

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim in AK: Welcome to a great group. Post often and get to know people. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: You are an awesome mother and I'll bet all of your sons adore you. :heart:

    Night all. :bigsmile:

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,298 Member
    Hi all!! Up early again. I had almost 6hrs sleep though.
    Anniversary today. Trying to decide what to wear for lunch. Layers are important as there is an open fire at the restaurant and you don't know how close you will be to it. :) I booked a taxi last night. B) Looking forward to wearing heels for the short stagger to the table. Never get to wear heels.
    Must ask DH if we've got any cash for the taxi. Luckily the meal is free. :D
    Gloria - I hope you get the job you want. Your courage is amazing. :flowerforyou:
    Katla - Sorry your riding is postponed. You will be desperate by January!

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxx
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Barbie - thanks dear...my life is such a saga right now....I'm glad you all don't mind me sharing it with you all. It's kinda like talk therapy, lol. I just have never really been one to dump my trials and tribulations on others (except for my counselors) because in my past I have mostly found that people are wrapped up in their own problems and don't want to hear about anybody else's issues, so this is still pretty new to me. And I am not comfortable being seen as a "drama queen", that's just not me. I guess I am still worrying about pissing people off somehow...kinda residual anxiety from being in an abusive relationship for 10 years, you get conditioned to trying really hard not to piss ANYBODY off...especially the abuser. So I worry, and I have all my life. I'm glad you all have an interest in my " saga". It makes me feel like I'm being listened to by people who are NOT paid to listen to me, lol!

    Katla - Thanks! I'm tryin' really hard...somehow it's paying off, lol! I sure hope you don't get the flu this time! That's never any fun, so hopefully since you won't be around so many people you will get some relief this year.

    Lenora - so that's where those pounds went, lol! Quick, try to hide from them! Don't let 'em getcha! I like this group because it IS all women! Nothing against ALL men, but I'm so tired of trying to communicate with them. The only men I talk to now on any regular basis is my primary care doc, my Ortho surgeon and my "old" neighbors' husbands and thankfully they all listen to me. But I think that's all of them that I can handle for now, lol. So I am happy that there are other women who care and listen.

    Becca - Maybe I need to have a friend slap me, lol!

    Well, I am exhausted. It's been a long day. Time for bed. Thanks for all the encouragement, ladies. You all are wonderful!

    Sherry in "feeling purple, lol" Portland
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Happy Sunday

    Still in Spain but heading home tomorrow to chilly England, love my hols but nice to get home and sleep in my own bed.

    Tuesday morning will be weigh in (hope I've not done too much damage) and then washing the holiday clothes. Anyone else a washing fanatic, I'm not a lover of any other sort of housework in fact it is usually the DH who says the kitchen floor needs cleaning (he does it as well) I think it's years of doing housework while holding down a job has kinda put me off.
    Any other DHs who now obsess about meals and cleaning since they retired. I'd rather do my workouts and weights, read and knit, life is too short to worry about kitchen floors.

    Have a good day I'm off to walk in the sunshine and have lunch somewhere

    <3 Kate UK
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Gloria, Heather and Katla - Thanks for your thoughts for my grandson.

    Kate UK - Loved your photos of Fiesta

    Lenora - Microblading lasts for about 2 yrs. They cut tiny slits in the skin and put pigment in. Now I have eyebrows for a while.

    Ladies- I was an old lady of 19 before my friends dragged me to get my ears pierced. They lied to me, it did so hurt! My sister and I both waited until we left home but still had to listen to Dad wonder "Why anyone would choose to put holes in their head?"

    Barbie - That was nice of your friend and great that you braved that store and are now done half your holiday meal shopping. Glad you are getting back to your real life. Bet it felt good to be teaching.

    Allie - Could Tom stay with Homer and you go to Florida?
    Give yourself a raise, Woman!
    I think my sister had a great idea. She and her husband came to an agreement before they were married. All money goes into the joint account no matter who is making more at the time, all household bills including groceries come out of there, then they each take equal amounts and this goes into their own accounts. Our system is a little different but it works for us. I need more than $20/wk to feel independent.

    Rita - The dogs are darling. Wicket behave because you need Grandma on your side.

    Sherry - I'm happy for you that you lost 3 lbs. It's great that you got a new tablet without a hassle.
    We are all here to support each other. Trust us.

    Katla - my foot cramps and charlie horses turned out to be a symptom of my silent reflux. Have you eaten anything that could be the cause? Try the banana for potassium and are you getting enough calcium?

    Heather - Happy Anniversary! Nice to dress up and wear heels. Oh, how I miss heels and cute shoes.

    Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving. Ours was in October. I take my Thanksgiving binder with me to where ever we have the meal. The family and friends know I will be asking them to write down what they are thankful/grateful for. It is interesting how you can tell what was going on in the world without even looking at the date.
    Went to an artisan sale at the Casa (Community Art) . Lots of cool things but I am trying to be careful with the Christmas cash. I wish I had more so I could support local talent better. My DGD was a hit with the potters and the jewellrey people. She decided the weaving looms were too scary for her.
    DGS wanted to earn some money for his Quebec trip in the spring. I should have checked the work before I paid. He cooked himself food while I was out and the kitchen ended up messier than when he started.
    Went for a visit at my brother's. DH had said we probably won't get offered a drink. Did they hear him? We offered tea as soon as we came through the door.
    DS is home from Laughlin. No winnings for her.
    Post is long because I just caught up with all of you again.
    -Sharon ( always running behind)
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    welcome Kim from Alaska. We are a great group for checking in and spilling what's on our mind. Come often, log every bite. This works, slow and steady :|

    Leaving for home today after a wonderful time in the African American history museum, absolutely stunning new museum. Packed with people, including the actress Angela Bassett who I was standing behind for quite some time , didn't say a word to her but she is gorgeous, surrounded by her family and entourage! Also bumped into senator Corey Booker from New Jersey and took a pic of our friend standing with him, I was too nervous to get in the pic myself, silly me!!

    Lots of steps yesterday and very few today so I am starting the at the hotel gym to get in my steps--fierce!

    To chime in re finances- both DH and I grew up quite poor, made us extremely cautious and careful. We have separate everything but purchase big things, together. It has always worked for us, also we talk about finances excessively including our kid who is the most frugal kid I've ever met. :p

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all,

    Slept a total of ten hours yesterday; starting to feel like I'm finally paying off my sleep debt. The cooler weather helps a LOT. Of course, now my face looks like it could use a good ironing!

    Welcome, Kim in AK. My DH (darlin' husband) is from Haines in south Alaska. Told me when we were dating here in Texas that he was "from the south." Never mentioned south what. :)

    On the subject of finances--While I deal with all the paperwork, checkbooks, etc., the money is never mine or yours, but ours, whether either one is working or not at that very moment. Occasionally, I get tired of the whole thing and chuck it in his lap, and he does a great job at it. I haven't been on an 'allowance' since the beginning years of my first marriage, and I revolted after about six months of that mess. That said, the ex and I went bankrupt in 2004, consequences of some bad mutual decisions. Taught me a lot.

    I brought the balance of my student loan with me to this marriage (student loans aren't wiped out in a bankruptcy), and my DH brought a bunch more from his ex-wife having a habit of opening credit cards, maxing them out and then never telling him they needed to be paid. All told, we climbed out from under a combined $115,000 owed to completely debt-free in three years. Wasn't easy; meant saying "no" a lot to two teenagers, but we did it. Other than two houses and the warehouse, we've carried no debt since.

    That said, like Pip, we do use one single credit card, and that's for the points. I keep close tabs on it online, pay it off a couple times a month, so we never pay a dime in interest.

    Allie--I love you, but you know that the only person who can change that situation is you. Tom has zero reason to change, because it's to his benefit to keep things the way they are.

    --Finance rant over.--

    My weight sucks, I'm in salty foods mode, can't tell whether the weight I've gained is water weight from all the salt or just weight. Probably a bit of both.

    Laundry this morning, so time to go sort and get it all in the truck. Bleah. Not my favorite chore.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas at 44 degrees this morning, supposed to be 75 this afternoon. From heat to A/C in the same day, woo-hoo! :)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,757 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    Homer is still hanging in there, Like Barbie we don't know how long we will have him but have made him everything under the sun and he wont eat it..
    today is the day I go out with my DD and DGD and hoping I can enjoy myself because ding ding is trying to make me feel guilty.I love Homie to pieces but right now I am a speck of dirt on the floor compared to him, I know Tom is worried as he is treating me nastier than usual, so it's good I a getting out for the day...
    I really don't want to bring anything up with him until this Homer thing is resolved...
    Ta Ta for now.. taking Tracy and Taliah to the Yankee Candle flagship store in Deerfield ,Ma. they have never been and I have a coupon for buy 2 get 2 free, so will get at least 2 for my DSIL for her Birthday and Christmas
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Morning Everyone!

    Welcome to the new women on this thread!

    NYKaren Stunning photos. I can't wait to see the African American History Museum. We will wait a few months until the crowds are thinned out a bit, then take a train to D.C. and spend the day there. We may have to make 3 or 4 trips, I hear it is a very big exhibit. Exciting!

    Shari Keep posting, & don't worry about wearing out your welcome. You have responded to adversity with resilience and we are all rooting for you.

    Heather Happy Anniversary! Have a lovely day with your husband. Take a picture of your feet in the heels for us, won't you?

    Re c0537.gif

    Cheri You will do fine getting to DisneyWorld, just like you did getting here a few weeks ago. Trust your capable self. And have a blast! So glad you are doing this with Ros.

    I had a melt down yesterday with my partner which resulted in her purging the pantry of a large garbage bag full of junk food. I know it was hard on her because I waited too long before I said what was bothering me and it came out with a lot of emotion. I actually told her I thought she was trying to kill both of us. m1816.gif

    It isn't up to her to make my world right. I have to apologize today for waiting until I was so upset to speak up. I did sleep better last night than I have slept for weeks. I doubt she did.

    Today we are going to buy the ingredients for the Thanksgiving contributions we are making to the family dinner. Our assignments are green bean casserole (my son's request) and succotash (requested by my son's brother-in-law) for 25 people. Easy peasy. We got the plum assignments, so easy to make, not sure how we lucked out!

    Have a lovely Sunday!

    Karen in Virginia

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Sunday! I have been having my own personal pity party this weekend. Time to get over it and move on.
    Sherry- Don't you dare stop posting! Your humor and outlook on life as you get used to your new digs and lifestyle keeps me smiling! So happy for you and proud of all of the strides you have made in this journey! 3 pounds lost this week, bad neighbors and new neighbors, old friends coming to the rescue, med/dispensary wins...Yea, YOU!! B)
    Michele- I was the one asking if you had done Beachbody work outs. I have a niece that is a Beachbody leader (she sells the dvds and products, but also acts as leader and accountability person for her clients) I am thinking of giving it a try.
    Karen- Sorry about the row with your partner. My dh and I go through the same thing here. I shop on Saturdays and fill the fridge and cupboards with veg, fruit, and other healthy options. He shops at gas stations through out the week filling his cupboard with chips, chocolate, cookies etc. Then he complains about being tired all of the time and not feeling well. *sigh* it is a battle. I feel like I am in "constant vigilance" mode as I walk past his cupboard. And if I try to advise him on his food choices I get "Stop acting like my mother!" Believe me, if I were his mother, he would get the spanking of his life!!
    Beth- Missing you, my friend! Hope all is well with your family!
    Barbie- So glad you are able to lead a class again! How do you feel the day or two after? Feeling okay?
    Heather- Wow! That is great service on the floral delivery!
    Lisa- So...you married a southerner! LOL! Does he have an accent?

    Finances. Ugh! All of our money always went into a joint account. When the budget is tight, there is no allowance. Things have eased up a bit this year, now that we have paid a lot of debt down. Because I have my own business. I give my DH a projected income for each week/month. We have agreed that any extra money made, from taking part time kids (this is usually before and after school children) is mine to spend or save as I please. That way it doesn't take away from our budget or savings. I don't think he realizes how much I actually make weekly from part time kids. Last year's part time income was about $5,000! This year should be the same. LOL! If he knew this, he would want me to give it up. But...this way I can get my hair done, buy that extra pair of running shoes, get a piece of clothing or two, purchase supplies for special activities and crafts for my daycare, buy a gift for a friend, and afford to have DD and her hubby come home as a "surprise" for my DH's birthday (last June). I figure with what he spends on gas for the car, coffee, munchies, burgers when he goes to visit his parents...it all evens up. If I have to give up my spending money, he has to give up his. He is a spoiled man who wasn't spanked enough as a child. (Yes, I have told him that.)

    It's been VERY windy here on the lake the past couple of days! Yesterday morning, as I was coming home from grocery shopping, a tree fell right in front of the car in front of me. No impact was made and everyone was okay. But the tree went across the whole road. Not very big around, but too big to drive over. Along came four runners, one stayed on the shoulder of the road and watched traffic the other three jogged into the road and moved the tree and brush/limbs! LOL! Gotta love runners! OUt in the sleet, snow, and high winds getting it done and helping out motorists in distress! ANYWAY, the wind put a damper on running errands, and getting some outdoor things taken care of. I DID get my faucets drained and covered for winter. I noticed my rose bushes bloomed again (November in Michigan, insane) and were covered in ice. It was 70 degrees on Friday and the kids were playing outside without coats, and having popsicles as a treat. Saturday morning 30's and snow!

    No wind today (well only 15 mph winds). Going to see if I can get my windows sealed for winter, and get the snowblower ready. I also need to move my PInterest projects to the shed until spring.

    Gotta get busy. Love and hugs to all of you! <3

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,906 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    karen in va. Check the website for the museum before you plan your trip. Due to the crowds they have timed tickets (free) but they may be booked through April. Some folks were even scalping free tickets!!!! We spent 5 hours there, probably due to the crowds, but still felt like there was more we could have seen.

    Got in 3.5 miles on the treadmill today, woot! As re would say ;)

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Becca – Happy 18th birthday to your son!

    Heather – Happy Anniversary to you and your DH! We have a ‘date night’ tonight and looking forward to wearing new dress, colored stockings, and, new short boots. I might see how a belt looks with new dress. I might wear my cowboy boots instead. I’ll just have to see what looks best.

    Sherry – I intend to run fast and make those 3lbs give up and go away by the next time I get weighed-in. So disappointed; but, I was not surprised, given that the weekend immediately preceding, I had had a lot of good food.

    Sharon – Microblading sounds expensive and a little painful.

    Lisa – My DH brought in a lot of debt that his ‘ex’ had run up; pretty much the same way. I did not have any debt to speak of; just my car. We’d argue some about credit cards; especially, when DH would bring them out, when he had the cash in his wallet to pay for something. His habits have changed a lot. I cannot even imagine paying off $115K in 3 years. I have about $7K, not counting my car; and paying the two I have is sometimes mind boggling; but I see them coming down, and, one I don’t use (unless it was for an emergency); the other I only buy my clothes with. I've had to buy a pretty good many because of my weight loss; but, that is okay, I still try to keep it under $900 - $1000; and, hopefully before I need to buy Spring clothes, I will have it paid off totally. But, I have to consider what the minimum payments would be. Yeah, besides student loans, you cannot bankrupt against taxes owed, or child support. Sometimes that is what actually makes a couple have too much debt. I think my DDnL#1 has opened up a lot of credit cards, using my son’s income as a part of applying for them. He cut them up once and told her NOT to get anymore; but, since I check their mail on occasion, she hasn’t obeyed him. Bill here, bill there; and, she is supposed to be paying ‘her’ bills out of her check. I know when I start getting calls from credit companies, she has put my name on the application as a way to get a message to them. I have told both of them to ‘never’ use my name that way, because I would start giving their cellphone ###s to them and let them call them that way. DYS does not have any, doesn't want any. He has 2 from his bosses; and, he can put gas in his vehicles using them. He pays his bills, DDnL#2 pays hers. She went through a program about 'how to become debt-free' was going to 'loan' it to DOS; but, decided against doing it when I told her she might not ever get it back from them. I'd like to borrow it myself; but, I am not sure she'd even loan it to me. Gee, maybe I could burn the CDs to a 'new' one and copy anything in the form of a book. I know somethings they come down to 'borrow' I usually have to go down and get it back. To borrow something, to me, means that you come down to get it, use it, then bring it right back. And, more importantly, 'ask' beforehand. I cannot tell you how many times I went to get out the vacuum cleaner, only to find it gone. Now, they have finally bought their own, to vacuum up hair from 2 dogs they keep inside ... long a lab that sheds like crazy. When I would get the vacuum cleaner back, the bag would be full and the hose would also be full. It is somewhat of a pain to take it apart to be able to 'blow out the hose'; but, I have to do it so it won't burn up.

    We help DOS pay tuition for the private HS that 2 of our DGDs attend; then, I give my college age DOGD $50 a month for gas or buying her ‘special’ healthy foods. She’s paying her part of the lease on the house; instead of letting her BF pay her share, giving her the money she gets to go towards ‘groceries’. I can see both sides of the story as to why she doesn’t want him to pay; while he is planning on working for a year after he graduates until she graduates before applying into school to become a PT – I think she is afraid they might break-up; then her lease portion would then be her responsibility. She isn’t very happy with the set-up; the lessor is trying to increase their rent because of the 2nd pet in the house. Her Daddy told her NOT to sign anything until she sends it to him to read over. They are already paying the price of having a pet in the house as it is. He just can’t change the lease on a whim to add an additional $60 a month to their lease. At least, that is their story and they are sticking to it.

    Just heard a ‘shot’ – hope that means that either DH or DOS shot a deer. Certainly need the venison in the freezer.
    Got to get my butt in gear and take my meds, make the bed, clean out the kitchen sink and I really need to start de-cluttering my house. DOGD is going over to her other ‘Nana’s house’ to help (or do it all) to get ready for Thanksgiving. She is getting paid $150 for it. She has so many tchotchkes hanging around, it would be an easy job. I’d like her to come down and help me; but, I certainly cannot afford that amount for her to do it. I need to get a box and put things hanging on my kitchen countertop in it and then ‘go through’ and throw out what is ‘not needed’. It is the catchall and I hate it, always makes the house look more cluttered than it is anyway.
    Just heard another shot; maybe both got something; although the last one could be over at Randy’s place. Looking forward to what they might have shot. They’ll have a time bringing anything back because of the gas line being put in. They have a berm of soil stacked up high (about 10- to 15-feet); then they’d have to crawl under the pipes that are sitting up on boards about 4.5 feet high. I guess they had to walk down the easement a pretty long way to get to a point where the soil was not stacked up.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) I have a lot of time to read, partly because I don't have a full time job and don't do much cooking or housework and partly because one of the secrets of adulthood is that you don't have to finish every book you start. Someone recommended "The Five Love Languages" and I got it from Paperback Swap and read just enough to get the idea and now I'm moving on to something else.... It's not that cold, but Jake loves a fire in the woodstove so he just built one. It's very entertaining but will result in the bathroom being cold when I go to take my shower later.

    :)Heather, Happy Anniversary...I hope you enjoy your fancy shoes and fancy meal and the celebration of your marriage.

    :)KJ, I'm feeling OK after my return to sort of teaching my class, but I had to remind myself yesterday that I'm not completely healed and that I still have to take it easy and spend more time sitting than I want to.

    petting-poodle-smiley-emoticon.gif Brandy says it's time to go for a walk...we don't care that it's still dark outside.

    <3 Barbie
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Good Morning!

    So very glad the hubs and I dug thru our unpacked boxes and dragged out our "light" winter coats! Need those this morning as we go shopping for our turkey, a roasting pan and some"hearty" bread for the hubs. To bad we didn't think to locate the extra blankets for out beds! Improvised last night but will have to find those-back to those boxes! Not looking forward to that at all! Plans for a long walk or the gym in the works. Enjoying my coffee and toast at the moment. I have a Pocket Letter due in the mail tomorrow for its recipient so will finish that up later. Gotta let the dog out and greet the hubs from his cocoon of slumber!

    Later ladies,

    in chilly TX
  • santeeshimmy
    santeeshimmy Posts: 29 Member
    edited November 2016
    As the cold rolled in and the wind picked up, so did this head cold!
    I slept most of the day away yesterday. This morning I'm a tiny bit better. May make it to the bike for a few minutes.

    Needless to say, I've only skimmed the 61 posts I missed yesterday. Hahaha

    Money issues are the pits! We have a household acct and a credit card. The acct is almost always empty and the credit card is full. When we moved into this house every single appliance decided to go belly up, so on the credit they went. DH is the one who gets allowance. I do all the books and he tends to be the spender. So it's best I do it.

    STOP stressing out about the holiday. Clean the kitchen and the toilet, and no one cares about the dust. If they do, so what? Remember they love your company more than an immaculate house or that there will be so much food. And if it is too stressful assign dessert to one or two you can trust, regardless of what hubby wants. We all need to keep our sanity and enjoy these days too!

    ....I got on the scale Friday. What a mess.

    Katy, trying not to sneeze in your direction in NM
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member

    Kate UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Happy Anniversary!!! :heart:

    Sharon: It never occurred to me that foot cramps could be related to acid reflux. Thanks for the tip. I've been having a lot less acid reflux symptoms since I started taking probiotics. I will definitely continue to take them indefinitely. I also use Braggs Organic Vinegar regularly, but not daily. It is full of good probiotics, too. :bigsmile:

    Karen in VA: Our Thanksgiving assignments are cake and pie. We volunteered to bring deserts that I can eat. I'm lactose intolerant and can't digest real butter so our desserts are made with oil or margarine. I imagine they won't be the only pies and cake on hand. :smiley:

    Cheri in TX: I'm glad you're enjoying TX, coffee & toast. :heart:

    DSIL's good friend asked me to look for an old grave in a nearby cemetery. I assume the person is a family member of hers. She wants a picture of the grave. Right now it isn't raining, and I hope it stays dry for my search a little later this morning. One of my neighbors has family members in this cemetery & I plan to ask her advice about how to search.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.