my husband thinks that I am ungrateful



  • lissmayer
    lissmayer Posts: 86 Member
    edited October 2016
    miteyme wrote: »
    Dear Lissmayer, trapping mice or rats for that matter with chocolate, could be quite theraputic. It would involve walking, would not involve any eating as dirty fingers would preclude that, and chocolate is agreat rodent bait. Last winter mice ate the air pipes in the brakes of my car, causing accute brake failure. I say that using the chocolate to catch mice might even have saved my life! Maybe not so daft after all.

    Ok- but it wouldn't solve the problem of needing to communicate with your spouse- and possibly also his mother (or at least just tell her no).
  • EmilyElizabeth3
    EmilyElizabeth3 Posts: 17 Member
    Let him know how much you appreciate his thoughtfulness and that you really do love it. But for right now, you're trying to do what's best for you and since it's hard for you to resist chocolate, it's best that you avoid it. Try explaining to him how much you need and want his support as you make these changes in your life. Be positive when you talk to him. And be positive toward yourself. Don't get bogged down by your mistakes. You can do this!

    Don't reflect too much on your mistakes, instead determine yourself to do better next time. Its best to think about the good things you've done--even the little things. Remember the time when you chose fruit over chips or took the stairs instead of the elevator and thank yourself for those good decisions. It may sound silly, but it works for me. I find I make the most progress when I focus on the good things. So you messed up one day, but tomorrow is a new chance to do things right.
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    Thank your husband, if it hasn't been long since you changed the way you eat he is probably still catching up. My boyfriend still offers to get me fastfood almost every night and I usually say no but I don't get mad because he is trying to be nice. You over ate on your birthday don't worry about just relax and know that you won't be doing this often. You should talk to your husband at a later time maybe in a few days and tell him you don't need to have chocolate in the house anymore and suggest something else he can get you. Alot of men are not good at gift giving and go to the defaults chocolate, flowers, jewelry. Tell him if he wants to get you something he can get you x, y, or z. You don't want to just tell him you shouldn't have gotten me chocolate or anything that will make him feel bad just encourage better gifts for your new lifestyle.