The middle agers group. (Upper 30s,40s & 50ish folks)



    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    anyone can add me, I try to burn 1000 calories a day, 7 days a week, doing new and fun activities!
  • taco_inspector
    taco_inspector Posts: 7,223 Member
    sdereski wrote: »
    Good morning middle agers. :D
    Got a 5 1/2 mile run / walk in last night. Tough go as we got a fair bit of snow. It was like running in sand.
    Now that's some dedication! Nice work @sdereski and 1000 extra cals per day isn't exatly slouchin' either @KANGOOJUMPS ...

    ... I'm just a slacker, I guess!
  • cbro70
    cbro70 Posts: 224 Member
    46 and training to run first half marathon next year. Feel free to add me.
  • LTB1234
    LTB1234 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm almost 37 so I am definitely on the higher end of 30s. I'm pretty awesome and happy to have new friends. Who am I kidding? I'm a hot mess but I keep trying! :wink:
  • fit4life_78
    fit4life_78 Posts: 165 Member
    Just about to hit 40 in 2 months!!! not looking forward to it, even being 39 I've been in my 30s, can't say that anymore :neutral:
  • shaneseb
    shaneseb Posts: 16 Member
    Hi 44 soon will be 45 next month. Getting back on track after a relapse. Glad to find this thread. I would be pleased to be added by anyone.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    50, with a junior in high school and a senior in college. Raising them on my own for eight years. I love my kids, wouldn't be here without them. I love lifting, use to powerlift. I recently bench pressed 385, pressed 225 lbs for 30 reps. Incline 345 lbs Saturday, all this after total rotator cuff repair 3 years ago. Add me if you're old(lol) and lift heavy.
  • fishpeeinit
    fishpeeinit Posts: 12 Member
    <--- 40-something in Southern Colorado. Ya'll are welcome to add me.
  • wolvinnetje
    wolvinnetje Posts: 363 Member
    Hi all

    I'm 45 year old female from belgium be a part of mfp family for a while but always looking for motivated serious friends
    Like the name of this post so if you want to add me feel free to do.
    I had loss weight 11kg (24 lbs) but the last months I gain almost everything (I had a virus but honestly it was an easy excuse to do no workouts).
    So I need friends that give me good kicks under the butt ;) and be honest I can handle that :D

    Gr from belgium
  • Justme_1
    Justme_1 Posts: 104 Member
    49, weights and cardio for me. Add me if you like
  • sammccall31
    sammccall31 Posts: 15 Member
    You can add me if you want. I'm 49 and determined to hit the big five oh fitter and healthier than ever before.
    I'm learning to run and I'm learning to strength train. Also learning not to collapse in a sweaty heap after spin class
  • jonathantennant
    jonathantennant Posts: 6 Member
    I'll be 50 in Febuary ! - Feel free to add me ....and a bit about me Just a quick intro . I'm Jon and based in Surrey, UK.
    Ex IM athlete when my body fat was below 10% and I looked fit and healthy. Ten years on I still do a bit of running, cycling but my cloths no longer fit me . I decided to 'invest' in a set of bathroom scales today and despite the denial for a long time I realise I am obesed, fat , though I still like to think fairly fit.
    So hear I am now writing this and deciding what action plan to take. Would love to hear about your inspiring stories...
  • CajunTess
    CajunTess Posts: 268 Member
    Wow, lots of new activity on this thread! Exciting to have so many new friends in my age group. My "go to" exercise/workouts are varied, as I get bored doing the same thing all the time. So I power walk outdoors, or walk/run on the treadmill at home, sometimes do kickboxing, dance and hula-hoop. I don't have a gym membership, but considering it in the Spring to work on toning up after the weight loss. Hopefully, I will be at my goal weight by then. I love having new friends that are active, committed loggers with open diaries, who love to interact.
  • pandahead76
    pandahead76 Posts: 122 Member
    edited December 2016
    I'll be 50 in Febuary ! - Feel free to add me ....and a bit about me Just a quick intro . I'm Jon and based in Surrey, UK.
    Ex IM athlete when my body fat was below 10% and I looked fit and healthy. Ten years on I still do a bit of running, cycling but my cloths no longer fit me . I decided to 'invest' in a set of bathroom scales today and despite the denial for a long time I realise I am obesed, fat , though I still like to think fairly fit.
    So hear I am now writing this and deciding what action plan to take. Would love to hear about your inspiring stories...

    I have a similar issue. My final pregnancy was really rough, and then I just never lost the baby weight and then some. Before that I was a hardcore gym rat and very fit--active my whole life. That's what I see in my mind's eye. Even though I've been very overweight for the last seven years, I'm still constantly surprised at how big I am when I catch my reflection or step on the scale.

    I'm now on a journey to make the reflection in the mirror match my mental picture of myself.

  • CajunTess
    CajunTess Posts: 268 Member
    bassklan wrote: »
    Definitely need support and looking for fellow companions who know that MTV used to play music videos and who know what it's like to poop without a smartphone...
    Anyone who fits that description.... ADD ME!

    Sent you a request because of this statement! lol!
  • summer21forever
    summer21forever Posts: 61 Member
    You can add me if you want. I'm a runner and I eat 90% clean.
  • ArkadyRose
    ArkadyRose Posts: 16 Member
    I have a similar issue. My final pregnancy was really rough, and then I just never lost the baby weight and then some. Before that I was a hardcore gym rat and very fit--active my whole life. That's what I see in my mind's eye. Even though I've been very overweight for the last seven years, I'm still constantly surprised at how big I am when I catch my reflection or step on the scale.

    I'm now on a journey to make the reflection in the mirror match my mental picture of myself.


    I have a similar issue - was fine with babies 1 and 2, and just before I fell pregnant with my youngest I was the fittest I'd ever been (thanks in no small part to a lot of Morris dancing - you may laugh, but just try playing a flute whilst high-knee skipping all around the Square Mile in London leading a bunch of Morris dancers!) but I've never been able to shift the weight I put on with her, and my metabolism seemed to slow right down afterwards. I still have this mental image of myself as this fit, active and slim person that I haven't been in 9 years. I get reminded of it whenever I try to do anything more active than a stroll to the shops though. :/

    Determined to turn it around though and regain that level of fitness again though. There's a new gym opening up just 10 minutes' (fast) walk away from where I live that I think will help. :)

  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Hi all hope your day is good

    Feel free to add me if you like