Boyfriends standards of weight?



  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Sweetheart, abusers often escalate when they crack after luring you back.

    Think on that.

    I wish you the best.


    He will not change. This is not a happy update.

    But it's your life, so... I just hope one day you are able to see him for who he clearly is.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    Please take care of yourself, you're so young and have a lot ahead of you. Like someone said previously, do not be blinded by his "nice"moments.
  • SunshineTL1982
    SunshineTL1982 Posts: 1 Member
    edited December 2016
    This is an abusive relationship and unfortunately until YOU see it as such, no amount of comments on this thread will help! No one should be in a relationship with someone who doesn't love them for who they are regardless of their outside appearance, Sounds like your boyfriend is a royal D***! You will be sooooo much happier without him, the saying is true there are a LOT of fish in the sea, find a fish that can swim with you not against you!
    Plus when you are free from this a-hole you will be less stressed and wieghtl oss will be even easier (if that is what YOU want!)

    Don't let a guy define who you are and what makes you happy, I went through something very similar in my 20's and ditched him after 5 years, now I am married with a son and my husband is the most supportive wonderful guy, it it took me a long time to see how bad it was with my ex!

    All I can say is good luck, you have support here!
  • duckgems
    duckgems Posts: 3 Member
    Ok, well, perhaps there is someone close to you that you can talk to you about this as this guy is verbally abusive to you aside from the snide comments about your weight? I ask this because I do not understand why you would want to stay with someone like this.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    You should say "Well maybe I don't want a boyfriend thats so tiny". Your size is fine, sounds like he has a weight gaining problem. Of course I don't know his height either, unless he is shorter than you.
  • 2girlzmm
    2girlzmm Posts: 81 Member
    First Hugs. I was in a similar situation many years ago. I understand the love you have for him but he is verbally abusing you. It took me awhile to understand this and didn't want to believe it. But it was true. Mine would put me down constantly even when I weighed 110 at 5'5" (which for my frame was very unhealthy). He is the one that is being stupid. There are so many fish in the big sea that will love everything about you and bring you up instead of put you down. I wish you luck in your decision.
  • luckypony71
    luckypony71 Posts: 399 Member
    "In order for us to make a change, the fear of the known has to be greater than the fear of the unknown."

    This is a quote I will never forget. You may have a reason for staying, but if you are on here looking for support I think you know deep down that it is time to move on. Abusers tend to keep us away from family and friends, but they are still there to help you if you need it.

    There is a guy out there that will worship you. Don't settle.
  • coleg04
    coleg04 Posts: 126 Member
    Leaz947 wrote: »
    Hi guys!
    I have a slight problem here, I started losing weight a week ago because I weighed myself in front of my boyfriend for the same time and I weighed 66.4kg while he weighed 70kg.
    He instantly started complaining about how he doesn't want his girlfriend to weigh nearly as much as him and how he wants me to weigh less. This is the first time he has ever said anything negative about my weight, I'm 5'8" and slightly chubby. However, I had been thinking about losing a bit of weight for some time so I allowed him to say that and reduced my calories, started eating healthy and exercising.
    Ever since then all he does everyday is tell me that I'm still fat and need to lose more (I'm not fat, I'm chubby, my BMI is healthy and I'm a size 10/12).
    Whenever I tell him that I'm cooking he tells me to watch what I eat, I just informed him that I lost two kilograms in a week and he told me that I need to lose at least 10? We have been in a relationship for 2 years and meanwhile his standards are really high to the point of being unfair, they never have physically.
    I feel as if when I get the body I want I will resent him for only being attractive to such a slim body, he said that it's a "fair exchange" because he has a "hot" body???
    While his body is nice, he has a normal body, nothing extraordinary and I felt quite offended by it.
    How do I get over this problem? It's really bugging me. Oh, he also gets like this with other things such as my intelligence, calling me a retard, idiot,etc.
    How should I solve all of this?
    (No, I don't want to leave him, sorry)

    Sounds to me like he is insecure and you weighing close to the same amount as him threatens his "manhood." You need to talk about this insecurity, since you aren't willing to leave him, and get to the deeper root of the issue. Also, do not allow him to talk to you like that without consequences. Good luck.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Leaz947 wrote: »
    We had a break, now we are back together and since then he hasn't said anything bad or acted bad because he knows that if he does it once again we're over, hopefully he'll stick to this attitude and the break was a wake up call but I'll keep all you guys updated, sorry for not answering, I have been pretty busy and I when I have time I am either sleeping or studying since I have got another job besides the one I already had now.
    Thanks a lot everyone, all of you helped me stand up for myself for once and have the strength to have a break from him.
    Another good note is that something happened with one of my parents and now we're a lot closer so now I have someone to support me :)
    Thanks again to everyone, I'll update if anything changes, you're all great people ❤

    This is a sad update indeed.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Leaz947 wrote: »
    We had a break, now we are back together and since then he hasn't said anything bad or acted bad because he knows that if he does it once again we're over, hopefully he'll stick to this attitude and the break was a wake up call but I'll keep all you guys updated, sorry for not answering, I have been pretty busy and I when I have time I am either sleeping or studying since I have got another job besides the one I already had now.
    Thanks a lot everyone, all of you helped me stand up for myself for once and have the strength to have a break from him.
    Another good note is that something happened with one of my parents and now we're a lot closer so now I have someone to support me :)
    Thanks again to everyone, I'll update if anything changes, you're all great people <3

    @Leaz947 & others in similar situations
    Oh Honey, it's called the 'Honeymoon phase'

    Know that ppl do care, YOU DO MATTER TO OTHERS, people that don't even know you care about you being safe! It can take many times for an abused person to leave for good. I don't think anyone here is angry but more scared for you, perhaps frustrated but that comes with caring.

    An abused person can't see clearly like someone on the outside trying to help. That's what this entire thread has been about.. trying to help anyone that's currently in an abusive situation. I really doubt you're the only one on MFP right now dealing with this so I'm glad I added to the thread and I imagine others are as well. <3

    If we can help one person escape harm from an abuser we can begin to break the cycle..... to help someones children not be stuck in this same situation. <3

    National Crisis Organizations and Assistance:

    a resource guide for many organizations that can help in multiple situations

    Everyone deserves a violence-free life.



  • Flapjack_Mollases
    Flapjack_Mollases Posts: 218 Member
    I know you love him, but your boyfriendshould be less focused on what you weigh, and more on how you make him feel when he looks at you. By the way, your boyfriend is well on the LOW side of weight for a typical male. 155 lbs is not much at all for a dude. Again, that's just a number, but I'm just using his logic here. I would never advise anyone to break up with someone else, unless the person is unhappy. However, you should respect yourself enough to know that either this man needs a serious attitude change, or he needs to hit the road.
  • miss_aims
    miss_aims Posts: 64 Member
    edited December 2016
    When I was initially with my ex, I was 5'8" and 140, which was perfectly normal and worked great on my frame. He did, however, have a great habit of calling me "fat," "cow," "chubby," etc., and always laughed it off as a "joke." I was young, too, at 18, with no one else to really compare him to.

    However, after the birth of our kid, I gained 40 pounds, and while I still wasn't supremely overweight, he made sure to tell me how unattractive I was and compare me to other women. This was coming from a guy who was both scrawny and flabby and didn't care about his health whatsoever. Add in that he eventually switched from verbal abuse to literal physical abuse, I had a choice to make.

    You know what I did? I dumped his sorry butt.

    Fast-forward to years later, with my current boyfriend. Since we met, I've gained an additional 50 pounds, and the only comments he has ever made has been in regards to making sure I stay active. He has never made a comment about my weight, has never made me feel unattractive, has only been supportive in my struggles to lose weight **FOR MYSELF**, not for him.

    In a nutshell: dump the idiot. You will save yourself a lot of time and heartache, because the relationship isn't meant to last to begin with.
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    This is the thread that never ends...
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Leaz947 wrote: »
    We had a break, now we are back together and since then he hasn't said anything bad or acted bad because he knows that if he does it once again we're over, hopefully he'll stick to this attitude and the break was a wake up call but I'll keep all you guys updated, sorry for not answering, I have been pretty busy and I when I have time I am either sleeping or studying since I have got another job besides the one I already had now.
    Thanks a lot everyone, all of you helped me stand up for myself for once and have the strength to have a break from him.
    Another good note is that something happened with one of my parents and now we're a lot closer so now I have someone to support me :)
    Thanks again to everyone, I'll update if anything changes, you're all great people ❤

    This is very sad.

    Abusers will often behave well when they realise they're losing the battle and then in for the crushing of souls again to make them feel superior. Do you watch The Walking Dead, OP? Your boyfriend is Negan (minus the charming sexy smile), and his insulting words are Lucille. Do as he says and he'll be won't. It seems as though you have a Negan+Sheldon cross...

    What is so great about staying with a guy that constantly verbally abuses you? I don't get the appeal. It's not sexy to have every insult thrown at you. He's a sad, pathetic little twirpoid.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    The dude is watching too much porn.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ThatUserNameIsAllReadyTaken
    This is the thread that never ends...

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