You cannot target fat loss!!!



  • antdelsa
    antdelsa Posts: 174 Member
    More important than just reading one study in isolation is being able to understand what it means in context. Get back to us when you can do that.

    My reading comprehension skills are amazing my business degress can atest to that.. as well as my physique as it applies to this convo
  • antdelsa
    antdelsa Posts: 174 Member
    Those studies don't say anything about how jogging on the morning kick-starts your metabolism
    If you don't understand how glycogen works for fat loss then do the same i did and research it ... fasted cardio means depleted glycogen stores, meaning you burn fat and not carbs .. if i have to simplify it ...
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    antdelsa wrote: »
    While you can't target fat loss, you CAN tone certain areas through targeted exercise.

    This isn't true...

    "Toning" is simply building muscle and reducing body fat, while you can target muscle gains you can't target fat loss, "toning" is a myth and an overly used expression that tricks people into programs and this false idea of targeted weight loss.

    Why does "toning" need to be building muscle and reducing body fat? Why can't it be maintaining muscle and reducing body fat (which is the way most of us improve our "tone"/definition)?
  • antdelsa
    antdelsa Posts: 174 Member
    edited November 2016
    People read it how they wanted to read it, i never once said it was the ONLY was nor did i insinuate that it was .. i was simply giving people an alternative .. take it or leave it its just advice

    Funny how everything else was disregarded and people took one small piece out of what i was saying just to be negative, I'm in shape I've done the work and continue to do so daily I've done the research and have tested what works for me so i figured I'd share and give people a little insight because it could help them as well but like so many people do they ignore the message and focus on a minute detail because its easier to be mad and berate someone than to push themselves to do better, say what you want i honestly don't care i was trying to help and if jumping on a post to be negative is what makes you feel better than I'm glad i could help lmao
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    edited November 2016
    While you can't target fat loss, you CAN tone certain areas through targeted exercise.
    What does that mean? You can "tone up" muscle underneath fat, but targeting muscles doesn't burn the fat around it unless you're willing to do an insane amount of repetitious exercise for hours on in for a very insignificant result.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • antdelsa
    antdelsa Posts: 174 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    antdelsa wrote: »
    Hey guys,

    So one of the things that i really hate is seeing these "trainers" and tv shows that give people the wrong information, the biggest of them all is targeting fat.

    There is no way at all to target a specific area and burn fat, thats not how our bodies work.

    There is no reason for you to do a million crunches a day to lose belly fat, i see this time and time and time again and its just a waste of time.

    If you have the flabby arms, big belly, or whatever the only way you'll lose that is through proper nutrition and by dropping your over all bf% our bodies burn fat for energy, so the harder you're working out the more you're burning, it generally takes from the easiest source it can and doesn't just target one area of your body.

    Get yourselves a balanced diet and workout plan, do compound movements in the gym and stop walking on the treadmill for hours and hours, rev it up with some hiit training, get that heart rate up and the calories will burn extremely fast, you have to shock your bodies and keep it guessing!!!

    Doing the same exercises over and over again, day i and day out while at first you'll lose some weight, will only lead to a plateau and slow progression with your goals.

    Our bodies are highly adaptive and you have to keep it guessing, you have to challenge it and push it for optimal results, that with a balanced nutrition plan will lead to the results you desire over time.
    People in many countries walk every where with no other exercise and don't have weight issues, so not agreeing with you here.

    Also, you CAN do the same exercises over and over again, but you'd have to change something in that exercise or the body will adapt. Ways to do that is: increase resistance, increase reps, decrease rest time, increase tempo, etc.

    And you don't have to keep the body guessing. You just have to figure out the energy balance use so you can either gain, lose, or maintain your weight.

    But I do entirely agree, that you can't target body fat with any exercise regimen.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    I agree with you to an extent, and i only say that because those who walk day in and day out in other countries and even here who don't have weight issues aren't who i was talking about, they are already fit.. I'm talking to people who are over weight and looking to lose weight, butn more cals and push past plateaus

    As a trainer you know as well as i do that one of the most effective ways to achieve these goals is to push the body past the limits we set for it in our minds, you know as well as i do by adding a form of high intensity interval training and exercises is a sure fire way to push past those plateaus and to increase calorie burns

    I wasn't trying to tell people to only do hiit lol i was simply saying if all you're doing is steady state day in and day out because we've been programmed to think thats how you lose weight, or if you're doing situps all day thinking you're going to lose belly fat then you're cheating yourself and here's an alternate way

    For someway that wasn't received well and people focused in on the hiit thing like i just told them to kill their mothers
  • antdelsa
    antdelsa Posts: 174 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    antdelsa wrote: »
    Its not bro science its actual science, please don't insult my intelligence, ive spent countless hours researching what i need to do to achieve my goals... no i don't have a trainers certification but i have done my due diligence to research what needs to be done and the science behind it, I've had trial and error in the gym and still do to this day... when i share something ot isn't just me talking out my *kitten* its me sharing something i know works because I've researched it, tried it and have seen optimal results

    So have a lot of other people here. Which is why some of the broscience you're putting out there is being challenged.

    What bro science? Lol what have i said exactly thats bro science, because i believe earlier I posted real scientific studies to back what I've said... just because i have muscles doesn't mean i spew bro science. And if you truly did the research you'd know that
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