40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • saanjali2003
    saanjali2003 Posts: 18 Member
    I m 41 , 5.2 height
    Recently started to eat healthy n want to loose approx 15 pounds.
    I did lost like 5 pounds in 3 months but progress is sooo slow that it's kinda tiring but I m still trying to find motivation.
    I try to eat 1100 calories a day,n I avoid carbs as much as possible, but I eat healthy carbs like beans lentils n chicken
    I take 10,000 step daily n sometimes till 12,000 steps
    I would like to know what else I can do to speed up my progress.
    Any suggestions most welcome.
    MJFSH Posts: 7,252 Member
    Shortcut to Size: Chest, Triceps and Calves done!
    up almost 5 lbs. in weight, making it easy to understand the co-relation between muscle soreness and water gain! :)
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    @Djproulx Thank you for the book recommendations! I just hit 50 a couple of weeks ago and they look like they'll be very useful!
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    P90X Day 15: Chest & Back and a 3-mile jog...DONE!
  • tojo_73
    tojo_73 Posts: 213 Member
    BettyM1017 wrote: »
    P90X Day 14: Kenpo X and sprint work...DONE! Ok, not really. I'm not a fan of Tony Horton's attempts at MMA- or Kickboxing-style workouts. Don't get me wrong. I love everything else he's done. I just don't like these workouts. So, it's pretty safe to say that I'll be substituting something from Les Mills Combat or Insanity when this workout comes up on the calendar. Now it's time to make a couple more batches of soap before heading off to work. Happy Sunday everyone!

    @BettyM1017 This quote reminded me of the FitBomb review of P90X. He blogged everyday about the workouts and did some deep dives into the people with Tony in the background in a very funny way. When I did P90X I read along day for day to keep me motivated. The reason I bring this up is he has some hilarious rants on Welsey Idol's half hearted horse stance in KempoX. If you are doing P90X currently it is a great read http://www.fitbomb.com/p/p90x.html

  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    @tojo_73 Thanks for the link! I'll definitely check it out. I have to say that I love the people he uses in the background. They make me feel a lot better about my own abilities, lol!
  • ekim2016
    ekim2016 Posts: 1,199 Member
    lost 30 pounds since May 17. Unable to exercise as I'm old..and have mobility issues ompounded with advanced degenerative arthritis...sadly. So just plug along losing about a pound per week
  • tojo_73
    tojo_73 Posts: 213 Member
    @BettyM1017 Just a note that his humor is based in large part of mocking (particularly Tony and himself but mostly Tony) and sarcastic. Best to start at day 1.
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    BettyM1017 wrote: »
    @Djproulx Thank you for the book recommendations! I just hit 50 a couple of weeks ago and they look like they'll be very useful!

    @BettyM1017 Both Fitzgerald and Friel are well known in endurance circles, particularly among triathletes and cyclists. I really like Fitzgerald's premise of "Performance Weight Management" as the focus for athletes, as opposed to just chasing a an artificial number on the scale.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good workout yesterday. Zumba class followed by an good interval workout session. My body is feeling it today. :)
  • ekim2016
    ekim2016 Posts: 1,199 Member
    b3achy wrote: »
    @ekim2016 - congrats on the 30 pounds lost since May...that's about the time I started here, and I'm struggling to lose the last 10 pounds of my 30 pound goal. So you're doing better than me!! Just focus on what you can do, and do the best you can.

    TY Everyday is a struggle, but a positive struggle towards a healthy goal!
    MJFSH Posts: 7,252 Member
    Shortcut to Size: Back, Biceps and ABs done!

    still sore, after last weeks leg workout! wow!
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,153 Member
    Walked to the polls today to Vote! Please, if you are in the US, get out and vote, if you haven't already!!
    Came home and worked on some of the challenges for my Amazing Race challenge group...OMG, most of them aggravated one body part or another. The previous weeks were mostly challenges that just about anyone could do with minor modifications, but this week it seems like even the alternatives aren't helpful, so just gutting it out to get through them. BTW, I totally suck at jumping rope. It used to be so easy as a kid...I don't know what happened.
  • tojo_73
    tojo_73 Posts: 213 Member
    Happy Election Day to those in the US. Make sure to vote.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    TRX/Barre class done. Hope all of you are well and in good spirits.
  • narak_lol
    narak_lol Posts: 855 Member
    Back to the gym today - have been really sore from the long ride on Sunday but once I got going with my lifting routine I felt so much better. Will keep things light for a few more days as I got another long one (230km/143miles) on Saturday, if I can finish it will be my longest distance, will see :#

    Keep moving everyone don't let the cold weather deter our active lifestyle ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
  • gam3rguy
    gam3rguy Posts: 3,773 Member
    "P90X2 X2 Yoga"=Done!