Pregnancy- July 2011



  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    Okay, so I had a conversation with my husband about his dirty mouth last night. I'm not going to lie -- I swear like a sailor and it's something I'm working on now in preparation for baby. But he's absolutely ridiculous. He's in the kitchen simply making peanut butter toast right now and I've heard GD-it twice and the eff bomb at least 3-4 times. Seriously?! How could it possibly be so frustrating to toast bread in the toaster & then put peanut butter on it to warrant that much swearing? :laugh:

    HAHA... making your own toast CAN be pretty stressful for some men :laugh:
    My husband and I both have HORRIBLE dirty mouths! I'm pretty sure neither one of us could go a day without swearing even if someone paid us too!!!. I have a 7 and 5 year old and have tried to watch my mouth so many times, but when I get upset or am having conversations with certain people, it just comes out. So now, instead of trying to change my language, I just decided to teach my kids that they are children and not aloud to use that language out of respect in our home and respect for others. But when they are adults, then it is their choice and they will know when it is ok to talk like that :laugh: I found that it was much easier to just teach them that then it was for us to quit swearing.... hypocritical of us???? maybe..... but I figured at this point in our lives... it's working :happy:
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    thinking of you maria! Hopefully this is it!!

    Julie- We are working on keeping the swearing out of our language as well... it is hard to believe we actually swear so much... but you don't notice until you try to cut it out. It will be a hard decision tomorrow I am sure, I am looking forward to hearing what happens! If they do break it and you go into labour make sure you let us know!!

    ron- sorry about your wrist! That sucks!

    AFM- Nothing exciting to report from my appt- very uneventful.

    So the doula last night was wonderful. She was exactly what I imagined she would be (north of 50, grey hair to her chin, almost hippyish).She was so knowledgeable, I really like her. I am going to do a full write up on my blog and will post a link later for anyone who is interested about doulas.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I am really debating this eating thing :) I think it depends on what time of day I am going in… early AM I am eating… after that not going to eat.

    Ronya- Danielle is right, could it be carpel tunnel? I forgot about that.

    Danielle- That’s very sweet Avery reacts to your DH so well :)

    Julie- I never swear, it just hasn’t been in my language but my DH does when he plays video games… I am trying to make him stop shouting out cuss words hehe.

    Maureen- I understand what you mean about obligation to your work. I am feeling very stressed about missing 12 weeks!

    Cori- To join the group you just jump right in the conversation! Welcome! To add the ticker you go to your signature at the top of the forum and you past the link in from babygaga!

    Rachel- Did you get to discuss your birth plan with your dr? Glad your doula meeting went well!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Ha! I'm not a swearer unless I need a reaction out of my husband. He knows I'm serious then. He on the other hand is quiet fluent in French. He uses the F word as a normal part of most any sentence - as a noun, verb, adjective... He's basically this video (if you don't like swearing, specifically the F word, DO NOT watch this!). No chance in getting him to quit - we've already been through the bought of my son using it - probably around 2 1/2. He learned though that he's not supposed to say that or some other words - now when my husband uses them he goes "Dad! That is a bad word!" I figure, there's no way he's not going to hear it all over (we don't really keep him away from hearing the TV if there are movies with language etc) but rather learn that it's part of life any my expectations of his usage, or not usage of certain things.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Mel & MamaRandall -- I definitely agree with you guys that the swearing is going to happen at least occasionally pretty much regardless of how much we try not to. Also, it's everywhere else. I'd just prefer my baby's first word not be "mothereffer" or "GD-it" both of which hubby says ridiculously frequently. Especially lately for some reason. I guess my swear words of choice are s*** and f*** which to me are somehow less crass. :tongue: I fully expect her to end up testing out saying those words eventually when she's 3 or so.
    Tonight when I heard "mothereffer" being used for essentially no reason I asked hubby what fun words he was going to use to replace that one and he said "bad fellow." I really hope he starts saying that since it has great potential to be incredibly hilarious.

    Maisie's being super hard on my cervix tonight. She's made me squeal (small & short squeaks, but totally uncontrollable) a couple of times and grab hold of a pillow & bite my lip several other times. Hubby is FREAKING OUT. :laugh: He said the next time I squeal he's calling the doctor. :laugh: So now of course I'm trying super hard not to make a peep. I've tried explaining it's just her moving and pressing against my cervix which causes sharp stabby pains that catch me by surprise but he's still in near panic mode about it. Poor guy.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    If anyone has any interest in doulas, please read my article on them

    We decided to go ahead and hire the doula we met yesterday. After talking with her for 2 hours last night, I almost can't imagine doing it without her.

    Julie- perhaps that means there will be a baby tonight.... :-)
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617

    Rachel- Did you get to discuss your birth plan with your dr? Glad your doula meeting went well!

    Unfortunately there was no chance today! Bummer! But we booked extra time next week (Monday) so we can discuss it,
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    I just got back from my hair apt and had my first "omg I'm huge!" moment. I caught a glance of myself in the mirror and was like oh good lord that's me!? Now i'm depressed. How am I going to last 3 more months! Oh and I had ANOTHER person today tell me how big I am, that it's hot out ( no sh@t) and I have a long way to go. Yuck bad day for me.:angry:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Ok, so I had my appointment today. I am at least a 2 cm, not much but definitely progress from the 1 last time. She is still posterior. She is also weighing 8 lb. 5 oz. My mw doesn't want her to be too big to deliver, so if she doesn't come by her due date I will be induced on Monday or Tuesday. They will call me tomorrow with the scheduled date and time. She gave me the choice to or to wait it out. But I couldn't resist. 1- I am sooo tired of being pregnant. 2- My mw will be out of town the rest of next week 3- my dad will be out of town next week and he doesn't want to miss the baby 4- My hubby's b-day is next week and 5- I really don't want to push out a huge baby.

    I know ultrasounds can be off. But a co-worker said that with her first they made her wait, she went a week over her due date, her baby was 10 lbs and she had to have a c-section because he was too big. I know a lot of you are against inductions, so I hope you won't judge me. :blushing: :flowerforyou: It just really is nice to have a definite day in mind. I know at least I will not be pregnant past next Tuesday. But I am still hoping and praying she comes on her own this weekend.
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Ok, so I had my appointment today. I am at least a 2 cm, not much but definitely progress from the 1 last time. She is still posterior. She is also weighing 8 lb. 5 oz. My mw doesn't want her to be too big to deliver, so if she doesn't come by her due date I will be induced on Monday or Tuesday. They will call me tomorrow with the scheduled date and time. She gave me the choice to or to wait it out. But I couldn't resist. 1- I am sooo tired of being pregnant. 2- My mw will be out of town the rest of next week 3- my dad will be out of town next week and he doesn't want to miss the baby 4- My hubby's b-day is next week and 5- I really don't want to push out a huge baby.

    I know ultrasounds can be off. But a co-worker said that with her first they made her wait, she went a week over her due date, her baby was 10 lbs and she had to have a c-section because he was too big. I know a lot of you are against inductions, so I hope you won't judge me. :blushing: :flowerforyou: It just really is nice to have a definite day in mind. I know at least I will not be pregnant past next Tuesday. But I am still hoping and praying she comes on her own this weekend.

    I support you! I am also going to be induced if my baby doesn't come by my due date. I was induced with ds and it was fine. My whole labor was 9 hrs and I pushed 3 times and he was out. You need to do what's best for you. We are all here to support each other so I'm sure no one will judge you. :flowerforyou:
  • collinsclan
    collinsclan Posts: 312 Member
    All - I've read everything but am not really in a place to respond individually. Couple of notes though:

    Julie - I hope those squeals means the baby is close. I'll be praying for you.

    Anne Elise and Rachael - you make the best decisions you can with the information you have at the time for you and for your family. If induction is waht you are being led to by your circumstances then no one else has any valuable input into the decision.

    FIL in the delivery room: With my 1st birth my ILs were in the waiting room but FIL was in the delivery room after the birth when the rather pushy nurse was trying to help me figure out getting my dd latched on. After that, I could nurse in front of anyone, anywhere! For my last birth, he, my MIL and my GMIL were standing in the doorway of the bedroom I was delivering in to be support personnel for my three other children. I had one knee and both hands on the bed, the other foot on the floor and they had a lovely view of my posterior because after I was pulled off the toilet by the midwife, I made it that far and then couldn't move. NOT the most ideal of circumstances but my younger son asked him to be there so he could watch. And at the time, I could have cared less if the Pope was watching because all I wanted was to deliver that baby!

    My UTI test came back normal so I am on easy rest. They opened on a day they usually don't see patients to schedule me to come in and be checked. I go tomorrow to find out if there is any effect to the contractions and get a judgement call on whether or not I have to remain on easy rest. This is highly frustrating because even going to and from swim class seems to wipe me out so I want to retreat to my bed. The children are not being bad, but they're kids and are making messes that drives my dh crazy. He threw a fit about it tonight so I asked him to please leave it alone since I spent most of the afternoon getting the big kids packed for Scout Camp next week and I was too tired to deal with it tonight. The kids told me as they came to bed that they had cleaned up but dh didn't seem happy about the state of affairs when he came to bed so we'll see in the morning.

    Welcome to all the newbies.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Of course we support you, Rachael!

    I think especially all of us who are right here at the end can relate pretty well to your reasons. Of course all of our pregnancies have been different but it seems we all have the "I don't give a flying flip how, just get this baby out of me!" mentality at this point. :laugh: A couple months ago I wouldn't have ever considered myself in favor of much more intervention other than a sweep prior to my due date unless it was for medical issues. But the more I think about it the more I'm nearly positive I'm going to let them break my water tomorrow if that's still an offer on the table. Assuming my cervix is still favorable in case induction becomes necessary & all that jazz. At 3 days prior to my due date (when I'm totally positive about my dates) and with as miserable as I've been over the last week, I don't really see the harm in it. It's a bit selfish, absolutely, but not at the expense or risk of my child.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    We generally don't swear in our house (and my IL's would be shocked if they ever heard when we did! - not that it ever gets beyond mild and the occasional eskatorial reference) So it was quite the surprise when my youngest (right about 7) came home using the F word everywhere. Yikes! :noway: Apparently, his "friend" uses the word and that family thinks nothing of it. :noway: Some people do have the attitude that "it's just another word." Anyway, we had to talk about how in our family, those words are not okay - not in our house, and not in our mouths - and I have even threatened to wash his mouth with soap because those words make it dirty (I don't think I ever would, but it get's my point across). Yeah, the kids are going to be exposed to it somewhere, eventually. But parents can set clear standards of what is okay in their house and for their family. :smile:

    Rachael and Anne (and Julie and Maureen) - You know what is going on with your body more than anyone else, especially those of us who only chat with you online. It would be inappropriate and rude for us to tell you what you "should" be doing as far as induction/labor/birth plan etc. We all have our own personal preferences, but I am glad to be a part of a group where we can state what we think is best without getting all sorts of upset when someone else disagrees. The end goal is to have a healthy LO in your arms and have you well enough to enjoy it. Sometimes that means going a different route than what anyone around you might suggest.

    Took the kids to the pool today. I am such a ninny about getting in the water (it's cold right at first, even though it feels good after the initial shock!). I mostly just floated around half underwater on a floaty, but still feel exhausted. I keep thinking I should be swimming laps, but I feel like I have no energy for it! Oh well, the buoyancy taking some of the weight off my hips for a while is good anyway.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    mathjulz - I am mentally worn out (as well as physically). I have been trying hard to do whats best for baby, and do all the natural things to get her to come. I had a lot of contractions Sunday night into Monday night. I was so hopefully and expecting we would be in the hospital on Tuesday but today there was NOTHING. The only reason I am holding on and sticking to the plan is because I have the induction scheduled. We are set for the last day they will let us go.

    I spent a lot of my pregnancy setting myself up for what I wanted and hoped my labor would be like. I am right now trying to mentally prepare myself for things like meds and such during delivery. I am so scared that if I am induced it will be more than I can handle in a med-free setting.

    After the last two weeks, I wouldnt fault anyone else the desire to be induced. Do whats best for you ladies - and the baby (and only you know what that is!) I am also glad that this group is such that we can let out how we are feeling and get support!
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member

    Hope that lil one decides to make an appearance soon! I went bowling on a saturday I believe and went into labor sunday. Who knows if that is what got the ball rolling no pun intended hahaha I am funny today. Wow bad humor at 6:30am time to go back to bed. Anyways, I really hope you can have a quick, fast painless labor. No matter what happens as far as meds as long as like other ladies said you have that beautiful baby in your arms it doesn't matter. Good luck!
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    P.s. Following all your posts has helped me keep my sanity. Two days until the big wedding day. Between the pregnancy ups and downs and the wedding stress I told my fiance one of his groomsmens might get punched by Friday. Now I would never ever do that I am too chicken to even yell at someone but the thought has crossed my mind. I am trying to remain calm and remember what the day is about. Oh and I love the last minute 3 days before the wedding a month late phone call rsvps. Especially my uncle who said, "I thought you knew I'd be coming?". Am I a mind reader?
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Rachael- Like everyone else has said. You know your body and your baby and what you need to do to get her here healthy and safe. Any mother or expecting one should support that 100%. I hope things work out how you want them to :smile:

    Elizabeth- Congrats on the upcoming big day! Weddings are so nerve wracking but once you are walking down that aisle, all that matters is you and your groom to be :flowerforyou:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Julie- You are so calm, I would have been in panic mode just let your DH!

    Rachel- Glad you will have a time next week to discuss it, I know you were wanting to get that done!

    Jen- People are stupid, I am sure that you are doing great. I think I may punch the next person who says I am small haha (I usually say, yes I puke 7 times a day…) they shut up quickly. I remembering feeling huge around 6 months too and didn’t gain tons in the 3rd so maybe you won’t either!

    Rachael- You know my struggle with this decision, obviously I decided to induce as well so no judgment here! You have made it till a healthy time for your baby, the induction decision is really only changing labors. Honestly, I know it can go poorly but for a lot of people it goes just fine. We support you! You are doing great (you probably didn’t cry at your apt. haha).

    Katrina- I totally know what you mean that you just wanted the baby out but I think later I would be horrified, no way! I am sorry you are feeling so tired and worn down, that has to be very hard with your other children. I hope it improves soon!

    Julie- let us know how your dr. apt. goes today!! Big day maybe!

    Julz- being in the pool is great for you either way! Glad you got to enjoy it!

    Maureen- I think it is great you are getting prepared because anything can happen. I am trying to do that for myself as well. You are going to do great!

    Elizabeth- ENJOY the wedding, so exciting! People can be so dumb around weddings haha. It is going to be wonderful.

    Maria- I HOPE YOU ARE HAVING YOUR LO! If not you sure are torturing us after that last post :)

    AFM: This is off topic but my little brother is a professional poker player (seriously) and he is playing in the world series of poker in Vegas right now… he has made it to day 3 in the main event and the guy who got 3rd overall last year has been at his table. I am proud of him and hoping he keeps doing well.
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Julie- You are so calm, I would have been in panic mode just let your DH!

    Rachel- Glad you will have a time next week to discuss it, I know you were wanting to get that done!

    Jen- People are stupid, I am sure that you are doing great. I think I may punch the next person who says I am small haha (I usually say, yes I puke 7 times a day…) they shut up quickly. I remembering feeling huge around 6 months too and didn’t gain tons in the 3rd so maybe you won’t either!

    Rachael- You know my struggle with this decision, obviously I decided to induce as well so no judgment here! You have made it till a healthy time for your baby, the induction decision is really only changing labors. Honestly, I know it can go poorly but for a lot of people it goes just fine. We support you! You are doing great (you probably didn’t cry at your apt. haha).

    Katrina- I totally know what you mean that you just wanted the baby out but I think later I would be horrified, no way! I am sorry you are feeling so tired and worn down, that has to be very hard with your other children. I hope it improves soon!

    Julie- let us know how your dr. apt. goes today!! Big day maybe!

    Julz- being in the pool is great for you either way! Glad you got to enjoy it!

    Maureen- I think it is great you are getting prepared because anything can happen. I am trying to do that for myself as well. You are going to do great!

    Elizabeth- ENJOY the wedding, so exciting! People can be so dumb around weddings haha. It is going to be wonderful.

    Maria- I HOPE YOU ARE HAVING YOUR LO! If not you sure are torturing us after that last post :)

    AFM: This is off topic but my little brother is a professional poker player (seriously) and he is playing in the world series of poker in Vegas right now… he has made it to day 3 in the main event and the guy who got 3rd overall last year has been at his table. I am proud of him and hoping he keeps doing well.

    Thanks Anne! I needed to hear that today! I just got into it with this lady in my building because she told me I'm "to sensitive to comments about my pregnancy." WTF?! Really? I said "We'll I can honestly say that I don't know ONE women that is expecting that is ok when someone points out that she is "huge" or "small" or says "Holy cow, you're ready to pop". All those comments piss all of us off that are expecting." She just kept saying "We'll you just take it took much to heart." UGH! It really pissed me off and now I'm back in my office super pissed. :mad: People are so stupid! Ok vent over. Thanks!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Maria -- I agree with Anne, you better hope you have a baby to report today (or tomorrow, or as soon as you feel like MFPing)! :wink:

    Jen -- Yep, the people are the stupid. :smile: I lost 80 pounds pre-pregnancy and had VERY few people at work comment on my weight loss (which is *fine* wit me!). I've gained 38.6 pounds with pregnancy (yikes) yet people just can't stop themselves from commenting on how "small" I am so close to my due date. I'm about the same size now as the last pregnant woman in our office was at about 20 weeks. Every day I heard someone tell her how huge she was. Just shut up about it, people, really. And most of the comments are from women -- are they seriously that oblivious to what's rude and what's appropriate? Do they not remember when they were pregnant or had a friend who was pregnant?

    Elizabeth -- "Ball rolling" :laugh: Good one for that early in the morning. :wink: Yay, wedding! Anyone who can plan a wedding and stay sane has my utmost respect. There's no way I could've handled it. Hubby and I eloped (much to the dismay of my mother, of course :tongue:).

    Anne -- Yay for your brother doing well in the tournament!

    Maureen -- I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for everything not going the way I'd prefer during labor as well. I don't really feel like I've set myself up with any real expectations but I don't feel super prepared, either. I'm definitely in go-with-the-flow mode but I'm pretty sure I'll lose my cool if they even suggest a c-section may be the best option. No matter how much I don't want to acknowledge it, I really need to prepare myself for that possibility.

    julz -- I know what you mean about being a ninny about getting into a pool! When I was a kid and even now, I have to jump in instead of going gradually!

    Man, it was so much easier to respond to everyone when I had 2 computer monitors at work. :laugh: I couldn't sleep last night. I'm way too excited/nervous about my appointment this afternoon and my mind will not shut up. My supervisor texted me this morning to see how I'm doing. It's funny, I feel like such a slacker telling her there's still no baby. :laugh: Like I'm laying out of work for no reason.