Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @Rachel0778 Great job going walking even without the dog. Did you get your sticky skates? How did they feel? I bet you rocked it.

    @wishfuljune I usually get the bottomless stomach about 2 weeks before ToM. I think my body actually needs the calories to function correctly. When I get that way, I just try to stay at maintenance. I bet you will have no problem getting back on track.

    @gemwolf110 glad your ankle is starting to feel better. Great job not over eating. LOL

    @ShyCush6 1 pound down is great! And those buckeyes sound yummy. Maybe I need to move my treats to outside as well. This morning it was -2F, only supposed to get to 20 if we are lucky. That would definitely make me think twice about going outside.

    Yesterday, I didn't do my normal lunch walk, too freaking cold. However, I did walk while waiting for the kids to get out of school. I was so frozen my forehead hurt. I looked like a mummy all wrapped up and got funny looks from other parents. I didn't care. I was out there getting my steps in because I am worth it. When the kids came out from school I about died. out comes this little girl in just a dress and a heavy coat on. The mom standing next to me, goes on about how could someone let their kid go to school in just a dress when it is this cold. I look at her, and say "that is my kid." Yes, my lovely daughter decided she didn't need to wear pants to school today. Wears them all summer under her dress, but not today. I tell her she has to wear pants every day until I say otherwise. I then politely text the BF and ask him why the heck he let her go to school without pants.

    I made homemade Potato soup last night so yummy, and bought sourdough bread. The slices were too big to fit in my toaster. :( Barely stayed under calories.
  • bigzz08
    bigzz08 Posts: 40 Member
    You can do it pure determination will get you there I used to be 308lb few years ago and managed to diet on and off but more on now currently weighing 220lb I feel a lot better about myself but I don't feel I am at my ideal weight as I still have a lot of fat on my body I want to lose another 40-50lbs to hit my ideal weight feel free to add me and we can do this together #willpower
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    hi all - well not sure where this week is going. I'm losing control of my time in the run-up to Christmas! And it's our work party tonight so calorie counting is not on the agenda! Just checking in - working from home tomorrow and will catch up with you all properly then.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @wishfuljune How'd your exercise classes go? I think Winter is definitely upon us!

    @bigzz08 Congrats on your loss, that's a great accomplishment!

    @janetay01 I hope you have a great time at the work party!

    @jdelaroy That's a hilarious story about your daughter! My Dad sent me off to school with some questionable wardrobe choices too, I don't think Dad's think about that as much! Your potato soup sounds delicious. Sadly no sticky wheels yet for me, I really hope they're waiting for me when I get home!

    @ShyCush6 Way to go on the cleaning and the loss, you're rocking it!

    @gemwolf110 I do the same thing at work by only bringing food that I pre-tracked. It's saved me from over-eating many a time

    My pole dancing studio was running a 1/2 off special yesterday so I was able to register for the January session and I'm so excited! Now I'll have derby, pole dancing, and Y classes to keep me fit in the New Year. Yay for no more boring exercise DVDs!

    In other good news, I did great at Pizza Ranch last night. 2 small slices of thin crust pizza, salad, and 1 slice of dessert pizza. Not bad for a buffet meal!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Ok, Shy - just had to google what the heck Buckeyes are... looked on pinterest and the first one had 80,000 pins! Obviously I was unaware that this was a 'thing'!! LOL! (probably because I'm allergic to chocolate, but still!). I will have to make those for my family, anything peanut butter/chocolate is the shizzle in our house!
    haha! love that you are into the brandy slushes, I've cut back the last two nights and not had any rum and eggnog. And I weighed myself this am, and lost 2 lbs! (there must be a correlation... haha!).

    Rachel, let us know when your sticky wheels come in, and how they work out for you. All our fingers and toes are crossed. Nice that you've got your activities all lined up for the new year! And yessss that was a major NSV on the pizza buffet - holy will power! I'm sure I would have scarfed double that, as pizza is one of my absolute faves.

    Jen, I laughed out loud about your daughter! That is so funny that the lady said that to you! You are like ummmm, yup, that's my kid! (grab her and run to the car)! haha! I tell ya, dads have no clue half the time. Last year for my 40th I was in NYC and it was picture day for our 9 yo. He looked like a homeless kid - not joking! I was so mad! (it was on the calendar). this year he looked like a little prep school kid, gel, collared shirt and all! haha

    June, that recipe looks good. And yup, we all have those days where we feel like eating the world! Except why do I have those more than everyone else? LOL! You are doing awesome with the gym work outs, so keep up the good work!

    Gem - Love it that your pups get special attention. Our golden retreiver is spoiled too. She does have her own stocking, she gets rawhides, bag of treats and a couple toys for christmas. And she gets excited - puts her nose in the stocking and pulls stuff out, then takes it to her dog bed and wags and wags and wags. I just LOVE dogs!

    I've been doing great with my activity levels, but I really have to do better at tracking. Will keep trying. I agree with Shy, I can track all day, but then get home and with dinner and kid chaos etc, it just falls by the wayside. I will try to pre -track like you said, Rach.

    This am my alarm went off at 5:15 and I lay there and had a conversation with myself... it went kinda like this. OMG it's early. Ok, get up and get to the gym. Wellllll, I could sleep for an extra hour and go after dinner. (silence for a minute). Get your kitten up, there's no way you will go later. Okaaaaayyyy. So that was my NSV for the day, made it to the gym at 5:30 and did my work out. Happy I did it, started my day off on the right foot! Weighed myself when I got home and I was down 2 lbs!! that was a good reward. My spin class must have helped on Tuesday!

    Have a great day everyone - tomorrow is FRIDAY!!! (my xmas party!)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Jdelaroy: Why do we live where the air hurts our skin? LOL! Mmmm! Homemade potato soup! Yum! Kids refuse to wear warm clothes… My daughter wore a dress and sandals last Friday! Yep! Crazy kids!!

    Way to go BigZZ!

    Janetay: I’m having a hard time counting the calories today too!! =( Hope you have a great time at your party!!

    Rachel: Awesome on the month of January!! You are ready girl!!! I am avoiding buffets… but way to rock it!!! Yay!!

    Gem: Mmmm! I love banana bread!

    Joy: Way to go lady!! 2 lbs!!! Yay!! Buckeyes are the bomb!!! My family loves peanut butter and that is about all I make… recently the biggest sweet tooth in my family…my dad… is now allergic to peanuts… It has been really hard to find something I usually make that he can eat… time to find new Christmas treats! Pizza is my downfall too!! I love it!! Cracked me up!! Loved the conversation with yourself!! I so have those!!!

    So I am having a rough day… I weighed myself and was down .5 lb this morning but I tell you I could eat a house! I am absolutely starving today! Ugh!! I’ve been doing so good! It’s frustrating… Trying to avoid eating but not sure I will win… Hoping to get in a workout tonight then bake some more goodies with the daughter while watching Survivor… Any other survivor fans out there? This is getting to be one of my fav seasons… Have a great day!!
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,587 Member
    @ShyCush6 - A brandy slush sounds like a delicious treat, especially this time of year! I grew up on the East Coast, so we don't call them buckeyes, but those are super delicious! I could pop them all day long and not care about the calories!

    @gemwolf110 - Banana bread is so yummy! How do you make yours? I like mine with nuts, or chocolate. :) Have you ever made chocolate zucchini bread? That's also a treat. I hope the dogs are enjoying the cold weather! Did you get the little bichon a coat yet?

    @jdelaroy - Sorry you had a parent make a comment like that about your daughter! That's never fun. Good for you for getting your walk in, even when you were freezing though! That's pure dedication right there!

    @bigzz08 - Congratulations on your loss! That's an amazing amount to lose!

    @janetay01 - Glad you checked in! Hope everything is going well even in the craziness that is the holiday season and mad rush to the end of the year!

    @Rachel0778 - Wow, dessert pizza! That sounds amazing! You are taking a lot of amazing classes and they sound like a great way to stay fit!

    @bluepoppies777 - Haha, your internal monologue is one I have every morning too, but it's about getting up and going to work, not the gym! Good for you for going this morning and congratulations on the 2 lb loss! Spin class definitely helps. :)

    Speaking of spin class, it was great! I was almost able to keep up with our final pace song, and I was doing all right at 115-120 RPM at Gear 11, but then I felt the sudden lump in my throat and my dinner and knew I had to hold back. Always a good class when you wanna throw up. xD Personal training tonight! I hope we do shoulders. We did arms two days ago, and the day before we did back/chest, so it's either shoulders or legs. I've got yoga on Saturday, and I plan on doing most of my Christmas shopping then for the rest of my friends and family. Then it'll be a nice Sunday with football and dinner with my brother and his family.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    And of course... the birthday cake comes out... ugh!! I had to have a piece... Guess I need an extra 30 min on the elliptical tonight!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hi all, mind if I join? I love the name of this group, it describes my journey. Can't post much now. I have a Dr appt soon. This Dr lost alot of weight years ago & every time I saw her she totally focused on my weight & that I need to loose it. So I haven't seen her since I lost 26 lbs. I didn't do it to impress her, but I hope she will be & will focus more on my health issues.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,446 Member
    my challange is not to over eat when I've been gone for hours & not able to have snack, like today at my Dr appt so when I get home I'm real hungry. I had bowl of my home made turkey soup & half turkey sandwich, now i have to wait for that to settle in & not eat more till later. It's only 5:30 & I do like to eat again a little around 8:30
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @bigzz08 Great job on the loss.

    @janetay01 Glad to see you are hanging in there, I was beginning to get worried about you. Have fun at your party tonight. Mine is tonight as well.

    @rachel0778 Great job scoring half price classes. I would love to learn to pole dance. I have 3 left feet when it comes to dancing. Did you get them yet? Great job at the buffet. I hope I do that well tonight, but I am pretty sure I will end up indulging. I am okay with this, I don't go too overboard very many days.

    @bluepoppies777 Yeah, I just asked him to make sure she puts pants on. I love your NSV. I made it to the gym last night. I was proud of myself because I was having some pretty bad stomach pains, and the bf was a little sore, so he would have easily said okay to staying home. I figured I could either lye on the couch in pain, or go to the gym and be in pain. The gym would get me closer to where I wanted to go, and the BF wouldn't be able to give me a hard time about not going. Yeah for gym NSV's!!!!

    @shycush6 We live where we live because it is beautiful, family, friends and we are a glutton for punishment. LOL I was born and raised here, can't imagine living anywhere else. When I get to the point where I am starving, I usually go with my body knows what it is talking about and will allow myself to eat to maintenance that day. Sometimes your body needs extra calories. Did you know you burn more calories before you start your ToM. There was a great thread on here somewhere all about it. I wish I would have saved it now.

    @wishfuljune You are amazing! You always have some great exercise going on. You make me feel lazy! (Not in a bad way) I just want to get to the point I can be like you.

    @Evamutt Hope on board. Just check in when you can. Great job on the weight loss! Did the DR give you some positive feed back? The turkey soup and sandwich sound delicious. When I know I am going to be away for a long time. I try to grab a snack to keep with me just in case.

    Wow, we were a busy bunch the last few days. I made it to the gym, didn't stay as long as I hoped, but I had a sick daughter, a sore BF and horrible stomach pains. So I was proud that I even made it. I was walking on the treadmill last night, looking around the gym, and realized I was probably one of the biggest girls there. This didn't make me feel bad. I was there, I was doing something to not be that lazy fat person I used to be. So it was mostly just an observation more than feeling bad about myself. Oh still no tree up. Hopefully this weekend, all the kids will stop being sick, and out of trouble so we can do it.

    Happy Friday, have a great weekend everyone.

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @jdelaroy I'm so glad you're giving yourself props for being a rockstar and going to the gym! Sorry to hear about your stomach pains though, I hope you feel better soon!

    @Evamutt Welcome! Did you doctor give you good feedback and help with your health issues? If they didn't it might be time to shop for a new doctor!

    @ShyCush6 Sorry you're having a rough day! Hopefully today will go smoother

    @wishfuljune Great job at spin class, you definitely pushed it to the limit if you're feeling nauseous! How'd personal training go?

    @bluepoppies777 That's a huge NSV! 530am is an ungodly time of the morning, but you're kicking butt and taking names!

    @gemwolf110 I love hearing about all the delicious food you're making, keep up the great work!

    So my wheels FINALLY came in. Sadly not in time for practice last night. I'm going to go in this weekend to try them out to see if I should keep the wheels I've been practicing on for the test or if I can get up to speed with my new wheels quick enough. I landed on my wrist funny last night so I'm sadly in a wrist brace today :(

    In other crappy news, I'm getting tested for a pituitary tumor and PCOS :( Wish me luck both tests come back negative
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Eva: Welcome!

    Jdelaroy: Good point… that is all the reasons I still live in Wisconsin… Interesting… I never heard that about TOM… Well that is what I did yesterday… maintenance… about all I could do! Way to stay positive… It’s a great sign that you are there at the gym and you will succeed… keep up the great work! Hope your tummy is better!

    Rachel: Yay for the wheels!! Hope they help and you do awesome!! Sorry about your wrist… bummer! Prayers for good test results!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,446 Member
    today I'm not planing to be away for hours so I should feel better about not getting hungry. I do have a medical condition that has gotten worse & may eventually kill me, unless something else does, but it's manageable & I'm getting a new med for it. It's the only med I take. I'm also going to get treadmill test but I'm ok to exercise so I'm trying to decide if i should go volunteer at my animal rescue today or stay home, go to the gym & clean
  • dennisebejar03
    dennisebejar03 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! My name is Dennise and I would like to join this group. My goal is to lose 25lbs and so far I have lost 3lbs. I have a chocolote (Reese's, mostly) addiction and I had a Coca Cola addiction as well but I am proud to say I have gotten rid of that addiction! Only water now! Another addiction is coffee but I'm learning to use soy creamer and Splenda instead of regular sugar. I am a sales agent who sits in a desk all day so getting my exercise routine is very difficult. I have changed my diet but I know part of losing weight is also exercise. I need an accountability buddy!
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,446 Member
    I get an appetite more after dinner so I look for snacks to buy. Today i bought some veggie straws. Im going to make some enchiladas with left over turkey ( I made my turkey 2 days ago) I'm going to put 2oz turkey & 1 tbl cheese in each corn tortillia & log it individually
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @Evamutt Did you decide to do the animal shelter or the gym? Walking puppies sounds like the most fun exercise ever!

    @dennisebejar03 Welcome! I'm a fellow coffee addict desk worker too :) Keep posting!

    @gemwolf110 How was your Sunday decorating the tree?

    Happy Monday everyone! Today is test out day for Derby (eeek!) I'm nervous, but excited. I did much better when I went in to practice on Saturday so the wheels were definitely a good investment. On both Sunday and Friday I did absolutely nothing for activity. I have been so lazy lately! I really need to get back into the groove of things exercise wise. This weekend I did okay with eating. I always have a bigger appetite on the weekends so I definitely went over calories, but I didn't binge which is really good. On Friday, my SO had his holiday work party. Someone cracked open the $200 bottle of scotch so we definitely had fun! I hope you all had great weekends as well!
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    Motivation, success and frustration are my new mfp macros lol. Right now it's 45% each on the first 2, and I kind of cheat on the last one. I don't make that 10% very often. Shameful confession :D

    Hope everyone is having a great day. :)
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,587 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    @gemwolf110 - Those decorations are cute, and your tree is very nice! I see the Elf in the Shelf! ;)

    @Evamutt - Those turkey enchiladas sound yummy, and a great way to use leftovers!

    @Rachel0778 - GOOD LUCK ON YOUR DERBY TEST!! You're going to crush it! :) And I have my fingers crossed that your medical tests come back negative! Personal training went very well on Thursday - we ended up doing shoulders. I shoulder-shrugged 95lb pounds!

    @Cylphin60 - Haha, I love that!

    @dennisebejar03 - Welcome! You're definitely on the right path. :)

    This weekend was a busy/lazy one! I had yoga on Saturday morning, and then we ran around and did a bunch of errands before my boyfriend had to go into work for the rest of the day. Sunday, same sort of thing of running around and doing errands. We ended up going to my brother's for dinner, and it was delicious! I made a pear and fig salad, and it was a big hit. :) I didn't end up tracking yesterday though because I knew I was going to go over with all the potatoes at dinner.

    I lost 2.5 lbs from last week to this week, and I did not expect that at all. I was barely eating under my calories all week, so either I am grossly overestimating how much I'm eating, or because of my TOM, I was bloated when I weighed myself the first time. In any case, I'm now at 172.8, which means I've lost 32.2 lb since I started my journey last January! I'm just 2.8 lb away from hitting my goal of getting out of the 170s by the end of the year, and then I'll have 6 months to hit my doctor's goal of being at 150! I think I can do it. :)
  • skinnycatrina
    skinnycatrina Posts: 5 Member
    Im with ya ... . Best way to stave off sweet cravings, is to keep your blood sugar up...meaning, eat something small every few hours. The reason why we start to crave sweets is because we are starting to feel hungry (you aren't getting the tummy growls at this point, just a drop in blood sugars which starts your cravings). Complex carbs (in small amounts) will keep your blood sugars stable, will keep you from feeling like you need something sugary, will keep you coasting till lunch or dinner. My suggestions are: a small apple, a small bananna, a hard-boiled egg (a bit of protein will satiate you longer), or a small handful of almonds. PGX will help too. I have found that when i start craving, ill have one of these snacks and a PGX with cup of tea, and then I can coast for hours without feeling the need for sweets or more food. Try it. It may work for you. Don't starve yourself, you have to eat to lose, but eat SMART.