Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mmdolly56
    mmdolly56 Posts: 25 Member
    Recognize that you may not be able to remodel their tastes but you can remodel the kitchen which = junk food free
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Monday check in a bit late.... not a bad week. Logged food consistantly. Walked as much as I could with the plantar fasciitis- foot pain! Going to start at the gym today. I found a 3 day barbell workout that looks like I can do. I have no idea what weights to start with. Going to go light and see if my 17 yr old wants to come with me. Off today for pulmonologist appointment sleep apnea. Then off to the dentist, haircut and gym. Putting a pork tenderloin in the crockpot for dinner. Honey soy, looks tasty.. going to find out where I stand on surgery too. Sleep doctors are in the same building as the Obesity clinic. Busy day off.

    @ereilly311 bless your profession. My older brother has downs. Just turned 54. I can't imagine the highs and lows you see daily.

    I hope the rest of you easily meet your goals, enjoy your new way of feasting and the changes are visible on the scale and in the mirror and have a blessed week.
  • 320sycamore
    320sycamore Posts: 54 Member
    @ereilly311, I second the thanks for doing what you do. Working with people can be so rewarding, but also high stress. Ever since I left nursing (patient care) for the business world, I can comfort myself in high stress situations by repeating to myself that no one is going to die as a result of any decision or failure on my part. I wish I shared your enthusiasm for the outdoors and physical activity. I know I'm going to need to introduce exercise into my routine at some point, and I have never found any form of exercise that I enjoy.

    @pneschich, I just love your posts. You have a way of writing that feels like a diary, yet engages the reader(s). It sounds like your day off is busier than a typical work day; I know mine often are.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Bit the bullet and purchased a more accurate bathroom scale. I'm already in hate with the thing cuz it shows a 3.8 lb gain over the old scale. I mean, really - if the l old one was gonna be inaccurate, why couldn't it be inaccurate in the other direction?? Lol. But... accuracy over vanity, and I have to remind myself that the gain shown isn't real. Going forward I will have numbers I can trust. Onward...
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Wednesday wish. I wish I hadn't gone to the dentist yesterday! Ignorance is bliss. I knew I was losing an antique filling but I didn't know it would mean a possible root canal and that the two other relics had cracked and the teeth are in need of caps! Painful and expensive! A beautiful combination. Filed an appeal for surgery. I may know by the end of the month. Frustrated and saddened by the way this is going. I guess if it was easy.... Wife is angry, not a good thing in a redhead. I am a rule follower, always have been. Her, not so much. I'm so glad opposites attract. She's ready for lawyers and fire and brimstone.
    @320sycamore thank you for your kind assessment of my diarist style. I'm glad you enjoy. Inside this chemist there is an artist with no discernable skills trying to claw his way out.
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    When all is said and done, I believe that I probably gained about 2 pounds, but still working to get the fluid retention down, so by the end of the week I should be back on track! Wed Wish- That I will get all my appts. scheduled and errands done so that I'm not in a rush trying to get packed and ready for my Thanksgiving trip starting Saturday. I'm not a person that thinks veery straight in the midst of chaos, I hate going to the airport all stressed out and wondering what I didn't pack that I needed to! Holly in Nashville
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    NSV The CIO of our company had a bday today and they wanted everyone there for cake. I was able to hold out and pass on the cake the 4 times that it was offered!!
  • 320sycamore
    320sycamore Posts: 54 Member
    Way to go. I'm not a sweets/dessert lover, but I can imagine trying to pass up some salty treat four times.
  • griffinsaundra2
    griffinsaundra2 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new need to lose 120 pounds but cannot stop think of food. And my Dr keep pushing bariatric surgery
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,954 Member
    I saw a motivational poster recently that read:
    "I'm working on a NEW ME
    not because the old me is bad
    but because I can IMPROVE"
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    @griffinsaundra2 I am at the fighting with insurance stage of bariatric surgery. I went to an informational presentation and decided it was worth exploring for me. The "for me part" is important. I lost and gained always gaining more than i lost. I had to meet with a dietitian and a doctor monthly for 6 months and satisfy many conditions. At the end it was my choice. Continue as I was, medical (drugs), surgical or nothing at all. I have lost 45 pounds I have 110 to go. I need to do it for me. No one else got a vote. No opinion polling. ME.
    I've totally stalled at this weight. I'm a 6 foot tall 290 lb 52 year old man. I eat 1600 calories a day and walk 15-20 miles a week. I need help and the sleeve was my choice. I have researched and gone to support group meetings met people with good and bad experiences. But it is my choice. If you decide it's for you do it. If not, please do something! This is a great group for support (and venting). Never a discouraging word. Good luck and log your food. It will show you what your doing right and where you are adding calories, time of day or what you are really eating calorically. It won't fix anything, that's on you, but it will help with the what the problems are. If you want more info I'll share my thoughts.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    pneschich - Good for you. My neighborhood had excellent results with the sleeve and has pretty much kept his weight off. He eats sugar and drinks but still keeps his weight off. I want to give this all my effort before I resort to that, but am happy for your decision.

    Last week I lost 12 lbs but gained back for total lost of 8. This week has not been good.
    I am struggling to get back on track. Need to do that before Thanksgiving. Too much to to do and tired most of the time. Contributes to overeating

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Friday Fitness ... gonna use the warm day we are scheduled to give the grass a last cut before the snow starts to blow.

    Yesterday I cooked a dish that my mom used to make for us - Rissoles. It was the anniversary of my dad's birthday and I was feeling blue missing him and my mom, and all those who where the foundation in my relationships who are now gone from this earth. That dish came out perfect! My dad would have eaten of it gladly, and my mom would have been proud of my culinary skill. The dish is like a little personal meatloaf patty and each piece is weight measured before it's shaped and cooked. 75 grams per each, raw, and of that 60% is meat and the rest is other ingredients. There would have been too many Rissoles so I only made 11, then used the rest of the meat mixture to make a dozen 50 gram meatballs that I simmered in homemade Marinara sauce.

    The cataract surgery went really well and I am amazed at how much better my vision is. The second surgery is scheduled for next week. Thanks to those who expressed best wishes for the surgery success.

    I've been 'off the computer', somewhat, during the week as planned, but not enough. Feel like I am headed in the right direction of breaking this habit of too much PC-time; but it feels weird not to come to this thread every day and share my journey. Still ... I'll say the same as last time ... 'See ya when I see you', but will also add ... Thanksgiving is a time of giving thanks for our many blessings and of cream pies, so go heavy on recalling the blessings and light on the pie.
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    Very early flight tomorrow morning, so I need to get in bed, but I just wanted to say @Nikion901 I'm so pleased your surgery went well and that you are seeing better! See a little for me too! LOL
    @KATRENAJ- I passed on the surgery too. I knew that it would not keep me from overeating afterwards and so I'm doing it the old fashioned way, eat less, move more! So far it's working pretty well. I'm down 45 pounds since May. I still have sixty to go just to get in onederland, and then another 50 or so to goal and I'm very committed and sure that I will get it done. Surgery has saved many lives and I don't look down on anyone who chooses that path. We all have to make our own decisions, and then the rest support us in what is right for us! It's a great group here.
    @MermaidPrincessRach You always find the coolest stuff!
    Good night all and happy weekend.
  • riceflourde
    riceflourde Posts: 58 Member
    Hi! I'm new to the thread! I have 150 pounds to lose. I've been sticking around 290 for over a year so my big goal 10% loss is 260. Activity is very limited I cannot walk that far or do much. I have done some arm chair exercises on my bed, so I'd like to keep doing those, please encourage me. :) Plan is to follow an exchange diet but haven't had much luck so far. I need time to plan without 18,000 interruptions! :smile: Nice to meet you all!
  • 320sycamore
    320sycamore Posts: 54 Member
    Welcome @riceflourde. Your stats are very similar to mine: I started at 292, am currently at 265 and my final goal is 169 (I'm 5' 9", used to be 5' 11") and 56 years old (female). Been working on weight loss since 9/1/16, and following some advice from others on MFP, I set as many mini-goals as I can, since 292 to 169 is a LONG way. My first mini-goal was 5% of body weight, then BMI change from class III to class II obesity, now headed for 10% of body weight in a few more pounds.

    I hate, hate, hate to exercise, so other than my normal day to day activity (which is mostly sedentary), I've been working on the "calories in" piece first. I know I will need to add exercise at some point, but for now I have been eating lots of lean protein (white meat chicken, tofu), eggs, and essentially no refined carbs. I'm lucky because I like veggies and don't have a sweet tooth. The biggest problem for me is feeling full, so I'm tending towards 4 - 5 smaller meals/big snacks so that I never get to the point where I feel like I could eat everything in the refrigerator.

    Wishing you luck, and hoping you find this thread helpful.

    To the others on this board, I'm flying to FL later today to visit my mother for a week. My husband is coming with me, so I will be providing caregiving services to him, and (I'm sure) running lots of errands, helping out with Mom, but I'm hoping that my work schedule will be very slow (so far I only have to participate in a couple of conference calls) since I am technically taking vacation days Monday - Wednesday. I will be logging faithfully but may or may not be posting (since these trips to FL tend to be even busier than my normal home life somtimes). So, I wish a truly happy Thanksgiving to everyone in advance. I for one am thankful that I found MFP and this group (in addition to lots of other things).
  • Urtel
    Urtel Posts: 43 Member
    Hi I'm 43 and also have to loose a lot of weight and exercise more and I would love to have friends in a similar situation so that we can motivate each other. If anyone is willing to accept another friend, please add me for motivation and support and good luck to everyone. I'm making good progress with exercises.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Sunday Share ... Calories and weight loss ...
    In doing some spreadsheet work yesterday, I wanted to verify my estimated caloric need for maintenance as well weight-loss and stumbled across a BMR/TDEE calculator I haven't seen before, so natch', I had to plug in some data to run 'tests'. The results I got weren't really any different than I'd found on other sites over the last several years. One thing, however, did ring bells in my belfry.

    This calculator required a goal weight as part of the info for the calculation then provided the BMR and TDEE to targets to reach my goal as well as how long and the date my target would be reached. Of course, this is assuming my caloric input and output stayed within target. I chose several different deficits: none, 10%, 20%. I also ran a calc to maintain my desired weight for comparison. It was a fun mental exercise to do. It also pointed out that weight loss is not a fast process. The site I used is found at ..

    And now I know that, at least for me, It will take me about 5 years to get to where I want to be weight-wise.

    I've heard and read many times in the past, and today I think it's worth repeating once again ...
    1 ... You didn't gain it quickly (years, at about 10-20 pounds per year) and you won't lose it quickly either.
    2 ... It's all about Calories-in and Calories-out. (You need your NET calories to be at a deficit of what you need to stay the same.)
    3 ... Your plan has to be something you can maintain indefinitely, perhaps for the rest of your life, so don't make it too aggressive. Slow and steady, in weight loss, is what wins the race.
    4 ... As your weight goes down (and your age goes up), you need less calories than before just to stay the same.
  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member
    Sunday Share: I've been in a bad funk all week. I'm struggling to figure out what I want to do with my life job wise, whether I want to go back to school to become a teacher or if I want to leave education and use my degree I actually have. Instead of figuring it out, I've kinda just shut down and have spent my weekend sitting around doing nothing, eating junk, and being blah. I wish life was easier to figure out!
  • Heathermetoo
    Heathermetoo Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome to the group, @riceflourde and @Urtel . You will find lots of support with this group.
    @ereilly311 - Be encouraged. Some of the most difficult, but exciting times in our lives are when we reach a cross-roads.

    So is everyone ready for Thanksgiving? Let's put our plans in place. Plan our meals, plan our exercise and decide that we will have a fun and successful holiday! I would love to hear what everyone is planning this week.