

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Chilly in RI: Welcome to a great group. :flowerforyou:

    Rita: Your DGS Adam is a cutie. What a blessing! Congrats on losing a pound. :smiley:

    Joyce: Your DGD sounds like an amazing young woman. I can see why you are proud of her. :heart:

    Re: You're making excellent progress. WTG!!! :bigsmile:

    heathervallon: Welcome to a great group. You've found a very good source of support and advice. :flowerforyou:

    KarenE: The photos of Ecuador are wonderful! Thanks for sharing.:star:

    I've recently flown across the country twice on jets filled with people who breathe germs into the air. I have a headache today, which is rare for me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the headache doesn't turn into anything nasty.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :)Re, I started regular strength training after reading "Strong Women Stay Young"...the routine was easy to follow and there were good directions about how much weight to use and exactly what to do. Later I revised the program to include some of the lifts that Mary does on strong lifts, but it helped to have a place to start.

    :) If anyone wants a copy of "Strong Women Stay Young" please send me a personal message with your full name and mailing address. I have a lot of credits on Paperback Swap and would love to share with some of you. I don't know how many copies are available so the first people I hear from will get them.

    :) I have firmed up the plans to go back to teaching my line dance class on November 18. I'll plan the dances, then sit in a chair and be the voice of instruction while my loyal student/friend does the footwork. We did this once before when I pulled some muscles in my back. We can continue this for as many weeks as necessary.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,103 Member
    Karen love the pictures!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    llbrixon – Thanks for that ‘tidbit’ of news, never thought of that being the reason. They went in and removed one clot; then they had to get sister to come in and sign a paper to use a stronger anesthesia because he was moving too much. But, the anesthesiologist involved had already done another one of his surgeries. As of about 6:30pm, he was still in surgery. I’m hoping that my middle sister has gone to stay with her. Their girls came back to Atlanta area and were not going down again until after he gets out of surgery. The CaringBridges.org site has been invaluable in getting updates on how he is doing. I called sister yesterday and talked to her. She seemed upbeat; but, tired. BnL is doing great, considering that he could be ‘dead’. The surgeons have all be surprised at what they see. They all told them that it was the worst, most extensive bleed that any of then ever seen in their practice. They’ve got MD coming in-and-out and they are doing something to him all the time. He told Suzanne that he can tell by the way they do things if it is ‘urgent’ or not. Said when they took him down for CT; the nurse and the 2 others were ‘jogging’ him down there. He is aware of what is going on, talking, responding to everything, talking and joking with the MDs, nurses, orderlies, anybody … but he has always been a ‘talker’ and a ‘question asker’ (some say that he is just ‘nosey’). Sister is able to see things that are different in him that the doctors don’t see as being a problem. She’s just saying that he has not been doing this or that. He still is not ‘out of the woods’ yet; but, when he gets home, he can’t wait to go to church to tell them how it was when he almost died. That will be a great testament. One, which I would love to hear. Should get an update from niece around 9:30pm. Please continue to keep them in your prayers. Prayers have played a 'huge' part in his recovery.

    Michele – I’m too nosey not to ask this; but, what is the Butt Bible DVD? That’s a strange name for an exercise DVD.

    Speaking of all the things in the jars; when I was young, there was a house down the road from us that had belonged to a MD; in this shed, he had all sorts of things in formaldehyde in them. It was a ‘rite of passage’ for someone to go in there and stay 10 minutes. Spooky, for sure. I don’t know what they eventually did with it, if anything.

    Gloria – I’ve never liked ‘fruit cake’ but Mimi used to make what she named “Crazy Cake”. Made of coconut, that really thick cream that comes in a can (made my Carnation), nuts, and fruit that goes into a fruitcake, less the citron, which she did not like herself. Baked in the over until it turned golden brown, then cut into 1” squares. You could not eat a lot of it at the same time because it was so rich. I think she lined the pan she made it in with something. I want to say it was wax paper; but, I don’t really think that was it. Maybe parchment paper; whatever, she could turn it out of the pan without it sticking.

    Janetr okc – Sure, I was … while someone ‘might’ be able to ride an ostrich; I don’t think a flamingo could handle it. Probably neither would stick around to find out.

    Margaret – I repotted mine; then put it on my glassed-in porch (still missing the door); the leaves (?) have perked up; but, so did some other things I repotted. I still have a few more to go to get them all repotted this year. I did not repot my Boston Ferns; but, I cleaned them up a lot. Next year, if they live through the winter; I intend on just breaking the plastic pots; they are so brittle now as it is.

    Sherry in Portland – Pip put s ‘period’ there so she will come back to that point the next time she comes back. Sometimes she will put a smiley face or another ‘letter’. It’s just a way to find her spot.

    Becca – I do love a man in a uniform. Just something about ‘em; don’t know, just look good!

    Allie – Our neighbors on the other side of our son, had a white lab; treated her like she was a ‘child’. She slept between them in their bed, had one sofa that was ‘her’ sofa. She ended up getting diagnosed with diabetes and cancer; they would take her up to Birmingham and have treatments done on her. I have no idea what they probably spent; but, when she passed away (well, put down) because she was ‘in pain’; they had a ‘coffin’ made for her, complete with the satin lining; then had their preacher come over and say a few words over her. I love my fur babies; and, maybe ‘if’ I did not have any children … I’d be about as crazy. In fact, I am pretty ‘crazy’ when it comes to Cracker. She has had 4 or 5 different injuries to her left paw. She favors it most of the time; but, there really isn’t anything we can do about it. When I first got her (about 4 months old), she was chasing my DYS’s truck and ran ‘into’ one of the wheels; took her to vet (on a weekend), x-rays done but he could not see anything broken, unless she had a hairline fracture. Then she stepped on a big thorn, which left a big hole in her paw; had to have the vet remove the tip of it (thorn), then she cracked her toenail all the way back to the quick; so he had to do surgery on it; because he said he needed to get back past the break, so it would go back in one piece. I’ve done this myself … dropped a huge cement stepping stone on my big toe; cracked it in ½ across the top of it, side to side. MD said I would probably lose it; but, I didn’t. Sore until it grew out! Then she stubbed her pad; much like a child stubbing his toe; that had to heal. Then her toenails do not grow in straight; and, when we took her to be boarded; they cut her nails; and one of the bled like a stuck pig; but, while being boarded there, she hated seeing everybody around and being in a pen. They noted that it bled every day from her scratching the gate. She limps most all the time. Took her to PetSmart to get her nail filed; but, vet now says that she is actually walking on a part of her nail, because the middle two grow almost at a 90 degree angle instead of straight; he said that ‘he’ wants me to call the office whenever they get long enough to be touching the next pad; and, let him do it, since he has treated her from the first time we took her in. Part of it, she is playing us for sympathy and we know it. She will put it down when she runs, except about every 4th stride when she picks it up. I hate it; but, nothing can be done. Some of it, is out of habit; and, breaking her of it is going to be difficult; but, we are working on it.

    KarenE – Sorry for your loss. Even when they are old; it is still hard. Our JRT died a couple of years ago; and, it was sad. She was blind and deaf at the time; but, her sense of smell was heightened. She would smell us when we went to feed her and give her water. I’d sit there and talk to her several times a day.

    I know when we found the little beagle that we had bought right after we got married, dead, by the fence. We really thought she was asleep. But, we had been checking on her every day when we came home from work. Only about the 3rd time that I saw my DH cry like a baby!

    One of my bosses was part Japanese; his mother could not speak English, his Dad could not speak Japanese. So, for the first 5 years of his life, he spoke Japanese; then, when he went to kindergarten, they ended up holding him back simply because he needed to learn how to talk in English. You’re right; much easier to learn another languages as a child. My niece had to learn to ‘sign’ when she got ready to go to Gallaudet in Washington DC; because they could NOT speak the entire 4 years they were there. She lip-read most of her life; then sad thing was when she was younger and watching TV, she did not hear the off-screen punchlines to jokes; and, when she asked her Daddy ‘what did they say’; he would tell her ‘that he’d tell her later’. When she came home the first time, she brought a couple of friends with her and they were just going to town ‘signing’ and he asked what they were saying … she said, ‘I’ll tell you later’. Turn about is fair play. She is a gorgeous young lady; married to a man who lost his hearing due to meningitis when he was about 3. Both their children are ‘hearing’. They have their house wired for things, such as when the doorbell rings; when the phone rings; and, they have a special typewriter so they can have conversations with their parents. DH had put in a burglar alarm for a family (man was stone cold deaf) and the lights would flash at different patterns when something went off. DH said it was amazing.

    The view from your Mother’s house is absolutely gorgeous!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Becca, thank you on your words of veterans. I read them to Charlie and he still won't believe he is a veteran, just a person that enlisted and served state side.

    Am really enjoying watching the dancing tonight on Dancing with the stars.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,526 Member
    IremiaRe wrote: »
    Hello Glorious Gals!

    Wahoo! Still on track for the Christmas Challenge!. AND if I make the goal, I am certain I will be able to wear the three shirts I bought while I was travelling... You may recall we did the “K-Mart” tour while on the road to Tucson – and when I was there, I got three shirts that were... pretty tight. Maybe, if one were very confident and a little trashy, the shirts might have been considered “wearable” but, I am not about showing quite EVERY ripple of flesh, so, these three shirts were too tight. I got two of them because I loved the colors and textures and at 40% off, they were dirt cheap. The third is a black sweater – very plain, except for the row of rhinestones around the scoop neck. I got that one, because at 40% off, I would pay that much for it... I liked it that much. So, I tried them on today. SOOOO close to wearable. If I get that extra 7 pounds off, I know I will be able to wear the sweater – which is greatness, since it is well suited to Christmas and New Year’s events.

    Re in TX

    WAHOO!!!! you go girl!!

    Lillian in wet Central Saskatchewan
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,526 Member
    Good night all. Sleep well

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan...... and waiting patiently for Murdoch Mysteries to start
  • rossanapedroso
    rossanapedroso Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Rossana. Im new to this group. I live in Lancaster, California and trying to get healthier. Been struggling with my weight since I was 9 years old. Hopefully I can read some of the posting here and be inspired and get support from everyone. Thanks.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :'(Karen E. I am so sorry for the loss of your dog...no matter how old they are or how expected it is, it is always too soon. :'(
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Welcome new friends!
    Joyce - what an honor for your DGD.
    Heather - your Christmas cake sounds wonderful.

    Very busy today. We had our TOPS meeting. I did a program on Mung beans. Lost 3.6 pounds! Yeah! Our study group met at 2:00 at my home. We're studying about forensic crime scene investigation. Interesting.... Had a chiropractor appointment. Then from 6:00-7:30 tutored a community college student. Last stop the store and finally put my feet up at 8:30!

    Toni in Tennessee
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,400 Member
    Did 10 minutes of a butt lift DVD, held my plank for 2 min 50 sec, then the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a walk, run, recover treadmill workout.

    Just found this from Hungry Girl and thought you all might find it interesting:
    Worth ordering online: FitVine Wine, with under 100 calories per glass!
    Get this: According to the company, FitVine wines have more antioxidants and fewer sulfites than traditional wine, plus they’re lower in carbs and contain no residual sugar. And a 5-oz. glass has just 90 - 95 calories! We tasted all three varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc, and Chardonnay. They're a bit mild in flavor, but we like 'em! If you're a wine fan who's looking to save calories and sugar, you'll want to place an order and check these out for yourself.

    Sue - I saw the movie "Light Between the Oceans". The one thing I regret is that I wasn't warned to bring tissues with me! that book must be awesome, better have a box of tissues next to you while you read it!

    Lisa - I don't know if I'd rush to get those op-eds ready. You just know that if Clinton wins and Trump doesn't, he's going to want a recount. And if Trump wins and Clinton doesn't, she's going to want a recount. Wouldn't surprise me if it takes a few days before we get the final definite answer.

    Chilly - welcome! I'm so sorry about your mom, that was so nice of you to take care of her like that

    Tomorrow I go for my DEXA scan.

    Pretty busy day today, exercised, went to the Salvation Army (can't help myself, you never know what you'll find, I did get a sweater and a pair of pajamas for 99 cents), then senior bowling, to CVS, then WalMart, home for dinner, then ceramics then mahjongg.

    DJ - Halloween is the warm up to Christmas. Usually we don't decorate in the house for Halloween, but we did this year for the party

    APG - welcome! Sometimes I try to do crafts in the evening. This helps to keep my hands busy. In wintertime I have a cup of tea which helps to fill me up

    Re - I start listening to TSO after Labor Day!

    heathervallon and Roseanna - welcome!

    KarenE - I'm so sorry about your dog. That surely hurts, doesn't matter how old the furbaby is. Yuk your water line. What a cute gs you have there

    barbie - I know you'll be so happy to get back to teaching. Bet you're counting the days down.

    Lenora - that's just the name of the DVD. Most of the exercises are focused on the backside.

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Sherry – Glad you have found a housing situation that will work for you! And good job on making your mental and physical health a priority

    Liz – I had not heard of Thirtyone Gifts, googled it and they have some nice items, hope this works well for you.

    Heather – We call them sun rooms, not conservatories and I have seen some nasty ones too…A good scrub and then ignore until you can do the tear out…

    Lisa – How many great news-es can you fit in a post!!!! Awesome girl friend!!! And you served, you deserve it, period.

    Heather and Penny – just googled mangetout and google says mangetout can be a name for snow peas AND/or a name for snap peas…

    Karen E. - I gather that you did not grow up in Ecuador, with the Spanish challenges…it looks beautiful! Sorry to hear about the water damage and the passing of your pup, our fur babies are such a part of our families.

    Re – congrats on the continuing loss!

    Michele – glad you are back, I don’t always comment, but enjoy your consistency…

    So today I hiked, and gardened and have been trying to get some embroidery done, but am just so tired! I’m going to clean up and go to bed… early but that’s ok. See you all tomorrow.

    November Goals:

    Write Christmas letter, and have all cards ready to send by Dec1…
    Read and report on a book
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption -


    Kim from N. California
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Today we visited Tybee Island and the lighthouse. I loved it, told Jack I could live there.

    Carol, you were right. Although the only damage to homes/buildings we saw was tarps on damaged roofs, there was extensive damage to landscape. Huge trees had been uprooted, etc. They have been working hard to clean it up. Most of the rubbish is stacked up in piles waiting to be picked up.

    Had the yummiest salmon BLT for lunch :)

    Tomorrow we're off to the historical district of Savannah.

    Janetr okc

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Did really well with my nutrition today but not as low carb as I thought! Amazing the things you would never think would be high in carbs actually are. Oh well live and learn - Rome wasn't built in a day ~ sand-castle-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Busy all day tomorrow so will plan meals tonight.cooking-dinner.gif

    I found a beautiful chair on Craigslist that I am picking up on Wednesday for my desk. She had 5 so another person was willing to take 4 so I could have one. Woohoo!office-chair-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Nite all

    Gloria in WA
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hello ladies! Better late than never!

    It's been a long day! I got up this morning and went over to the RV park to see if my spot had been vacated yet and when I got there they were pulling their trailer out. So I went to my PT appt and afterward went back to the park. The maintenance crew was cleaning up my spot and the trailer was gone. They were getting it ready for me as they know I am moving in tomorrow. It's a done deal now and i'm soooo excited! This will be the start of a new adventure for me even though I am only moving across town! So tomorrow the only thing I have to do is move the motorhome and car over there and get it all hooked up to power, water and sewer. Then I will be all set!

    PT went well. The therapist gave me an exercise to do to see if we can get the pain to move out of my left leg and foot back into my back. It's a simple thing to do but is quite painful for me. She wants me to hold on to a chair with both hands while standing and go up on my tiptoes, then back down. Pretty simple, right? You wouldn't think that would hurt. She also wants to set me up for massages, which sounds excellent to me! I haven't had a massage in years! I'm all for that! Her ultimate goal is to get me where I can walk without my canes. And I'm all for that too! It's embarrassing to only be 50 years old and be toddling around with two canes. That's why they weren't in the pic of me that I posted. I didn't want a pic of me like that!

    I also had my intake appt for counseling this evening. It was a 2 hour appt and they asked me tons of questions, but they got a good jist of my life and I like the place and people there so far. Everyone was very nice, very patient and everyone I encountered there seemed very focused on helping me. I really like that! I will meet my new therapist on Friday. I hope we get along and she is easy to talk to.

    Penny - thanks for the link to the game! It sounds like fun! I haven't had a chance to play it yet but I did pull up the website and bookmarked it so I can go right to it when I get the chance! I can't wait to see how I do! Another way to travel from my couch!

    To all of you (and there were so many!) that clued me into Pip's "bookmarking", I get it! It all makes sense now! Lol! I thought I was either losing my mind or there was something wrong with my tablet or the app! That's good way to keep track of where you are! I never thought of that!

    Thanks to everybody for all the well wishes on my new digs and my new adventure! To all the new peeps that have popped up, WELCOME! It's a great bunch of ladies here!

    Well, I need to go and take my shot. I'm a little late with it. Plus it's time to "medicate" then I am off to bed after I watch the local news. Have a good night all!

    Sherry in "I'm ready for this!" Portland
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Carey - Congrats on your 4lbs.

    Sherry - You must be so happy to be not smoking.

    Heather - Let the celebrations begin! I'm sure the right buyer will turn up soon.

    Juanita - Very glad about the job news. Bamm-Bamm aka Oliver is a real little cutie.

    Liz - You have some thoughtful friends. House cleaning is such a perfect gift.

    I will eventually catch up with you all again for tonight I have made it to page 6.

    This cold really took hold of me and Sunday I spent the whole day in my pjs. Life is always busy and I seem to be constantly playing catch up.

    -Sharon in a very warm Lethbridge