
  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 266 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Good morning and happy Monday! Had my to-do list to work on this weekend and only got half of it done. Spent about seven hours shoveling! I love snow and winter, so it's not a big deal. Two hours on Saturday to clear about six inches off my driveway. Always a little tougher at the end of the drive due to the plows pushing it into the driveway. Heavy stuff at the end. THEN...we got dumped on big time yesterday! 18 inches over the course of the day! Two hours on my driveway, then because I was enjoying myself, I headed over to my two elderly neighbors south of my home and shoveled them out. I also did the bike path that connects our homes. Oh...and before I started the shoveling I had to walk about a half mile down the road and help my DYS get himself "un-stuck". He slid on the ice on his way to work and took out a mailbox and ended up in the snowbank on the side of the road. Home owner was very nice about his mailbox being destroyed. He says it happens every year. DYS works for Home Depot, so he picked up a new mailbox and post materials and set it all up after he was done with work. The gentleman had painted his old mailbox a pretty golden color and had painted a brown dachshund on it (he owns two little dachshunds). I offered to paint it and put a pic of the pup on it for him in the spring. I hope he takes me up on it. When I walk my little guys; his mailbox is one of our highpoints! The kids love to look at it because they know that they see the dog on our walks quite often.
    Anyway, because of all of the shoveling I had a couple of things happen. I was CRAZY hungry last night and actually made myself three eggs, toast with cream cheese, cottage cheese for dinner and then had a cookie and egg nog for snack. This was after having leftover pot roast for breakfast and lunch! But the really weird thing was I was SO thirsty! I got all of my water in yesterday; but the shoveling must have dehydrated me. I woke up about every hour last night and needed a drink of water, which then meant I was also peeing all night! Woke up this morning and drank 20 oz while I got ready for the day.
    Snow day today. Which means it will be a mystery day as far as which kids I will have. It is National Hot Cocoa Day! So our advent activity today is to make our own hot cocoa and watch Polar Express! ALSO...because of all of the snow, I can add snow activities to our advent activity calendar. Yea! There are years where we can't do those. Not this year! Below are a couple of pics of our advent activity calendar. Inside each stocking is an activity to do. Some examples: make cookies, hot cocoa, make a card for a neighbor, surprise some one, attach jingle bells to your coat zipper or shoes, learn a christmas carol, etc. Fun stuff!au157cu8ytmn.jpg
    Pip- Love all of the pics and run fun! The pic of the bearded man with the bling in his beard and the crazy elf hat made me laugh! AND as a HP fan; I loved the HP tree! Very cool!
    Becca-that jewelry tree is absolutely beautiful!
    Sherry- Love your parade pics. I live in a small town and small town parades are fun and kind of kooky in their own way. I saw Inception, too, and like you was not impressed. My kids thought it was the best movie they had ever seen.
    Beth- So sorry for your loss! Sending the warmest of hugs to you!
    Gloria- Soup ingredients in a jar...this is the one. I will be putting these together for my siblings and their families. Thank you for the idea! Who doesn't love soup in the winter?! Well, okay, we would all rather eat cookies from a cookie in a jar gift, but who needs more cookies at Christmas?
    Speaking of cookies...DYS and I made two batches of fudge for his work party. We made Jack Daniel's fudge and we followed that recipe and instead of adding the JD, we added some Grand Traverse Cherry Whisky. I tried the Cherry fudge and it was WAY better than the JD (which as a non whisky person, I felt the JD fudge was too strong). We made labels indicating alcoholic (adult) candy, so that the parents could steer their little ones away from it. It was well received and he didn't bring any home! Yea!
    Wow! 8:30 and my first kid is just arriving! Gotta love a snow day! I could get used to this! Love all of you ladies!

    I did a lot of shoveling this weekend and it made me crazy hungry too! I guess be needed the nourishment!

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    Got a walk in and it's 80 degree's :D
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Mary I tried to send you a message, but for some reason it did not go through.This is what I wrote: Thanks for showing interest. I'll have a better idea where I stand after I test drive the car I am interested in this afternoon. I'll send you more info on the car if I do decide to go through with this purchase. Thanks, Margaret.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Haven't heard any news about the family trauma. I was expecting to be informed first thing this morning, but as it isn't my family I don't feel I can press DH to be proactive. :sad: Not worth a sleepless night then. :#

    The viewers made a stupid offer on our house which the agents turned down without even putting it to us. Timewasters. :s

    We set off to buy coffee mugs and get some supplies. Failed to find mugs we liked. :/ The shops were ringing with "Christmas" music, my pet hate. Neither of them usually have any music. I left DH to deal with the one with the highest volume and I just about got through the barely audible one. :# Everything was moved around to cope with Christmas stuff and they didn't have some of our standard items. :# Now we're home and I will not go again this festive season. Next week we have a delivery.

    Did some memoir this morning. :D

    Hairy Bikers tonight. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Morning ladies,

    Fingers crossed we are scheduled to close on our house up in OHIO on Friday. We are a nervous wreck because the buyer sent an email with all kinds of inane questions and worries. We told our realtor that is it. We will not make anymore concessions to this buyer. We have had to so undersell this house and just want it done and over with. Hubs says we are NEVER buying again and only renting hence forth...well we'll see about that after Friday goes down.

    In other news I am down another .4 lbs! What ever I am doing is working at the moment. I don't feel all bloaty at the moment. And I can tell I'm weaned off of sweets again because even fruit is too sweet for my tongue at the moment. Hmm...just had an epiphany that perhaps my recent spat of headaches was sugar/sweetness withdrawal?!

    Several errands to run today. Walmart to pick up my scripts, pass the book for bookclub on to the next reader (she lives on the other end of town), laundry, return some books to library, begin organizing my "studio" as I've sent out my last Pocket Letter for this year and want to get things in shape for next years crafting work! Need to set up work space for my sewing machine as I have a quilt to make!

    Will get my 12,500 steps in and some strength training. Perhaps a walk with the doggie since it is pleasant out today.

    Wishing all a good day!

    in balmy TX

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    I am over at the rec hall on free Wi-Fi.
    I am sticking the week out here because I made plans,but looking for a flight home next week...
    All he has done is bit-- at me ,I'm trying hang things up and he is screeching at me,you didn't ask me ,your doing this and that...and all I do is forget stuff and don't listen.i asked if it will be like this for 2 1/2 weeks and he said yes...well that's not my idea of a vacation...so home I will go and he can drive 2 days by himself with 2 dogs.
    I don't care anymore.
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Sherry- GO FOR IT!!!!! I am sure they will think you are the town angel. Web site help is always needed. .....wonder if they might need someone to do that for them.....could be fun to do and it would give me something to do and I could give back to this wonderful little community that has so easily accepted me......think I will look into it this week......I could post what pics I have of the parade and put out the word that I could use some other pics too that others may have gotten.....that would be cool.....I have a ton of ideas.....could even get myself a decent digital camera and volunteer to take pics of the high school events and stuff and post those too along with pics of the surrounding areas and such including the recreational things to do around here too......might help bring a little tourist money into the community, there is a little Bed & Breakfast type Hotel here (it's apparently historic) that could probably use a boost in exposure.....so many ideas.....we will see......

    We are having party this evening for stakeholders. My first. It is cold, cold raining right now so I really hope that people show up. I spent the weekend making favors. I was shocked to see the price of decent chocolate. It is so much cheaper to fill a bag with a few nice chocolates and a pretty ornament, tie with a ribbon and add the organization's pin on the bow than giving away a 4x5 poly bag filled with Kisses, Peppermint Patties, or other not even so great candy. Forget about giving away small bags of Lindt truffles, Perugina Baci, or Toblerone. Sticker shock. I guess that it has been a while since I shopped for candy ( the big bag of Halloween junk does not count). Either that, or the price goes up at the holidays.

    I am looking forward to walking this evening. I am sure that I will need it after all the running around getting ready. I got a new dress to wear this week, one size larger than the picture of me posted last February. I probably could have gotten away with the smaller size but wanted to be comfortable. And this was on sale- 60% off. I am down .8 pounds since Friday. Yippee so I hope that by the time the yearly Christmas eve party comes, I will be able to wear it taken in. It is amazing what logging and exercise does.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sherry: You sound so much happier and that makes me happy, too. Drive safely today. :heart:

    Ann262: I'm glad to hear that your dogs are great. We do have more than one Ann and I likely did get mixed up. :ohwell:

    Heather: You've had your first offer and that is something to put on the calendar along with a frowny face. They may come back with something realistic but I suspect someone else will fall in love with your place and give you a fair offer. :smiley:

    CJ: I hope your party this evening goes well.

    Yoga today & I'll do a bit of Christmas shopping too. I have lists from DD so there are good ideas to work with. I could look at Amazon for things and may go that route, but I'd like to do some local shopping if I can. Our local shops deserve a chance at our business.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" -Audrey Hepburn
  • deannahollas
    deannahollas Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Ladies. This is what I need motivation and support. I need to get moving and the only time I have been successful at that is when I have had a goal and someone I was not wanting to disappoint. So I am here hoping this will be the place where I can get that. I live in Dallas and have recently lost 15 lbs but would like to lose another 10. More than losing the weight, I just want to lose the fat and be trim and healthy so that means I need to get moving. I signed up for a 5K on April 2 so there is the final goal - now to work on daily/weekly goals. I want to be able to get up and exercise every day for 45 mins aerobic (run/walk/elliptical) and 10-15 minutes strength. I have found if I don't get up and do this first thing it doesn't happen. But I am lazy and it is cold out so I don't get up and next thing I know a whole week has passed and I haven't moved. So that is my goal - to get up and moving Monday -Saturday.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Sherry - Most grocery stores will split packages or cut meat in an amount you want. At Thanksgiving, a 1/2 ham, was too small; whole ham too large; so I asked if they'd cut about 2/3rd or 3/4th of it so I could have one that was the right size for my family over the weekend. Doesn't sound like you have very much refrigerator space, much less any freezer space. I'll buy a package of several pieces of meat and freeze each piece, so I can take it out and cook it once it has thawed (usually about an hour). Sometimes I will buy a large package of ground chuck, cook it and put in in Ziploc bags in portions so I can make sloppy joes, spaghetti sauce, chili, and stuff like that in small batches since there are only the 2 of us. You just have to ask them to do it. Usually the smallest package is 2 of something. Like the hamburger patties that are bigger than most I make ... so in the freezer with the other for a meal later on down the week or two.

    Hello to all the newbies! Glad you have found us, hope you will share often.

    Cheri - I don't blame you for putting your foot down about all the concessions the buyers are making, especially since you sold the house at a greatly reduced price. At our ages, we'd never buy again. When we refinanced out house several years ago to get the 'interest' rate way down, we wanted to only do 10 years; but, they only had 15, 20, or 30 years; ... if we could have done 10 - it'd be paid for by now.

    I've put the bows on DH's deer mounts; only thing I have not done is get DH to hang large wreath over the fireplace. The picture that hangs there is way too heavy for me to attempt to get it off. It is definitely a 2 person job. I'll have to take my manger scene down. I think it is too large to hang even on an inside door. Decided to just hang it on our bedroom door.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    walking past cookies all day, feeling strong. NYKAREN
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited December 2016
    Good Morning my ladies!! (I sound possessive, but I am kinda)....
    So this morning I was calling some of my TOPS friends because I am needing a Christmas themed apron. The senior luncheon is this Thursday, and I have my baby blue apron with my little black cat on it. Not very Christmasy... So I go in my kitchen and see my Advent Calendar, and get an idea....

    Now if I can just not get stabbed by the pins, (I have none showing on the back side, so I should be good). I think I was very inventive!!

    To the ones that were complimentary about my step-father, this is his pic from the Advent Calendar. He was a public radio DJ so he had quite a melodic deep voice, not so much now, but at 80-something, he still is full of vim and vigor!


    My Momma's picture is next to him. I always do my Advent calendar faces in groups, (my sons are always together, and my husband's and mine are always together... lol.


  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    BECCA ~ Very nice pictures of your mom and dad. Love the apron.

    CHERI ~ Stand strong on your house deal.

    KAREN ~ Pat on the back for avoiding the cookies. Most of the time I don't crave sweets at all. But, I have had a couple of pieces of fruitcake that my BnL sends each year from the Collins Street Bakery in Texas. Now that I have had my taste I can resist. Now only if it was that way with the wine...LOL!

    I finally got around to vacuuming the house and will mop the kitchen later today or maybe tomorrow. I guess that being retired has just made me lazy. When I was teaching I did it all every weekend.

    GLORIA ~ I so admire all you do.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Carol - I'm with you on the Al K Hol. :* If I don't start I'm good. Once I start .......... >:) I have found low alcohol cider helpful, but not calorie wise.

    Cheri - Feel for you re the house. Stick it out! <3

    Yoga lunch tomorrow. I will enjoy the company and not worry about eating a lot. My friend and I are sharing paté starter and sorbet for dessert. Will be abstemious as it's a nice homely pub, but not gourmet. Nothing I can't cook better, much better, for myself.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Can you tell I have the Christmas spirit???? One more pic of our family depicted in felt and hose.....I did the kids ones, (didn't have nude hose so they were kind of pinkish.... I need to make my daughter-in-laws face though....Maybe my son can help me when he comes...he is the artist :-)

    crazy with Christmas and my sons coming

    PS A couple of days ago I rec'd a care box from one of you. I proper thank you card is coming your way. It was filled with jams, relishes, pasta, pumpkin seeds and lots of other goodies. I appreciate so much YOU. ((((((hugs)))))))

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member