

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,146 Member
    Lenora- it depends on what state you live in. Somethings you can get recreational and do not need a doctors prescription. Such as Oregon and Colorado. In other states you need a doctors prescription like California, Washington, Minnesota and other states.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hahaha! The lady who was shooting me nasty looks can't see in anymore, so I made funny faces at her and stuck my tongue out and blew her a "raspberry"! Take that you mean woman!

    Went to the " head" clinic to meet with the prescriber this morning. Unfortunately because of the stress the last couple days my speech problem is acting up today. It took two hours to get out the information she needed to decide what to put me on. But we got it done and she put me on Celexa and Prazosin. The Prazosin is going to do double duty for both the nightmares and to help me sleep. We will see how well it works. It better knock me out!

    I am having a hard time following along with who said what in their responses to me today and I don't want to leave anyone out so I will just say "I read them all and Thank You all of you for the thoughts, kind words and encouragement. It really means a lot to me.". Maybe tomorrow I can re-read them all and respond appropriately. I do know they all made me feel really good. It is nice to have a " cheering section" for once in my life! Now I better stop or I will cry. I love you ladies! You guys rock!!!

    I haven't logged my food or exercise for the last two days, but now that I can focus on it I want to go back and fill those days in. Can I do that or should I just continue onward with today's?? Any input?? Night before last I binged on carbs like crazy! Felt bad afterward and almost forced myself to throw it all up, but then I thought "isn't that what anorexics and bulemics do (did I spell those right?)?". I don't want to do that so I decided to leave the carbs in me and move on. I can deal with a mistake for one meal as long as I don't repeat it, I'm trying to lose weight dammit! What can I say, I panicked (that doesn't look like it's spelled right)! So I went for two walks today to try and make up for it. The Yoga class I signed up for at the " head" clinic starts in a week on next Monday and I can't wait! It's gonna be so much fun! And if it isn't, I will make it fun dammit!

    Well, I should go start dinner. I'm starvin'! Sorry about the misspellings, I hate it when my brain won't work right!! Ugh! OK, laters for now...check back in later...

    Sherry in "onward and upward!" Portland
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Oye! My DH is fuming over the fact that tomorrow I am going to get my tattoo. The thing is simple script, about the length of my pinkie, hidden on the back of my neck (my hair will cover it). I have half a mind to change the spot to the middle of my forehead! >:) DYS is paying for it as a 50th birthday present to me. I have always wanted one. This is my first one. I swear to god if he has a hiss over my haircut later this month, I am shaving my head! What a old poop!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Here are some pics of the Moon last night out back of our house in College Station, TX.

    The bottom is the moon, the top right is the moon with a reflection (not a UFO) and the top left is a pic of the moon as I accidentally moved the camera!


    Have a good night!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,621 Member
    stats for the day:
    1st day w/fitbit charge 2
    ride hm 2 gym- 13.26min, 13.1amph, 150mhr, 2.9mi= 108c
    SPIN- 45mn, 82r, 103w, 11-13g, 121ahr, 144mhr, 18.3mi = 310c
    ride gym 2 dome- 9in, 9.5amph, 133mhr, 1.4mi = 56c
    run station 2 wk- 4.11min, 8.59ap, 120ahr, 153mhr, .4mi = 60c
    run wk 2 station- 4.32min, 10.01ap, 125ahr, 151mhr, .4mi = 64c
    ride dome 2 hm- 22,47min, 6.9amph, 144mhr, 2.5mi = 177c
    total cal 775
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello, Gutsy Girls!

    I had a lovely, long weekend. Didn’t do much exciting, but, I did put on my DIY helmet and fix the toilet that needed a new seal. I only blew one wax ring, so, I think I did ok – and the toilet is once again functioning – AND it no longer rocks like a ship at sea. Score one for Girl Power. (Sorry, Joyce, it’s a long trip to Indiana – or I would come and help you!)

    The scale was happy, this morning, so I am once again a pound ahead on the Christmas Challenge... only 4 pounds to go! Can it really be that there are only five weeks until Christmas? EEK!

    GOAL WEIGHT: 220

    Of course, I returned to check in on my lovely friends to find over 180 posts... and that was after I read all day on Friday. I am afraid I have had to skim, a little – but, I promise to keep up for the rest of the week.

    I will chime in with Sherry and say how much I appreciate all of you! Even when I can’t respond to each of you, I am cheering you on, hugging you and thinking good thoughts for each and every one of you.

    Tonight is a lovely curried chicken stew with red lentils and potatoes... a little carb heavy – but red lentils and potatoes with curry and coconut milk are Too. Die. For.

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    KJ - you go girl! Awesome on the tattoo! I have six of them myself on various parts of my body (4 back, 1 left breast, 1 lower right leg) of various things of various sizes. One piece of advice, if I may, please make sure it is something you want on your body for the rest of your life as the laser surgery to remove them can leave an ugly scar and you don't want that. Just tell the "old poop" if he doesn't like it he can keep that to himself, it's your body and you can put what you want on it or decorate it however you see fit. Right?? He'll get over it, he's a big boy. That's great you are getting it for your birthday! And your 50th, too! And if you shave your head I want to see pics!

    Sherry in "it's raining AGAIN!" Portland
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Howdy ladies ((((hugs))))
    Quiet day today, but got some projects done, and youngest sons 18th birthday present wrapped (in the Sunday Comics). It's 18 $1 coins in a us bank plastic piggy bank. Its for his "going to Arnie's restaurant" habit. So hopefully that will last him a couple of weeks!

    Sherry~ Happy everything is going well for you! I have always wished to get a Celtic Tree of Life tattoo, but I am a bit scared. I did get my nipples pierced to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary way back in 2009. OMG...they lasted from Sept to January, then I had them removed! Nice life story, but my body just wouldn't accept them. I figured it was something cool to do, and since we attended a nudist resort I thought what the heck. Well, what the heck was I thinking!! hahahaha! Rec'd a tetanus shot and cried like a baby thru that, and the nurse said, "what are you crying you got your nipples pierced for gosh sakes!" *sighes* My pain thresh hold went to zero. Crazy Becca....

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,072 Member
    Spikey love the parade pictures.

    Karen another stunner.

    The handyman said he can just replace the glass so it will be much cheaper than I thought. 350-450. Still stressful for me. DH is now out of town, so I had to be here to get the estimate, clean up the glass and move the furniture that was in front of the window. It does remind me of an accident. You are grateful no one got seriously hurt, yet there is still the mes that needs to cleaned up and repaired.

    :heart: Margaret
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    RE - congrats on the happy scale! It's always nice to see the numbers come down! I myself don't and won't own a scale. I only weigh in at the Doc's office. If I have a scale around I will get impatient and end up weighing myself everyday, sometimes twice a day, and getting nothing but frustrated. I go to the Doc's on Friday, so I will get weighed then and I can wait. I try to judge how I'm doing by my glucose readings and how my clothes are fitting. I have soooo much weight to lose that I have to remember to be patient. Besides, when I do weigh in about every two weeks or so it's a bigger number that comes off and makes me feel more like I am accomplishing more. Does that make sense?? So Yay you! Only 4 more pounds! You can do it!!

    Sherry in "umm, it's getting kinda soggy now" Portland
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Re, if my husband didn't have Parkinson's and Michelle didn't have such spinal problems, I know they could replace the ring. But it's the tile that is so cracked and a huge mess. And I know that Michelle would probably help if she knew her Dad was changing it by himself. But I don't want either to do it.

    KarenNY, thanks for posting the back side of huge structure. These structures take such a fine precision.

    Talked to Christina tonight for about an hour. LOVED IT! Today is Ellie's 10 birthday. We will celebrate it on Thanksgiving when they come up. Christina had given me a list of things she would like but when I asked Ellie herself tonight it was completely different. I crossed off several items she had told me. She had originally told me the Charlie and the chocolate factory but Ellie didn't want those. We went to Barnes and Noble tonight to looks at books. I asked the lady for help and I didn't think I was going to get out of there! She was a former middle school and so excited about some child who was excited about reading. So now I have this huge task of deciding what to get. We have a used clothing store that might have a dress I want to buy. She doesn't care at all if her clothes are new or used. Most of her clothes are used anyway. Most of the dresses I am seeing online from the stores are dressy clothes. She doesn't take care of her clothes at all and her parents never enforce it anyway so I don't like to buy her dressy clothes. They will sit in a clothes basket and then stuffed in dresser drawer. When they moved in their present house, my job was to help her unpack and put together her room. She didn't want to hang anything up, her Mom said not to. The last time we were there the closet was still empty. Her 15 year old sister will hang up dresses that she would wear to a dance but that is all. I did enjoy talking to her on the phone.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Becca - how about that! I got my nipples done too, about 15 years ago. I made the mistake of not wearing a bra when I went to get them done! Afterwards when I went to leave they had gotten sooo sensitive that my T-shirt rubbing on them started to hurt really bad! I had to try to drive a stick shift and hold my shirt away from my boobs till I could get home and get a freakin' bra on! I finally had to take them out about a year ago for MRIs and got tired after putting them in and taking them out again for another one so I just left them out. Now I have holes in my nipples! Lol!

    Sherry in "soaked" Portland
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Just sitting here reading the "drug information sheet" my pharmacy hands out with the scripts....

    "Call your doctor right away if you have a painful erection or an erection that lasts longer than 4 hours....."

    WTH am I taking?? Viagra???? Lol!

    Sherry in "where's my pipe?" Portland
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Thanks, Sherry

    4 more pounds is just the Christmas goal, but, I will be excited to get there. I still have at least 40 more after that.

    I also have problems with patience... and with the scale. I only weigh myself on the big medical scale at my gym - so, I only get to do it once a day. Once is more than enough!

    Have a great night!

    Re in TX
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Only managing short amounts of time on the computer. Just a quick hi to everyone
    Managed to get to Tai Chi tonight! Love tai chi.

    Carey - Northern Alberta

    Goals for Nov:
    - Increase walking by at least 100 steps per day
    - Get to Tai Chi at least once a week
    - Increase daily water intake
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited November 2016
    Carey so good to see you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. (((Hugs)))

    We had a wonderful visit today with Jack's buddy. I had not seen him in many years, so he was not aware of my 125# weight loss. When Jack walked with him to the car when he left he told Jack he couldn't believe how much younger I looked and that he didn't even recognize me at first. NSV :)

    Lisa, missing your wit!!

    Janetr 0kc
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Cheri: Thanks for the photos of the moon. Our weather hid the whole event behind thick clouds. :ohwell:

    Re: You're doing a great job losing the weight in a way that will help ensure it stays off. It is a slow process when done in a healthy way. Congratulations on your success!!!!! :bigsmile:

    Carey in N Alberta: Congratulations on going to Tai Chi. I hope you enjoyed the experience. :flowerforyou:

    Today I got the cubbyhole we created under the stairs painted. I want to install a light in there next, and then to start putting away things that had to be taken out of the storage area to do this project. They've all been stacked in the dining room and are still there this evening. I hope to have them put away by this time tomorrow.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,294 Member
    Katla - That is a real achievement - to get that space sorted. It will make a big difference. I hope you will congratulate yourselves when it is completed. :flowerforyou:

    The box of writings is sitting in the hall. I feel very nervous about letting go of it. Some things in there have no other copies, like the poems. I hope he takes good care of it. I realised I have not talked to him about how he is going to save the files. I haven't given him a memory stick or anything. Oh well, I expect it will all be fine. He does this for a job. But I do feel a bit as if I am letting my babies go out into the world unchaperoned. :o:'( DH is keeping quiet and being nice, but I can see he thinks I am worrying much too much.
    I hope to be back from yoga when he arrives, but if I am not, then DH can hand the box over. I can chat with him later on the phone.

    Onward and upwards! Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Karen NY - Don't be embarassed that you didn't read much. It sounds like you did exactly what you needed. Also sounds like a new tankini might be needed. NSV for you.

    Katla- Blue is my favourite colour. I'm sure you look very chic in your new jammies.

    KJLamore - I'm not sure if I'm a "trippy" Grandma but glad I am cool enough for the 15 yr. old to talk to. We talk movies, books, music and cars. Oh, and dumb jokes.
    What is your tattoo going to be? Always interested as DOS is a tattoo artist.

    Toni- I am currently reading "Pharoah" by Wilbur Smith and just started on a Jodi Picoult.

    Sherry - It's good to hear that you have met "one awesome neighbour". It sounds like you still have friends in the old neighbourhood.

    Lenora - Glad to hear you enjoyed your Retreat. Congratulations on your prizes, they sound very nice.

    Liz - Bye By to 4 lbs. Good for you.

    Allie - I remember that song. My Mom used to sing it and now I am hearing it in my head. I did go out tonight and had a good look at the Super Moon.

    Re - Keep on keeping on. Wishing you continued weight loss success.

    Having trouble normalizing my sleep pattern. I've been working on that ever since my accident in 2000.
    Sunday was another movie date. Deep Water Horizon - another true story, this time about the BP oil rig that caught on fire and the biggest oil spill in history.
    Trying to get caught up at work but seem to be going backwards. So many people to train and then to be put into the different programs. Today was crazy. Mondays are always busy with price changes, deliveries, etc. The person doing the scheduling can not seem to believe that the mornings are busy with shopping and never schedules enough people....grrr.
    Haven't been getting anything done when I get home. This cold is hanging on and playing me out. Clean clothes and a meal are all DH can hope for right now.
    Tomorrow I go to see the weight loss nurse. Here's hoping for good results but seriously doubting it.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge, Alberta