what are your thoughts on green tea extract?



  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Oh and it just says caffeine works for some people in the conclusion. Which is not unique to green tea and would be true for anyone particularly sensitive to the effects of caffeine. It can be a useful stimulant and appetite suppressant which will equal higher NEAT and fewer consumed calories. Et voila, a change in the CICO equation that results in a little weight loss.

    Once again, green tea isn't significantly magical.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Yes, green tea is staple in my diet.

    Because I like it, it has caffeine, it keeps me warm, and I try to replace my desire to snack endlessly all day with zero calorie beverages.
  • PhilP0wer
    PhilP0wer Posts: 76 Member
    Oh and it just says caffeine works for some people in the conclusion. Which is not unique to green tea and would be true for anyone particularly sensitive to the effects of caffeine. It can be a useful stimulant and appetite suppressant which will equal higher NEAT and fewer consumed calories. Et voila, a change in the CICO equation that results in a little weight loss.

    Once again, green tea isn't significantly magical.

    Didn't say it was magical. More like one of many pieces available for a healthy lifestyle. I would put green tea right underneath water: each one you drink is a soda you are not drinking. You guys are missing the point here. If someone is doing something that has a minor effect on their metabolism and a major effect when it comes to lowering their calorie intake you should let them have it.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    PhilP0wer wrote: »
    Oh and it just says caffeine works for some people in the conclusion. Which is not unique to green tea and would be true for anyone particularly sensitive to the effects of caffeine. It can be a useful stimulant and appetite suppressant which will equal higher NEAT and fewer consumed calories. Et voila, a change in the CICO equation that results in a little weight loss.

    Once again, green tea isn't significantly magical.

    Didn't say it was magical. More like one of many pieces available for a healthy lifestyle. I would put green tea right underneath water: each one you drink is a soda you are not drinking. You guys are missing the point here. If someone is doing something that has a minor effect on their metabolism and a major effect when it comes to lowering their calorie intake you should let them have it.

    Nobody has told the OP that she has to quit taking green tea extract. People are just pointing out that that despite individual studies that show a small benefit, meta-analysis of overall studies doesn't show that there is any real weight loss benefit to taking green tea extract.
  • PhilP0wer
    PhilP0wer Posts: 76 Member
    edited December 2016
    Actually, I would recommend quitting green tea extract. Green tea itself is good and will help you lose a pound here or there over the long haul. If it's replacing soda it will help you lose a lot of weight due to removing calories from your diet. Green tea extract, however, can be hard on your liver. I personally wouldn't stress a major organ over something that might make me lose a couple lbs over an entire year. There are better ways
  • cuhris
    cuhris Posts: 12 Member
    edited December 2016
    Why is OP getting offended by realistic advice? It'll hard help your weight loss. You must being doing something else (dieting/cardio), or God may have given you divine calorie burning powers. :open_mouth:
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Green tea!!!! I have used it!!!!! Works like a dietetic..Cleans out the old pipes..,Suppose to be healthy for you...But beware even the deracinated has caffeine!!!! So be careful.?It's labeled non......tests have shown some to have as much as three cups of coffee worth of caffeine....And that's a dietetic too...Better than having a soda....I threw away my last box after I learned the caffeine lie...Dr.oz has article on his site about it.....I'm happy your losing....And were all different...What works for you may not for others..☺
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    2 lbs over 3 months is a drop in the ocean for anyone who really needs to lose weight and adding supplements for that little is useless for anyone who doesn't need to lose much to begin with.

    We're talking here about a possible 8-10 pounds in a year when the slow weight loss that is promoted here for people who don't need to lose that much is 25-50 per year.

    And the add, the bold would assume a linear relationship, which is highly unlikely to occur. IIRC, green tea has shown to be a slight appetite suppressant, which is why it could potentially help someone cut calories. But like all stimulants and suppressants, they would only last for short periods of time.
    PhilP0wer wrote: »
    So many people out here keep saying that there is no evidence that green tea helps with weight loss. smh. Does google not work for people?! Here's a link to an abstract of a 2009 study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19597519
    For people who don't like to read really bland research papers, multiple studies have found that drinking green tea has a very small positive effect on weight loss. I've also read studies that say that green tea extract is hard on your liver. My takeaway is that green tea is good, but not a weight loss miracle and green tea extract is bad (if I'm going to work my liver it's going to involve beer!).

    The bigger issue is, you are using one study to justify the means. If you take all the studies, as shown earlier in this thread, to look at consistency of results, they are highly unreliable and inconsistent.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    How much green tea was being consumed by participants in the study?

    They got a mix of catechins and caffeine, in each study the analysis looked at in different doses. The studies used between 270 mg and 1207 mg of it. Google tells me that 1 g of tea leaves contains on average 80.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    How much green tea was being consumed by participants in the study?

    They got a mix of catechins and caffeine, in each study the analysis looked at in different doses. The studies used between 270 mg and 1207 mg of it. Google tells me that 1 g of tea leaves contains on average 80.

    Knowing roughly that a cup of tea will use what, 2g at most? Some some of them were drinking a butt load of liquids, a known appetite suppressant. BINGO!
  • wanzik
    wanzik Posts: 326 Member
    wanzik wrote: »
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    Many teas are nice
    Some may have health benefits
    But not extract pills

    Not true. I talked about that in my first post in this thread if you care.

    And if you cared you would've read all the replies showing you that you were wrong.

    I did read all the replies, bro. I've also done my own research, bro. What other people claim on here is more bro science that I'm not really interested in. :smile:
  • wanzik
    wanzik Posts: 326 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    wanzik wrote: »
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    Many teas are nice
    Some may have health benefits
    But not extract pills

    Not true. I talked about that in my first post in this thread if you care.

    I think you also kinda admitted that there was a strong possibility that the benefit was all in your head and that you were fine paying for nothing since you made a nice living. Or something like that...

    Not quite that, but like I did say: Whatever works.
  • wanzik
    wanzik Posts: 326 Member
    PhilP0wer wrote: »
    2 lbs over 3 months. Stretch that out over a year and that matters. A lot of people on here are way too extremist for my taste. A weight loss method is not a failure just because it doesn't make you lose 2 or more lbs a month.

    Well said. :smiley:
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    wanzik wrote: »
    PhilP0wer wrote: »
    2 lbs over 3 months. Stretch that out over a year and that matters. A lot of people on here are way too extremist for my taste. A weight loss method is not a failure just because it doesn't make you lose 2 or more lbs a month.

    Well said. :smiley:

    Assuming weight loss is linear, which it is not...
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    wanzik wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    wanzik wrote: »
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    Many teas are nice
    Some may have health benefits
    But not extract pills

    Not true. I talked about that in my first post in this thread if you care.

    I think you also kinda admitted that there was a strong possibility that the benefit was all in your head and that you were fine paying for nothing since you made a nice living. Or something like that...

    Not quite that, but like I did say: Whatever works.

    "You say it's all in my mind? If it is, it's still worth the pennies I spend on it every day. I make good money, I can afford it."

    Sounds like it to me...
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Green tea is good for you in the right amount, it's an antioxidant and energy booster, and increases your "feel good" hormones and suppresses your appetite, coffee can do the same thing, so can other combinations of supplements. We all have different body chemistry so what works for one person may not work for another.

    The thing with all supplements is that they can give you an edge, but are not a magic pill, it works in synergy with everything else. You still have to focus primarily on your nutrition for fat loss, and hitting the weights for developing lean body mass. It's still always the calorie deficit that causes fat loss, always! If the green tea extract, or coffee, or whatever, helps you do that so be it. First of all there really are physical things happening with it, but also even if it was just a placebo so be it, as long as it does no harm other than keeping you on track mentally even just the ritual of it.

    Ignore the mean people. Motor on. Do what works for you.