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NYT article about obesity stating it's genetic, not lack of willpower



  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Science journalism at its worst. I saw this link in another thread and laughed at multitude of design errors in the experiment. Peer review is not what it once was.

  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Any chance there is a link to it that doesn't require signing up?
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    zamphir66 wrote: »
    Somewhat germane: my ex-wife, who was overweight, would absolutely FREAK THE *KITTEN* OUT if more than say 4 hours had passed since her last meal. Timing foods throughout the day was a tremendous source of stress -- for both of us!!! Any vacation, day trip, or the like, the first thing we had to do was figure out where, when and what to eat so that the terrible 4-hour mark would not be breached.

    My point is: three squares and two snacks is a relatively modern concept
    . And millions (billions?) of people don't even enjoy it today. So, how would my ex have survived 500 years ago? Or in a hunter gatherer society? (Ok, enough vitriol against the ex. Lol.)

    We live in a time and place of such plenty that I think our expectations have gone totally out of whack.

    So very true.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    It wasn't even a "study", it was a survey of 1500 people. A survey has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with "what science says". And the "study" was funded by the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery[/i].


  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    Vailara wrote: »
    The survey may be rubbish (I don't know), but I do get the impression that there are a lot of people who think obesity is caused by lack of willpower.

    Every time I've gotten fat, it's been 100% because of a lack of willpower/motivation. It's when I enjoy being lazy and eating whatever I want (and as much as I want) more than I enjoy working out and keeping a caloric deficit. I know enough about the principles of nutrition and exercise to attain/maintain a healthy weight - when I go off the rails it's not that I suddenly lost the knowledge, or that my genetics suddenly took a hard right turn. It's simply that I got lazy and lacked the motivation to do anything about it.

    I refuse to take the easy way out and blame it on genetics, or the environment, or the accessibility of fast food, or the serving sizes in restaurants or whatever other bogeyman. I got fat because I wasn't willing to do what I needed to do to change it.

    This is what separates the successful and the unsuccessful.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    When I was young and overweight with an overweight mother and a healthy weight father I learned about Mendelian genetics and, darn the bad luck, was the 25% of their offspring to have inherited the fat trait.

    However I must say that knowledge really is power and the suite of knowledge tools available with mfp have given me the power to eat a nutritious, balanced, sufficient amount of food. It is sufficient to preserve life, but not sufficient to maintain excess weight. That's really and truly all that matters.

    The Times' story is the finding of the futility of diet and exercise as found by, Shazam! the advocacy organization for bariatric surgeons. One wonders if the skepticism due that is given.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I think you are overreaching what was said.
    You are interpreting it to mean that genetics is everything. It's a contributor.
    If it is everything, why haven't we always been as fat as we are now?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    I just saw this article in the New York Times today:


    I don't generally tend to put much stock in what the NYT says, but is it possible that obesity can't be helped by willpower? Should we bother to try to lose weight? My first thought about this is that it's a load of crap, but if it's what science says how can I dispute it?

    The article isn't all that great IMO...and a survey of a handful of people isn't going to really convince me of anything...but beyond that it talks about genetics being a factor...it also mentions environment but they don't really hone in on that with the article...likely because it doesn't have much of a sensationalized "wow" factor.

    If genetics was a truly key component we would not have seen the kind of uptick in obesity that we've seen over the past 20-30 years...reality is that it's just one of many components...personally, I think environment plays a much larger roll. Cheap, low quality high calorie foods are abundant and very easy to eat in excess...people eat out more now than ever and portions are huge...people go around drinking 40 oz fountain drinks (though I think soda consumption is on the decline)...education is abysmal...people are more sedentary, etc, etc.

    These kinds of things better explain the prevalence of obesity in the last 20-30 years more so than genetics....

    You also have to be careful with articles like this...most often, journalist misinterpret the actual science or they cherry pick certain things to "spice things up"...
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    When I was young and overweight with an overweight mother and a healthy weight father I learned about Mendelian genetics and, darn the bad luck, was the 25% of their offspring to have inherited the fat trait.

    However I must say that knowledge really is power and the suite of knowledge tools available with mfp have given me the power to eat a nutritious, balanced, sufficient amount of food. It is sufficient to preserve life, but not sufficient to maintain excess weight. That's really and truly all that matters.

    The Times' story is the finding of the futility of diet and exercise as found by, Shazam! the advocacy organization for bariatric surgeons. One wonders if the skepticism due that is given.

    So, inherited traits that follow Mendelian genetics are pretty easy to suss out. With the current state of genomics, if the 'fat trait', assuming there is such a thing, follows a Mendelian inheritance pattern it would have been identified by now. Even if there are multiple such traits resulting in a single phenotype. I say this because we've been able to identify the specific causative mutations for extremely rare genetic disorders that have that kind of inheritance pattern even with instances of incomplete penetrance complicating matters.
  • tmoneyag99
    tmoneyag99 Posts: 480 Member
    This research was sponsored by a medical association that does surgery for weight loss. I'm going to bet these people in the study are the super duper morbidly obese. (ie have a horrible relationship with food and probably need some psychological counseling before attempting to lose large amounts of weight. And the patients of these Doctors probably do not need to approach weight loss alone. Weight loss is a daunting task, especially if you have so much to lose it would take you two years to lose it at a fast pace.

    That being said
    There are hundreds of genes that can predispose to obesity in an environment where food is cheap and portions are abundant.

    We absolutely are genetically predisposed to store excess calories as fat in preparation of famine.

    When we introduce a "famine" scenario (ie reduced calories) our brain is hardwired to eat/consume high caloric items because technically it doesn't know when we will eat again. If you use food for anything other than an energy source then it is possible that under the right conditions anyone could fall prey to our biologic instincts. The key is knowing your weaknesses and creating habits (which is difficult) and plans for combatting those weaknesses so when life does change you're better equiped to handle them.

  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    Vailara wrote: »
    The survey may be rubbish (I don't know), but I do get the impression that there are a lot of people who think obesity is caused by lack of willpower.

    Every time I've gotten fat, it's been 100% because of a lack of willpower/motivation. It's when I enjoy being lazy and eating whatever I want (and as much as I want) more than I enjoy working out and keeping a caloric deficit. I know enough about the principles of nutrition and exercise to attain/maintain a healthy weight - when I go off the rails it's not that I suddenly lost the knowledge, or that my genetics suddenly took a hard right turn. It's simply that I got lazy and lacked the motivation to do anything about it.

    I refuse to take the easy way out and blame it on genetics, or the environment, or the accessibility of fast food, or the serving sizes in restaurants or whatever other bogeyman. I got fat because I wasn't willing to do what I needed to do to change it.

    ditto ditto ditto

    I knew that I shouldn't eat more of those pringles or another piece of cake, but I didn't care. I knew that I should be exercising, but I didn't care. I had the knowledge, I just didn't have the willpower.

    Recognizing that my weight gain was all my fault was the most empowering experience in my life. It gave me the drive and willpower to lose the weight.

    Congratulations! This is the first step - unfortunately not one most are willing to admit.
  • vczK2t
    vczK2t Posts: 309 Member
    There are SOME genetics involved, but i TRULY believe it is mostly lifestyle.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    I can see where genetics plays a part, but we all have choices when we put food in our mouths, or when we decide to get up and move our bodies.