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Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    No @MermaidPrincessRach ... I am not Irish ... except on St Patrick's Day ... and everyone always asks that of me when they hear my birthday date ... does that happen to you as well? Reminds me of a funny story from back in 1980 ... I had a coworker pal who was Irish (just one look and you knew!) whose name was Patricia. We went out for drinks and dinner after work to celebrate my birthday and wore Irish lapel pins and I met an Irish man named Patrick ... so we were the three Irish Patties that day ... 2 that were really Irish, and one imposter. You can image how well our dinner went ... we were very merry and by the end of our meal very rowdy what with all the singing we were doing together right there in the bar!

    And that's my Sunday Share!
    Did you set your clock back today .... or last night? Happy normal time everyone.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 6,092 Member
    I get asked if I am Irish too bc of my birthday.
    I dont like beer. And until recently, i didnt like drinking alcohol. So I dont celebrate St Pattys day like most (with green beer). Last year I had my own private 5k shamrock run at the local parkway sponsored by my mom. There were goodie bags, tee shirts and medals for all the finishers! It was great! Another year, I organized a coloring party ... before adult coloring was hip. And one of my most normal adult birthday celebrations ... bowling!
    When my mom was growing up, she always thought it would be fun to have a child born on a less major holiday. I guess that makes me her wish fulfilling little leprachaun. :blush:
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Sunday share, I am still feeling out of sorts about getting denied, finishing my program and the uncertainty of my future. Morose, my sister called me that. I haven't been food logging, my exercise schedule is whacked out. My fault I know. Having foot pain, plantar fasciitis trying to come back, is making regular walks difficult. Still bouncing around 290 up two down two. Frustrating, but this is where I usually give up, I get complacent or satisfied because moving forward is too hard, the thoughts of the futility of fighting the inevitable get too strong, the empty comfort of empty calories becomes too much. I need an infusion of the horror of seeing 345. The doctor telling me change or die seems like a fading dream against the din of the crashing waves of my past failures. That's why this time has to be different. I can't afford to get sucked back down, it will be worse this time, 360? 390?? Or worse, I can't imagine it. That is why. I need something outside of myself.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @pneschich ... oh, how I can relate to what you are saying here.

    As I lay in bed last night, reviewing the day in my head while I waited for sleep to shut down my thoughts, it occurred to me that even though I did badly yesterday and the past 3 weeks (and my weight is up to almost what it was on July 4th), I am still better off today than I was several years ago. That I'm not doing better is all on me and my habits of being inactive and overeating on foods that swell my fat cells ... sugary and starchy more than fatty and salty! ... and once again thoughts of my brother are what stopped my dumping on myself and gave me the desire to try, not again because I never quit, but some more and harder.

    At my heaviest, I weighed in at 272 (well, actually 282 for 1 week while I had a very full intestine issue - TMI) for my 5'3" frame ... that's 4.31746 pounds an inch! .... I remember when I weighed less than 2 pounds per inch, and I remember being very concerned for my young son when he only weighed 3/4 pound per inch.

    I always said to anyone who criticized by brother for his heftiness that if I were as tall as he was, that I would probably weight the same amount, so give it a rest! He didn't though. If he did weight an equivalent amount per inch, he would have come in at 328 pounds; at that time, he came in about 100 pounds more than that; but what I really meant by my statement was that I was twice as heavy as I should have been, and so was he because at his height coming in at about 230 pounds would have made him very healthy (that would have been half of him). Maybe I've said it before, but it was my brothers sudden death that made me realize I had to stop the inaction and get moving on my own health.

    So, you started at 345, and you are now 290 ... I don't know how tall you are, but I wager that if you could get down to 250 your doctor would be pleased with you, and you would feel healthy and be more healthy. Just think of it like this ... you didn't get as heavy as you are in a short amount of time, it's going to take time to get it off, and that every pound you get off makes you that much more healthy than you would be had you done nothing about it.

    Keep striving, don't ever quit. Take a break? OK, but that doesn't mean give up on healthy eating while you are taking the break.
    feel for you bro! Niki
  • kayfhoward1
    kayfhoward1 Posts: 63 Member

    Did 6.5 miles today. Met this guy along the way. Had to snap it fast lest he be camera shy lol. For those who don't know, he is a red tailed hawk. Biggest one I've seen in some time. Well that or I was just a lot closer than I usually am lol. Anyway, happy Sunday all!
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    Sunday Share: I lost two pounds at my last weigh in but that took me 15 days. This morning I got on the scale and was up about six pounds, for me that's not so bad because tomorrow when I take my diuretic, I will be back down at least four or five pounds, so maybe I only have a 1 pound gain. No surprise, I ate everything that didn't move out of my way yesterday, but I am determined not to let this be my downfall place. @pneschich this weight is my usual stop and run in the opposite direction weight, but not this time Buddy! It ain't going to happen that way this time, and I'm pretty sure that even though you are morose and have a hurting foot, it's not the end of you either. We can do this! You have a family to think of and so do I, when it comes down to it. I want them all to have us around and healthy for a very long time!
    I had a nice lunch and by 3pm, I felt so hungry that I wanted to go wild again today, but I decided to have a hot cup of coffee with a little peppermint mocha flavor in it. The hot liquid takes a while to drink and feels comforting and tasty. I'll wait another hour before I eat dinner, and I don't usually have a problem with snacking after dinner, so I believe I've made it through a difficult day, Each day that I manage to stay within my calorie goal adds another layer of resolve to see it through to a successful finish. Of course I know I will never be finished but reaching my weight goal is in my future, I just know it! :)
  • steph198503
    steph198503 Posts: 12 Member
    hello everyone! I have been on myfitnesspal for a few years but I am just now actually utilizing all these threads and meeting people for motivation and accountability. I currently need to lose 97 pounds to get to my goal weight. I weighed myself at the doctors on friday and i maintained not lost but at least i didnt gain any. so im looking for some new friends who are on this weight loss journey to keep me motivated. thanks all
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 6,092 Member
    This weight loss thing is the same ol' song n' dance over and over. I think I need to learn a different dance or else change the song.

    Any one have a good easy low-salt soup recipe?

    At what age does a woman start wearing makeup everyday?

    <3 Rach
    Thanksgiving: 17 days
    Christmas: 48 days
    New Year: 55 days
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member

    Monday is here! I am planning a bake sale with friends for a bazaar. I must be crazy! I finally had a weight loss! I have been having a hard time with this keto thing. I miss oatmeal in the morning of all things. But I know with everything in my health and my diabetes right now I half to get those numbers down.

    I am struggling! I normally have one struggle with it a week than it passes.

    I am hoping it happens quickly .


  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @MermaidPrincessRach When I worked I wore make up everyday. Now I only wear it when I'm going out, not around the house. However, I do have a skin care routine of cleaning my face and applying exfoliating cream and moisturizer on a daily basis. People always comment what great skin I have, especially for my age. I was a Mary Kay Lady back in the day and she always said, "If you take care of your skin when you are young, when you are old you will have the skin you deserve." She must be right!
    I have a great pumpkin soup recipe that I will message you. I also make my own chicken stock, so I can control the amount of salt that goes in my soup recipes. Salt really makes a soup tasty, but I have to really guard my sodium intake, so I add pepper (black ground or red/cayenne ground along with garlic to spice it up without using salt.
    @steph198503 Welcome!
    @Elizabeth2360 Way to go on your weight loss. I couldn't do a bake sale! I have bananas I'm throwing out because I'm afraid to make anything with them like banana bread or cookies!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited November 2016
    Monday Check-in ... oops, I think I was untruthful last week when I said my weight had stayed the same last week ... it's actually been on a roller-coaster ride from one day to the next for the past 3 weeks. ... and this morning it is higher than it was last Monday, which was lower than it was the Monday before, which was higher than the week before then, but it was on a good downward trend before that for many weeks and it will be on a good downward trend going forward (or so I tell myself).

    Today I was at the grocery store and was able to pass through the checkout with a good long look at the gum and candies but no compulsion to purchase! Yeeha for small victories!!! .. But I did bring home 5 naval oranges.

    There were pork blade steaks (pork shoulder cut up into steaks) on sale that I wanted to try out with some recipes I haven't cooked yet. Now I need to decide if I will make the Mediterranean style "Pork Steaks Braised with Tomato & Basil" or the "Curried Pork Steaks", or the "Mexican Pork Steaks" ... the Mexican recipe takes a thinner cut, so I guess the measurement of the meat will make that decision for me as I have all the ingredients on hand for any one of them. The Mexican recipe takes cuts 1/2 inch thick while the others need the meat to be 3/4-1 inch thick. None of the dishes take longer than 35 minutes to prepare. Since all of these recipes are based on 4 servings I will need to eat a lot of leftovers this week, so I might try cutting the recipes in half.

    @Rach ... what type of soups are you fond of? Any soup can actually become low sodium if you make it on water or on home-cooked broth that you did not salt when you made it. I have soup on the my recipe board for today, it's a vegetable type soup with cabbage, tomatoes, beans, and either bulgar or barley (plus other bits of veggie) ... do you like that kind of soup?

    @Liz ... good luck following Keto! That is an intense food plan to follow. Don't think I could do it, but then, I count the carbs in all the vegetables and fruits I eat, not just in the grains, starches, and sweets. For me, the sugar content of the food I eat is a bigger consideration than the total carbs. I do really well with my diet and my blood-glucose control if I can keep the total carbs at under 45% of my total calories.

    @campfirequeen1 -- great Sunday Share this week from you. Doesn't matter if it took 15 days to get down 2 pounds, especially when there is an edema issue to grapple with.

    @kayfhoward1 -- pretty wooded picture ... good you said what bird that was because I've never seen one like it before.

    @Aria603 -- Hope your weigh-in this week will up that loss number for you. I would not pass up angel hair pasta, thank goodness I;m not fond of cream sauces!

    @shoppingdiva2011 -- Hi to you also. Setting interim goals is the way to go for me also. If I look at the whole thing it's too big a bite to swallow!

    @Indygirl_81 -- Did you figure out how to read this thread on your phone? I use a desktop computer, so I couldn't help you out, but I saw that @pneschich gave you a tip.

    @320sycamore -- Happy belated 31st anniversary! When I was a married woman, my husband was not dissabled, but he did absolutely nothing at home except groom himself, rest and eat; his work hours were very long and he was totally not in the mood for any further 'work' once home.

    @amberdm86 -- Has Day 1 turned into Day 5 completed and Day 6 having a good start? If not, start again today! Every day is a new opportunity to live better than the day before!~

    @steph198503 -- Hi. If you don't mind having friends-through-threads, we are here to mingle with you on this thread.

    Hope I haven't missed anyone who posted recently ... I don't often do personals because of time constraints on the sitting at the computer schedule. @skinnyjeanzbound ... looking forward to reading your goals this week!

  • DcSyn87
    DcSyn87 Posts: 5 Member
    if accepting new people i would like to be added.
    i am looking to lose about 90 pounds to ge to my goal weight
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited November 2016
    DcSyn87 wrote: »
    if accepting new people i would like to be added.
    i am looking to lose about 90 pounds to ge to my goal weight

    Hi @DcSyn87 ... this is an open thread, and all we ask is that people are somewhere along the line of losing 100 pounds. A lot of us have much more, or have lost enough that we are much less. Just hop on and and welcome. Page 1 has a greeting from the founder of this thread, who unfortunately is not able to be with us any longer.
  • autumemay
    autumemay Posts: 2 Member
    Good Afternoon, I saw keywords KETO and 100 pounds to lose. I myself am wanting to lose 139 pounds. So I am all for new friends on this journey. Need to keep motivation alive for each other. I have lost 18 pounds so far :)
  • Heathermetoo
    Heathermetoo Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everyone! I started working on my weight several weeks ago, and now have a bit of success under my belt. But I have some travel and holidays coming up, so really wanted to start being accountable to a community with similar goals. We can do this together!
    SW 250
    CW 235 15lbs down- woo hoo!
    GW 150

  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Monday check in. I'm still here. Still feel like Eyore. Did pretty good walking last week, did lousy on food logging. Definitely having a recurrence of plantar fasciitis - ouch. Still holding at 290. Not gaining is good. Was today unusually long for the rest of you? 2 accidents on my drive in made for a 1 hour 45 minute drive in. And a swerving 18 wheeler almost took me out on the way home.
  • veggie16mfp
    veggie16mfp Posts: 114 Member
    Easy - Low Salt Soup:
    Tomato Puree, 1 carton
    Onion, Peeled, chopped, lightly fried
    Mushrooms (6 - 8), chopped, lightly fried,
    Garlic clove (2 or 3 depending on taste)
    Lentils (soaked)
    carrot, diced and fried with onion,

    Peel and chop (very small) all veg. Fry in olive oil, add the precooked lentils, tomato.
    Add salt, pepper, and herbs of choice (I like heat, so I add chilli pepper, paprika, black pepper and garlic granules)
    Ad boiled water until you reach a consistency that is good for you. Simmer for 30 - 40 mins and serve with baked potato, crusty bread or cheesy bread rolls.

    This weight loss thing is the same ol' song n' dance over and over. I think I need to learn a different dance or else change the song.

    Any one have a good easy low-salt soup recipe?

    At what age does a woman start wearing makeup everyday?

    <3 Rach
    Thanksgiving: 17 days
    Christmas: 48 days
    New Year: 55 days

  • 320sycamore
    320sycamore Posts: 54 Member
    Just catching up on 3 days of posts - welcome to all new "members". I just joined MFP and this thread in September, and look forward to hearing about the struggles and progress of this group (as well as occasionally posting about my life).

    @birgitkwood and @skinnyjeanzbound , haven't heard from either of you recently, and am hoping everything is OK in your worlds?
  • 320sycamore
    320sycamore Posts: 54 Member
    @MermaidPrincessRach, you can buy no or low sodium stock/broth if you're not up to making it. One of my favorite healthy soups is French Onion soup. The soup itself is very low cal, and if you add enough cheese and bread to make it flavorful without overdoing it, it's really good.
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Less of an Eyore today. Still within the error of my scale +/-2lbs. Yeah I calculated the error of my scale, nerd pays pretty good though. Needed new blue jeans for casual fridays and winter coming, I was wearing 48's, bought new work pants a month ago 44's. the new jeans; 42 and not snug. Score! Stayed off my foot as much as possible the last 2 days and stretched my foot/Achilles tendon and the pain is much better today. My dog is unhappy with me. Horrible to let your dog down.