
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Coming out of lurkdom to give Beth a hug. We are here to cry with you if you need us.

    Joyce, please take care of yourself.

    Sue, love the pics. Glad you figured it out.
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Hey now.....

    Been a busy day!.....slept in kinda late this morning, medicated in my pj's, then took a shower and got dressed and went for a walk.....walked down Main Street to the bar/restaurant (can't remember the name of it at the moment) to check out the insides.....it's split in half with the bar on one side with a single bar across the back of the room with a few tables and some chairs scattered around and one pool table and a couple of TVs.....the restaurant side had about 10 tables with chairs.....typical bar food (burgers, fish and chips, etc) on the menu in the bar.....additional dinner type entrées on the menu in the restaurant....a real homey feel to it and friendly barmaid.....did over half my step goal on that walk.....

    Came home and hopped in the car for a trip into The Dalles to get a little medicine to get me through till tomorrow when I have to go into Portland for my weekly PT appt.....will hit my favorite dispensary while in the city and stock up for another week.....also had to hit Safeway to pu some fresh kitty litter for Missy's potty box ( yes, she even uses a potty box outside, especially in the snow).....then came home and cleaned house again, including vacuuming.....

    Had left over pork chop (for the life of me I can't seem to find packages of meat of any kind with just one chop or steak or breast or whatever in it, lol....), the other half of the sweet potato and some baby carrots for dinner.....had left over sloppy Joe and some cottage cheese for lunch.....can you tell today was leftover day??.....cleaning out my little fridge making room for the weekly groceries I will pu in The Dalles on the way home from Portland tomorrow.....

    Watched the movie "Inception" with Leonardo DiCaprio in it.....kinda strange, story line a little unbelievable, it lost me about half way through.....by the end of the movie I was busy web surfing on my tablet, lol....this little town has a website!.....www.dufur.org........not much on the website, not sure who is in charge of posting town news and events (like the lighted tractor parade) but nobody has posted anything in those blogs since they were first set up in June of this year.....wonder if they might need someone to do that for them.....could be fun to do and it would give me something to do and I could give back to this wonderful little community that has so easily accepted me......think I will look into it this week......I could post what pics I have of the parade and put out the word that I could use some other pics too that others may have gotten.....that would be cool.....I have a ton of ideas.....could even get myself a decent digital camera and volunteer to take pics of the high school events and stuff and post those too along with pics of the surrounding areas and such including the recreational things to do around here too......might help bring a little tourist money into the community, there is a little Bed & Breakfast type Hotel here (it's apparently historic) that could probably use a boost in exposure.....so many ideas.....we will see......

    After the movie I went for another walk and finished out my step goal......it's not much.....only 4,500 steps but that's pretty good for an old broad who has to walk with two canes, lol.....all in all I got 75 minutes of moderate exercise in today with cleaning and such too.....I stayed below my calorie goal, my carb goal, my fat goal and even stayed below my sodium goal today....wooohooo!!!!.......

    Sue - congrats on posting your first pics!.....I knew you would figure it out, lol.....

    OK, time to go to bed early....still gotta read my emails and gotta get up early to head into the big city.....see you all tomorrow.....sweet dreams....

    Sherry in "where the heck is...." Dufur
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Great job Sue! It must look different on different devices. My laptop has the piece of paper with the folded corner.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    Sue - Great pics! Thanks. Lovely granddaughter and you look terrific! <3

    Sherry - You are doing so well with your walking! It will pay real dividends. :flowerforyou:
    Looks like you may have a new volunteer job!

    I did eventually get back to sleep for an hour. Now waiting for news. :/

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    edited December 2016
    Happy Monday Ladies!

    Kate-Spain over Christmas? I am jealous!
    Janet- Yay for getting rid of steroid weight! I am impressed you stuck with your program through that. It would have been so easy to throw in your hat.
    Lillian-That is quite a houseful to survive and not eat too much. Yay for you!
    Rita - I hope you feel better soon
    Katia - I think you have me confused with someone else. Both my dogs are just fine.
    Pip-Looks like a great race, love the medals and the Harry Potter Xmas tree!

    A pretty quiet weekend for me. I did get most of my Christmas shopping done. Mostly wrapped too. I just have a few "miniatures" to pick up for my 13 year old grand-daughter who is working on a miniature house. I am waiting for a few things to arrive from Amazon.

    Today back to work. Planning a lunchtime trip to the gym and have dog obedience class tonight.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    sue love the pics, GD is so sweet, that is a happy Christmas memory

    Lost my early morning post :( but nothing big to report. Just a busy concert week ahead. My strategy is to up the veggies at every meal and get my protein through yogurt and nuts. I do have a roast chicken to supplement through the week as well. Dinner out two nites this week but I plan on ordering from the appetizer menu-veggie heavy if possible and keep it simple.

    Really at work it is all about Walking past all the goodies---I can just say no thank you, the key for me is regular eating of healthy choices--I have willpower if I feel full-- so my secret is don't skip any meals/planned snacks.

    Have a great Monday everyone <3
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member


    Kate UK
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    sue love the pics, GD is so sweet, that is a happy Christmas memory

    Lost my early morning post :( but nothing big to report. Just a busy concert week ahead. My strategy is to up the veggies at every meal and get my protein through yogurt and nuts. I do have a roast chicken to supplement through the week as well. Dinner out two nites this week but I plan on ordering from the appetizer menu-veggie heavy if possible and keep it simple.

    Really at work it is all about Walking past all the goodies---I can just say no thank you, the key for me is regular eating of healthy choices--I have willpower if I feel full-- so my secret is don't skip any meals/planned snacks.

    Have a great Monday everyone <3

    You can do it, Karen! Because I don't want to feel deprived over the holidays, my rule is to always ask myself if the "goodie" is worth it. If the answer is yes, I allow myself to have it. If the answer is no, I find it much easier to walk away. At work, there are always goodies around at this time of year. Most of them aren't "worth it". They are store or bakery bought. I know I can get those any time if I really want them. I do have one friend who makes the most amazing cookies every Xmas. Hers are worth it. I just log them and allow for them.

    Have a great week!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    good morning ladies~ soooo nice to get a full night sleep.. going to go out for walk in a few minutes.. waiting for my fit bit to charge..
    it is foggy and muggy this morning, hope it burns off..
    Beth~ so sorry to hear about your mom will keep both of you in mom prayers..
    there is so much to do down here that I will keep myself busy for the 2 weeks...
    Geesh Tom has MSMBC on with Squak Box on I cant stand that stuff..
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Yeah, I guess, we are getting snow!!! We have had nothing for snow so far. Today I have to take my MIL to the city for an eye appointment. I like snow but not when I have to drive in it.

    I am up a bit, but I always gain weight when I take cold medication. It takes a few days and lots of water to get rid of the gain. My voice is not quite back to normal, hopefully soon.

    Here is to another day.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning and happy Monday! Had my to-do list to work on this weekend and only got half of it done. Spent about seven hours shoveling! I love snow and winter, so it's not a big deal. Two hours on Saturday to clear about six inches off my driveway. Always a little tougher at the end of the drive due to the plows pushing it into the driveway. Heavy stuff at the end. THEN...we got dumped on big time yesterday! 18 inches over the course of the day! Two hours on my driveway, then because I was enjoying myself, I headed over to my two elderly neighbors south of my home and shoveled them out. I also did the bike path that connects our homes. Oh...and before I started the shoveling I had to walk about a half mile down the road and help my DYS get himself "un-stuck". He slid on the ice on his way to work and took out a mailbox and ended up in the snowbank on the side of the road. Home owner was very nice about his mailbox being destroyed. He says it happens every year. DYS works for Home Depot, so he picked up a new mailbox and post materials and set it all up after he was done with work. The gentleman had painted his old mailbox a pretty golden color and had painted a brown dachshund on it (he owns two little dachshunds). I offered to paint it and put a pic of the pup on it for him in the spring. I hope he takes me up on it. When I walk my little guys; his mailbox is one of our highpoints! The kids love to look at it because they know that they see the dog on our walks quite often.
    Anyway, because of all of the shoveling I had a couple of things happen. I was CRAZY hungry last night and actually made myself three eggs, toast with cream cheese, cottage cheese for dinner and then had a cookie and egg nog for snack. This was after having leftover pot roast for breakfast and lunch! But the really weird thing was I was SO thirsty! I got all of my water in yesterday; but the shoveling must have dehydrated me. I woke up about every hour last night and needed a drink of water, which then meant I was also peeing all night! Woke up this morning and drank 20 oz while I got ready for the day.
    Snow day today. Which means it will be a mystery day as far as which kids I will have. It is National Hot Cocoa Day! So our advent activity today is to make our own hot cocoa and watch Polar Express! ALSO...because of all of the snow, I can add snow activities to our advent activity calendar. Yea! There are years where we can't do those. Not this year! Below are a couple of pics of our advent activity calendar. Inside each stocking is an activity to do. Some examples: make cookies, hot cocoa, make a card for a neighbor, surprise some one, attach jingle bells to your coat zipper or shoes, learn a christmas carol, etc. Fun stuff!au157cu8ytmn.jpg
    Pip- Love all of the pics and run fun! The pic of the bearded man with the bling in his beard and the crazy elf hat made me laugh! AND as a HP fan; I loved the HP tree! Very cool!
    Becca-that jewelry tree is absolutely beautiful!
    Sherry- Love your parade pics. I live in a small town and small town parades are fun and kind of kooky in their own way. I saw Inception, too, and like you was not impressed. My kids thought it was the best movie they had ever seen.
    Beth- So sorry for your loss! Sending the warmest of hugs to you!
    Gloria- Soup ingredients in a jar...this is the one. I will be putting these together for my siblings and their families. Thank you for the idea! Who doesn't love soup in the winter?! Well, okay, we would all rather eat cookies from a cookie in a jar gift, but who needs more cookies at Christmas?
    Speaking of cookies...DYS and I made two batches of fudge for his work party. We made Jack Daniel's fudge and we followed that recipe and instead of adding the JD, we added some Grand Traverse Cherry Whisky. I tried the Cherry fudge and it was WAY better than the JD (which as a non whisky person, I felt the JD fudge was too strong). We made labels indicating alcoholic (adult) candy, so that the parents could steer their little ones away from it. It was well received and he didn't bring any home! Yea!
    Wow! 8:30 and my first kid is just arriving! Gotta love a snow day! I could get used to this! Love all of you ladies!
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
    Good morning my friends!

    Rita from CT
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Back to Logging Today! Tried going for a week or so without but that isn't working. Wonder why? LOL
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Off to store to get ingredients for my Chinese salad.