
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited November 2016
    Heather – Happy you got the house you liked in Hove. It is a really cute house. I know you will enjoy it and any changes you make to it, and being closer to the DGC.

    Re – Thanks! Jenn said that her Dad was really tired after a day or OT, PT, and having another MRI which still showed a bleed that they have been hoping to clear up on it’s own. They do not want to have to do any more surgery as it would be dangerous. Up and down and Suzanne does not like ups and downs. MD said that maybe it was because he had so much going on that day. Girls have come back home; Jenn might drive their car down so they’ll have a way to get home, if Tommy is released. But, that is not anytime soon. Suzanne wants to stay in Miami if he has to have any kind of ‘in-patient’ therapy. We are all so thankful that nephew told her to make sure they took her to Mt. Sinai instead of going to the nearest community hospital first. That probably saved his life. I have not checked CaringBridges.org yet today to see how his night went yet.

    Cheri – We were pulling for the CUBS! Yeah, a great win after a dry spell of 108 years! Hope the little old lady they have interviewed on TV several times was happy with the outcome!

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Barbie- good for you going to dance class. I bet your feet were tapping to the music.
    Heather _ great news. Envious of you getting your house decluttered
    Juanita - super news on your hubby getting a new job.
    Re-someone else said the exact thoughts I had reading your post about wanting to lose the weight now. My new daily plan is to eat mindfully. Think before you eat something. It is more about the quality of the calories you eat than the total for the day. Bless your heart, think about how far you've come. ((((Hugs)))))
    Cheri- you figured the picture posting. Guess I am too old to learn new tricks.
    Ok,ready to get on with the day.

    SueBDew in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    went up and talked to my daughter, and my dad.. then came home and blowed the leaves into a pile and covered them so they dont get soaked , and raked some and took them to the dump, came in and changed and have another load of laundry in dryer.. will leave here around 1 to go to the tea room..
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Karin great modelling self care.
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    Hello All
    I've been in a bad spot for a couple of years now. Gained back the 75+ pounds I lost and recently was diagnosed with arthritis in my spine and fibromyalgia. But life is good, as is God. So onward I go.
    November goals:
    7000+ steps
    Follow doctors orders to rest
    Embrace life as it is

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Love the weekly fitness calendar! will download when I get home. Thanks, NYKAREN
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member

    Well, as you know, I've been super busy with the Halloween social. But in that time I have kept up with my exercising (did it every day) and for the most part decent food. I've been posting short updates about me on my homepage so people will know that all is OK, I've just been super busy. But know that you all were always in my thoughts

    I admit, I'm going to skim. Please excuse me if I miss anything.

    KJ - I've never had the pleasure of working out with any of the Beachbody DVD's

    We didn't get much from the hurricane. We're too far inland. We're at the foothills of the mountains, almost to TN. Thank you everyone for your concern

    pip - I need music for motivation, especially when I take the water aerobics class. It's so simple to start going slower but having music makes me push myself harder

    Welcome all the returnees and new members

    Awesome pics

    Lenora - glad that workout worked for you. Is it only 12 more days to go?

    Glo - so sorry to hear about your son

    There are three buildings in our condo complex in Titusville. One of the buildings (not ours) had roof damage.

    Lisa - congrats on your election

    Re - I wasn't in for a while because I was VERY busy getting ready for the Halloween social. I'll post some pics of the indoor decorations. I did try to post on the newsfeed what was going on

    When I had my flu shot, I at one point got so hot it was pathetic, Then I got so cold. And my arm was really sore for a day or two

    One day I woke up and Apple in its infinite wisdom had installed Windows 10. I never asked for it.

    congrats on all the NSVs and losses so my sympathies to those with personal losses

    katla - congrats. What a gorgeous baby you have there

    What was up this year? We had about 1/2 as many trick or treaters as we usually do

    I HATE the time change

    Thanks for the reminder that we are in November now

    I like the setting the scale back. Now that's a setting back that I can live with. LOL about the midnight snacks

    Happy Birthday to all those who had birthdays while I was gone

    Well, I guess the big news is that we won't be going to Mexican Train any more. A few years ago when it was first started, the gal who always wanted it at her house, her house is small. People were telling me that they stopped going because there wasn't room. That's when I offered that she could host in my house. I offered twice, she never took me up on it. Well, she just now decided that her house is too small so she's moving it to the airport. The airport is part of the city of Hickory and if we purchase food from the restaurant there, we get the room for free. Only Vince won't eat their food, I'm not at all crazy about it. So, in essence, we'd be paying $14 for me to drink water. I don't think so.... They said that we could come and pay $3. So I get to pay $6 (not to mention gas $$ to drive there) for what?

    Jess was in Charlotte at a conference so we went & had dinner with her yesterday.

    I HATE Windows 10. Sometimes I just lose the curser entirely, and that just happened to me

    Michele in NC


  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Wow, Michele, all this is how you decorate the inside of your house???? I know you have huge decorations out for Christmas but WOW. So do you throw a huge party or is this all for yourself.

    Joyce,, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lisa: Good news that your boss is hiring help to make your workload more reasonable. You are valued. Yay! :bigsmile:

    Mamatiger: Your grandson is adorable! My grandson also looks like Bamm Bamm, but doesn't need a costume for that role. He wore a different costume for Halloween. He was a tiger. :wink:

    Mary: Happy Birthday! Shep looks wonderful. :flowerforyou: I love the lady turning the clock back. I wouldn't pick 20 for myself. If I did there would be no kids and no grandkids. If I could LOOK like twenty and not lose any of my life experience I would give it serious consideration. :devil:

    Liz: Your friends gave you a fabulous "get well" gift. A clean house is so restful! :smiley:

    Cheri: Our best solar light died and we haven't replaced it yet. I'm telling DH I want another for Christmas—early. :grumble:

    Michele: I am amazed at all the things you do. I'm sorry that Mexican Train is being high-jacked. Could you offer to host it at your house? Perhaps there are others who would step up for an occasional gathering at their homes for Mexican Train and people could take turns. (((HUGS)))

    We are having a new door added to get into the storage area under the stairs. It is a big space and Harry Potter would have had a comfortable room there when he was still staying with his horrid Uncle. So far our project is coming out very well. YAY!!!!!!!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    Michelle~ glad to see you back, and Holy Cow if I saw that spider I think I would have died !!!!
    amazing decorations
    and just got back from the tea room, such a lovely place and wonderful company...
    all the blessed raking I did this afternoon and now its breezy and leaves all over the place grrrrrr
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :) I had my phone appointment with the surgeon's P.A. today. The good news is that I can ride my exercise bike, lift 10-15 pounds, and drive (also bathe in a tub, use a hot tub or go in the pool, none of which interests me). The less than good news is that I have to wait for clearance from Physical Therapy about dancing and dog walking. First the referral has to go from the doctor's office to local Physical Therapy, then they have to call me, then I have to make one or more appointments to go in for whatever they want to evaluate or prescribe. I am trying very hard to not be bummed out by that. I guess I got ahead of myself and my expectations got me in emotional trouble. So I rode the exercise bike for 15 minutes and I'll see tomorrow if I have any ill effects from that.

    81824br5uyrfrsr.gifBarbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington t113030.gif
  • Purl62
    Purl62 Posts: 37 Member
    Hello everyone! What happened to October? I fell of the proverbial wagon but am back. Today is day one of tracking again. The last couple months have been a series of setbacks- some minor, some bigger, but I can't let them keep me off track. My biggest challenge is the short dark days of the northwest winters. Love the long days of summer, but I really struggle with the darkness. And I want to eat all the carbs! The gym has a maintenance program that is an extension of the structured program that I did last year. I have to admit that I can't do it on my own and just sign up and pay for it. It is expensive, but, it is more expensive in other ways to not do it. At least that is my rationalization. I just set an alarm on my phone to remind me to call and sign up tomorrow- didn't realize that the gal who I need to sign up with is only there until 2 pm. Hoping if I call first thing in the morning I can start tomorrow.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Michele quite the layout. You must have a fun putting them all out.