Squat, Bench, Deadlift, Snatch, C&J: Post your best videos



  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member

    235x3's. Comparing my wide/narrow stance squat. I thought narrow felt stronger, but I think I'm going to be sticking with wide for now.

    Same... I've always felt more stable and much stronger with a narrow stance, but I'm trying to widen.

    Yes! Coming out of the hole especially, I thought I felt much more solid with a narrow stance. Wider has been feeling like my glutes/hams lag behind for a split second, which made me nervous.
    I tried 245 after this and had someone watch both, and he immediately said to go wide and pointed out that I lose speed mid way when I go narrow.
    Testing max next week, hopefully I'll be able to push it a little more than last time now that I feel more confident with the wide stance!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    235x3's. Comparing my wide/narrow stance squat. I thought narrow felt stronger, but I think I'm going to be sticking with wide for now.

    Same... I've always felt more stable and much stronger with a narrow stance, but I'm trying to widen.

    Yes! Coming out of the hole especially, I thought I felt much more solid with a narrow stance. Wider has been feeling like my glutes/hams lag behind for a split second, which made me nervous.
    I tried 245 after this and had someone watch both, and he immediately said to go wide and pointed out that I lose speed mid way when I go narrow.
    Testing max next week, hopefully I'll be able to push it a little more than last time now that I feel more confident with the wide stance!

    funny- I have a similar thing-makes me feel better that I'm not crazy. I feel stronger/more solid narrower but it definitely isn't as comfortable or smooth. I haven't analyzed enough to really see the difference. Constantly playing with that to get it "just right"
  • DeadliftsandDonuts
    DeadliftsandDonuts Posts: 178 Member
    No video unfortunately, because slingshot benching in a public gym with no real training partners is interesting enough...
    But managed 205 lbs x 1 for a slingshot bench max yesterday! A little tough through my sticking point, but I was pretty happy with how fast it felt!
    Working my way through different gym regulars to be spotters on bench max days, this guy was all right! Probably would have stopped after 185 had he not been so encouraging.
    Thinking my straight weight max is around 165? Testing next week.

    Awesome job with the slingshot! I used mine today for 2 sets of 2 with 275 lbs and my sticking point is about 3-4" from lockout. I think I need to program more accessory lifts that hammer my triceps to improve my bench.
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    No video unfortunately, because slingshot benching in a public gym with no real training partners is interesting enough...
    But managed 205 lbs x 1 for a slingshot bench max yesterday! A little tough through my sticking point, but I was pretty happy with how fast it felt!
    Working my way through different gym regulars to be spotters on bench max days, this guy was all right! Probably would have stopped after 185 had he not been so encouraging.
    Thinking my straight weight max is around 165? Testing next week.

    Awesome job with the slingshot! I used mine today for 2 sets of 2 with 275 lbs and my sticking point is about 3-4" from lockout. I think I need to program more accessory lifts that hammer my triceps to improve my bench.

    I've been trying to get a lot more close grip bench in, plus other tricep accessories I don't do very often.
    This is only my 2nd month on my current program, but it has me finding my weakness and getting excited to smash them!
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    Matched my bench pr from last spring today on bench. 305x1. 325 later this spring is looking more possible now.

    Also happy with it because I've been out of the gym since Dec 5 with a sinus infection (on antibiotics) and a chest cold. Finally feeling human again.

    Bro, you got 315.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    My coach is truly trying to kill me. Rdls for my third pulling day of the week. Pretty sure that this is a rep pr at 110kg, even for rdls

  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member

    More skwats. Speed day- 245x5x2, 265x1x2 - I think that's a rep PR? Haven't worked with anything above 250 for reps before. Had to modify a little because I couldn't get to the other gym to squat with box and chains, so I added a little weight to try to get a similar RPE. I think this still felt a little easier though. Box squats kick my buttttt.
    And a clip of sumo, I did 235x8x2. First reps of the last few sets were feeling pretty fast! Might be figuring it out finally. I've been trying to pull sumo at least 1-2x a month.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    No video unfortunately, because slingshot benching in a public gym with no real training partners is interesting enough...
    But managed 205 lbs x 1 for a slingshot bench max yesterday! A little tough through my sticking point, but I was pretty happy with how fast it felt!
    Working my way through different gym regulars to be spotters on bench max days, this guy was all right! Probably would have stopped after 185 had he not been so encouraging.
    Thinking my straight weight max is around 165? Testing next week.

    I haven't uses a sling shot yet- I'd like to at some point- but ugh- more things to buy- I need to get a new belt first. finding a good spotter is such a *thing*- I get really annoyed when my regular people aren't there.

    Also- you're recent squat video- the wheel on the far side when the video isn't rolling yet totally makes it look you like you have Guinness record style boobs. I was like- HOLY CHIT- props for being so dedicated with such boobage- then- it was just the weight.
    My coach is truly trying to kill me. Rdls for my third pulling day of the week. Pretty sure that this is a rep pr at 110kg, even for rdls

    I heart those pants so much.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    No video unfortunately, because slingshot benching in a public gym with no real training partners is interesting enough...
    But managed 205 lbs x 1 for a slingshot bench max yesterday! A little tough through my sticking point, but I was pretty happy with how fast it felt!
    Working my way through different gym regulars to be spotters on bench max days, this guy was all right! Probably would have stopped after 185 had he not been so encouraging.
    Thinking my straight weight max is around 165? Testing next week.

    I haven't uses a sling shot yet- I'd like to at some point- but ugh- more things to buy- I need to get a new belt first. finding a good spotter is such a *thing*- I get really annoyed when my regular people aren't there.

    Also- you're recent squat video- the wheel on the far side when the video isn't rolling yet totally makes it look you like you have Guinness record style boobs. I was like- HOLY CHIT- props for being so dedicated with such boobage- then- it was just the weight.
    My coach is truly trying to kill me. Rdls for my third pulling day of the week. Pretty sure that this is a rep pr at 110kg, even for rdls

    I heart those pants so much.

    I am in complete and utter love with them. And the feather leggings. I'm super jealous that you have the brick ones and want them so bad!
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    @JoRocka I'm laughing so hard at "Guinness record style boobs" hahahahahaha :D
    Sling shot work is so much fun! Had my regular max weight flying!
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Holy *kitten*.

  • McCloud33
    McCloud33 Posts: 959 Member
    Finally failed on my 20 rep squat program...last rep too ugh... :s Strength was down on everything today and ended up dropping weight just to get some more reps in.

  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    edited December 2016
    I wasn't planning on putting this up when I took it. But I need some additional input on depth. I didn't think I quite got there on the 1st rep, thought the 2nd was maybe OK. I asked one of the other competitive powerlifters at my gym and he thought they both looked parallel. I kinda stumbled a little coming out off the pins, but I don't think that really affected me, as everything from 315 on up felt really heavy today. So what do you guys (and gals) think of this attempt at 385x2? I know the lighting and angle (and the black shorts don't help) make it difficult to see the hip crease.

    eta: I'm totally counting this on my exercise log, BTW.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    @TROberts - depends on fed. Ipf/raw I could see that getting redlighted on depth all day long, but I know a couple gpc lifters who squat to that depth on the platform and are fine.