Pizza or Burger: What's Worse???



  • kbmh611
    kbmh611 Posts: 110 Member
    kbmh611 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    If you claim that burgers ARE better for dieting than pizza and back that up with assertions about what most people think and so on and resist when others point out that that may be true for you, but not for others, you don't get to then claim that it was only an opinion and we all have different experiences.

    Now, if you acknowledge you are changing your answer to "for me, burgers tend to work better than pizza for the same calories," cool. I like them both, and think some are low cal and some are high cal and some are in the middle. Also, some are worth their cals and some are not.

    Yep, pretty much this. Plus the statements that all of us here struggle with moderation so therefore burger is the better choice seemed like a sweeping generalization.

    I'm also not sure how my statements that taste preferences and what foods fill people up are dependent upon the individual, and that foods themselves can vary significantly, so it is not possible to objectively label one food as better than another has turned into me being a know it

    Again, never said that everybody who is on MFP has problems with moderation. I said many or most. And being a fat person who has been one most of my life and know many others I can speak from experience that it is, for most, a large part of why they are fat. If you could stop, you wouldn't be overweight and dieting would not be such a struggle. You are generalizing my statements and saying they apply to everyone, when I did not say that.

    Also, it is insulting to someone when they have views and someone else puts them down when they then give their views and follow it with "what don't you get?!" Or "how hard is that to understand?" It's an insulting way to speak to people cuz your basically saying "why do you keep discussing this? Here's my point, why are you still talking"
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Moderation is something that many of us here have had to learn, and have to continually practice at, in order to be successful. I agree that it is challenging for many people, but it is something that can be developed so that one can learn to eat the foods they love in moderation, stopping at 2 pieces of pizza with a nice salad rather than constantly reaching for more.

    If it is something you are interested in learning those techniques then I think there are plenty of people who would be happy to share their strategies. If pizza in particular is difficult for you to moderate, but you want to eat it, then starting at a "by the slice" kind of place may be a good way to practice eating only what fits within your calorie goal without the temptation of the open box sitting next to you.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    runwmeNC wrote: »

    ^^^^ THIS ^^^^

    The holy grail of pizza!

    yea, no...
  • kbmh611
    kbmh611 Posts: 110 Member
    edited October 2016
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    kbmh611 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    kbmh611 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    kbmh611 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    kbmh611 wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    kbmh611 wrote: »
    I would say pizza is worst. I think one square slice is like 200+ calories on average. And most people eat several slices, so the calories can add up fast. Not many people can eat only one or two slices and walk away, so it's easier to end up binging on. A hamburger can be made with different types of lean meats and lower calorie bread and toppings and you can probably feel full just eating one.

    As has been stated many times in this thread, it depends on the pizza and the burger. I'm in St Louis and 1/4 of a traditional meaty pizza is less than 400 cals.
    kbmh611 wrote: »
    I would say pizza is worst. I think one square slice is like 200+ calories on average. And most people eat several slices, so the calories can add up fast. Not many people can eat only one or two slices and walk away, so it's easier to end up binging on. A hamburger can be made with different types of lean meats and lower calorie bread and toppings and you can probably feel full just eating one.

    You're comparing apples and oranges. Sure, a burger which is deliberately made with lean meat and low calorie bread or topping will be lower calorie than a few slices of regular corner store pizza. BUT, a pizza which is made with lean meat and low calorie crust and toppings will be lower calorie than a regular corner store burger.

    You can't hold the two items to two completely separate sets of standards.

    Yeah but I'm talking about regular delivery style pizza or frozen. Which is what most people get. Not some evil concoction made up at home with a veggie crust, barely no cheese or meat. I assumed the OP was asking about standard take home or restaurant pizza or burger. Even if the burger is at a take out place I think it's still better than a restaurant pizza. I've looked at a lot of numbers at a lot of places and pizza always seems to be the heavier hitter. It's also harder to control yourself at stopping at only a few slices, unlike with a burger you usually eat one burger cuz that's all you have and your done with it. Obviously there can be some exceptions to this but I tend to think when questions like this are asked on here it's a "generally speaking" sort of question.

    It's impossible to compare. (Also, I think a lot of people can eat two pieces of pizza.) I usually have burgers I make at home and they are reasonably low cal, but a pizza I make at home is too. I normally eat pizza from local Italian places (so no calorie count, but thin crust, and it all depends on what I choose to eat). We do have it for work lunch sometimes (from local chains) and I can eat about 500-600 calories of it and be satisfied (two slices of thin crust or one slice of the Chicago style, depending on the specific pizza). Or I can go to a restaurant and order a burger, which won't be lean meat, will have a caloric bun, and will be significantly larger than I'd make at home. And, it might have cheese or bacon on it. Many people who'd eat more pizza might get fries with the burger too.

    I know plenty of burgers I've splurged on that have a lot more calories than my typical pizza dinner.

    So you've eaten 800+ calorie burgers? Also, just because you can stop and feel full at two slices doesn't mean everyone or even most people can. Or else they wouldn't be on here right now dieting and asking these sorts of questions.

    yes, I have eaten a 1000 calorie burger....

    so everyone is on MFP because they over ate on pizza? That is a new one, I did not know that pizza was the main culprit in the obesity epidemic...

    Did I say that? I don't think so. What I said was that if people on MFP had the self control you apparently did they would not need help deciding between burgers, pizza, or anything else. Most people who are overweight are that because they are not good at eating in moderation or making smart food choices. That's why we are now dieting. I include myself in this.

    they are overweight becuase they eat too many calories..

    and for reference here is your direct quote:

    Also, just because you can stop and feel full at two slices doesn't mean everyone or even most people can. Or else they wouldn't be on here right now dieting and asking these sorts of questions.

    the implication of your statement is that people are on MFP because they over eat pizza...[/quote

    No, it was an example. Didn't know people would take it as "everyone is fat in the whole world because of eating pizza" the way you took. The implication was that moderation is not most overweight people's strong point

    try being a little more clear next time, and we won't have these hang ups.

    The point is that neither a pizza or burger is "better" they are both the same and what one eats is a matter of calorie, micro, and macro goals for the day...

    Don't know what's unclear. Never said everybody, you just took it that way. But again, it's all just opinions in the bigger picture
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited October 2016
    runwmeNC wrote: »

    ^^^^ THIS ^^^^

    The holy grail of pizza!

    I have celiac disease and have made baked goods with almond flour. They don't fill me up. I even made my own pizza crust with cheese, eggs, and almond meal for years before calorie counting when I was low carbing. It wasn't sating and little pieces like that certainly weren't what I was eating.

    I need the starch in regular gluten free pizza crust to make me feel full, or the fiber in a cauliflower crust, made in a low fat way so that I can eat a lot of it.
  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    I would have to say pizza is worse, solely because pizza has a lot more sodium per serving than a hamburger [an entire medium pizza can have up to 4000mg sodium for the entire thing].
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    xvolution wrote: »
    I would have to say pizza is worse, solely because pizza has a lot more sodium per serving than a hamburger [an entire medium pizza can have up to 4000mg sodium for the entire thing].

    Right, but as discussed, we aren't talking about an entire pizza. I'm assuming 10 pieces per pizza so in your example, the sodium content for 2 pieces would be 800 mg. Sodium content in a Big Mac is 1000 mg.

    So why again is pizza objectively worse than a hamburger? And if a person doesn't have a medical reason to restrict sodium, other than water weight gain, why wouldn't they be able to eat a portion of pizza just as easily as a burger?

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I'm pretty sure that if I'm going out for pizza or if I'm going out for a burger, it's all going to be pretty's going to be a calorie bomb either way...really, if I'm going out for anything it's usually going to be a calorie bomb...I generally don't get out of a restaurant of any sorts under 1,000 calories unless I'm going for a light lunch or something at the deli.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    xvolution wrote: »
    I would have to say pizza is worse, solely because pizza has a lot more sodium per serving than a hamburger [an entire medium pizza can have up to 4000mg sodium for the entire thing].

    Again, depends on the pizza. I don't think my usual pizza has meaningfully more sodium than my usual burger.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    My homemade pizza has anchovies, so yea. Flavor bombs :p
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    xvolution wrote: »
    I would have to say pizza is worse, solely because pizza has a lot more sodium per serving than a hamburger [an entire medium pizza can have up to 4000mg sodium for the entire thing].

    That would also be highly individual, too, as most people don't have any reason to try to cut down on sodium.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    kbmh611 wrote: »
    Also I look at it this way: if you show me a small square of thin crust pizza and say "you can have this one square for 280 calories or you can put that 280 towards the 400 of a burger and have that instead." I'm going to choose the bigger more fulfilling burger that is a meal in itself, over a square or two of pizza that might not get me very far.

    The whole argument is a moot point for me because either 280 calories of pizza or a 400 calorie burger wouldn't even be enough to piss me off. 280-400 calories isn't a meal, it barely even qualifies as a snack. Put a 400 calorie burger in front of me and I'm going to dislocate my jaw like a snake, swallow it whole and say "Okay, when's dinner?".

    So you've eaten 800+ calorie burgers?
    You haven't? Almost any burger truly worth eating is over 800 calories.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    xvolution wrote: »
    I would have to say pizza is worse, solely because pizza has a lot more sodium per serving than a hamburger [an entire medium pizza can have up to 4000mg sodium for the entire thing].

    Not necessarily. For me, and perhaps many other, the pizza might be a better choice because some of us need more sodium due to very low blood pressure.

    Also, you can make your own pizza without a lot of sodium.

    It all depends on your tastes, calorie allowance and fulfilling your macros.
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    all i can think to say is who cares.
    lol but really both are delicious both can be better or worse. yay we can all have different tastes, goals, and opinions.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    kbmh611 wrote: »
    Also I look at it this way: if you show me a small square of thin crust pizza and say "you can have this one square for 280 calories or you can put that 280 towards the 400 of a burger and have that instead." I'm going to choose the bigger more fulfilling burger that is a meal in itself, over a square or two of pizza that might not get me very far.

    The whole argument is a moot point for me because either 280 calories of pizza or a 400 calorie burger wouldn't even be enough to piss me off. 280-400 calories isn't a meal, it barely even qualifies as a snack. Put a 400 calorie burger in front of me and I'm going to dislocate my jaw like a snake, swallow it whole and say "Okay, when's dinner?".

    So you've eaten 800+ calorie burgers?
    You haven't? Almost any burger truly worth eating is over 800 calories.

    Merciful Ath, even the lean meat, calorie conscious burgers I make at home are 650 calories and worth every calorie. When I go for a good, gourmet burger, it better be 800 calories ++ or I'm being ripped off.
  • Karb_Kween
    Karb_Kween Posts: 2,681 Member
    dkabambe wrote: »
    The world has spoken..
    (At time of posting 66.56% favoured a pizza)

    LOLOLOL I like that
    jenkofb wrote: »
    Pizza Hut supreme vs a quarter pounder from McD's:

    Screen_Shot_2016_10_22_at_8_58_08_AM.pngimages upload

    Screen_Shot_2016_10_22_at_8_57_54_AM.pngimage upload

    I'm having a hard time beleiving the pan pizza is only 290 calories, however when you do the McD's you know you're getting fries so that stacks up to like 1000 cals when you coulda just had two pizzas..... slices
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member

    An unmodified Large Supreme Pizza has 390 Cals per serving size (1 slice).

    So, sure - eating TWO servings of pizza is likely more expensive Calorically than ONE serving of a McD's Quarter Pounder. But... one serving of that pizza is less expensive Calorically than one serving of that burger.