

  • fyree39
    fyree39 Posts: 47 Member
    Good morning, ladies. I don't post much because I'm new here. I do enjoy reading the posts, however, and I hope to contribute more.

    We leave on vacation Sunday morning for two weeks. I have a plan for food choices so I don't gain too much. We'll be cruising so the temptations will be strong!

    The election was very stressful for me due to a family member or 3 who are very adamant about who should be elected. I had to keep my mouth shut around them and even then I was targeted for not voting the way they thought I should. I'll be so glad when things settle down again.

    My job is fast-paced and VERY stressful. I've only been there 6 months and my stress levels are through the roof. It's a job I enjoy, though, and I thrive on the deadlines and constant changing of direction. I wouldn't have it any other way. I can retire in 18 months and that's the carrot at the end of the stick for me.

    I hope you're all well this fine morning.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Up early this morning for me. Time change, depression and SAD I think are getting to me. Have to find my light therapy and increase my Celexa I think. Back bothering me doesn't help my mood any. I am glad I came back to this group of wonderful ladies. You help me focus on other things than "poor me"!
    Rita from CT

    So glad you are back too! I find myself in the same situation. Found my light box and have it set up. 15 minutes each morning. Have also considered upping my Celexa dose. All this and my daily (okay multi-daily) dose of y'all hopefully will lighten my mood!

    By the way Rita I have lived in Connecticut several times. Born in New London. Lived in Wethersfield as a young child and lived in Portland as a young mom! Love Connecticut!

    in TX with the windows open this morning
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi all

    I'm sort of overwhelmed with teaching and haven't been able to do much more than read. Only one more day of teaching and I'll be (relatively) free again!

    Special shout-outs to some of you darlings

    Kim - Masses of (((((hugs))))) to you. I agree with the sentiments of others here: Levi isn't the only one who miss you. Hang in there :heart:

    Margaret - I hear you about Jessie Ventura. For a while there, I was glad to be a former Minnesotan, rather than a current one.

    Carey - Ouch with the eye problems. I hope you and the doctor can get it sorted out soon.

    Heather - Sensitivity is both a blessing and a curse... I'm glad to hear you and your DH are communicating again. He's such a lovely man and you're such a lovely woman! :flowerforyou:

    Sharon - So sorry about your friend's son. What a nightmare for a parent.

    I'd promised myself to run to and from the lecture venue this time, and for the first couple days I did just that. But then Stockholm got hit by a snowstorm. The snow in central Stockholm is now 39 cm deep (about 15½ inches), the greatest November depth since they started keeping records back in 1905. It was total chaos! Only 4 of my 24 students made it to class on time, and one person never made it at all on Wednesday. Another didn't make it home and had to spend the night in a hotel. Needless to say, I couldn't run in that. I did walk, though.

    On Wednesday evening, I went to a choir rehearsal! The girl whose PhD thesis I edited a few weeks ago is a member of a choir I belonged to many, many years ago. She heard I was in town and asked if I wanted to come along to rehearsal. They would be rehearsing Händel's Messiah for three performances next weekend. I've sung the piece before so I jumped at the chance.

    The choir consists of about 40 extremely skilled singers and the conductor knows his business. We rehearsed in a big room belonging to the Stockholm Cathedral smack in the center of the Old Town. Marble stairways, painted wooden floors, deep window niches, a high ceiling with mouldings and chandeliers, a row of big round windows around three sides of the room but 20 feet up, above the ordinary rectangular windows. And all that music... It was exactly what I needed to drive away the post-election blues.

    Funny thing, after break the conductor announced that the choir would be singing at a service to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the refurbishment of the organ in their home church. A thought started niggling in myt brain and I realized that I had sung at the service when the newly refurbished organ was dedicated. Yikes! Forty years ago! Time flies...

    /Penny, currently in a place with much more snow than we have back home near the North Pole
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    I have had a lot going on in my brain. I am off tomorrow, I will write about it tomorrow, sorry
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Liz in Caldwell: Oatmeal is very healthy for you if you buy old fashioned oats and measure your portions. The instant stuff is something you'd have to judge for yourself. We don't use it. I bought a food scale and also restaurant quality dishers when I started. I still use both regularly. I think they're a wise investment. The food scale wasn't expensive, but the dishers were more costly than I imagined they'd be. Dishers are essentially ice cream scoops in measured sizes. They're used in restaurants to serve standard portions to customers, and they come in a lot of different sizes. I got quarter cup, third cup and half cup. My grandchildren will probably inherit them from their parents. :wink:

    Re: Log shoving is a great work out, and we have more to do. I didn't want to work on the docks alone and my partner left to do something else. Perhaps I'll get another dock cleared out today. There are three left to do. :ohwell:

    Becca: Giving hugs are nice, but it is even nicer that you ask if someone wants a hug. Some people don't like being touched, especially by strangers. My dad was one of them. He said it was because of his experiences in WWII. He was a Sea Bee in the Solomon Islands. :heart:

    Gloria in WA: I've said this before, but I admire you and what you're doing for your grandsons. :heart:

    Kim: I am upset by this election, too. I didn't like either candidate very much, but this turn of events is unexpected & worrisome. We have one good choice, and that is to live each day as it comes and do the best we can. We're all in the same boat together. I wonder if this is how Heather felt about Brexit. Things turned out very well in my state and local elections. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Sharon in Lethbridge: Sending heartfelt sympathy to you and to your friend who has just lost her son. :heart: :broken_heart::heart:

    Pip: I sympathize about having a busy brain. Looking forward to hearing from you tomorrow. (((HUGS)))

    I'm doing my best to cope with this election by living in the moment and focusing on local issues. Local elections went very well for our state and town. Today I'm walking with my former neighbor and I need to leave the house in about 5 minutes to meet her. I look forward to it.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sharon- I am so sorry for your loss and that of your friend. He sounded like a very remarkable young man. (((hugs)))


    Mary from Minnesota
  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    Hi, My name is Janet and I just turned 65 in August. I do have health issues, heart attack, stroke, arthritis in feet, blah blah blah :) I was on MFP years ago and just forgot all about it for some reason. Overweight again but since starting 5 days ago, feeling better already. Less depressed. Funny how a couple of pounds can affect you.
    I love this site. <3
    November goals
    Substituting high calorie food for low cal
    Easting smaller portions
    Fill food diary every day
    Start going to Aquafit
    Try to drink more water.
    Janet in Canada
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    edited November 2016
    Charleen2 wrote: »
    Not a political statement, but what has been really happening in my life for the past week. I've had a major flare up of my hemorrhoids that has had me on the sofa for the duration. Can't walk, exercise, sew/quilt, lift or sit without a lot of pain. I've managed to read a book (Hamilton) in this time. It's actually an interesting read.

    Daughter has suggested that my flare up is due to election angst, the pain (she says) seems to have more than one source. Woke up this morning and think I am beginning to finally turn the corner. Of course! It's election day! If there is anything to her line of thought, help my hemorrhoids feel better, get out and vote! Please!

    Charleen in Colorado (We vote by mail in ballot thank heavens) m0778.gif

    Well, I knew this election was a pain in the "donkey spelled differently." Here is the proof!

    Seriously, Charleen, I am sorry you are having this trouble. I hope it goes away soon.

    KJ, hugs and prayers for the best possible outcome. I second the motion to take a friend if DH is going to be supportive.
  • blumenstockbj
    blumenstockbj Posts: 94 Member
    edited November 2016
    Last couple of weeks have been rough but still hanging in there.
    Barb in Indiana

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sharon. I am sorry about your friends son. It is awful that companies put out these dangerous drinks and advertise that they will 'help you'. I have heard so many things like what happened to him.

    Penny, I am so jealous of you being in such a wonderful building and singing the Messiah. The hospital I worked at for almost 30 years had a choir. It eventually had no one interested in being in it, plus employees no longer had time for rehearsals. One year we sang several songs of the Messiah. my youngest sang the whole thing when she was in college and I have been in two church choirs that just sang the Hallejah chorus. It is a difficult song to sing and you need strong choir members to sing it. Unfortunately our choir does not have that. In the soprano section we have 5, 2 are very strong, one doesn't realize how good she is and suffers from depression, the other two are the good kind of supporters that all choirs need. In the alto section, mine, we have 5 members, two strong singers and the other 3 good supporters, tenors is our best, 3 very strong singers, and the bass have singers that know how to read music but just don't sing out. Plus we are an old choir and 80% of us are older than 60. most in the 70's and 80's. But we have wonderful accoustics, good enough that we sound like a much larger choir. It was the choir that attracted me to the church. When I went church shopping, as soon as I heard the choir I was sold.

    Will be glad when our nation settles down and we can be more unified.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • jamidub
    jamidub Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all,

    New to the group, and it will take me a while to read through this month's posts so far just to get my bearings on everyone's happenings. I live in Kirkland, WA, just outside of Seattle. On October 12, I had bariatric sleeve surgery. I've been fat all my life, dieting for most of my nearly 53 years (have a b-day this month). 4 years ago I paid for an expensive diet/exercise/personal trainer/dietician/doctor program and lost 125 pounds in that year. Then life got in the way, I stopped going to the gym, and evening the weight came back with 15 new pounds in tow. I'd always considered bariatric surgery to be a last resort, and never thought it was for me. My sister had the same surgery last year, and has done fairly well with it. She is much happier. Something clicked and there I was in July, talking to the physician's assistant and nutritionist. I had to pay out-of-pocket because my insurance doesn't pay for it, so I'm hoping I have more success this time---so far I can tell that I will. I've lost 41.6 pounds since I started this in July; 20 before surgery and 21.6 after. Hit a stall for the past week or so, but the scale is budging again.

    I went to the gym yesterday for the first time in a long time. Trying to make it a habit again.....

    Currently not working (on purpose) so that I can recover from surgery (for the most part my pain is gone) and get into good habits. I'll start looking in January. I'm a CPA, focusing on financial statement preparation and reporting at the industry level. Lots of companies here, and I may try the consulting route this time instead of taking a permanent position somewhere.

    Anyway, thanks for letting me banter on. Still feeling the pain of 11/8, but will go on nonetheless!

    Jami from NW Washington
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,325 Member
    Hi all!

    The DH situation has resolved with a lot of talking and we now have a better understanding of our relative neuroses. Him saying I didn't support him was about me shouting at him in a "tone" he felt reminded him of his childhood. I have expressed how I feel about my scribbles. We are good. <3
    The upshot is I took on board what some of you said about scanning the documents. I do want to self publish them one day, so I have done some research on some local document recovery places. It will cost, but they can do it all in a fraction of the time it would take me. I will ring a couple tomorrow. I would like it so I can work on the documents and get them ready for self publishing. Then I can ditch most of the typescripts (keep a few pages as samples) and just hold onto the manuscripts.

    I expressed my frustration with my 8 yr old laptop, which is almost unusable and hindering work, so DH suggested I get a new one. We were out together dumping stuff, so we went in to a local computer centre and the nice young guy there said he could help me with transferring stuff. That made me feel better and he was generally a source of information.
    Thus I went on Amazon and I have earmarked a new laptop. May order it tomorrow. No DVD drive, but I can get one of those separately. That will make life sooooooo much easier and I can transfer my Word (I hope).

    Thank you ladies for helping me realise that there are other solutions to this crisis of the soul. I am so afraid of technology, but I'm not an idiot and can do it. But I am thinking the professional scanning company might be a great investment. :D

    Today we went to the dump and I threw out some books!!!!!!! Can't find a home for a never used Dualit set as the charity shop doesn't take electrical. I will try at yoga.

    Had WONDERFUL Chinese mushroom stir fry tonight. :D

    (((HUGS))) for those who are so sad. I find reading improving books helps me. And just smiling. The Dalai Lama is good. :D Being miserable never helped anyone, that's for sure, although a good wallow can be good and then come out of of it. Give the misery it's due. Really feel it. Then tomorrow is another day.

    Much love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    (((HUGS))) for those who are so sad. I find reading improving books helps me. And just smiling. The Dalai Lama is good. :D Being miserable never helped anyone, that's for sure, although a good wallow can be good and then come out of of it. Give the misery it's due. Really feel it. Then tomorrow is another day.

    Heather You are a wise woman <3

    Off to the gym and library to meet my goals today.. NYKAREN
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • jamidub
    jamidub Posts: 4 Member
    Oops, forgot to list November goals:

    Exercise at least 4x per week
    Meet my protein and vitamin goals
    Clean out my garage

    Jami, NW Washington
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    Well Homie is much much better..he went to the groomers and he ate..so here is hoping he continues to feel well..
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited November 2016
    Penny – For snow; it is nice to look out the window to see; but, inside for warmth. I know a lot of you who live in Snow Village – love it! I’m too cold natured. Right now it is in the high ’50 or ’60; and my feet are still cold. I can’t get them warm. If I wear socks, they feel wet, so I am usually colder. Have a couple of pair of long wool socks; but, about 15 minutes in them, can’t pull them off fast enough; but, at least I am warm again. I find if I ever get ‘cold’ about the only thing I can do is go to bed and turn on the mattress warmer.

    Katla – When I made my comment earlier, I wanted to say what you just did – I did not particularly like either of them; and, my reasons are only in my mind; knowing that there were a lot of things said, that are impossible to do. But, we now know who it is; and, hopefully, he will surround himself with wise men and women and will listen to what they say. I really don’t think he will say, “You’re FIRED!” Being the President is going to be a lot different than being the owner or CEO of a business. He’ll find that there are 3 branches of Government and that is for a reason: Congress draws up the laws they think should be passed, the President signs them into law; and the SCOTUS is supposed to be the ‘tie breaker’ or who makes judgments that ‘set’ new laws. Each State has the same sort of government, just on a smaller scale. Even cities and small towns do. I think that is one of the things that makes this country ‘great’ and especially the men/women who serve this country; whether it is through the military, police, or as ‘elected’ officials serve ‘at out pleasure’. We can always ‘vote’ them out. At least the Federal Government set limits on the POTUS; unfortunately a lot of them have made ‘their’ service a ‘career’ … with fabulous health benefits and retirement (even after just one term of serving). Unfortunately, they really do NOT live by the same laws they expect for us to live by.
    This year, I really did not know the people running locally or state-wide. But, know they have to either pay to run, or not get elected, or in some cases, they are appointed and you don’t have any say-so. If a politician is not willing to ‘live in a fishbowl’ then they should not run.

    Mary - Cracker was a year old on my DOS’s birthday. Since she was ‘about’ 4 months old when we got her we counted back; and, then set the date to something easy to remember.

    Gee, I hope they show up in the post; if not ... I did not do it correctly
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited November 2016
    Nope, that did not work; maybe I'll try it later (did the .jpeg show up inside your post as only a bunch of letters and numbers? Or do I need to go back in and actually 'name' the picture?