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Can not lose weight



  • ykhan2016
    ykhan2016 Posts: 1 Member
    If you want to really test it, get frozen prepared (lean cuisine, weight watchers, Annie's, etc) meals for a week that have accurate calorie counts and see what happens?
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Lots of info already above. Why are you aiming for 1,000 calories though? that's pretty low, with also working out. Use the calculator and figure out the proper amount of calories you need and get better with the logging.

    Sorry for all the frustrations. Since the somewhat guessing hasn't worked before, its time to really figure it out, especially if the thyroid is in range now.
    I'm 4 10" I certainly still eat over 1,000 calories a day.
  • joeboland
    joeboland Posts: 205 Member
    At the very least, I'd swap the amount of cardio and the amount of weight training you're doing. Lengthy cardio sessions aren't going to do you any major favours. Additionally, as has been said several times in this thread, you need to get a food scale, or, at the very least, be conservative and honest with your portions, ie. logging half a carton of ice cream as a cup's worth won't make it reality.
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    And re hunger.... I feel hungry most of the time. Only time my stomach is not growling is for an hr after I eat.

    These are the things that keep me satisfied...

    Carb, protein, fat every meal.
    7-8 hrs of sleep to keep stress hormone at bay otherwise you will be hungrier the next day

    You may want to play around with your macros and see what keeps you satisfied on a lower calorie amount. I played around and found 40% Carb 30% protein and 30% fat does the trick.

    Oh make sure your carbs have a lot of fiber that helps too.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    I feel I should he losing at least 2lbs a week!!! Any help??

    This may not be an appropriate goal. What are your height, weight, and age?


    2 pounds a week is a tall order. Unless you're more that 75 pounds over weight, it's not realistic for you.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    Thank you for all the replies!! The days that show 500-600 cals were an error on my part.
    I will def tighten up my weighing and measuring. In my mind I figured that at 1000 cals it would allow for things I miss calculated. Perhaps this is where my problem lies.
    I am 45 yrs old
    173 lbs
    5'2" tall ( or short lol)

    My wife is the same age/height/weight (within a few pounds) and has had the same issues. She did have problems with her parathyroid and had to have one of her parathyroids removed. She struggles with the weight loss because her calories have to be so low to lose weight, and she has some other injuries (metal bars in her leg) that keep her from doing a lot of walking/jogging, so exercise is an issue as well. She has had luck though with diet using my scale and using the same methods I do (weighing everything) so if you're not using a scale I'd say crack down on it. Some of the recipes I see in your diary I'm assuming you made yourself by weighing the ingredients? If not, and you're choosing homemade stuff out of the database, they are likely woefully inaccurate. Your best bet is going to be keep up the exercise, and be meticulous in your logging. Never over or underestimate things in your logging, be picky about it and log everything accurately and you'll have success. It may be slower for, you and it sure is for my wife because of her height and problems with her legs but she keeps on trying.

    Inaccurate logging is the biggest reason people fail at losing weight. Good luck to you!
  • Moondoggie9155
    Moondoggie9155 Posts: 16 Member
    I have hypo/hashimoto. I would make sure you are optimal first here. And given your age check your other hormones like progesterone as they work in relation with your thyroid.
    I have shown "normal" on my thyroid test but a good doctor will know that your t4 and t3 need to be good as well as a tsh around 1-2. Everyone is different. On thyroid meds I do have suppressed numbers because I take natural thyroid with t3. Also people with thyroid issues should avoid gluten and eat a more paleo diet to feel best and help with weight loss. Hope you see and feel success soon.
  • joeboland
    joeboland Posts: 205 Member
    And re hunger.... I feel hungry most of the time. Only time my stomach is not growling is for an hr after I eat.

    You are not supposed to suffer from hunger while losing weight. (A slight feeling of "not quite full" is normal and something you'll have to get used to to be able to maintain weight later.) Even if you aren't eating 1000 calories (which nobody would recommend; MFP doesn't even "allow" it, you must have gotten the message when trying to complete your day), you shouldn't aim for 1000 calories, either. You have to pick a reasonable calorie goal and stick to it. You are sabotaging all your effort by undereating or not knowing how much you are eating and then eating too much. And then look at your diet. Maybe allowing yourself more calories will fix that automatically - because you need more fat, protein, vegetables. You can get in a lot more real food if you lose some of the shakes and cookies, and real food will make you fuller for the same calories.

    This is so true. One of the very first (and most disastrous) weight-loss mistakes I see is people trying to drink their calories via sugar-heavy smoothies and ridiculously overpriced shakes which promise to "cleanse" the fat right out of them. Start with real, actual food. For the first while, it can really be whatever, as long as you're using quality ingredients and staying within the parameters of your calorie goals. I think jumping straight into macros is probably going to be overkill and overthinking the subject, since you can realistically get 75-80% of the way to your goal with little concern for macronutrient splits, other than ensuring you're getting a reasonable amount of protein in a day. Do you know what your TDEE and BMR are, for reference?
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited November 2016
    Unless you have over 75lbs to lose, 2lb per week is far, far too aggressive for you. 1lb or even 0.5lb per week is much more suitable for someone with your stats.

    Also, you should definitely use a food scale. You're using cups/spoons for solid food which is very inaccurate and could very well be putting you into maintenance calories. Weigh everything that isn't a pure liquid... weigh butter/mayo/nut butters... Only use cups/spoons for liquids.

    Weigh bread slices and anything prepackaged (prepacked pre-weighed foods can be up to 20% off)

    With home made meals, weigh the dish and entire meal when it is done, subtract the dish weight, then divide the meal weight by the number of servings. This is much more accurate than guestimating 1/2 cup of lasagna and using a generic entry..
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    Looking at your numbers, 1000 calories is probably too low for you. See the numbers here (I put in moderately active) -- they suggest 1400 calories for a 1.5 lb/week weight loss:


    Have you talked about the difficulties you're having with your doctor(s)?
  • rioguy
    rioguy Posts: 4 Member
    Good grief, these responses are so sad (i.e. "get frozen prepared meals for a week that have accurate calorie counts and see what happens") that I could not help myself to respond.
    I don't understand why so many people think it is just a matter of calories-in/calories-out!!! The human body simply does not work like that -- it is constantly regulating/down-regulating its hormones. You eat for nutrition to feed the body for what is needs, not just calories. AND not all calories are the same.

    1.) It took me looking over your meals for just few of your days to see you simply do not eat healthy. <1000 calories/day and you are literally starving yourself so your body is lowering its metabolism for its own protection. And the meals you are eating are not very nutritious. My observation is there are very little vegetables at all. At 172 lbs, taking protein drinks are not good. Eat normal whole meals instead. Start eating more healthy with whole foods and focus on nutritional value not caloric values. For example, something like Kale or Spinach are very nutritional but has little calories. Don't be afraid to eat more fat, good grief eating fat doesn't make you fat! We literally have a 1 Trilllion cells in the human body and guess what they are made from -- FAT!
    Almonds, avocados, and salmon are fatty but good fats your body needs along with other nutrients.
    Replace breads and protein shakes with real sources of protein -- meat and fish.

    2.) Working out with cardio and weight everyday is not good. You are really beating on your body. Your body is fighting back. The hormone Cortisol comes to mind for one. At your weight, instead of spending 1 hr doing "Cardio" (whatever that is) and just instead go for a relaxing 1-hr walk. You will find it more relaxing and enjoyable. As for the weight training, check into H.I.I.T for 20 minutes and just do that 2-3 times a week. Simple moving some weight everyday around isn't going to do much.

    3.) Listen to your body...."I feel hungry most of the time." Your body is talking to you! Focus on getting yourself healthy first, then you will notice your body starting to shed body fat. People always say something I want to lose 10 pounds to feel more healthy, but the truth is the body wants to stay right where it is. You got to eat healthy with whole foods, reduce your stress, sleep well and balance your hormones before the body starts making itself healthy to lose bodyfat.

    By now you have proven to yourself that simply counting calories does not work, so quit listening to other people say the same nonsense.

  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    edited November 2016
    First time posting here and first time ever posting anything!!! I am wondering if there is anyone else out there that feels like therebia truly something wrong because no matter what I just can't lose weight! I have made my diary public and have posted for 50 days. Please feel free to have a look. However, I have been struggling my whole life with this. I am 45 yrs old 5'2". You name a diet I bet I tried it!! But this past year I have been seeing this as a life style and workin hard on calorie counting and excercise. Delt with Thyroid issues finally got my levels somewhat normal. Thyroid issue explains why I didnt lose over the summer with all my hard work. However since Sept still no results. For the past 3 weeks i have been aiming for 1000 calories a day and track very well. Some days I go over but I still track. I stopped eating my exercise calories I do 40 60 mins cardio 5 to 6 times a week +1/2 hour of weights 5 to 6 times a week I have an office job so sit 8 hrs a day.
    I am so frustrated!!! There are weeks I have been perfect and can not lose!!! I know myself when I dont deserve to see results but I have been doing so well for awhile now

    Let's break this down.
    Thyroid issues will hinder weight loss.
    Eating too little while doing too much will hinder weight loss.

    How much do you currently weigh?
    On a scale from 1-10, rate sleep quality.
    On a scale from 1-10, rate how amazing your overall mood is.
    On a scale from 1-10, rate how mindful you are when you eat.
    On a scale from 1-10, rate your everyday stress level.

    Also I know a good portion on this forum will say CICO if she were eating 1000... blabbity blabbity blah. It's not that simple when the above items aren't taken into consideration.