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Boyfriends standards of weight?



  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    STLBADGIRL wrote: »
    Since you do not want to leave him....ughh. I will try to explore other options....

    1- tell him it hurt your feelings when he puts you down and make those negative comments. Tell him his support and positive reinforcement is needed. Also tell him it makes you close up and not want to share anything with him anymore. If he truly loves you he should be able to digest that, change and stfu.

    2 - If number 1 doesn't work, tell him he needs to hit some iron and put on some muscle mass...and body shame him back! I'm sure he is not going to like that. But you are stooping to his level and this isn't fair either.

    3 - Cheat on him with someone that is nicer, sweeter, considerate, and hotter! But again, this isn't fair. You are changing yourself, morals, etc., just to stay with him be able to co exist with him.

    4- Hold out on the s#x till you meet his requirements....

    5 - Consider loving yourself more where you will not have to put up with this BS. Once you love yourself and know your self worth, leaving him would be in your foreseeable future!

    If you decide to follow this advice, please be very careful, you could be putting yourself in an incredible amount of danger, seriously I could only imagine how many abusers would react to some of these and this is what lots of abusers would say/do
    1. "see told you, you were weak, I'm only saying this because I love you, I love you so much that I want you to be perfect"
    2. "I'm the best you can get, you're so fat/ugly/stupid that no-one else would want you. Why are you trying to change me? I love you so much, don't you love me?"
    3. "Always knew you was a slapper now you've proved it, you made me so angry I hit you, because I love you so much and you cheated"
    4. "It's your own fault, you know how much I love and want you, if you hadn't have said no and pushed me away I wouldn't have had to hold you down/wait until you were asleep,"
    5. Is the only relatively safe option, leave and leave now. I wish I could go back and tell my 21 year old self to leave. Even then you might well get "I love you so much, come back and I'll forgive you, if you don't come back I'm going to kill myself"

    Note how the abuser always turns the blame to the victim and reinforces how much he/she loves them. You end up actually believing that you deserved that black eye.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Leaz947 wrote: »
    Jakep2323 wrote: »
    If you are in the Uk, can I offer my '*kitten*-kicking' services? It is a bit of a konundrum as you should blatently get rid of him but you say you won't. In which case - get him under the thumb stat and don't be taking *kitten* from him

    I am actually currently in the UK haha, thank you. I'm going to try and approach the matter the next time I see him in person as he is currently on a business trip. Wish me luck :)

    Please contact Refuge or Women's Aid (go incognito for the search), they will be able to offer you support and advice to keep you safe, whether you want to leave or stay.
  • courtniekrebs
    courtniekrebs Posts: 79 Member
    I can relate girl.... my boyfriend gave me an ultimatum last year.. lose weight or I'm leaving. At the time I was teetering at 190... Ive lost over 40 pounds and since then we broke up and got back together and now recently broke up again because I was still a bigger unattractive woman to him. Don't stay. It only gets worse. The pain he caused me has become my inspiration to succeed and be a better person and mom to my kiddo. It never gets better or its only temporary until he decides you're not good enough still... happened to me.
  • MoveitlikeManda
    MoveitlikeManda Posts: 846 Member
    when i met my now husband I was around 81kg.
    that was 10 years and 2 days ago (lol) since then iv been up as far as 109kg and am now (a year and 5dayssince haing my 5th baby) down to 83.2kg and in all that time he has NEVER once told me I needed to loose weight!!

    he has ALWAYS been supportive when Iv been trying to looses weight in a very positive way because he knew thats what I wanted to do

    God he even married me when i was 105kg, I look at our wedding photos and feel like crying, I even said to him how the hell and why the hell did you marry me when i was like that he said

    which is true, im just happier in myself at a lower/healthier weight.

    your bloke is a complete dick! they only way your gnna be happy with yourself and in general is when you ditch that 70kg of *kitten*.
    despite how he treats you you dont want to leave?? there is your actual problem!

    find some self worth, walk away, be happy and find someody who treats you like a human with feelings and not someone who speaks to you like your *kitten*
  • Leesha387
    Leesha387 Posts: 20 Member
    I understand him wanting you to be healthy if that is what his issue is., but if he started dating you, he didnt know your weight in numbers, but he liked you enough and was attracted to you enough to date you, what does the number matter? Maybe he needs to gain weight? why are you the one that needs to change for him?.... but seriously though your weight will change and your body will change throughout your life, as you age, as you have kids, etc etc you need someone that wants you and likes you for who you are, not just numbers on a scale or what you look like right now. Ive been dumped for being heavy and Ive been dumped for not being heavy enough. and it hurt for a minute but those guys werent good enough for me if that's all they cared about, and they werent healthy relationships. I dont know if my babble was helpful to you because it's all your decision, whether to keep the guy, loose weight, or tell him to suck on a grapefruit.
  • vegmebuff
    vegmebuff Posts: 31,389 Member
    You are 18 years old. I remember too being way too tolerant/forgiving and/or making excuses for others when I was in my teens/twenties. I would think I would be the one that needs to except things or change when faced with this this type of behavior.

    This too is probably your first 'real' relationship with someone and two years seem like you've invested so much into this relationship.

    Trust me...things will only get worse. It doesn't matter if it has not become 'physical' as you noted. Emotional is just as unacceptable. No one should try to control or tell you what to do. If he thinks he can do this to do to 'get his way' it will continue and become a life of hell!

    Talk to your friends/family about this...what do you think they will say? Most likely everything that has been addressed for the last 15 pages of this posting.

    Trust your inner voice - you know it's telling you 'this is not right'!

    Get your boundaries and talk with your friends and family. If you haven't, it's because you are embarrassed and think you are over reacting. If this bothers you (and who wouldn't find this worrisome) it matters!!

  • jazzyoboe
    jazzyoboe Posts: 10 Member
    The only way to get over this problem is to get out. You're in an abusive relationship. Even if you lose weight, it won't change him. It won't please him. I If youre losing weight to impress him, he'll just find something else to make you feel like *kitten* about yourself (like your intelligence, the way you look after you lost weight - like how you'll be too skinny or something, or whatever). Re-evaluate your relationship. That's what's not healthy about your life ATM, not your weight.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I think it's sweet that people are still trying to help OP but since she hasn't been back in weeks, I think she either:

    Decided to stay with her boyfriend and ignore all this great advice

    Wasn't genuine to begin with

    Alternative scenario which is depressing to consider so let's just assume it's option one or two....
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I think it's sweet that people are still trying to help OP but since she hasn't been back in weeks, I think she either:

    Decided to stay with her boyfriend and ignore all this great advice

    Wasn't genuine to begin with

    Alternative scenario which is depressing to consider so let's just assume it's option one or two....

    I hope she left him for good... everything else is sad.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I think it's sweet that people are still trying to help OP but since she hasn't been back in weeks, I think she either:

    Decided to stay with her boyfriend and ignore all this great advice

    Wasn't genuine to begin with

    Alternative scenario which is depressing to consider so let's just assume it's option one or two....

    I hope she left him for good... everything else is sad.

    I hope so too but I feel like if she did that she would have let all the people who encouraged her to do that know so they could give her all the atta girls she deserves....
  • kamranbilal007
    kamranbilal007 Posts: 3 Member
  • HMD112
    HMD112 Posts: 31 Member
    Tell his skinny **s to eat more 70kg boy
  • D4LB
    D4LB Posts: 601 Member
    Makes me sad to read this! Tell him he's a skinny *kitten* and start working out I weighted 154 pounds in grade nine lol I bet he wears skinny jeans too haha
  • goodvsbadhabits
    goodvsbadhabits Posts: 4 Member
    I had that problem now I'm single and lost a few pounds. Win win situation
  • Leaz947
    Leaz947 Posts: 69 Member
    We had a break, now we are back together and since then he hasn't said anything bad or acted bad because he knows that if he does it once again we're over, hopefully he'll stick to this attitude and the break was a wake up call but I'll keep all you guys updated, sorry for not answering, I have been pretty busy and I when I have time I am either sleeping or studying since I have got another job besides the one I already had now.
    Thanks a lot everyone, all of you helped me stand up for myself for once and have the strength to have a break from him.
    Another good note is that something happened with one of my parents and now we're a lot closer so now I have someone to support me :)
    Thanks again to everyone, I'll update if anything changes, you're all great people ❤
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Sweetheart, abusers often escalate when they crack after luring you back.

    Think on that.

    I wish you the best.


    He will not change. This is not a happy update.

    But it's your life, so... I just hope one day you are able to see him for who he clearly is.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Please take care of yourself, you're so young and have a lot ahead of you. Like someone said previously, do not be blinded by his "nice"moments.
  • SunshineTL1982
    SunshineTL1982 Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2016
    This is an abusive relationship and unfortunately until YOU see it as such, no amount of comments on this thread will help! No one should be in a relationship with someone who doesn't love them for who they are regardless of their outside appearance, Sounds like your boyfriend is a royal D***! You will be sooooo much happier without him, the saying is true there are a LOT of fish in the sea, find a fish that can swim with you not against you!
    Plus when you are free from this a-hole you will be less stressed and wieghtl oss will be even easier (if that is what YOU want!)

    Don't let a guy define who you are and what makes you happy, I went through something very similar in my 20's and ditched him after 5 years, now I am married with a son and my husband is the most supportive wonderful guy, it it took me a long time to see how bad it was with my ex!

    All I can say is good luck, you have support here!