

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    Happy November lovely ladies! I feel like a recorder, because every month I hop on here at the beginning of the month and post my goals for the month, I read everyone's posts and realize I didn't keep up enough to know what's going on with everyone and promise to do better! UGH.

    I hope everyone is doing well.

    Heather, I LOVE the pictures you posted. Your little Halloweeners are adorable! I also love the house you are looking at purchasing. It looks so charming and inviting. Good luck! It reminds me a lot of the house my grandmother lived in and I have such wonderful memories of that house.

    After reading the posts for November so far, it looks like I've missed some tips on cutting back and stretching dollars. I think I will keep October's thread starred and try to go back and read it a little at a time.

    I've been home over a week now with pneumonia. So the good news is that I've lost a few pounds but the bad news is that I had to get sick to do it. ;) I started a weight loss program which my daughter is the regional manager for, a few weeks ago. It is basically cutting the sugar out of my diet and focusing on proteins, vegetables and healthy whole foods. I'm doing pretty well on it actually. This is the very first Halloween in all 56 years of my life that I did not eat even one piece of candy! I'm calling that a WIN in my book. I love me some chocolate! LOL

    My October goals were:
    1. Weigh less at the end of the month (YES!)
    2. Drink half my weight in water daily (Did pretty well with this)
    3. Cut out the foods testing positive on my Food Sensitivity test (YES)
    4. Sugar below 29g per day (YES)
    5. Meal plan and do food prep on the weekends for the week (eh...not so great...)
    6. Activity at least 3 times a week (started out okay but then dropped off. getting sick did not help)
    7. Meditate every night before bed for better sleep (Listened to audio meditations every night for sleep)
    8. Enjoy each day and be grateful for what is… (YES)

    Wow! Looking back, I think this is the best I've ever done meeting goals! That actually put a smile on my face today, and trust me, with this cough I haven't much felt like smiling!

    I love the goal someone above wrote about about getting holiday shopping done before Thanksgiving! I would LOVE to meet that goal also. Christmas turns into such a stressful time for me every single year and it shouldn't be a stressful time. I do agree that materialism is a big part of holidays now. We have 17 grandchildren and 1 great grandson, with twin great grandsons on the way in March and it is ridiculous trying to get them all Christmas presents! My husband wants me to stop buying for them, but I just can't get myself to do it. I love their faces when they walk in the door with such excitement. It is my favorite but most stressful time of year. I have to find a way to cut back this year but have not figured out how I will do that yet. :smile:

    I'm happy to see so many familiar names and I hope you all have a wonderful day! I'll try to check in and get caught up later and throughout the week...I feel like a "bad friend". :wink:

    Tracie in WI

    *If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got! Time for a change…*

    November Goals:
    1. Weigh less at the end of the month
    2. Drink half my weight in water daily
    3. Cut out the foods testing positive on my Food Sensitivity test
    4. Continue following the Medi Weightloss plan
    5. Meal plan and do food prep on the weekends for the week
    6. Activity at least 3 times a week
    7. Have half my Christmas shopping done by the end of the month
    8. Make all the adult couples homemade gifts (Pinterest ideas for pot holders, kitchen towels, baskets, etc.)

  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Beautiful children! They make me smile! Love the house, looks very British, something you see on mystery. Gayle Minneapolis
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,365 Member
    @lwr731 Welcome! You've come to a great place. This group is so inviting and helpful. I love it. I'm not nearly as active on it as I wish I were and I'm working on that...(less Pinterest and more MFP).

    I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. I want to wish you good luck with the 3 interviews this week. Hopefully, one of them will be perfect for you! That is stressful and it sounds like you have had enough of it lately!

    Congratulations on your 20 lb weight loss!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Juanita, what a nice tradition my although in a lot of neighborhoods parents would be leary of their child accepting a hot dog from a stranger. My daughter lives in a neighborhood where they could do something like that. Sounds like fun. When my kids were little there was a family down the street that made sure their child gave candy to us before they took candy from us.

    Bea, love the kids, all of them are so cute. Is that house a semidetached? Looks good.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Well October was not as gang busters as I had hoped. I lost only 1lb last month. I ran the reports tab to see if I had any clue as to why things did not progress as I had hoped.

    I saw that over the last 3 months my weight loss has slowed a little each month. That I have longer periods of 'steady' weight before I drop anything. Eating has been steady, in fact I have gotten pretty good about not eating over my calorie count, with only a minor slip here and there. I usually do not eat back all my exercise calories, at 1300 calories a day I can not go down.

    My exercise minutes actually went up in October compared to September. Nice to see but only adds to my confusion. With the weather/season turning I will return to my elliptical in the basement where I can watch the wind and cold and snow through the sliding glass door while I exercise rather than partake in it.

    Any suggestions as to why I now have some pretty stubborn pounds that don't want to leave? I'm doing everything (diet, logging, exercise) even better than I did when I was losing 3-4 lbs a month. I can't claim 'puffy' Princess issues as that left the building so many decades ago.

    My friends have noticed my weight loss and I have bought new jeans as my older pairs I kept losing if I didn't wear a belt to keep them up. All that said, I am not at the end of my journey yet.

    I look to the wise ones on this thread for suggestions or explanations for my slowing weight loss.

    Charleen in Colorado (Cool day, I have a date with the elliptical again)
  • mamatigerj
    mamatigerj Posts: 106 Member
    edited November 2016
    Joyce, the first year we did it, we cooked about 50 and most people said "no, thank you" to the hot dogs but "yes, please" to the water bottles until the end of the evening (when i guess hunger took over) and we gave away about half of them. The second year people remembered us (and since nobody had died ;) ) we gave away most of them. The third year we ran out, and we have been doing twice as many ever since. We usually give away between 75 & 100. Teenagers often bring their friends and sheepishly come back for seconds!

    Heather, beautiful littles! Best of luck with the house.

    Lisa, WELCOME! This is a wonderful little cyber neighbourhood!
  • blumenstockbj
    blumenstockbj Posts: 94 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    blumenstockbj ~ Are you really 100? LOL What would you like to be called? Your pup is so cute!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :)Charleen, when you asked for ideas and suggestions about your slowed weight loss, the first thing I looked for was your food and exercise diary, but they're not public, so right now, I can't make any suggestions.

    :)Cheryl in CA make a decision right now to check back on this thread every day...we'd love to get to know you better.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Barbie - fixed. It's open now.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Joyce - Yes, that is a semi detached. :D It was built, I guess, in the 1920s, so the "mystery" guesser was right on. Very Miss Marple. I love that era. Art deco. Funnily enough, the house we missed out on in Winchester last time (long story) was an almost carbon copy! Original windows, doors, fireplaces.
    The agent says she wants a shade more money, so we have offered half the difference. :o Waiting now to hear. The agent is holding her hand to try and find herself a suitable property once we have an offer. She is happy that we may be a while in selling. ;) We have our first viewer on Friday.
    Lots of hoops, but we know it is the right house. DH is happy to have the sea at the end of the road. We will buy bicycles.

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hello ladies.

    Haven't posted for a few days but have been reading everything. Been kinda lonely the last few days but I feel better today.

    Didn't have any trick or treater's last night, but it doesn't surprise me. My neighborhood is mostly adults. It was just me and my kitty last night. I'm just glad I didn't buy any candy. At least I won't have any laying around to tempt me. I love all the pics of the little ones in costume though, sooo cute!

    The shot didn't work, as I figured it wouldn't. It didn't last time. It just made the pain worse for a couple of days and made me nausious, but hey, no throwing up for 4 days like last time! That was a bonus! Next comes physical therapy and pool therapy, which starts next week. I look forward to the pool therapy as for just a little while, while I'm in the pool, the pain goes away. Those times are little blessings I enjoy thoroughly!

    My goals for November are simple. Eat healthy, walk everyday and weigh less at the end of the month. Those should be easy enough, I would think.

    Well, I should go for now. Need to make some phone calls, eat something for lunch and hit the street for my walk. I'm glad everyone had a happy Halloween!

    Sherry in somewhat sunny but chilly Portland
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Heather- thanks for sharing the Halloween pictures! Your DGK's are all adorable! I am hoping that you get your house it looks fantastic! What a great location.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Lisa – thanks!! Good luck getting hooked up with the VA - I have your kind of health insurance, 6,000 annual deductible, but it makes me shop my health care, that can be good.

    Allie – something you said – flashed with me…. So maybe it is just crap, maybe there is a grain of truth… so take it for what it is worth – “Tracy hates Tom and makes it very evident .. so it makes it very hard on me and she doesn't care about my feeling either..” This made me think of my mom, who lives with my brother who treats her like crap, (swearing, verbal violence) and I don’t go there for holidays, or much else, and I can just hear her saying “kim doesn’t care about my feelings” where the truth is I do care, so much that I can not be around that mess without speaking up which puts me in the line of fire from my brother, which I will not tolerate. And if I speak up or leave my brother treats my Mom worse because it is her “fault” that I am such a worthless piece of *hit. I don’t know Tracy, but how much of her choices is because she doesn’t like how Tom treats you, and doesn’t want that example for her child either.

    Heather – the kids are so cute! And the house ! I love the look.

    Juanita – You hit Onederland!!!!!! Great job

    Lisa – welcome

    Charleen – 2 random thoughts, are you measuring? Could you be losing inches, but not weight? And how is your sleep – that can affect weight loss.

    Cheryl and Judy in CA – welcome I’m in CA too.

    Sherry - I try to remember to come here when I’m feeling lonely it seems there is always a friend here.

    Mary – thinking of you!

    So thinking about November goals, with the holiday’s coming… I know I need to do some things to help with the holiday stress….

    November Goals:

    Write Christmas letter, and have all cards ready to send by Dec1…
    Read and report on a book
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption -


    Kim from N. California
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hello everyone! I just wanted to do some strength training. I need to start out really slow since I am rehabbing my shoulder. I don't want to put too much weight on my shoulder and the empty bar did not exacerbate the pain at all.

    Squats- 3x10x45

    Tomorrow I am going to try the kettle bell at 30 pounds.


    Mary from Minnesota