Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • allmannerofthings
    allmannerofthings Posts: 829 Member
    I will measure and track everything I eat
    I will pack a healthy lunch
    I will get 10K steps
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    JFT, Sunday 11/13
    1. Cook ahead for lunches this week :) A lot of good it did me, since I got up late and didn't have time to PACK a lunch!
    2. Stick to Medi Weightloss plan and journal :)
    3. Finish my mystery novel today! :/ Ended up watching the Packers lose, then the Chargers lost and knocked me out of the football pool and then The Walking Dead was on...
    4. Relax before work tomorrow :) Definitely did this yesterday!

    JFT, Monday, 11/14
    1. Stick to Medi Weightloss plan and journal honestly
    2. Go home for lunch...do NOT buy fast food
    3. Eat healthy dinner
    4. Begin packing home office for remodel
    5. Take Kendra shopping after work for new back pack
    6. Finish mystery novel and bed early!
  • melodydee66
    melodydee66 Posts: 115 Member

    1. I will track all my food and stay on my clean eating plan.
    2. I will drink at least 2 L of water today
    3. Get my 10,000 steps
    4. Spend at least 10 minutes reading something positive and training myself to rid the negative thoughts.
  • sNachers
    sNachers Posts: 30 Member
    sNachers wrote: »
    New to this thread :)

    1. I will log EVERYTHING I eat and drink :(
    2. Be active for 30 minutes :)
    3. Drink 64oz of water MINIMUM :)
    4. Cook a healthy supper and not overindulge in it :neutral: ish

    1. I will again drink a minimum of 64oz
    2. I will play to my max at v-ball tonight
    3. Cook a healthy dinner tonight.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited November 2016

    1. weigh/measure/track all food :(
    2. under 100G carbs :(
    3. walk on at least one work break :(
    4. 40 situps :(
    5. 10 cups water :)

    1. weigh/measure/track all food
    2. under 100G carbs
    3. 60 minutes intense Zumba
    4. 100 situps
    5. plan and pre-track exercise for the week
    6. 12+ cups water
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    A really bad few days, I have really slipped back into bad habits. Not sure why although my calendar didn't help, I happened to have a lot of social occasions all at once, when my willpower was low and when I was a bit too busy to log on here!

    Need to get back on track now. My new motivation is work Christmas party! This is in 4 weeks and I want to buy a lovely dress that will show off all of the weight I've lost. This won't work if I've put it all back on by then :-)

    So today's commitments:
    - Log everything I eat
    - No unhealthy snacks at all
    - No alcohol
    - Light lunch
    - Small healthy snack before evening meeting - can eat proper dinner when I get home
    - Stay within calories with c. 200 deficit

    - 60 min lunch break, do exercise for stress course in it
    - Meditate
    - Don't procrastinate - get stuff done
  • luv2shimmy
    luv2shimmy Posts: 67 Member
    JFT, Tuesday, 11/15
    1. Skip the latte and get a red eye instead
    2. eat only the food that I packed in my lunchbox
    3. Drink 2L of water - at least half of that at school today
    4. 30 minute walk/run today (if it's nice, go at lunch :smile: )
    5. Study for anesthesia at least 2 hours
    6. Study for patho, at least 2 hours. We're gonna destroy that final exam tomorrow.
  • melodydee66
    melodydee66 Posts: 115 Member

    1. I will track all my food and stay on my clean eating plan. - :)
    2. I will drink at least 2 L of water today - :)
    3. Get my 10,000 steps - :)
    4. Spend at least 10 minutes reading something positive and training myself to rid the negative thoughts. - :)

    1. I will track all my food and stay on my clean eating plan.
    2. Drink at least 2 L of water today
    3. Get my 10,000 steps
    4. Read something positive and say something positive to at least 10 people today! Spread the love! <3
  • allmannerofthings
    allmannerofthings Posts: 829 Member
    I will measure and track everything I eat
    I will pack a healthy lunch
    I will get 10K steps
    I do 45 min workout
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    JFT, Monday, 11/14
    1. Stick to Medi Weightloss plan and journal honestly :( The darn trail mix got me last night....
    2. Go home for lunch...do NOT buy fast food :)
    3. Eat healthy dinner :)
    4. Begin packing home office for remodel :s
    5. Take Kendra shopping after work for new back pack :)
    6. Finish mystery novel and bed early! :)

    JFT, Tuesday, 11/15
    1. Stick to Medi Weightloss plan and journal
    2. Go to Medi Weightloss and pick up some Cappuccino packets, oatmeal and protein bars
    3. HYDRATE
    4. Get hair cut and colored
    5. Begin packing home office for remodel
    6. 30 minutes activity tonight
    7. New mystery novel...find one!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat :)
    - No unhealthy snacks at all :)
    - No alcohol :)
    - Light lunch :)
    - Small healthy snack before evening meeting - can eat proper dinner when I get home :)
    - Stay within calories with c. 200 deficit :| Managed 100 - 200 always challenging with no exercise calories earned
    - 60 min lunch break, do exercise for stress course in it :)
    - Meditate :/ No seat on train - can't really meditate standing up....
    - Don't procrastinate - get stuff done :/ This did not happen, was grumpy and lazy

    Today's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat
    - No unhealthy snacks at all
    - No alcohol
    - Exercise class after work
    - Stay within calories with c. 200 deficit

    - Listen to music to improve focus and mood
    - Don't procrastinate - get stuff done
  • allmannerofthings
    allmannerofthings Posts: 829 Member
    JFT I will
    track everything
    get 10K+ steps
    cook a healthy dinner from scratch
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    JFT, Tuesday, 11/15
    1. Stick to Medi Weightloss plan and journal :)
    2. Go to Medi Weightloss and pick up some Cappuccino packets, oatmeal and protein bars :)
    3. HYDRATE :)
    4. Get hair cut and colored :)
    5. Begin packing home office for remodel :/
    6. 30 minutes activity tonight :/
    7. New mystery novel...find one! :)

    JFT, Wednesday, 11/16
    1. Stick to Medi Weightloss plan and journal
    2. Hydrate
    3. Be productive. Get one project for work done today. Completely done!
    4. 30 minutes of activity
    5. Get enough work done today during normal hours so I don't have to bring work home tonight
    6. Make it through the day without getting irritated with a certain someone who is driving me crazy lately!

    Happy Hump Day everyone!
  • melodydee66
    melodydee66 Posts: 115 Member

    1. I will track all my food and stay on my clean eating plan. - :)
    2. Drink at least 2 L of water today - :)
    3. Get my 10,000 steps - :)
    4. Read something positive and say something positive to at least 10 people today! Spread the love! <3:)

    1. Track all food and stay on clean eating plan
    2. Drink at least 2L of water today
    3. Stay very active and go on at least two walks today (forgot my watch, so can't track steps :( ). Will do the best I can to focus on making sure I do this anyhow.
    4. Complete some projects at work I've really been meaning to do.
  • ahlife27
    ahlife27 Posts: 8 Member
    Can I join even though I'm late? :)

    - Stay within my calorie limit
    - Finish one thing that makes me feel accomplished (cross stitch project, cleaning out phone, book a friend lent me, etc)
  • LyricMacBoyd
    LyricMacBoyd Posts: 6 Member
    Another "late" joiner:

    JFT — 11/16/16:

    Look for some new support in an on-line community!
    Call for appointment with CBT therapist for weight loss - can I find one?
    Remain "in the box" (on my eating plan) for the rest of the day.

    That's enough for day 1.

  • tristramtrent
    tristramtrent Posts: 257 Member

    Stay in calories
    Guitar lesson
    Check back in!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    JFT, Wednesday, 11/16
    1. Stick to Medi Weightloss plan and journal. :)
    2. Hydrate. :)
    3. Be productive. Get one project for work done today. Completely done! :D Yes! Finally finished a very putzy time-consuming project.
    4. 30 minutes of activity. ;) Kind of... Had to run to store after work but it wasn't cardio speed.
    5. Get enough work done today during normal hours so I don't have to bring work home tonight. :s This is why no walk tonight. Worked until 9:30 tonight.
    6. Make it through the day without getting irritated with a certain someone who is driving me crazy lately! :)

    Just For Thursday, 11/17
    1. Stick to Medi Weightloss plan.
    2. Weigh in
    3. Hydrate
    4. Finish one project at work completely.
    5. Pay bills during break
    6. 30 minute walk
    5. Random act of kindness
    6. Be positive and take the high road!

    Have a great day everyone! Welcome to @LyricMacBoyd and @ahlife27 !!!
  • Areaw
    Areaw Posts: 11 Member
    - Drink 2l water
    - Go to the gym
    - Stay within calories
  • gojaqs
    gojaqs Posts: 471 Member
    Thursday, 11/16
    Workout class
    Leg challenge catch up