
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    My usual practice is to open a Microsoft Word document and type my replies into it, then copy and paste the document here. Today, I'm just getting a tiny corner, about two by three. If anyone knows how to deal with this, I'd love to get advice. Help! :flowerforyou:

    Regarding elections, the National election is a horrid travesty but I have hope for good news at the state and local levels. Republicans and Democrats need to fix their parties, and it might be time for a third party option. More than enough said. :sad:

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I shut down and restarted my computer and the problem with Microsoft went away. Yay!!!!!!!!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Morning ladies

    Allison, was hoping we would hear better news on Homer but yet I figured it would continue to be sad. Praying for all of you through this.

    We voted about 10 days ago. The line was still about 45 minutes but my church is one of the more popular early voting places, don't know why as we have several churches you can vote at.

    A bit concerned about Charlie. It is getting hard for him to make decisions unless maybe he just doesn't want to. All these decisions are about our bathroom that needs to be re-done. We went to Lowes last night just to look and price things. Looked at commodes, vanities and faucets.He finally said it's just to much to wrap his head around and I am going to have to have Michelle help me with all of this. Also our other bathroom needs new 'innards' done in the tank. You can buy it in a kit for less than $10 but he just couldn't understand the directions. He siad we would need to get a plumber. I know my husband and he may say that now but if I actually did he would go through the roof. I know Michelle has changed that valve and all the other stuff so she will help. I am afraid we are asking her to help with to much. We have always told her as we get older that if she ever wants to move to another town, state, that she should and never think she should stay here to take care of us. Well we ask a lot of her and if she misses a weekend of going out to eat with us Charlie gets pretty anxious. I do have a nephew that has told us that if we ever need something we should never hesitate to call. We have never taken him up on his suggestion. I have no idea whether he is sincere. He sees the neurologist next month.

    Have a good day, am also glad for today's election to be done

    Joyce, Indiana
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    I forgot what a prolific group this is. I missed a couple of days and found that I was 15 pages behind – Whew! :p I know I missed a lot!

    RANT OF THE DAY! It’s voting day! I am so happy it will be over today regardless of who wins. This campaign has reminded me of the civil war. Gracious, it has impacted everyone. I have been hard pressed not to be upset with anyone and to respect each person’s right to have a belief. I have been saddened by friends and family dropping each other from facebook or no longer communicating. Enough already! Don’t forget to get out and vote.

    I’m on Day 18 of my renewed commitment and happy to report that 3 pounds have been discarded! :) Yeah Me!
    DH and I were starting to stress about the holidays. Thanksgiving is at my house not everyone is on board but I only have a mom, a sister, and a brother so we like to have Thanksgiving together as it is the only time in a year we are all in one place and I have the “in the middle” location. I’m cooking the side dishes since they don’t typically travel well. Dear Sis and Brother are just starting to understand that they have to have a part in food preparation. The kids and grandkids are not required to attend so those with spouse commitments are welcome to be with their spousal families. However, we generally had a small Christmas Day gathering. Unfortunately, this year we don’t have any little people coming so I don’t know what will be happening or who will be here. We finally decided that we will enjoy whoever shows up and each other. We are just going to purchase a bunch of gift cards for our grown up kids and whoever shows up will have an envelope on the tree. All of them can use some extra bill money so that will be more welcomed than gifts. I’ve request that DH get a very small tree this year.

    Cheryl in California – Welcome back! I am just back too. I am with you on the difficulty of drinking water. I do pretty well at work and have pretty much eliminated soda but at home I am hooked on Sweet Tea with Lemon.

    Charleen in Colorado – I love my crock pot too!

    Lenora – Congratulations on your weight loss and muscle gain.

    Katla – Love the scale set back!

    Heather – We are planning to move next year around this time. It’s so difficult to make those remodel decisions. The kitchen is the one room that has to be perfect for me this time. I am shooting for one large enough to almost be a family room. My head is really in the clouds on this. I want a farm table, a fireplace two large wing chairs to sit in, large island, etc. Congratulations on the new house.

    Sherry In Portland – Congratulations on Not Smoking! DH and I decided to quit in January. We had one slip-up and immediately felt the negative effects. During stress times we both want a cigarette but we haven’t broken. Every now and then we comment on how much money we are saving as we were spending about $9 a day on cigarettes. Our house, our clothes, and our cars all smell better now and that’s a big plus!

    Mary – Shep is gorgeous!

    Margaretturk – Your Christmas Cactus is beautiful!

    Allie – Sending prayers and hugs for Homer.

    Tere in RVA <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    ((((HUGS)))) Joyce. Getting older sucks.

    This morning DH and I had a blow up this morning - brief and silly, but it upset both of us. He takes it very, very seriously. :'(
    All well now. It was about our visit to his sister's home this weekend. Quite a lot of stuff going on there and I think neither of us really want to go. We will be fine when we get there.

    We have cake! It's come out well and is now cooling. Then it will be put away until just before Christmas when I will marzipan and ice it. :D I must say, a nine inch cake is HUGE!

    This afternoon I did all the prep for the guinea fowl roast (which was DELICIOUS! ) and then attacked some drawers in the office. Found all sorts of riveting stuff, like very old passport photos of my family and ancient savings books. Keeping most of that. <3 I hardly recognise myself! I did burn old tax returns and DH shredded a lot of his stuff. Good job. :D Amazing how many old instruction books I had. :laugh:

    Lazy night tonight. I am not staying up for your election results. Our media talks of nothing else. That and Brexit. Or Breakfast, as many are calling it.

    Love to you all. Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Hey all. Wow. I woke up stressed about voting today and got one phone call and my stress is on something that makes the election seem small.
    I got a call from the breast center where I went for my mammogram. I have to go back in for more pictures and an ultrasound. I couldn't schedule an early morning like last time, because my own doctor needs to be there as does the radiologist. They want some one to come with me and they said it will take a little longer than last time, because they want me to wait for the results and talk to my doctor. *sigh*
    This is probably nothing, right? I am a little freaked out right now. My DH is a MAJOR worrier. I will have to tell him and have him go with me, but I don't want to tell him. I don't think I will get the optimistic support I want/need. I think I will be comforting him and trying to calm him down. KJ (kelly)
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Joyce - call your nephew, more people are willing to help than we know. Sometimes the act of asking for help makes us think we are giving up control of things we should be able to do ourselves but the older I get I say to heck with it it's nice to have someone else do something now!

    Voting done - now the wait for the repercussions - ugh is right. In WA we also vote for judges - even our Supreme Court Judges. I've never understood that and never really feel qualified to be voting for them.

    Back later ~

    Gloria in sunny-smiley-emoticon.gif WA
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Kelly - it seems like a lot of women, including my two daughters, are getting called back after initial mammo. I don't if it is because the equipment they are using now is more sensitive therefore they see more? I will keep good thoughts that all will be well with you. <3
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    kelly do you have a good friend to ask to go with you instead of DH? You know the medical folk are always extra extra cautious, don't go worrying before you really know anything.

    Prayers and strength for all who needs it now.

    I am going to look into a compassionate yoga class that someone mentioned to me, sounds interesting yes??

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,615 Member
    edited November 2016
    KJ - I didn't tell DH when I went for a check up after I'd felt a lump. His previous partner died of breast cancer and I knew it would be too much strain on him. I went alone, but I always do that sort of thing alone. I prefer it that way. It took me a day to pluck up the courage to tell the poor guy. I had a marvellous breast cancer nurse who was a great support.
    Take a friend with you if you need someone. You don't want to be supporting your husband. You want someone who can listen and take in the information.
    It may be absolutely nothing, of course. <3 I hope it is. :flowerforyou:
    But I am still here over nine years later. My nurse said "we aim to cure you". I consider every day a blessing.

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxx <3
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Lenora, This is my views on a guy in uniform. They look great in them, and better out of them....arranged neatly by the bed. HAHAHAHa! Ok I have welcomed home my sailor man WAYYY too many times and uniforms are complicated!! (blushing and hiding).....
    an ol vixen in Oregon
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited November 2016
    Janetr okc – Did y’all climb the lighthouse? We (DH and DGDs climbed the one in St. Augustine (up a winding stairwell) people going up and down at the same time. Hot and stuffy; but, the view was the die for. But, it was my first, only, and last lighthouse to climb.

    Was this one 6 or 8 sided? The one south of St. Augustine is a round one.

    Lisa – The campaigns have not been ‘pretty’ the ‘election results’ won’t be either, no matter who the winner is chosen to be. I don’t envy you at all about having to write up something to go in the paper either way. My brother-in-law has never missed voting in an election; until this one, which he really was not ‘thrilled’ about either party; but, like he oldest daughter said, he did not have to have a stroke to get out of it. Of course, as much as he likes a good debate … it is possible he’d have had one anyway. Just joking here, so please don’t ‘cream’ me for my comments. The both have enjoyed working the polling stations since their girls were old enough to ride their bits from the house there. I’d have to agree, looks like we have to make a decision between ‘evil’ and ‘more so’. That doesn’t matter which side of the fence you stand on. Or maybe it is just 'dumb and dumber'. Either way 1/2 of the people are going to be 'upset'. But, you can't please 100% of the people 100% of the time. God Bless America; and God Bless whoever the new POTUS is.

    Heather – Funny of you to use the word ‘cartouche’ in this manner; I have a ‘necklace’ a friend gave me after a trip to Egypt; her 2nd one. She has many, many pictures of the Egyptian Pyramids. Really awesome! They are 2 (maybe 3) x’s the height of the people standing by each block; and, to think they hauled them up there by slave labor and carved/formed the stones by hand. I guess we all need to pray that ISSI do not destroy them or any other of the other ‘wonders’ of the world on their steady march to the North.

    Liz – We voted early, mainly because we did not want to stand ‘in line’ either. I think that is true of a lot of places. We’re also happy about doing it. Now, from 5:00pm (earlier) we’ll have to hear about it all night long. I hope DH brings home some more movies to watch. I am really going to be upset ‘if’ this mess is on ‘every channel’. I want to watch regular TV tonight.

    Allie – Our vet called me yesterday to talk about Cracker and her ‘limping’. Some times it is worse than others; but, the two toes involved are the middle toes; which are the one that carry the most weight; so other than keeping her nails filed down, there isn’t much to do about it other than hope that they ‘toughen up’ a bit. Doubt that will happen. The nails grown at an angle and basically she is putting her weight on the top of her toes. He says it makes her ‘feel like she is walking on the quick of her toes’. The last time we boarded her, he said her toes bled a lot because she scratched at the cage door. Maybe the next time, they will let her out; she is cat friendly and big dog friendly; but, she likes to run around. I think they let her out of the cage more than they normally let the animals out. She gives us so much please, that having her gimp … we can overlook that, especially those times she actually walks on all 4’s. Vet said that she is probably playing us a little.

    Charleen – Are you saying you have a ‘real pain in the @$$’?

    Terri – The work-up to the election has sounded like 2 little 12-year-old girls fussing about whether or not to include a ‘new’ kid to the group. Thanks for the congratulations. I was really surprised. She laughs and tells me that the times I don’t think I have done well, I usually end up losing. I think it is because I am beginning to substitute ‘real’ food for the protein shakes and bars. Still have a bar with my coffee at night.

    KJLaMore – Praying for you that they don’t come up with anything. I know the feeling of waiting for the GYN and Radiologist to both be there. Usually on a Thursday; but, I think Radiologist has now started coming on Mondays as well. The waiting would drive me ‘nuts’ because both my sisters are cancer survivors. I’m pretty sure that my mother’s ovarian cancer spread to her lungs because it spread to her brain before she died from other complications.

    As my Mother used to say … ‘don’t go burning that bridge before you get to it’; but, she also was a big proponent about ‘not burning bridges as you went over them, because you never know when you’ll need to at some point in time’. My Mother was a wise old owl, as was Mimi; and they had little sayings to go with all of their lessons so that as young children we could relate to what they had to say … and ‘understand’ the things that had ‘consequences’ whether good, bad, or indifferent.

    I went in to talk to Urologist when DH had to have a catheter inserted for the 3rd time since March. What affects one of us affects the other. I think it is good to have that support; and, also to have them ‘hear’ what the MD is saying and why.

    Glo – In GA we vote for State and Superior Court Judges. Appeal and Supreme Court Judges are appointed (I think). At least the Supreme Court Justices are appointed. I worked for an attorney who was appointed by the Chief Judge of the Federal Court in this district (Middle in GA). Middle District took in Thomasville all the way up and through Athens, GA to the SC line. Basically Northern District took in the NW section of the State; the Southern the SE section of the State. Basically nominated by other attorneys … my boss had most of the entire Bar in town nominate him. It is for an 8 year term; but, if you are doing a good job, it can be a career job. He was just a few months shy of retiring when he got liver cancer. Was not a candidate for a live transplant because of a murmur he was born with that had not somehow corrected itself. His ‘career’ law clerks because the clerks for the judge who took his place. He chose to have a 2nd law clerk over a secretary when I went out on a disability. Law clerks can answer the phone just as well. I sure missed my job for about the first 3 years; now I wonder how I worked that hard and still raised a family and do anything else. Some states like NY call what we call our Superior Court, Supreme Court.

    Like voting for a lot of State offices, it is difficult to know how to do so, especially when you do not know them. Our Representative has been in office nearly 20 years; but, he works for people no matter what their political leaning are. Very well-educated and well-like black man and I no problem voting for him every few years. So offices have 2 year terms, others have 4; some have 6. I think our State’s Legislature is a 6-year term. I know that my Daddy was in it for 6 years; but, that could have been 3 2-year terms for all I know.

    Becca – I’d probably agree on that, well … yeah, I would agree with that; but, I never saw my DH in his ‘uniform’ but he was in the National Guard, so it probably wasn’t that ‘wonderful’; probably a boring brown or green set of fatigues. DH looks wonderful in hunting clothes. Brings out both his skin AND eyes. My sons also look good in hunting clothes. Had a friend who was a Full Colonel (painted his portrait), finally had to ask him to send me his bars, a button, and a clip off the inside seam of this ‘dress uniform’. I had to ‘order’ the paint to do the uniform; never would have been able to mx any color of yellow and blue to make ‘olive drab’. He wanted the bars to be ‘spot on’ … I had a brush with only 3 little hairs to do them because they are made up of only 1/64th of a sting of colors; like taking apart a strand of cross-stitch ribbons. Another HS friend was a General, several starts. I knew after painting the first one; that ‘if’ the 2nd one had ever wanted his done, I had learned a LOT about the ribbons and why and how they are put on the bar. He gave me a lesson about every one of them. I had Googled a lot of them; but, the color on the page, was ‘nothing’ like the color in person.

    Lenora - The way I feel about 'politicians' - a little 'sick at my stomach; but, 'maybe' all the name calling will stop and all the empty words will also stop.
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    Yes, my pain is real.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • madelinerocha
    madelinerocha Posts: 1 Member
    I'm very new at this. Not sure where to start....
    November goals...start exercising 3x a week...keep under 1500 calorie goal ☺

    Dunnville, Ontario
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I have started my Tiny House marathon and excused Charlie to his man cave for the rest of the night. Elections will be over whether I watch or not

    Joyce, Indiana
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,995 Member
    Hello ladies: Had a crazy day yesterday. DH had to be at the hospital for surgery (lithotripsy, breaking up of kidney stones) at 8:30 am. He is diabetic and could not eat after midnight. They told him not to take his medication, so he did not. However we ended up being there much longer than expected because he had not had enough liquids and could not pee. They would not let him go home before he peed. They finally got orders and hung another bag of fluids. The only thing they gave him to eat was graham crackers. We finally got home late afternoon and before he ate anything he took his diabetic meds. No common sense in this man. A short while later just after DD got home from work he said he felt nauseous and wanted to lay down. She was helping him into the bedroom when he passed out. We managed to get him on a chair but he was unresponsive. He finally came to enough to drink some apple juice but we ended up calling 911 on his doctor's advice. By the time they got here he had eaten some crackers and a little soup so blood sugars were up and they said he did not need to go to the hospital. He is a little more chipper today but still says he feels light-headed and nauseous at times. I realize they do not want to give him much after surgery because of the anesthesia but there must be a happy middle somewhere. I will have to give this some thought before he goes in for the next surgery on Dec 8. I spent the day sitting at the hospital so did not get much exercise but did not eat much either so not a bad day for me.

    Becca - Happy that at least two of your boys will be home for Christmas.

    Allie - Hope things turn out well for Homer.

    Lisa - Interesting commentary.

    KJ - Thinking good thoughts for you. Please take someone with you who can listen accurately and advocate for you. Not everything they see on a mammogram needs immediate action but they can really push you to do that. I had some microcalcifications show up that they wanted to biopsy immediately. I declined and chose to go the course of wait and see. Those spots are still there four years later unchanged. You might also consider a thermogram before you choose to treat.

    Pip - WTG for you and Kirby.

    Sending healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories, Sue in WA
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello Lively Lasses!

    Aside from the election, not much going on today. This is a good thing.

    I started my more organized strength training efforts today by doing the core and leg parts of the Strong Women Stay Younger program at the gym, this morning. Tomorrow I will do the Arms. I plan to alternate every other day on that – with Cardio every day as I have been doing.

    I am hoping the strength training will push the weight loss a little faster... Yes, my Lovelies, I know, muscle weighs more than fat and it could be a while before I see those benefits – but, I am still hoping to see some progress in clothing sizes and such. I am pretty happy with the current silhouette – after years in 3x/4x clothes – and I want to see further progress, there, much more than I want to see a low number on the scale.

    I am heartened by the exercise results so far. I have lost weight in the past – but, I didn’t get the great shape results I am getting this time, because I just did cardio. This time, with some strength training, I am getting much more acceptable results - a fairly even loss of inches over my body – without losing too much up top! Whoot! Who could ask for more than that?

    I have lost 34 pounds since the end of March – a tiny bit more than a pound a week – and those pounds come out to 4 inches off my waist and hips – and a couple of inches off my bra band size. I am losing that triple D cup – but still hanging tough at Double D – so, I am not complaining. I am still a long way from the dream of 36-24-36 – but, hey, I am hoping for great things with my organized strength training and my somewhat renewed sense of patience... *slams the door in the face of the magic bean salesman.*


    Becca – The trains are fab! LOL – and I agree on the uniforms... they look so fine... but I prefer them neatly folded –preferably not on the bed – also.

    Gloria – I second Pre-portioning the snacks – for sure! And those carbs are hiding EVERYWHERE... good luck in rooting them out of your diet.

    – Welcome! Atta Girl! Four days is a good start... Keep it going, and keep coming back here.

    Allie – ((Hugs!!)) So sorry Homer’s condition is still a mystery.

    Marcelyn – Hope the allergies get less obnoxious. It’s been a rough year.

    KarenE – Look at you with the photos! DGS is adorable! Nothing like a few weeks of immersion to improve the Spanish! Glad you had a good time – and GRATZ – great job keeping it under control on Vacation. So sorry about your dog. ((Hugs!))

    – Thank you! Hope the headache goes away with no further symptoms!

    Barbie – Thank you for the recommendation! So excited for you to be getting back to your teaching – it’s only a matter of time til you will be dancing up a storm.

    Pip – Glad you survived. Can't wait to hear the deets...

    Margaret – Loved being able to do the Early Voting thing... no lines for my DH to have to stand in.

    Lenora – Glad to hear your BIL is still fighting.

    Joyce – Charlie is so funny! I suppose if you haven’t been able to convince him he is a Vet in all the years you have been married, nothing I could say will sway him. ((Hugs!!))

    Lillian – Thank you! Wish we could escape the election, too! But, we have to live with whatever the results are... and it ain’t going to be pretty, no matter who wins.

    – I also have been struggling since childhood. I feel you. But, since I found MFP, I feel more empowered and in control of the whole situation. This group of loving ladies has been a big part of that. Welcome!

    SueBDew <3

    Rori - :p

    – Whoot! Gratz on the loss.

    Michelle – I am awed by your plank hold time. I am counting the days... only two weeks... Then it’s all Christmas All the time... LOL.

    Kim – Thanks!

    – Love the lighthouse!

    Sherry – So happy for you getting settled in. And I hope you won’t let the canes hold you back, too much. I know you aren’t “old enough” to be using them – but it is what it is. Live as best you can with what you’ve got. We can’t keep waiting for things to get better – we have to actively work for it. ((Hugs!))

    Sharon – Hope you feel better, soon!

    Lisa – EEEEK! Good thing I just live with the wrinkles... lol. I have earned every line and crease – so, I wear them with pride. I am hopeful that those little valleys all over my face add character and interest... :]

    – Breathe, Hon. I believe... it will be fine. The chain will hold and you will get your dream house. And by all means, get some rest! No point in staying up, since we aren’t likely to have any resolution for days. Someone will certainly call for a recount, file another suit, or generally stamp a foot and it will be days before we know who wins. The whole thing is like an episode of the Jerry Springer show. *sighs* I expect a fist fight to break out at any moment.

    Liz – Ah, the couch.. so cozy, so comfy, so easy to just pass out and wake up all stiff and funky. Yes, I also voted early, also. And great idea to take the money! Perfect way not to handle the food.

    – Compassionate Yoga does sound interesting.

    KJ – Hope you get that stress eating under control... Voting for the kids sounds like fun! And don’t panic on the extra exam... when I had my latest exam – they took a blurry picture – and had to take it again. It was nothing – and I am sure it will be nothing for you, too. The second time, I believe they always require the doc to be there, and look at the results – so that you can get the “final answer” and not have to come back a third time.

    Pat ;)

    Lois - :)

    – Alas, I believe the battle will continue for days – regardless of who wins. *sighs*

    Charleen – LOL – I hope the election passing will take your pain with it. ((Hugs!!))

    – Hope the Chiro can work some mood magic.

    - *waves*

    Kate – I do the same – type the post and paste it in.

    – How you doing, Sugar? I have been thinking good thoughts for you.

    Tere – Gratz on the 3 pounds! I may cook on the weekend for Thanksgiving – but, I never stress Christmas. I usually just hang out with DH and we go eat Chinese Buffet.

    – how’s the shoulder, Hon?

    – Welcome! Starting with exercise is always a good thing! It has so many benefits over and above burning a few extra calories!

    – Sorry about your DH – thank heaven mine is always aware of where he is, blood-sugar wise. If he drops low while he is sleeping, he wakes up. It’s kind of amazing... He is pretty good about taking care of himself, that way. Hope your man feels better, soon.


    Well, it’s box food for dinner tonight – I think I have some eggplant parm in the freezer. I decided not to cook today because I threw some rotisserie chicken bones and skin into the crockpot with some onions and stuff to make stock. Tomorrow it’s lentils with chicken and apple sausages – cooked in the homemade stock. Tonight? Microwave delight. A small price to pay for 2 or 3 days of delicious lentils.

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited November 2016
    Good Tues morn. Won't be on long,going to vote ,then a couple stops to make. Update....at 10 am,lots of voters
    ,but the polling place had around 40 machines,so didn't take long at all.

    Had my check up yest.All is well,lost 1 1/2 pds.....very surprising..wasn't expecting a loss.
    But......same results at the heart dr..small,but better than gaining.

    KAREN E Your Mother's view....so beautiful!

    RITA,Great pics of your DGS.....

    ALIE......sorry about Homer. They sure grab our hearts.

    I pasted my post ,but part is here....the rest missing. MFP needs to fix it.That gets old.....

    Didn't know Gallaudet in Wash,DC didn't allow students to speak for 4 yrs. Sounds cruel...

    Sherry,good luck with your move.Something different can be what the Dr ordered....
    .from Pat who is firmly planted in one spot.