!!!

  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Wow, I know it's hard work, but it sure looks like fun! Beautiful!
  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member
    Becs - That looks great Becs! Moving around totally counts!

    Rinde - You are so dedicated!
  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Whoopee! My weight bar arrived this afternoon! I knew it weighed 45lbs, but the darn thing is also 7 ft long. It's huge as well as heavy! I'm definitely gonna get stronger with my new set-up. Can't wait to get started.

    60 minutes today: 30 minutes run/walk and 30 minutes yoga. My running portion increased today to 12 minutes out of 30 total, but by next Friday I'll be running intervals totaling 20.

    Eating remains on track. Well, at least until tonight when grandkids are coming over for pizza and movie/game night. Lost another lb, so I'm down to 144.6 today. It's possible for me to reach my weight loss goal for October now. Regardless, I should be close.
  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member
    Eating should be good today. Could not bring myself to do circuits this morning, but I did do a bunch of walking. Might do something later today. I am 95% sure I am joining a gym on Monday. It's a fancy one with tons of classes, so I hope that the money that I drop on it will motivate me to go 6-7 days a week! It will also let me do some swimming as well. I do have access to a pool right now for free, but it's in the middle of my apartment complex and even I can hear people splashing around it it, on the rare occasion someone actually goes in, and I am one of the farthest people away. Pretty sure there would be some unhappy campers if I am in there at like 7 am on a Saturday. Plus it is outside so it is cold! Up a tiny bit of weight today, but I am not surprised. I wound up going out to lunch yesterday too (my favorite falafel truck was by the office and they have the best salads). I get to eat the other half for lunch today! It is pretty healthy, but I also get a bit carried away at dinner/cupcakes. I am sure it will be off tomorrow!

    Rinde - That is super exciting! Congrats about your pound! You are rocking it! Hopefully you can stay on track through the end of October!
  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member
    Wooohoooo! Finally down! Woke up at 129 today! Goal might be possible, but it will be a stretch. Rest day today! Hope everyone else is having a great Saturday!
  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Fantastic job! So happy for you!

    I'm starting my new weight workout this afternoon with trainer. Then I'll be doing some cardio and yoga to finish the day.


  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Yippee, I had my weightlifting workout with my trainer and had fun! Good overall workout for beginner plus some focus on improving my posture which I'm really happy about. Then 30 minutes of cardio dance and 15 minutes of yoga. Big day for me!

  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Rest day for me. Maybe some yoga but that's it.
  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member
    Great job Rinde! Glad you enjoyed your workout on Saturday!

    Did my circuits today. Food was not so great. Leftovers from eating out this weekend and I baked a red velvet cake so I ate a bunch of scraps! Oh well. Back to the grind tomorrow!
  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Aliem: food may be off a little, but at least you got your workout in! Yay you!

    Weighed myself this morning and I'm up 3lbs from the 21st. Don't know why unless it's water weight from muscle soreness and the pizza I had Friday night. Hopefully it will go down again shortly.

    10/24 workout: 30 minutes run/ walk, 34 minutes dance, and 30 minutes yoga. A little sore and stiff from Saturday's weights but not too bad. Weights again tomorrow...on my own this time...hopefully I can remember proper form and do everything correctly. Looking forward to it.
  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member
    Well I am back up also....130.2....Hopefully it is just water weight. Boo 130s! Did my circuits this morning and walked. Going to test out the gym I might join today. Unfortunately the only class I can take today cause I have to do a tour and such after work is yoga. Going to do it with some coworkers though. If I join, I will most likely gain some serious water weight for the next few weeks cause of the time of the month and I intend to do a bunch of new classes which will probably strain my muscles in different ways. But overall, it should help me get to my overall goal (I am just not going to hit my 127 goal for phase 3)!

    Rinde - Great job! Sore means you are really working your muscles! Hopefully your weights tomorrow go well!
  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member
    Back down! Yay! I am one pound away from hitting 127.6, which is my October milestone so that might actually happen! 127 flat would obviously be better, but I am not totally convinced I will even hit 127.6 at this point. Either way, I crossed the line for losing 20 pounds in total today so that is always good! Had a really good experience with the yoga class last night. I will likely sign up for the gym today. Just want to see what they will offer me before I commit. It's a pretty big expense, but it would motivate me to go! Also, they have very nice saunas and such too....so that will be nice. Have already walked today. Will catch a class tonight if I sign up! Food should be good!
  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Aliem: congrats on your weight loss! Headed in the right direction once more. Gym sounds good. What classes are you planning to take besides yoga? Will you be doing cardio and weights there as well?

    Well, I'm back down 1.5lbs. The 1st time I got on the scale it showed 3lbs, but then I weighed myself a 2nd time and it went up. I didn't record it and will weigh again tomorrow to see if any effect from today's weight workout.

    Did 84 minutes today: 44 minutes weights, 10 minutes HIIT, and 30 minutes yoga. Also working on eating 120g of protein per day. Yesterday I hit 139 which was huge for me. Tried to buy meat and chicken last week at the grocery store for more protein but I got too grossed out. Can eat it cooked but just can't take the raw stuff. Did purchase some canned tuna, salmon, tempeh, and Tofurky sausage. Hopefully I'll be able to keep my protein increase going with that stuff.
  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member
    There are tons of classes. If I sign up tonight I would do a ballet barre cardio class and if I still have energy and don't mind being out kinda late there is a dance fitness class after that sounds fun. They have tons of classes though. Swimming, TRX, Cycling, Boot Camp, Yoga, various strength training classes and the list goes on! They have locations near me and near my clients so I can try to beat traffic before and/or after. Plus, if I wind up taking mostly cardio classes, they have a full gym I can use to make sure I get my weight training in. I think it will be fun to try new things.

    Great job! Even 1.5 pounds is great! I have had that happen a few times where I look at the scale and think there is no way I am that weight and then I jump on again for a second and third time and it is a more reasonable weight. Plus my scale is getting kinda old and is pretty cheap. I probably just need a new one soon. Great job with the workouts! Maybe you can try some frozen pre-cooked breasts. They do make some with limited additional ingredients. Canned tuna and salmon are great though!
  • Rinde99
    Rinde99 Posts: 393 Member
    Aliem: the gym sounds fantastic for you. So much variety plus doing your weights, too. Did you join last night?

    68 minute workout today: 28 minute run/walk, 10 minutes up and down stairs, and 30 minutes of yoga. Lost a tad this am...at 144.2 now. Means I need to lose a lb exactly to meet goal next Monday. It's possible but I'm not overly optimistic with my slowed loss rate. I give it a 50/50 shot.

    Still doing great with protein increase. Think I'll try the cooked chicken breasts on next grocery shop. Good idea!

  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member
    I did join and did the Barre Cardio class. And let me tell you, I loved it! I think I just found my favorite workout! I usually hate doing upper body, but doing this was totally a blast. I was warned to only use the 2 pound weights the first time cause you definitely do a lot of reps. I think next time I will stick to 2 pound, because they mix up the routines, but then jump to 3 pounds thereafter. I am like slightly sore today, but nothing major. Decided against the dance fitness class because I did not want to be too sore today. Tonight is TRX. I have never done it before, but it's suspension training using your body weight. Should be interesting! Might try out the steam room or something since the class gets out a bit earlier tonight. Still walked this morning. I definitely like it better being able to just walk in the morning. Though there are some cool morning classes that I might want to check out too. On Friday I am going to go to the one near my house, so hopefully the instructors/facility are just as good! It's got great reviews, but it definitely won't be as big as the one I have been going to, because the one I have been going to is one of the largest ones. Food is pretty good today (probably should not have eaten the goldfish (or the chips yesterday), but my calories were a bit low anyway!)

    Rinde - Great job! great news with the loss! Hopefully we both lose our pound! Either way, your progress has been great! Only a few more day!
  • aliem
    aliem Posts: 326 Member
    So last night after TRX I totally went out to dinner and splurged big time. It was a bunch of asain dishes, so I never logged it because I had no idea where to start (nor did I order so I did not have food names). It's not as bad as lunch today though. Food trucks were outside and instead of something healthy, I had Argentinian braised pulled pork fries. Granted I am so stuff right now that my dinner will probably consist of a protein bar after work so the calorie damage might not be too bad. I also was feeling kinda nauseous this morning so instead of my banana and greek yogurt, I ate a bunch of saltines! Feel totally better (I assume it was just something I ate). Workout tonight is Gold Barre. It's Barre, but with added ice skating moves. Hopefully it isn't too bad. My triceps are sooo sore! I can barely lift my arms above my head! I feel like there is no way I will hit 127 (or 127.6) by Monday.....