Pregnancy- July 2011



  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Rachel – yea for the last box!!!!! So glad you liked you doula.

    Maria – I have everything crossed for you! Hope you’re having that baby!!

    Julie – maybe a new/different pressure is a good thing. I’m the one with a dirty mouth at home, hubby rarely if ever swears. I don’t even realize I’m doing it half the time; I just sort of work the bad words into my sentences. It’s the worst when I’m driving….I really need to work on it before Kathryn gets here. Good luck at your appointment today!

    Danielle – Kathryn really reacts to hubbys voice too, I love it!

    Cori – welcome and congratulations!

    Mel – almost everything is firewalled at work, I’m going to have to check out that link when I get home.

    Jen – you are not huge!!! And people has been telling me I’m huge since 4 months, they’re all a******s. And everyone feels the need to remind me that I’m going to be hot and miserable this summer. Uhhh, news flash I already know!! Don’t listen to them, some people have no filter or common sense when it comes to talking to pregnant women.

    Racheal – the goal is for you and baby to be healthy and safe. How you get to that outcome is completely your choice and I support whatever decision you make.

    Julz – I hate cold swimming water too!! It takes me forever to completely get in, even though I know I should just quickly get it over with. The only time I was ever comfortable getting in was in Puerto Rico because the water is always warm there.

    Maureen – I think after a certain point you just have to go with the flow. I hope your delivery goes as smoothly as possible and you’re able to do it without meds if that’s what you want.

    Elizabeth – ugh, I had a lot of last minute RSVP’s with my wedding too. Just focus on you and your hubby, nothing else matters.
    Anne – when my dad was in the hospital I would watch the professional poker games on TV with him. Yea for your brother!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I called my OB yesterday because I had a question about medicine I could take for my wrist. She said she could prescribe me sometime stronger than Tylenol if I wanted but it sounds like a pregnancy related carpel tunnel not a sprain. She also said it could be delayed pain from the way I slammed my hand into the Harry Patter sign at the movie theater. After wearing my brace all day yesterday I have no pain now, but I’m going to keep wearing the brace at work for a few more days just because I’m at a computer all day.

    Glucose test was fine. I got really worried because I talked to a few people who got really sick and dizzy during the test, but I had no problem at all. The people who got sick are also ones who had gestational diabetes, so my wishful thinking is that since I didn’t feel sick than I don’t have it. Pregnancy logic at its best! :laugh:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Thanks ladies for your constant kindness and support. I am really glad I have this support system through my pregnancy.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    I'm sorry guys I had taken the rest of the day after my post to try to get some rest and walking in but nothing. Still having contractions but they've spread out again :( Although last night I didn't get much rest cause I kept feeling some crazy painful contractions. I really hope it's soon but i'm guess that i may be 2cm and stuck there right now. Going to work up til 1pm today then i may just leave after this.

    Julie: I hope your visit goes well today and hopefully have your LO very soon.

    Anne: That's so cool about your brother. I hope he keeps doing well also!

    Re. the topic of swearing I think kids will be exposed regardless esp if they're in a public school and it's just up to the parents if they decide that it's a big deal or not. I didn't swear much growing up or as an adult just don't think it really fits my personality i was more of one that would make up funny little fake bad words just to make ppl laugh. I think i'll talk to my LO if I ever hear it but sometimes i think as a child if you're forbidden it makes it more fun to rebel.

    Elizabeth: I hope everything goes well at your wedding and most of all you enjoy every minute.

    Racheal: That's great! You have my support for the induction I hope you have your LO in your arms very soon.

    Ron: I experienced a really bad pain w my thumb after opening too many water bottles just after 24 wks and it hasn't gone away. The doctor thinks its pregnancy related (hormone relaxin) so she just gave me a stint which made my wrist sore and just made it worst so i'm just having to deal w it until baby comes. Hopefully yours goes away I know it's not only painful but also annoying when you can't do things like you normally would.
  • many0814
    many0814 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone! I am new to this board. I am pregnant and expecting my 2nd child in early November.

    I'm really looking for some support to stay motivated and eat healthy throughout the remainder of my pregnancy. Please don't hate me, but I never have had issues with my weight before but everything about this pregnancy is so different. I am 23 weeks along and I have gained 30 pounds all ready. Yes, 30. I am shocked, confused, and depressed. I need help!

    I have always been active, healthy, and conscious of my body and general well-being. I gained about 40 lbs with my first pregnancy and lost it all and a few extra within 6 months. So when I first started gaining this time around, I wasn't too concerned. But it has gotten out of hand. I was so sick at the beginning of this pregnancy, all I could eat was carbs. And the more I ate, the better I felt. I think I have continued this for the past 4 months which has led to my excessive weight gain. Plus, my 18 month old daughter requires constant attention, so my workouts have gone down to basically nothing.

    I want to get my weight in check for the health of both me and my baby. My midwife suggested using this tool and so far it has been really helpful (and at times shocking!) to see what I eat on a daily basis now. I'm looking forward to tracking everything and making changes in my life!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    welcome to new people btw!

    And julie ... I am so worried I am gonna flip out and get very hysterical at being told I need a c-section. I havent even tried to mentally prepare myself for that.

    Elizabeth - good luck with your wedding!

    Maria - sorry about your contractions. I noticed I have really bad/painful ones at night but they never last super long.
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Hello everyone! I am new to this board. I am pregnant and expecting my 2nd child in early November.

    I'm really looking for some support to stay motivated and eat healthy throughout the remainder of my pregnancy. Please don't hate me, but I never have had issues with my weight before but everything about this pregnancy is so different. I am 23 weeks along and I have gained 30 pounds all ready. Yes, 30. I am shocked, confused, and depressed. I need help!

    I have always been active, healthy, and conscious of my body and general well-being. I gained about 40 lbs with my first pregnancy and lost it all and a few extra within 6 months. So when I first started gaining this time around, I wasn't too concerned. But it has gotten out of hand. I was so sick at the beginning of this pregnancy, all I could eat was carbs. And the more I ate, the better I felt. I think I have continued this for the past 4 months which has led to my excessive weight gain. Plus, my 18 month old daughter requires constant attention, so my workouts have gone down to basically nothing.

    I want to get my weight in check for the health of both me and my baby. My midwife suggested using this tool and so far it has been really helpful (and at times shocking!) to see what I eat on a daily basis now. I'm looking forward to tracking everything and making changes in my life!

    Welcome! This is a great place to start. My story is close to yours but the other way around. With DS I put on a lot of weight. Total of 50 pounds and it took me 2 1/2 years to get it off. This also is baby number 2 for me except this time I have been using this site the whole time. So far I'm 26 weeks and up 19 which I feel is do to the help of this site and the wonderful ladies on this board!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    For those of you considering different pain management - i'd recommend you ask your dr / hospital if they offer nitrous. Especially those in early preg because there's the chance they might implement it by then. I'd recommend you bring it up to your Dr no matter if you intend to use it or not, because the more people that ask about it the better chance it will be offered wide spread in the states again. I would 100% do it that way again if we ever have more kids. It doesn't do much for the active labor part - you have to make it through that, but that pain (for me at least) was very manageable. It hurts a lot, but it's not excruciating. (I did get a shot of something, but it was for the migraine and helped a little with overall pain for a little while, i wouldn't have though if it weren't for the migraine). nitrous isn't good for active labor because it takes a little while to kick in and is right back out of your system in seconds, so there's not enough time for it to kick in and help too much as contractions come and go. It's great for the end though because you can pick to do a little or a lot - anything from "take the edge off" to "can't really feel anything" - it doesn't take all the pain away, but let's just say, during the pushing phase (i started nitrous right before pushing) I couldn't even tell when I was having a contraction! I could feel mild to moderate pain from pushing and crowning, but you also get the joy of not really being able to remember all of it (if you choose to go heavy on the nitrous - which I very much chose to do! :laugh: ) The only possible downside to it is if you want heavy pain coverage you have to give up a little of the awareness - you are not knocked out - you are very aware of everything that is going on, but you're a little slow to communicate things and it is a little hazzy. It wears off right away though. You can also lower your intake to be less drugged, but I didn't really want to because I didn't want to feel the pain and I was afraid of how much it would hurt! I am sure i could have easily lowered it a little. :laugh: I'd just recommend requesting in advance that your provider walk you through everything that is happening. You're probably a bit confused as to exactly what is going on in any first delivery (this was technically my first) so it helps to have them really explain what is going on - and with nitrous - because it's new to the drs an nurses - to know that you are very aware but have a delay in responding. They were unsure if i could hear their instructions etc since they never had anyone use it before. I at one point, after some hard pushing and pain had to ask if the baby was born yet or if I had to keep pushing :laugh: (unfortunately, the latter!)

    Anyway, that's my avocation for nitrous! I remember afterward telling my husband "that's some good ****!" And like I said, even if you dont think you'll do it, you should ask about it because it needs interest to pick back up in popularity here. Maybe by time you have kids next time it will be more readily available and you can try it! I am sure our UK mamas here can vouch for it as well!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Danielle: I am glad your apt. went well. It is always awesome to be able to see your LO.

    Jen: I don't know how you are going to whole time not knowing the gender. You are pretty awesome. I bet you are way excited for the 4D, those are soo awesome.

    Ronya, Glad your glucose test went well. I am really sorry about your wrist. That isn't fun at all.

    Julie: I am excited for you for your apt. today. Keep us posted for sure. You are so right on the statement "I don't give a flying flip how, just get this baby out of me!"

    As for dirty mouths: I swear on the occasion but I am more of a sh**, da**, *kitten* kind of girl. My hubby actually swears less than me, he only does when he is REALLY mad. I do when I get super frustrated, but I think I have a pretty good control over it and I think I won't say any of those around my little girl.

    Welcome Cori! And wecome Many0814!

    Rachel: I am glad your meeting with the doula went well. I am happy for you.

    Elizabeth: I have also heard of someone I knew who went bowling and then went into labor right after. Hmmm... Good luck on your wedding. That is so exciting.

    Anne: It's ok that your cried. I am sure they understand, plus we are emotional! That is cool about your brother being a pro poker player!

    As far as FIL in the room-- not going to happen. My own dad isn't even allowed in. I am not sure if I even want any extra people in the room until after she is born. I am glad the hospital is good at being the "bad guy" also, so I can just say a code word and everyone is gone. I know he was referring to being there for the delivery and not just before and after, because he is just that type and would expect to be there.

    Julie and Maureen: I am nervous too about the possibility of a c-section. I know that an induction could possibly increase the risks, however, a couple of weeks ago my MW told me my pelvis was on the smaller side. So with that said, if I let my baby get too big the odds of c-section are higher also because I won't be able to get her out. I would much rather have her induced and vaginally than waiting too long.

    Hopefully we can all have healthy vaginal births that go fairly smoothly.
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    For those of you considering different pain management - i'd recommend you ask your dr / hospital if they offer nitrous. Especially those in early preg because there's the chance they might implement it by then. I'd recommend you bring it up to your Dr no matter if you intend to use it or not, because the more people that ask about it the better chance it will be offered wide spread in the states again. I would 100% do it that way again if we ever have more kids. It doesn't do much for the active labor part - you have to make it through that, but that pain (for me at least) was very manageable. It hurts a lot, but it's not excruciating. (I did get a shot of something, but it was for the migraine and helped a little with overall pain for a little while, i wouldn't have though if it weren't for the migraine). nitrous isn't good for active labor because it takes a little while to kick in and is right back out of your system in seconds, so there's not enough time for it to kick in and help too much as contractions come and go. It's great for the end though because you can pick to do a little or a lot - anything from "take the edge off" to "can't really feel anything" - it doesn't take all the pain away, but let's just say, during the pushing phase (i started nitrous right before pushing) I couldn't even tell when I was having a contraction! I could feel mild to moderate pain from pushing and crowning, but you also get the joy of not really being able to remember all of it (if you choose to go heavy on the nitrous - which I very much chose to do! :laugh: ) The only possible downside to it is if you want heavy pain coverage you have to give up a little of the awareness - you are not knocked out - you are very aware of everything that is going on, but you're a little slow to communicate things and it is a little hazzy. It wears off right away though. You can also lower your intake to be less drugged, but I didn't really want to because I didn't want to feel the pain and I was afraid of how much it would hurt! I am sure i could have easily lowered it a little. :laugh: I'd just recommend requesting in advance that your provider walk you through everything that is happening. You're probably a bit confused as to exactly what is going on in any first delivery (this was technically my first) so it helps to have them really explain what is going on - and with nitrous - because it's new to the drs an nurses - to know that you are very aware but have a delay in responding. They were unsure if i could hear their instructions etc since they never had anyone use it before. I at one point, after some hard pushing and pain had to ask if the baby was born yet or if I had to keep pushing :laugh: (unfortunately, the latter!)

    Anyway, that's my avocation for nitrous! I remember afterward telling my husband "that's some good ****!" And like I said, even if you dont think you'll do it, you should ask about it because it needs interest to pick back up in popularity here. Maybe by time you have kids next time it will be more readily available and you can try it! I am sure our UK mamas here can vouch for it as well!

    Hmmm interesting. I personally don't do well on that stuff. I had it for a tooth once and FREAKED OUT. :noway: So I'll stick with my epidural again. That was awesome. I had a great dr. put it in so I was only numb from my stomach to the top of my legs. I could still feel pressure but not pain. I also could move my legs. It gave me a chance to relax and I got it at midnight and I was pushing by 2am. Good stuff. Anyway, glad that you found something that worked for you. I didn't like the "out of it" feeling I had with nitrous but glad that it worked for you!
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member

    An OB is a doctor. A midwife is a nurse with specific training in pregnancy/childbirth but is not a medical doctor like an OB. If you have an OB, you'll just have an OB. If you have a midwife, you'll probably just have a midwife unless you develop complications they feel would be better monitored by an OB.

    In many countries, most women use midwives unless they've deemed high risk for some reason. In the US, it's very common for women to use an OB regardless of whether or not they're high risk.

    thanks for that! I think i'll just stick with the OB, I'm lucky to have a family friend for mine so i feel that its personalized enough
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member

    The "only" reason they say don't eat when i labor is because of the chance of needing general anesthesia and aspirating if you vomit. You may or may not puke during labor (I puked like 6 times this go round - but it was from the magnesium and pit combo) but that's not really why they say don't eat. Some hospitals are even advancing to the point where they don't make laboring women NPO. You're going to be hungry and you need energy - before you go to the hospital, stop and have dinner! My midwife actually suggested to me to be sure to eat before I came in because they would not let me eat there. Funny story - my mom when she was in labor with her 3rd didn't tell my dad for like 6 hours because she wanted to eat and knew as soon as she told him he would not let her - since it was very common instruction back then not to eat at all when in labor.

    When a friend of mine's water broke she was in the middle of devouring the packet of chocolates that her hubby had hidden from her (as per her instructions), so before she ran to tell him she neatly put the chocolates back in their hiding place and disposed of the evidence :laugh:
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    So after a successful couple of days on my no-sweet crusade i decided to treat myself to a cup of chocolate icecream with hot fudge sauce last night! the instant satisfaction was great, but the repercussions were horrible :sad: including dry retching and diarrhea before work this morning, yuk! So, because i was feeling so crappy i decided to dress up nicely for work and even put on some makeup (not a usual occurrence for me), only to have my hubby come in and say 'WOW, arent you looking pregnant today!' thanks babe:noway:

    Still feeling sick with nausea and a headache so am sticking with light meals today. my little man seems to have calmed down alot since I cut back on the sugar which is a nice perk. This is going to be an exciting week for this forum with so many lovely ladies expecting their babies!!!

    Will enjoy a night by myself tonight, consisting of a walk around the reservoir, a vegetable-filled dinner and hopefully an early night.
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    I had more blood work this morning.
    They did my GD test early (at 24 weeks) given my history so this time I had the rest of the normal 28-ish weeks stuff done (CBC, blood type, urine sample).
    The lab opens at 7 am according to the sign on the door. I get there at 6:50 and the waiting room was FULL. What time did THEY ALL get there??!! Crazy!

    Baby shower is planned for August 27th and I'm excited about it. Can't wait to see what neat baby girl things are on the market. It's fun knowing what's growing in there. We weren't allowed to find out when I was pregnant with my daughter in 2005/2006 as it was against policy so everything was gender neutral until after she was born.

    She's all set for clothes for a while (especially sleepers) and the crib is ordered, we have a new convertible car seat but I want to get an infant one as well.
    Not sure if we're going to bother with a change table or not. Maybe we'll refinish an old dresser and use a contoured change pad just to save money.
    Still need a diaper bag too but it's hard to find something practical.
    I'm waiting until after the baby shower to go shopping for the odds and ends. Exciting!!

    I have a prenatal appointment tomorrow afternoon. Nothing interesting ever happens. I'm tempted to throw the scale out the office window though. I should have gained much over the last 3-weeks thanks to really watching what I eat because of GD. Here's hoping!
  • tippett610
    tippett610 Posts: 67 Member
    I had no idea all y'all were out here... I am due July 29th.
    It's really nice to know that I'm not crazy for wanting to watch what I eat and try and stay somewhat healthy during my pregnancy. So many people tell you to just eat what you want , you have a reason now. Honestly, I have tried so hard to do the opposite! I am very weight conscience even when I'm not pregnant!

    Nice to meet everyone!

  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Monday 8 am. So the latest will be Monday that I will see my sweet little girl. :love:
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    I had no idea all y'all were out here... I am due July 29th.
    It's really nice to know that I'm not crazy for wanting to watch what I eat and try and stay somewhat healthy during my pregnancy. So many people tell you to just eat what you want , you have a reason now. Honestly, I have tried so hard to do the opposite! I am very weight conscience even when I'm not pregnant!

    Nice to meet everyone!


    Yeah, the "oh you're eating for two, have some more" analogy isn't true but most people don't know that, lol.
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Monday 8 am. So the latest will be Monday that I will see my sweet little girl. :love:

    Very exciting!!!
    All the best :)
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Jen- Nope you are not alone with getting insensitive comments :( Stupid people.

    Julie- Can’t WAIT to hear about your appointment…. If we don’t hear from you tonight I am assuming they broke your water and you went into labor!

    Ronya- I hope your test comes back well! I was worried too but mine ended up just fine.

    Maria- ahhh well I hope you get some rest until your LO shows up!

    Many- Welcome. It is great you are trying to be healthy during your pregnancy. Have you been able to exercise throughout?

    Mel- thanks for the advice, I will look into it!

    Melissa- that’s funny about your friend :) Sounds like a great night you have planned! Sorry you aren’t feeling well.

    Rachael- I am so jealous of your many US’s. I am considering asking for one at the next apt. to check our LO’s growth and see what the estimate her size so we don’t induce and have her be really small (she was great at 33 weeks but it has been awhile)… we may have to pay for it though.

    Caperfae- Hope your GD test goes well! Your baby shower will be so fun! Baby girl stuff is exciting!

    Melissa- Welcome! You are very close as well :) We are all trying to enjoy our eating but not be out of control just because of a baby! We need to be healthy for our babies when they come :)

    I had the most frustrating morning. The person who was going to cover my classroom for the first 12 weeks of school got a full time job in another city and didn't tell me till this morning. i went into school and they had no idea so they have to find someone else to cover last minute and I know it won't be done by the time I have the baby... which means I won't get to give them my lesson plans, pacing guides, and guidelines for me classroom. ay. trying to not worry about it.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Monday 8 am. So the latest will be Monday that I will see my sweet little girl. :love:

    aww Rach, so excited for you!