Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Good morning lovely people!

    Sorry for the late check in. My weekend was busy, full of food, and a lack of exercise. Finally, got the Christmas tree up. Still not feeling very Christmasy. Sigh oh well. The BF boughy my kids gingerbread houses for me to help them decorate (his reasoning was, he was going to force me into the spirit.)

    Yesterday was a good start to being back on the wagon. I think we are going to decorate the houses today after work. Maybe convince the BF to go to the gym tonight, My foot has been feeling funky the last two days though. Almost like it needs to pop, but won't. Kind of painful.

    @rachel0778 How did you do?
  • Dalceridae
    Dalceridae Posts: 81 Member
    Hi thread :)

    This seems like a lovely group, and I am just starting to branch out into the MFP community aspect after ~4 weeks of starting here. I've got a lot of weight to lose, but I am finding MFP and the community here really helpful, and I feel a lot better about what I'm doing now than I ever have before.
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    @jdelaroy - Sorry to hear about your foot! Maybe use some ice, or some heat on it today? If it's persistent, I would go to the doctor to have them take a look at it. Does it look swollen at all?

    @Dalceridae - Welcome! MFP is a great community to learn from. :) You're going to do just fine!

    Last night, I stayed under my calories (even with some ice cream!) and did a lot of at-home video and darebee workouts. My boyfriend prepped our lunch (I finished it by shredding the chicken and making the sushi rice), and he made dinner. We made Pork Bibimbap, and oh man, it was delicious!! If you've never had bibimbap before, it's usually rice, spinach, veggies, red pepper flakes, and a fried egg that you mix in with everything. Instead of rice, we spiralized and "riced" some parsnip! Saved us a bunch of calories doing it that way! We also spiralized some cucumber, sauteed some spinach, and had some ground pork that he cooked in coconut oil. I can't wait to have it again tonight. :)

    Plan is to hit the gym today and do a lot of cardio for one of my MFP challenges.

    I was finally hired full-time at my company (I've been contracting for the past year) and I start as a full-time employee next Monday. I'm really excited to have vacation days again, and a work laptop!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @gemwolf110 Your living room looks beautiful!!!

    @Cylphin60 I like your analogy! Hopefully I can keep my frustration to just 10%

    @wishfuljune congrats on the loss! Great idea on the Bibimbap, what spices did you add? Also, congrats on getting the full time position!!!

    @jdelaroy After a 3 hour derby exam, I passed!!!! I'm officially a Derby Girl! Did the gingerbread houses work to get you in the spirit?

    @dalceridae Welcome!!

    For the good news of the day: I PASSED MY TEST!!!! I'm officially a Derby Girl!

    In other more frustrating news: my dog decided to eat ALL of the secret santa gift I was supposed to bring to work today, which meant an entire bag of individually wrapped reeses (wrappers included), a bar of dark chocolate, AND a bar of caffeinated chocolate. We had a lovely trip to the vet last night to induce vomiting. $120 later, my dog is still alive, but in soooooo much trouble.

  • Dalceridae
    Dalceridae Posts: 81 Member
    @Rachel0778 I feel your pain - my dog got into the trash and ate a gross sponge I'd thrown out. She's been in the vet's for the past two days after ringing the emergency clinic.
  • sarahshealthy
    sarahshealthy Posts: 42 Member
    I can't wait for the day that I don't have to plan my meals and feel confident when going out to eat. I just planned a business lunch that is over a week away
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,431 Member
    Hi all. I'm really tired today. Took one of my dogs to vet yesterday for laser treatment on her leg, then went to gym then walked dogs. I'm dragging today. Still made it to the flexibility class at the gym. My right arm/wrist has really been hurting the last few days too. Tuesdays are one of my volunteer days at our animal rescue but i just feel like taking a nap today
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Hey guys - I'm still here, I promise! Trying to decide on my approach for the rest of the year - try to continue (or restart!) logging and be disciplined through two birthdays and Christmas - or just take a break from thinking about it until the New Year and enjoy myself knowing that I won't go completely overboard. Probably going to keep logging in as I'm proud of my streak but ease off the logging so as to feel less guilty when I don't!

    I've not kept up with everything that is going on - but what is happening with all the lovely dogs on this page?? Hope all have made it through various visits to the vets relatively unscathed.

    Rachel - congratulations, knew you could do it, delighted for you :)

    Welcome to all the new people - this is a great place to be!

    Have a good day all and will be back soon to catch up properly!
  • dice80
    dice80 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello, my name is Brandeis and I would like to join your group. I lost a total of 125 pounds last year but have had some trouble and I'm gaining weight back. I recently found out I have hypothyroidism and was put on medication for it. I can't get a hold of my food consumption. It seems I can't get satisfied. Any tips or help would be greatly appreciated.
  • Dalceridae
    Dalceridae Posts: 81 Member
    @janetay01 I know, lots of dogs needing the vet in this thread! My girl is doing better but still at the vet on fluids as she has been too sick to stay hydrated. Hoping by Friday she'll be well enough to come home
  • wishfuljune
    wishfuljune Posts: 2,586 Member
    @Rachel0778 - CONGRATS!!!! We knew you could do it! :) Sorry to hear about your pup-pup, I hope they are feeling much better today!

    @Dalceridae - Wow, sorry to hear that your dog isn't feeling well either! I hope that she feels better by this Friday!

    @Evamutt - That's really awesome you take time to volunteer at the animal shelter! Sorry to hear about your wrist. Maybe ice it? Do you think you pulled something?

    @dice80 - Congratulations on losing the 125 pounds last year. That is an amazing accomplishment. At least you found out about the hypothyroidism now so that you can start to lose weight again. Do you drink a lot of water? I find that when I'm feeling hungry, if I down a glass (or two) of water, and then wait 15 minutes, I'm usually OK. Or I get up and walk around the office to make sure I'm not just bored-hungry.

    @janetay01 - Glad to hear that you are still around! Keep the streak alive in MFP, but I agree, have some fun too! It's always hard during the end of the year to keep pushing when you just want to enjoy some chocolate/egg nog/terrible food.

    Went to the gym yesterday and strictly did cardio. I needed to travel 3 miles for one of my MFP challenges, so I walked on a treadmill. It was actually really relaxing, and it allowed me to get caught up in one of my Netflix series. :) Today, I have spin class, and then tomorrow we have personal training. I have Friday off, so I can go to the gym in the morning without feeling rushed, and then yoga on Saturday.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Welcome Dennise! Way to cut out the soda!

    Evamutt: I like the idea of turkey enchiladas! =) Yum! Jealous that you volunteer at the animal rescue! I think I need to look into that!

    Gem: Who doesn’t love Reese’s! Your Christmas décor is beautiful! Love productive days!!

    Rachel: Sounds like you had a great weekend!! WAY TO GO ON THE TEST!! We all knew you would do great!! Sorry to hear about the pup… Hope he is better today… an un-needed expense at Christmas…

    June: You guys are rocking your meal planning!! Congrats on the full time gig!! 32 lbs!! That’s awesome!! You are doing amazing!!!

    Catrina: Thanks for the idea! Makes perfect sense!

    Jdelaroy: Hope the gingerbread houses helped the spirit and you got all decorated… that might help too!! Sorry about your foot.. that doesn’t sound fun…

    Welcome Dalceridae! Oh no about the pup… eating a sponge… My little one has only stuck to underwear and one Christmas card so far… Let’s hope that’s all she eats… Prays for your girl… hope she can come home soon!

    Janetay: Birthdays and holidays are hard to stay disciplined through!! Hang in there and do the best that you can!!

    Welcome Brandeis!

    Sorry I’ve been MIA… My father-in-law had a car accident and is in the hospital… we are all helping cover my mother-in-laws in home daycare, escorting her back and forth to the hospital since her car is totaled and she is unable to drive their full size truck. He is doing fine but has a brain bleed they are monitoring pretty steadily. Hopefully will be home in 2-3 days… We have their family Christmas Saturday, so hopefully he is home resting by then.
    As for me… well it’s been awhile… My weekend was fun! Friday night, I made room for a couple cocktails.. but managed to stay under! Saturday was my ugly sweater bar crawl which was a blast!! We had a good breakfast and crawled our way through bars… I didn’t eat lunch… but I should’ve eaten… come dinner time I was over served and my breakfast was not helping me at this point. I’m sure I was over my calories big time… I managed going home and going to bed… without eating… Come breakfast Sunday I was starving!! So I whipped up a nice breakfast and the hubby and I had a relaxing day… we baked, cooked and had couch potato time… Although I did go out and shovel three times as it snowed all day! I got quite a few steps in too so it wasn’t a total waste. I ended up gaining .5 lb over the weekend but I am working on removing that as I type! After Sunday the week is a blur with busy running and I’ve done ok… not great but not horrible. I did manage a workout Mon & Tues… not yet today but hopefully tonight!!
  • Dalceridae
    Dalceridae Posts: 81 Member
    @ShyCush6 Sorry to hear about your father-in-law, but I'm glad he's expected to be home in a few days. It's particularly miserable being in a hospital for the holidays. I'm jealous of all of your snow though - here in Ireland there's only endless rain right now.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @ShyCush6 Sorry to hear about your father in law, that is really scary, especially at that age! Great job only going up .5 on the scale after a fun weekend! You'll have that off in no time

    @gemwolf110 Sorry to hear it happened to you too! We definitely learned our lesson after that vet bill

    @wishfuljune I love your variety of workouts! I also enjoy a good long walk on the treadmill while catching up with shows

    @dalceridae I'm so sorry to hear about your pup! I hope she passes it soon so she can go home :( I always get so anxious when they have to stay at the vet overnight

    @dice80 Welcome! Losing 125lbs is an amazing accomplishment! This is a rough season for everyone since there are so many occasions to splurge. Have you talked to your doctor about your hunger levels on the new meds?

    @janetay01 I'm in the same boat as you! I'm still logging to keep some semblance of control, but I've loosened the reigns a bit knowing that holiday overindulgences happen

    @Evamutt Sorry to hear your dog had to go to the vet too! Were you able to get up the energy for volunteering?

    @Sarahshealthy I've always heard that the habits you use to lose weight will need to still be in place to maintain your weight, and that includes tracking/meal planning. Something to keep in mind for once you get to maintenance

    So the results are in! *drumroll please* I have PCOS.

    It's the better of the two options and it definitely explains my symptoms so I'm glad I know and that it's not something more serious. My doctor said I've got the best possible situation for PCOS since my weight is in the healthy range and my eating/activity is on point so I only need to add BC pills to help regulate my hormones. It definitely gives me an added incentive to keep up my healthy habits, since gaining weight will exacerbate my symptoms and make me more prone for heart disease and insulin resistance. Those are some serious incentives to make this a permanent lifestyle change, because there is no going back from here!

    In other, better news, Chance (my dog) is doing 100% better and is back to his naughty regular self. He's lucky he's cute.

    It's been a hell of a 48 hours with a lot of ups and downs and I am exhausted! Is it the weekend yet?
  • Dalceridae
    Dalceridae Posts: 81 Member
    @gemwolf110 My border collie loves snow so much. When it's snowing, she will spend ages outside chasing snowflakes, and she never wants to come inside and stop playing. Unfortunately, we don't get a lot of snow here, just lots and lots of rain, but when it does snow we are both really happy.

    @Rachel0778 Glad to hear Chance is doing better. It's amazing how much stress they can cause! (though they are so worth it) Sorry to hear about your PCOS diagnosis, but sometimes knowing what you're dealing with is better than the uncertainty.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Hey ladies! I'm back! OMG I literally feel like I am finally recovered from my weekend of parties. HOLY I am not as young as I used to be! My work party was so fun... at 1:30am we texted our oldest son to come pick us up! I was hung the *kitten over on Saturday. Then my girls ugly sweater christmas party on Sat night! YIKESSS. Good thing that's all out of my system, there will be no more partying (maybe new year's eve, but that's IT)!! LOL.

    Rachel - way to go, we all knew you could pass that derby test! And I'm sorry that your test came back positive. But one good thing is you know about it, and you can combat it and be vigilent. Hopefully you continue to feel better! OMG the dang dog eating all that chocolate! My dog is much better now that she is 8, but when she was younger I could have strangled her. She's eaten a dozen muffins off the counter, eaten 2 medium pizzas, broke my crockpot to get the ham !!! Good thing they are cute is an understatement! haha!

    Shy - sounds like your weekend was fun too - the pub crawl sounded awesome. Sorry to hear about your father in law, hopefully everything improves and he gets home soon. We were shovelling snow around here too! It's been SO cold, I had to buy a new jacket last night! It's been around 10 F around here, usually it doesn't get that cold!

    Gem - good for you with your weight loss, that is awesome. I'm still struggling with losing and gaining the same 2 lbs the last few months. I'm just going to try to maintain until the end of the holidays. I will keep working out and trying to eat healthy, but I am going to enjoy the holidays and not put pressure on myself and get all disappointed. Next year is another story though, I'm going to do it! I don't have 100 to lose, but I have 40!! We can do it together. And I think your Christmas decorating looks awesome!

    June - you are killing it with the weight loss and working out! Beast mode! And that dinner sounded really good, I'm going to have to look that up on pinterest. It's fun to try new dinners - sometimes I get into a cooking slump and get tired of making the same old stuff!

    Jane - I was wondering if you fell off the side of the earth! just joking. I know, this time of year is so busy. Let's just do the best we can, and not beat ourselves up for not living up to our expectations.

    Welcome to all the newbies, feel free to add me if you would like.

    I thought I was all ready for Christmas, did so much stuff before the first Sunday in December.... was ready to just put up my feet and relax and drink rum and eggnog. How is it that I still feel busy? I swear I'm at the grocery store every few days, and all the stuff my 9yo needs for school (secret santa, christmas party, teacher gift, pajama day etc)... feels busy still! I'm going to have to regroup a bit, and make SURE I have a bit of time carved out for just me every day.

    We only have 11 days left until christmas, so let's try to work out at least 9 times out of those days, everyone! :)
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @ShyCush6 Sorry about your Brother-in-law. I hope he gets well soon. Great job in fitting in exercise while helping the family out.

    @wishfuljune Congratulations on the permanent position and you are rocking all that exercise!

    @rachel0778 Derby Girl!!!! Great job! Glad you did well. Sorry that your pooch got sick, but glad he is better. I have PCOS, It is definitely good that you are in the healthy range. It is a pain to lose weight with PCOS, and some of the other symptoms suck.

    @bluepoppies777 Sounds like a great weekend. I know how you feel and I haven't even started baking or buying gifts. Hopefully, I will have a little extra money soon.

    @gemwolf110 Awesome work out.

    Blah I have been feeling just blah and down. My youngest daughter ended up throwing a major temper tantrum the day we were going to do the gingerbread houses. So she didn't get to do hers. The older two did and had a blast. She then through another tantrum yesterday, so still no house. She might be able to do it on Friday. Still not feeling very much in the spirit, which sucks. This is normally my favorite time of the year. I have no shopping done, no baking and just found out we aren't getting any days off from work. Our boss decided we have to work. Which is stupid, 90% of our customers are not open, none of our vendors are open, and the banks won't be open. Hmm, wonder what we are supposed to do for 8 hours...

  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @gemwolf110 Wow! Look at those steps!

    @bluepoppies777 Your weekend sounds like so much fun! I agree that this December is absolutely CRAZY! I'm up for the 9 workout challenge, day 1 is complete!

    @Dalceridae Thank you :)

    @jdelaroy Sorry to hear you have it too. It's amazing how much the symptoms do vary person by person. And I don't know if I'd feel in the spirit doing multiple tantrums either on top of having to work during the holidays, boo!

    Thank you everyone for the congratulations and the commiseration! I'm feeling much better about everything today, albeit definitely still ready for the weekend. Work is frustrating, but that's to be expected. We're getting a big snow storm tomorrow so I'm planning on curling up with a good book, a hot cup of cider, and not going anywhere this weekend!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @rachel0778 The funny part when I was diagnosed with it, they told me because of the disease and my weight issues I wouldn't be able to get pregnant without fertility treatments. 7 or 8 years later, accepted I wouldn't be having anymore kids and sold all my baby stuff at a garage sale. (50 pounds lighter at the time) A week later found out I was 3 months pregnant. Total shock! I was pregnant when I sold all my baby stuff. Now my oldest and middle child are 10 years apart.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    All morning long I have caved into the chocolate covered nuts in our office. I didn't eat breakfast. Now I am going to have to take another 30 minutes walking super duper fast just to be able to have dinner left. How come I can't say no lately?