Like Minded Lushes July 2011



  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    So glad that I'm not alone! :wink:
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    I'm drinking a Bacardi and diet... its 0 calories right? At least that is what I've heard.

    I know its bad for my metabolism though, but, oh so good.
  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    I'm drinking a Bacardi and diet... its 0 calories right? At least that is what I've heard.

    I know its bad for my metabolism though, but, oh so good.
    The diet coke is zero calories, but any alcohol is not. A lot of alcohols come in around 50-70 calories per shot.
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    OK - so we are throwing a party...a big one! We eloped back in June and this is our celebration with all of our friends and family. I mean FUN FUN FUN! We got a giant water slide, a sno kone machine, sprinklers, yard games, music, a big tent...pulled pork and grilled chicken, mac salad, coleslaw, beans, spring mix salad...decorate your own cupcake table, cold watermelon....
    and of course beer and wine. I kinda worried I will blow it on the booze. I calculated breakfast and lunch for that day, and a 30 minute cardio work out in the am, and am left with 1600 cals for dinner and drinking. The beer is 177 cals and 14 my current plan is to do white wine spritzers and alternate with water until sundown....and then have a couple of beers...hubby says that even if I go over the calories for the day, it is one day in 30, so to just chill...
    EXcited for the festivities :)
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Broke down and had a beer last night :frown: I cut back my wine to say under calories.
    This afternoon we are heading down the shore for the weekend. Tonight is a pig roast at one of the best beer bars I have ever been to....needless to say beer will be drank, and lots of it :drinker: <----that's me double fisted!!!! And tomorrow will be fresh daquiris and drinks on the beach...gonna be a fun but SUPER lushy weekend!
    Happy Friday Everyone!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday = 0
    Tuesday = 0
    Wednesday, 3.5 ish...12 oz of Stella, 20 oz of Newcastle, 12 oz of Sam Adams
    Thursday = 0
    Friday = 0, I work from 3 to 11 and will probably not indulge. I guess it depends what kind of day I have at work. *fingers crossed*

    I am trying to be very, very disciplined this week. *adjusts halo*
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Monday = 0
    Tuesday = 0
    Wednesday, 3.5 ish...12 oz of Stella, 20 oz of Newcastle, 12 oz of Sam Adams
    Thursday = 0

    It's official...I'm not even in the mood for it...instead, I ate a donut and a brownie...what a waste!!! I'm going to bed early 'cause I don't even want to be awake any longer.
    LOL, Really Kim... A donut AND a brownie! Not sure why that made me giggle but I think I'd go to bed too... tomorrows a new day!
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    This week pretty good! Now its weekend UGH! LOL!
    Friday-Sun - to be determined
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I see lots of 0's this week, awesome job Lushes! I've got all 0's so far this week too but it IS Friday. I set myself a weight loss goal and I'm hoping to make it so I really can't afford to drink for the next 10 days. I want to be down to 150 by my anniversary on the 25th. My body is being stubborn though so I'm gonna need to be very disaplined.
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Had three beers last night, and not light IPA. Will try to behave tonight to balance it out...weekends are my downfall!! Already planning for hitting it early on Sunday watching the US Women whoop Japan in the World Cup finals!! Watching it in a sports bar!! Make it a great weekend everyone!!
  • Flamingoer
    I am new here but, glad to find you guys! I am going on vacation in the morning and I plan to drink beer while I am at the beach!!! The last time I didn't eat much to leave room for the beer, but, I am tinkin that I might try to eat a little more and maybe exercise more! I don't know but I gotta drink and have fun on vacation!!

  • atay18
    atay18 Posts: 39 Member
    Bah! Most of the days I go over its because of alcohol! I try to not drink at all, but when I go out I tend to have 3 + glasses of whatever. Hopefully having a majority of good days will make up for the 1 or 2 bad days a week...
  • redfox43
    redfox43 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm thinking next week I need to start tracking some 0-1 numbers. I kill my diet each week with wine. Starting Monday!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Literally haven't eaten anything yet today. Finally heading to lunch with Gramma and Mom and then back to Gramma's for wine before date night with the boyfriend. Happy Friday lushes =]
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    TGIF! I had a marg last night and another psuedo-marg I made with tequila, lime juice and club soda.
    Tomorrow is Vegas, and I plan to have a good time and get back on track next week!
    Have a great weekend, lushes!
  • ckysteph
    ckysteph Posts: 3
    I am new to my fittness, and I am looking for moral support! I am 26 years old, and I love booze! I have drastically cut down what I drink. I used to be in the pub 4 nights out of 5 after work, plus weekends. I have recently come to realise I am drastically overweight, something I suppose I should have spotted earlier...! I am 16stone 9lbs, and 5ft10. I have tried losing weight before, and went from 17stone 3lbs, down to 16stone. But I gradually slipped and went back up to 16stone 9lbs. My main bad habit is my boozing (and bread!) I have started to walk, to get some exercise, as I never used to do any before, and this week I have clocked up 10 that good?! Anyway, I am rambling. I am here to see what like minded lushes would do in my position. I recently completed my 1st year at college, and I want to go out and celebrate. My only problem is, I am allergic to vodka and drinks with colourings in. I mainly drink lager, Fosters, Warsteiner, Stella. I would usually drink about 8 or 10 PINTS!!! What can I swap to for??? Lager is the only drink I found that doesnt react with my skin :-(
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
    Steph x
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies!!

    Congrats MrsJax! :heart: Since it's a special occasion, I, personally, wouldn't worry about the calories and whatnot...just enjoy yourself! Then, the next day, get back on track.

    Kat, I hope you're doing okay. :heart:

    Hi Steph! So it looks like you're walking around 2 miles a day? That's a great start! You could try to incorporate some running, or up your walking speed, or even keep increasing your distance. Just getting up and moving is wonderful. As far as the alcohol goes...can you do rum? I'm a vodka girl, so I'm not much help, I'm afraid. If lager ends up truly being the only thing you can drink, I'm afraid that cutting back might be what you need to do. But, many of us lushes have found that A.) the more weight we lose and B.) the more we cut back, it doesn't take as much to get us feeling "happy", so it's a win-win situation all around!:drinker:

    Friday=0 Most likely, anyway...

    The knee surgery went well but I'm probably going to need another one before too long. Apparently I sheared off all my cartilage in my knee the last time I played soccer and I'm bone on bone in a few places. I'm on Percocet and I don't like drinking while I'm on makes me itchy. :laugh:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Oh, I forgot! Amy, have a great time in Vegas! It is going to be a hot mo'fo...where are you staying? Are you doing any shows? Have a drink in all of our honors!! :drinker:
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Allergic to alcohol, now that's a b!tch! :laugh:

    Mon - 0
    Tues - 0
    Wed - 0
    Thurs - 0
    Fri - 0

    Tonight I am getting lushy. I need some major relax time after yesterday's horrible emotional day. :drinker:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Faith, you had a wonderful week...sorry yesterday was *kitten*. :heart: Are you going to listen to some metal and then drunk post? :laugh: