Diet Cokes ?



  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    z4oslo wrote: »
    z4oslo wrote: »
    pinkste78 wrote: »
    Do diet cokes hinder weight loss in any way other than make you hungrier ? They don't make me more hungry, even though there has been studies that say they do. I just want to know what do regular people who have lost weight think about them.Thanks !

    Is diet coke bad for you?

    In all honesty, I dont know. I drink my diet coke daily, but im trying to reduce it. (in the past i would drink 1-2 liters daily, now im down to 0,5L)

    I see most people here say its totally harmless. I think thats a bold statement, because history shows us that "science" cant always be trusted.

    Smoking was not bad for you either for many many many years - untill it was.
    Sugar - any amount of sugar - was not bad for you either - untill it was.

    And thy had science to back it those claims... paid science.

    Alot of research has been done on aspartam as well, and most of that research has been paid by coca-cola and other companies that uses aspartam in their products.

    My concern is this: independent studies is often dismissed, while industry-funded studies often are not.
    aspartam is no exception.

    Neither of those things are actually true.

    ok then ..

    Doctors did recommend smoking cigarettes for pregnant women...I don't know what the prevailing view on sugar all seems very convoluted to me.
  • daniip_la
    daniip_la Posts: 678 Member
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    daniip_la wrote: »
    Aaron_K123 wrote: »
    daniip_la wrote: »
    I feel like this argument follows me everywhere I go.

    Poor, abused chemistry. Misquoted and misreferenced, fear-mongered chemistry.

    Well stop being evil then chemist!

    It's too late to change my career path now. My MFP course is set for defending aspartame's reputation, it seems.

    O-Chem was truly the devils work. Clearly a contradiction in terms chemistry? More like artificial chemistry! Because organic means real and chemistry isn't real, its fake!

    You are clearly a shill to Big-Sweetner, making the big bucks doing your chemistry. We all know chemists make the big bucks. Scientists, living in their ivory tower castles with their lack of debt and incomes matching their education level. Pshaw

    I'm not going to fight you on the horrors of organic chemistry, I hate it myself despite having enough graduate credits in it to teach it. I'm an analytical & environmental chemist all the way (the only chemistry that actually makes sense).

    I must be in Big-Aspartame's pocket. Getting all that money to falsely prove their products are safe, while kicking puppies and poisoning water supplies. Man it's nice to be a grad student.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Man it's nice to be a grad student.

    All the money, all the credit, all the fame amirite?

    Nothing like amassing college debt to start a position that pays about the same as flipping burgers at MickyDs while working 60 hour weeks in a hugely stressful enviornment where there is no guarantee that the years and years of work you put in will amount to anything. Shill.