

  • anniespruce
    anniespruce Posts: 9 Member
    Haven't logged in for a long time, but have enjoyed reading everyone's posts. I am stalled out on diet. Keep gaining and losing the same 2 lbs every week. So reset my daily goal percentages today. I had to laugh the other day - our dog is on a diet because the vet said if she doesn't lose, she's going to have problems with her knees soon. That's a big reason why I started dieting - to be kinder to my knees and ankles (which I lost in CO somewhere and I've never seen them since).

    My Thanksgiving plan is to eat a LOT of meat, so I'll be too stuffed and only want a little of the bad stuff (bread, potatoes, gravy, pie, corn), all that bad carby stuff.

    The good thing is my granddaughter and son (we all live in the same house) are all on diets, too, so no one wants a lot of bad stuff lying around (we throw it away, just dump it, get rid of it). My daughterinlaw is trying to gain weight, but she can only eat certain foods, none of which I want.

    I've lost 53 lbs since April 16th (I go from my highest weight, which I was a few months before I started this diet). I have 18 more to go. But I am wearing some jeans I found in a box in the basement, so I didn't even have to buy new!

    I only want to buy new jeans when I get to my goal weight. I had been wearing my very baggy jeans, but one day at work, walking to another building, I thought I was losing them, they were falling off! But it was only my panties falling off inside my jeans! Wow! That was a great (and horrifying) moment, clutching everything until I could get inside the building bathroom and haul them back up!!!

    My granddaughter is doing great (just had 16th birthday party!). She's lost 35 lbs. She wanted an english tea party for her birthday...(well, I tried to upload a picture from the decorating phase, but the system won't let me). It was very nice with family and friends, some of them big guy friends. One of them, contemplating his dainty china teacup, leaned over and said to another "I'm scared!"

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,301 Member
    Hi all!
    We had a lovely time at the fancy restaurant! :D Even with our voucher it wasn't cheap! Ouuufff! But we did have a LOT of super drinks, including champagne. :D We complained about the way the partridge was cooked, so we got free desserts. We chose a selection of English cheeses. :) Yeah! I will post a pic of us from my phone.
    I wore my new heeled ankle boots and a pencil skirt, plus my new winter coat got it's first outing. I am blessed to have DH as my second husband. We have our moments (!!!) but generally I am a very lucky woman. <3 We make an excellent team.
    Our money is our own in separate accounts. Only our state pension goes into a joint account. We pay for our own holidays, hair, teeth, presents etc. Household bills come out of the joint account. That means DH pays much more than I do for major bills like house improvements. He has a bigger income. I have savings from my first marriage settlement which I am spending fast on holidays etc. I wish I had a bigger income, but I expect to spend all my money before I die.
    The only problem with this arrangement, which works well, is that I have no access to DH's money if he were to be incapacitated. I am having trouble getting him to agree to Lasting Power of Attorney. I have mentioned it again, but I think I will have to get all the forms and just put them in front of him. He is very independent and quite private in some ways. I did get him to make a will. :)
    Tomorrow we are off to London to have lunch with his younger daughter and then go to the Abstract Expressionism exhibition. :D<3 I am taking up a prize winning bottle of olive oil for her Christmas present. Very pretty bottle. Lunch will be pizza :s , but they do a 500 calorie one with a hole in the middle filled with arugula salad. I have a 25% off voucher. B) Lots of walking and we will be exercising as usual in the morning.

    I have noticed that my aches and pains are a bit better recently. Wonder why. The only difference is that I am using D3 drops.
    I also noticed that my bad knee, which has always been distorted and ugly, is looking a lot more like my other knee.
    Could both of these improvements be due to the wonders of regular, vigorous exercise and weight training? :*
    I am now reading THINNER THIS YEAR, which is mainly about nutrition and the wonders of our digestive system. Amazing stuff.
    At the fancy restaurant I had no bread, butter, potatoes, crackers etc. Yes, yes, too much wine, but the food was healthy.

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited November 2016
    Thanks for feedback, all of which was quite helpful <3

    Heather Here we can become a "signer" on another person's checking and savings account. My mom had me become a signer on her account when her health began to fail. I was the executor of her will, and did have power of attorney for her estate, but I could write checks out of her account to pay her bills while she was still alive even without the power of attorney. It was a simple matter of going to the bank together and signing a bank form, & didn't require an attorney. I don't know if you can do that in England. It was the first thing she wanted to get done when I came to stay with her a few weeks before she died.

    Concerning your aches & pains, I feel certain your exercise & weight training are largely responsible. I do know that Vit D made an incredible difference in my joint aches and stiffness, so perhaps that is a factor for you as well.

    Can't wait to see the pictures of your Anniversary outing. Especially the heels. :)

    We are going to the movie Incredible Beasts and Where to Find Them with grandkids and other family, 7 in all, this afternoon. 3D! Should be fun.

    Karen in Virginia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,633 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did an hour of pilates following the CD for the Wii. The plan for tomorrow is to do another segment of the Butt Lift DVD, hold my plank, then take the extreme pump class.

    Made the sweet potato casserole. Fortunately, I didn't have to bake it. I'll bake it when I get there. Then made the corn muffins. Now everything for Thanksgiving is made.

    Carey - thanks for the link. Vince has tried EVERYTHING but to no avail. That stupid cursor still freezes up. Maybe Windows 10 will do an update and address this problem. Well, I can wish can't I?

    Heather - happy early anniversary (actually by now it IS your anniversary). Your lunch sounds fantastic. You and the hubs look great in that pic

    Lenora - I usually take things to Jess' that I like since I know that I'll be bringing it home. Others might like it as well. When I get it home, I usually portion it out. I'm very paranoid about putting my feet down on a surface that I don't know. Like I try REALLY hard not to put my bare feet on the gym floor. I also try to always put shoes on when I'm in a dressing room at a store. So it goes without saying that I would never go from one department to another in my bare feet. You are a hoot about those 3 lost pounds (running so they don't catch up...lol). Vince likes to have something sweet for dessert. To me, a wonderful dessert is a nice piece of fruit. He thinks I'm crazy. That's the way I was brought up. I don't think I had pie/cake for dessert until I met him.

    In a sense, I'm bummed. Late Friday night I saw a pair of pants on the Belk website and if I ordered them I'd get $10 off. The only problem was that I wasn't real sure they'd fit. I should have ordered them and if they didn't fit returned them to the store. Well, hopefully, they'll have that special on Black Friday. I'll take my laptop up to Jess' so I can buy them if they're on sale again. Fortunately, it's not something that I absolutely need.

    Sherry - the only reason I have a tablet is because it was given to me for free when we upgraded our phones. Afterwards, we found out why it was free. It didn't get good reviews at all. But it works for my purposes. Just logging and checking email. Works for me. Three pounds is three pounds. I wish I could lose (and keep off) three pounds. The only time I ever lose that much is when I go overboard at holiday time, gain quite a few, then lose most of it. What makes you think you've worn out your welcome? You know, there are times when I've gone for a while with no one responding to me and I've written my feelings. You should see how many people responded! Then, when I wasn't able to be on for about a week, my inbox was just overflowing with people wanting to know if I was OK and why I hadn't been in.

    Just talked to Denise. She said she was going to Pete's for Thanksgiving. So I said "oh, he's not working, then you can come to Jess'" She said "no, I'm going to my high school reunion" It's as if when Vince told her that Jess MAY not have Thanksgiving she said "oh goody, now I can go to my high school reunion", so she rushed to buy her tickets. She said to me "what, was I supposed to put my life on hold until Jess decided if she was or wasn't going to have Thanksgiving?" Yes, because they probably didn't need a final count until a few days before the event and Jess is her sister. I offered to reimubrse her for the tickets, but she wants to go. I told her there would be many more high school reunions. I don't know what the draw is to this one. To be honest, I never even went to one of mine. Well, my high school is no longer in existence.

    We don't do allowances, either. All the money goes into one account.

    Gloria - oh, I do hope you get that job. I don't think I could live with a controlling person, either. As a matter of fact, I know I couldn't. Ken and Lynette have a weird relationship. He doesn't want her to go places. One time he said to Vince "can't you just forbid Michele from going", then he said "no, you couldn't". He knows me well enough that there is no way I would take something like that. No way at all.

    I have about two credit cards. Another one I just keep in my jewelry box since I never use it. I also have about 3 store credit cards, mainly because I get a discount if I use the store credit cards. that's about IT I do have one debit card that I use when I go to Aldi since I can get money with a debit card there. I have to see if I can get money on another one of my credit cards, then I can just get rid of that card.

    Cheri - that is so nice of you to offer your FitBit to someone here. Something like that really isn't a motivator for me, but I know it is for some. I've offered DVD's to people here because I know that we're all trying to get fit and I just need to make room for new ones....lol Pretty soon I may have a few more to give away. I only ask for the cost of the postage, which is usually less than $3.

    Kim - welcome! I like your attitude toward life

    Katla - I agree with you, Becca IS an awesome mother. OK, sometimes a bit off-the-wall, but awesome just the same.

    KJ - you might ask your niece if Shawn T is on some of the Beachbody DVD's. I really liked the ones I had. Vince is always complaining that I feed him "healthy" food. If I left the cooking up to him it would be hot dogs, frozen pizza, spaghetti and for a change of pace, take-out

    Michele in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,759 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    I am home and exsausted.... the place was crazy crazy busy... even though we got there at opening.. I spent every bit of money I had.. it was almost 40.00 for breakfast for the 3 of us.. and i got inexpensive stuff.. then It was 150.00 bucks for what I bought .. and most of it was for Tracy, I bought myself one small thing and got my DSIL her candles, so stopped and gave her those early one was for her birthday which was Nov 5th and the other for christmas..
    Homer not eating or drinking, have him tucked in next to me on the chair.
    I am feeling very very depressed and don't know why..Oh well will putt on through..

    Heather ~ Happy Anniversary to you and yours xoxoxo
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited November 2016
    Welcome Sue from Becca across the pond (in Oregon). You are gonna love it here, you can throw all your mental baggage on the white part of the screen here. We have a BIG broom and sweep that up daily, so no worries! You can rant, rave, brag, boast, cry, and we will support you unconditionally. We are like shrinks but without the large bill at the end of a session..
    in grey (or is it gray) rainy Oregon
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited November 2016
    Sherry, I understand about being a bit tentative about releasing feelings publicly. My husband will cuss me out royally and will not hesitate in calling me every name in the book. So I do keep to myself here at home and feel it a bit difficult to let myself make good friends at church or even with a group from work that we get together with each month. I feel comfortable talking to my girls because they grew up in it. So don't you dare leave. Others will learn from you and you don't even know about it. Also Iove all the different Tiny House shows and I love to read of your living in your small RV and how you find peace in that. There are so many of our women that come and go and it's like a member of our family is gone. I'm not sure if you have seen us write that we miss Miriam or Sylvia. But we miss people when they are gone. They made an impact in our life and we miss them.

    Lenora, you mentioned to Katla about hcg and it might be a high blood pressure pill and was a kind of diuretic. HCG is a pregnancy test! I don't think any of us have had that for awhile. I think what you are talking about is HTCZ short for Hydrochrolothiazide.

    Church was good this morning. Our pastor usually sticks to his regular script which is taking a book of the Bible and going chapter by chapter or this month verse by verse until the book is ended. But this morning it was a good Thanksgiving sermon, the choir has been working on a real nice anthem called Thank You which at times is quite repetitive so there was a time the congregation sang with us then we finished it up. The youth choir sang and we had two of the young men played the guitars. Our annual Thanksgiving meal is tonight at church. I almost had Charlie convinced to come but today he is saying no. When he was sick with his ulcerative colitis and didn't want to eat before he went out for Karaoke on Wednesday nights I went to church for their weekly Wednesday evening meal and I miss that so.

    Heather, that is a way to keep you business! And to think of the guy who got flowers who didn't know you. He might have really needed it in his life at time. I if anyone knows me, I never think anything like that is coincedence. God is in control.

    Barbie, I have never read through the book of the different love languages, my daughter and her husband have been through the whole study and have helped me understand Charlie a little better. He has a love language that he loves to give. He can't say those words of love but he will do all he can to take care of your needs. It is within the limits of his daughters and grand kids, occasionally other people but that's how he sees loves. When we were much younger in our marriage I would come home from work he would have written a poem and left it for me. Last Christmas when Michelle was warning him that she and him WERE going to go out and shop for a Christmas present for me since it had been several years he thought about what he wanted to buy and drew a picture of a necklace he would like to have been made for me. that roughly dry on a spare piece of paper is so precious to me.

    Forgot to put my stories about allowance. My parents didn't have much money at all. Like I have said before Mom loved to can and Dad always put as large of a garden for Mom to use. He have her a $50/2 weeks to do grocery shopping. And she knew that anything left of that money was hers. That women could go to a thrift shop and immediately see an outfit or a crowded Goodwill rack and what I would see a very crowded bunch of mish mashed clothes, she would find some thing wonderful. What we did for my part of my paycheck was this. I made a good salary and could always freely buy anything I wanted for me or the girls. But we never wanted our girls to know that Mom and Dad are a money tree. I also worked a fair amount of overtime and all holidays were time and 1/2 same as my overtime. So when our checks came in I took all my overtime money, divided it in 4 ways since I wanted the girls to know part of your pay check was taken by taxes etc. So that left 3/4. I part was mine and both girls got a part. They helped me figure that out each paycheck so that they had to use their brains to see what it was, your budget might be different week to week. I opened up bank accounts in their and my names so they had to use a bank book. But they knew that money was their own and they got to decide where it went. If they spent it the moment the got it yet wanted to buy something a week later, if it wasn't in their bank account they didn't buy it. Christina, the older one would go to the mall and it was gone in a minute. Michelle was a different bird. We would go down one mall, and then back the other way. Go to the other mall and it was the same way. She really had to buy something use that money. The big things like a new winter coat we bought. Before we started system, we bought Christina 4 cans of hair spray, 6 pair of light panty hose and 6 pair of light black hose. She was so hard on her hose and could use a can of hair spray in a day. So she really had to learn to save up on her allowance she got from chores. But we all enjoyed it when we went to the new system of using my overtime money. As a household budget, we only counted regulr paycheck money since that was the only thing that we knew would be consistent.

    Joyce, Indiana, chilly but beautiful blue skies.
  • santeeshimmy
    santeeshimmy Posts: 29 Member
    edited November 2016
    Well I've gone and injured my back. Not sure what exercise will do. So I'm taking today off and will see how it feels tomorrow and will try to take a walk at the very least. Sigh

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,864 Member
    Hello all: Been reading but not posting recently. So much going on for everyone. We are having just six for Thanksgiving but that is also my DH's birthday so he picked the menu. Ham for us with Boursin potatoes and green beans. Pumpkin pie for the birthday guy and I don't like it so that is fine. Doing my water aerobics three times a week still. I like that it burns a lot of calories.

    Barbie - Glad you are getting those walks in with Brandy and that you are starting to dance again.

    Heather - Happy Anniversary!!

    Allie - Hope Homer comes around for you.

    Welcome to all who are new.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • marylmarvel
    marylmarvel Posts: 7 Member
    Hello. I am a 58 yr from ND. In need of losing at least 30lbs and having a hard time getting back into exercising and tracking.Hoping to start again tomorrow and to set my willpower high.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Sherry – while I do not respond every day, or even read every day I love reading yours and others posts… do not think we are upset or bothered, unless of course we tell you so, this is a pretty direct group and really other than politics we are pretty non-judgmental and even then the judgement is this is not the place.

    Finances – I’m single -- I earn it, I spend it, Levi(the dog) spends it, I save it, I worry about it, I suffer over it, I only have to answer to my accountant and I pay her… Upsides and downsides…

    KJ – so glad about the tree not hitting anyone and folks there to help.

    Barbie – so excited to hear you are back teaching – “it’s modified light duty”

    Heather – have a great time tonight

    Cheri – what’s a pocket letter?

    Michele – what high school does their reunion on Thanksgiving? That seems really weird.

    Tere – sorry to hear about FIL and that you DH is suffering so….

    Marymarvel – welcome, why wait till tomorrow? Sooner you start the better you are!

    Yesterday a gal friend and I spent the day in San Francisco wandering around, we toured the Fairmont hotel, grace cathedral, walked down to China Town and visited the fortune cookie factory, and had lunch. A nice day; and this week will have 3 days off! Saturday, Thursday and then I’ll take Saturday off – a big change of pace for me. This gal friend is good for me to spend time with as she LOVES to each but mostly reasonably plain vegetables… so I eat what she eats too.

    I have a small freezer in my garage, and I need to defrost it, but have not taken the time, last night I dreamed about it! The ice came out of the freezer door and froze the freezer to the car!! So today I decided that I need to start by looking at the freezer in the house (top of the fridge) and figure some meals from there so I would have some room to move stuff in and into a cooler while I defrost the outside freezer - there were lots of little bits and pieces – well I decided to make soup; I’m not a good “throw it together” soup maker, I can do that with other things, but soup is harder for me… but it’s simmering on the stove and I think it will be ok, some frozen corn, pearl onions, 3 green beans (?), spring garlic, parsley, 10 meatballs, water a couple of bell peppers from the fridge that needed to be gone, water and then I decided the broth was too thin so added a small can of tomato paste… It should be enough for 2 big or 3 reasonable sized meals and that will be perfect as then it will be thanksgiving…

    Off to deliver some embroidery to a local brewery (I’m their embroider)

    November Goals:

    Write Christmas letter, and have all cards ready to send by Dec1…
    Read and report on a book
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday
    Work on water consumption -


    Kim from rainy, cool N. California
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,301 Member
    Welcome Sue from Tamworth. I have been on here over 4 years now and lost 57 pounds. I have been at maintenance for coming up 3 years now. :D
    Not only was I obese, but I was almost crippled with joint pain and a bad knee. My life has been transformed by exercise and healthy eating. And, as anyone on here knows, I LOVE my food.
    Good luck on your journey.

    Heather from Hampshire UK
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Sharon - I love the idea of the Thanksgiving journal - I may start one this year. When my mom was alive we all held hands before eating and said what we were thankful for. I don't know what my sisters and cousins are doing this year - they are all in CA. I am still hoping we skype so we can see each other. I've never heard about 'silent reflux' although when I was diagnosed I never realized I was having reflux as I only had the bad aftereffects but not the heartburn. Interesting that it could cause cramping. I'm going to have to look that up on the internet.

    Katla - sports teams use rubbing alcohol on cramping legs as it is a liniment and helps with muscle cramps and/or muscle pain. I've never tried it as walking or getting in a nice warm bath always relieved it. If you want to limit bananas here is a list of high potassium foods. "Potassium is the third most abundant mineral in the body and is a required mineral for the function of several organs including the heart, kidneys, brain and muscular tissues." I did read that low magnesium plays a role in whether or not your potassium levels are ok.

    Top 10 Potassium Rich Foods List;
    Avocado, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Coconut Water, Kefir or Yogurt, White Beans, Banana, Acorn Squash, Dried Apricots and Mushrooms.

    I got this tip on FB one time. Company coming and don't have time to do the cleaning you think you should? Put get well cards out on your mantle or table so people are amazed that you were able to pull the dinner together even though you had been sick. . . lol

    Off to get DGS#1 clothes for his concert on Tuesday.

    Gloria in WA

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,633 Member
    stats for the day;
    jog- 9.38min, 6.3sp, 9.38ap, 152mhr, 1mi = 100c
    other- skip/sidestep, etc..- 25min, 166mhr, 219c
    total cal - 349