Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - July Challenge!!



  • lmkratsc
    lmkratsc Posts: 1
    This is such a great idea!!!
    - Drink 2L of water a day
    - Excercise 4x/week for 60 minutes
    - Run 20 km/per week
    - Keep a food detailed food diary
    - Sleep 7 hours a night
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Hey Guys.... So I am going to ATTEMPT to get back into the swing of things on here... right after I unpack!!~!

    For now I have to say that I missed you ALL very much! I had a great time on my cruise. I worked out every other day for about 45 min, and I made sure to eat ALL my veggies....... and cake! hehehe. :drinker: < NOT drinking was extremely hard towards the end of the cruise. Thursday was my dads Birthday :flowerforyou: and it was much harder for me than I thought it was going to be. I broke down at dinner and cried, it was a formal dinner and I had only known half of the table for the week of cruising. So it was a little embarrassing but the important thing is that I didnt drink. I miss my daddy but I know he wants me to be happy and I know he KNOWS that I can handle life without him and my mom... so I need to Chin Up And do it!~!

    I hope the first half of July was good to you all.
  • rjs85
    rjs85 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi all,
    Loving this idea! I've just joined the site but started the journey at the beginning of june (6th) - from my first day back in my home city after 8 years. Currently losing at 2lbs a week! So, goals are in line with that and 2 things coming up in the latter half of July, birthday and holiday (camping - not beach! lol!). Today i'm excited about - going surfing thisafternoon, watching the salom championships thisevening and chasing the next lb! :D
    Happy July! Bx

    Allie7383- Finally finish the 30DS, get into the 130's, start and keep up with the bridge to 10k program!
    Black_Swan - eat back all exercise calories and keep up with my running plan
    Teee2- Lose these next pounds the healthy way with no self harming involved for the next month!!!! (Baby steps!)
    marshallj86 - hit 135, ditch the scale, and stick with clean eating (and turn 25! my bday is July 30!)
    mkingraham (Megan)- Create a succesful healthy delicious food plan and stick to it, do 30DS with my hubby at least 3 times a week, average at least 6 miles a week of running, own the scale don't let it own me (meaning take my no scale challenge and actually learn and apply the lessons it taught me), get back to my optimistic self!
    meagalayne- find time twice a week for strength and make it a priority - don't cut it short!; continue with 1/2 Marathon training plan and make it fit, even when life gets in the way; stop giving myself permission to binge/junk because of training or stress - be accountable and plan out indulgences; drink more water than coffee and sleep >6 hours a night, 5 times a week.
    imarunner890s- 155lbs, 10k walkings program, wake up at 8am and get 8 hrs of sleep
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    lostalykat- Stick to my calories as best as I can with training, Focus on training these last 4 weeks, Don't worry about the number on the scale but check it weekly to keep me accountable.
    Ashleypeterson37- Move into new house on the 15th and wear my HRM, gym 3x a week minimum, try 3 new recipes and drop 8 more pounds, be more active on this page so: post 2x a week!
    Mariababe81 (mariam): finish the 30ds and start round 2, zumba once a week and running once a week. once weekly weigh in.allow myself some rest days if i need them! enjoy maintainance!!!
    ~~KanCrav.... NO SCALE until August 1st!~!~!~!~ Workout 5 times a week, enjoy my trips!
    luv_lea~Drink more water-aiming for the general 8 glasses (64 oz.) of water a day, Start 6 Week 6 Pack video and do at least 4 days a week! Continue running 1 mile (or more?) 3 times a week, and lastly, lose 2.5 lbs. for the month of July!
    Elmersglue (Ellie): Train for Sept 5k at least once a week, at least 7 hours of sleep 5x a week (!!), no emotional binging (mainly Sunday nights, when life and things tend to catch up), get to know everyone here^^
    cmg2008- Finish c25k and continue running at least 3 times a week, finish 30DS, accumulate 1200mintues of exercise, and get down into the low 140s.
    tjradd73(Tara)-to lose 4lbs, 30/35 days of 30DS, 10,000 steps/day (Sun-Tue), Tues stretch/yoga, <1400 avg cals,< 4 days over cals total, and try to get <180g carbs, and >60g protein.
    tobemotivated - do the 30ds (first day was today!), lose 5lbs, drink more water, eat less sugar!
    glitterballv-1. To stop overeating with sweets and cake! 2. Run three times a week, try and start bridge to 10k. 3. Try to get to at least one spin class a week.
    Anitanz- Get to 64kg’s. Drink less alcohol. Limit chocolate at work to <100 cals per day.
    ComfortFoodAddict: 64 oz water/day, No sodas!, sleep 6 hours 5x/wk, workout at least 4x/wk, drop below 170 *at least* again, log food without omitting anything 6x/wk
    Allislefttogain: Start training for my first full marathon; at least 96 ounces of water a day; make initial appointment with a physical therapist; hit 583.33 miles running by month end; at least 2 strength training sessions a week
    zerozeta0: Run 40 miles a week. Drink 8 cups of water a day. Limit candies/chocolates to once a week. Limit coffee to 3 times a week. Get down to 105.
    emiyr9602 - get through level 3 of the 30DS, lose my last 9 lbs, drink atleast 72oz of water a day, and continue to work through the c25k!
    AmberJenay - Lose 5 lbs, workout 4-5 times/week, and continue to build myself up.
    annemade- lose 2 pounds per week - therefore 8 pounds this month
    lalonmeg000- Drink only water or unsweat tea; Lose .5 inches for each major area of my body; focus on fueling my body by eating throughout the day and not one large meal. ; focus on myself at workouts not the people around me.
    rjs85 - lose a stone by my birthday (26 on the 25th) - 3lbs to go. another 2 by my holiday (31st/1Aug). Do my PT session 3 times a week and 1x5km each week.

    Chase the next lb.....
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    thanks meag! i def love running now and am so proud that im finally doing it! yay! and i believe in the runners high! i am euphoric when i finish, its an amazing feel. i love how the wind feels against my face and body and i feel free! awesome!

    anita: that is quite a popular name in india! lol, your poor mum. bless her i guess she didnt want it to be 'common'! lol!

    kan: welcome back, we missed you! glad you enjoyed the cruise!

    welcome to the newbies!

    AFM: i have been out for walks etc today with the in laws, lunch ended up being maccys (oops) but i made chilli in the slowcooker so had that with a jacket and salad. and have managed to get my water in, no other hope of exercise today as they are staying with us! anyhoo, will try and shred or run tomorrow!

    i take it, people are either on hols or chilling out as its dare i say- quiet?!!! where is everybody?
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Jill-why not go all out...if you're goin right?! CONGRATS on your PR...that is an awesome pace that you have got there!!

    Meag-thanks girl!!! I hope to have arms like yours one day!! CONGRATS on your new demolished your goal of 61!!!!!!

    Megan-thanks!! I was pretty stoked about the 1/2" already too!! You are gonna do great with that 15K...and you have tons of time to train for it yet :) CONGRATS on your lbs lost...and on reaching some pretty big milestones (and the ones you are gonna reach soon too!)

    Bethany-thanks :) You will see that with less obstacles in the gets easier!! and I am sure that you will come up with a "do-able" workout schedule in no time!!
    QOTD-right now I am really diggin on Bruno Mars/Eminem-"sky full of lighters". but Billionaire will always be a fave of mine as well!! Thanks for bringing this back Bethany!

    Mariam-I am sure that your lowered cal days will more then make up for it!! keep rockin and have fun girly! CONGRATS on your new 5k time!

    Meghan-hope your rib is feeling better!!! great idea and attitude about the cake!! I am gonna store that one in my brain for future cake days!

    Anita-stay strong girl!! it will all be better soon!! :)

    Allie-sounds we like some of the same songs!! I love "powerful woman" songs!! LOL

    Amber-that is super awesome!! It always helps to have someone interested in this kind of lifestyle!! sweet! FYI-some of us have our names by our tickers :0

    QOTD (sat)-I write a list!!! in fact I keep a list of all of the things that I want to accomplish in my life...and all of the things that I have accomplished thus far!!! when i am bummed about my progress...I go back through the things that I have done...or I make plans to check off one of the "to-dos" on there that I haven't accomplished yet!!

    Kandace-I am glad that you had fun on your cruise, glad that you didn't drink, glad that you made it through your Dad's B-day, and glad to have you back and ready to kick *kitten* as usual!

    lmkratsc/rjs85-welcome to the group!

    AFM-quick update: I have NOT missed the shred yet! I have not lost weight yet! I have not taken more cheat days then I said I would (4 month), I have been doing FAIRLY well with my protein and carbs, and I haven't missed my yoga or 10,000 steps at all yet.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    Allie7383- Finally finish the 30DS, get into the 130's, start and keep up with the bridge to 10k program!
    Black_Swan - eat back all exercise calories and keep up with my running plan
    Teee2- Lose these next pounds the healthy way with no self harming involved for the next month!!!! (Baby steps!)
    marshallj86 - hit 135, ditch the scale, and stick with clean eating (and turn 25! my bday is July 30!)
    mkingraham (Megan)- Create a succesful healthy delicious food plan and stick to it, do 30DS with my hubby at least 3 times a week, average at least 6 miles a week of running, own the scale don't let it own me (meaning take my no scale challenge and actually learn and apply the lessons it taught me), get back to my optimistic self!
    meagalayne- find time twice a week for strength and make it a priority - don't cut it short!; continue with 1/2 Marathon training plan and make it fit, even when life gets in the way; stop giving myself permission to binge/junk because of training or stress - be accountable and plan out indulgences; drink more water than coffee and sleep >6 hours a night, 5 times a week.
    imarunner890s- 155lbs, 10k walkings program, wake up at 8am and get 8 hrs of sleep
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    lostalykat- Stick to my calories as best as I can with training, Focus on training these last 4 weeks, Don't worry about the number on the scale but check it weekly to keep me accountable.
    Ashleypeterson37- Move into new house on the 15th and wear my HRM, gym 3x a week minimum, try 3 new recipes and drop 8 more pounds, be more active on this page so: post 2x a week!
    Mariababe81 (mariam): finish the 30ds and start round 2, zumba once a week and running once a week. once weekly weigh in.allow myself some rest days if i need them! enjoy maintainance!!!
    ~~KanCrav.... NO SCALE until August 1st!~!~!~!~ Workout 5 times a week, enjoy my trips!
    luv_lea~Drink more water-aiming for the general 8 glasses (64 oz.) of water a day, Start 6 Week 6 Pack video and do at least 4 days a week! Continue running 1 mile (or more?) 3 times a week, and lastly, lose 2.5 lbs. for the month of July!
    Elmersglue (Ellie): Train for Sept 5k at least once a week, at least 7 hours of sleep 5x a week (!!), no emotional binging (mainly Sunday nights, when life and things tend to catch up), get to know everyone here^^
    cmg2008- Finish c25k and continue running at least 3 times a week, finish 30DS, accumulate 1200mintues of exercise, and get down into the low 140s.
    tjradd73(Tara)-to lose 4lbs, 30/35 days of 30DS, 10,000 steps/day (Sun-Tue), Tues stretch/yoga, <1400 avg cals,< 4 days over cals total, and try to get <180g carbs, and >60g protein.
    tobemotivated - do the 30ds (first day was today!), lose 5lbs, drink more water, eat less sugar!
    glitterballv-1. To stop overeating with sweets and cake! 2. Run three times a week, try and start bridge to 10k. 3. Try to get to at least one spin class a week.
    Anitanz- Get to 64kg’s. Drink less alcohol. Limit chocolate at work to <100 cals per day.
    ComfortFoodAddict: 64 oz water/day, No sodas!, sleep 6 hours 5x/wk, workout at least 4x/wk, drop below 170 *at least* again, log food without omitting anything 6x/wk
    Allislefttogain: Start training for my first full marathon; at least 96 ounces of water a day; make initial appointment with a physical therapist; hit 583.33 miles running by month end; at least 2 strength training sessions a week
    zerozeta0: Run 40 miles a week. Drink 8 cups of water a day. Limit candies/chocolates to once a week. Limit coffee to 3 times a week. Get down to 105.
    emiyr9602 - get through level 3 of the 30DS, lose my last 9 lbs, drink atleast 72oz of water a day, and continue to work through the c25k!
    AmberJenay - Lose 5 lbs, workout 4-5 times/week, and continue to build myself up.
    annemade- lose 2 pounds per week - therefore 8 pounds this month
    lalonmeg000- Drink only water or unsweat tea; Lose .5 inches for each major area of my body; focus on fueling my body by eating throughout the day and not one large meal. ; focus on myself at workouts not the people around me.
    lmkratsc-- Drink 2L of water a day- Excercise 4x/week for 60 minutes- Run 20 km/per week- Keep a food detailed food diary- Sleep 7 hours a night
    rjs85 - lose a stone by my birthday (26 on the 25th) - 3lbs to go. another 2 by my holiday (31st/1Aug). Do my PT session 3 times a week and 1x5km each week.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Okay back from San Diego, I caught the airplane crud, and my kitty was ridiculously excited to see me. He JUST stopped meowing (and I got home 24 hours ago). At 10 AM this morning, I was in bed, finishing my book, trying to hydrate and muster up the strength to go grocery shopping and get some errands done. There's an intense pounding on my door, I freak out and look through the peephole...of course I can't see ANYTHING. I open the door, and there's a police officer there, asking if I am I tell him I am, and then I asked if I did anything wrong (oops!). I was pretty much freaking out, never has a cop just shown up at my door. So he informs me that my car was hit last night while parked, they have a witness who saw it all, blah blah blah. So yeah, some girl (I'm assuming college student based on her stats), plowed into my car and 2 other parked cars at 2 AM last night. It has been a nightmare dealing with my insurance and her insurance. She has yet to report the accident, which is holding it all up, meanwhile I'm driving a car around that has huge dents, holes in the bumper, the bumper is crushed and falling down on the right side, all my rear light cover were punched out and I believe all my lights are now working (I had to replace a few). I'm won't be driving at night (I don't think it's safe) and I'm furious that some idiot who was more than likely drinking ruined my Saturday. I really want to go ***** slap her (she lives like 50 feet from me), but I don't think my car will ever get fixed if I do that.

    Okay //end rant. Tomorrow is day #1 of marathon training. I don't even feel close to 100%, but I have to dial back my speed on my long runs (tomorrow is only 8) so that I don't overtrain and can really bring the speed for my fartlek, hill and other speed-focused runs.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Just got back from 2 weeks of vacation and I'm up 1.8lbs which I'm quite happy with! But as for my 8lb loss goal for this not gonna happen because I suspect I will be trying to lose this 1.8 gain for the next week and a half at the minimum. I will be happy with a 2 lb loss for this month instead! Hope everyone is well on their way to meet their July goals! I'm sure you're all kicking *kitten*! :tongue:
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    Jilly- OMG!!! I hope everything gets all sorted out and your car gets fixed! I would punch her after your car gets fixed! LOL (((HUGS)))
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Anyway, I digress, I am so impressed by your attitude to running!! I love it! It reminds me of the way I felt a few years ago and now I am keen to get back to that. I love how running is so pure, that you can do it without having to buy loads of gear, you can do it virtually anywhere and any time, and your progress is so measurable! It really doesn't take long to see improvements and when you are running and it's feeling light and easy it is really just like sheer joy. There is a reason they call it runners high right? I think you are feeling it right now :smile: :drinker: Now I'm inspired to get back to it !!
    You took the words right out of my mouth, Anita! My biggest motivation to take up running when I was overweight was the fact that I could do it virtually anywhere and didn't have to put up major cash up front to get started. I just had a pair of $40 running shoes and that was it! I was unemployed and couldn't afford a gym membership, or a bike, or anything else, so it was basically running or bust. Of course, I hated it at first and for MONTHS, but eventually I found my groove and the rest is history. Now I can't hardly imagine life without running.... The benefits are just indescribable!
    As for the carrot cake porridge, it was really yummy but I want to tweak the recipe a little. I cooked it on the stove as per the recipe but I think next time (probably tomorrow) I will cook it in the microwave, because I like the consistency of microwave porridge (more glutenous maybe because it doesn't stick to the pot? and less dishes LOL) Also, I want to try microwaving the carrot and fruit with a little water and some spices first, so that the carrot cooks more and gets more caramelised like in a carrot cake. The recipe only called for 1/4c grated carrot, but I reckon you could easily do 1/2c or maybe even 3/4c for a more intense flavor, think tomorrow I will add dates too. Yum!!:heart::heart:
    Eagerly awaiting your verdict, Anita! I definitely prefer my oats cooked in the microwave - the consistency is much more to my liking and its just way easier/faster in the mornings. The carrot cake porridge sounds sooo good, but I'm curious about how sweet it is. I never add any sweetening agent to my oatmeal and just rely on the natural sweetness of the fruit. I'm not overly keen on sweet breakfasts to begin with, I guess. So I am wondering if I could just make it w/o, since carrots have their own sweet quality to them... ? Let me know what you use and how it turns out! I am definitely going to try this asap! :bigsmile:

    Ashley - Welcome back, girl! Glad to hear you enjoyed your vacay and it seems like you didn't do much damage at all :happy: 1.8lbs is nothing for a vacation week, and probably mostly just water retention from eating differently than you are used to...Sounds like you have really reasonable expectations for the month and I'm happy to hear that you're taking it all in stride. What a fab attitude :bigsmile: Rock on!

    Jilly! Oh my lord... That sounds AWFUL :frown: Im really sorry to hear that some (likely) irresponsible young student screwed things up for you so badly. What an inconvenience and aggravation. Just thank goodness you were fast asleep in your bed when it happened and no one was hurt. Hope you get everything resolved soon :ohwell: and if not, a b*tch slap is definitely in order. I've got your back! :bigsmile: I actually have experience with police slamming on my door whilst living alone and it's never a pleasant experience... Except mine happened at 3 in the morning! :noway: As you can imagine, I didn't get a great night's sleep after that! Good luck on your training this week! I know you're going to kill it... Just be cautious and do your best to mitigate injury. Lots of stretching, rolling, and listening to your body! That's an order :tongue:

    T - Lists are the best - They tend to help me calm down a little and re-focus on the tasks at hand instead of just feeling overwhelmed and flustered and like I'm never going to reach my ultimate goals. When I break things down into smaller tasks everything seems more manageable, and it definitely helps me measure my success. Striking things off the list is overly rewarding, too :blushing: I'm such a dork! hahah Sounds like you're doing amazing at sticking with your goals for the month and kicking *kitten* :drinker: keep at it and you'll definitely lose those last few lbs. It's just a matter of patience, dedication, and hard work. You know how to get it done.

    Mariam - Love the runners high!! There is NO comparison, as far as I'm concerned. Just keep running - it gets better and better the more you run. Believe me! :bigsmile:

    Rjs - Welcome to our little corner of the internet! :flowerforyou: Hope you find what you're looking for here. Good luck with your goals this month. Take each day at a time and keep pushing, even when you think you can't push one more inch.

    Kan - Welcome back :drinker: You've been missed! Just take a few deep breathes, don't get overwhelmed, and get back to tackling each day like you were before. No sense ever feeling embarrassed about your struggles with food/alcohol/fitness/etc - we all have our own individual challenges. I have been known to break down every once in a while, too, especially regarding food choices and feeling totally out of control... It's nothing to be embarrassed by. We all have things to work on and everyone understands that. At least you always know you can come here to vent and be fully candid about your struggles without any fear of judgment. We're here for you :smile:

    ok! That was quite the post... Took me ages to craft since I'm out in public and VERY distracted. I'm currently chilling out at my absolute FAVE cafe drinking coffee and enjoying the gorgeous day. I got up early today (before my alarm again) and went for a 4mile run - a very difficult run due to fatigue and generally just feeling sh*tty - and have since spent my day just hanging around, getting groceries, enjoying the weather, and eating good healthy food. I've been walking around a LOT this weekend, in the evenings and during the day, and it's been wonderful. My foot is acting up some again but I'm hoping it doesn't get any worse. Have to be measured about my level of exercise in the coming weeks. I definitely do NOT want to injure it again...

    Shopping yesterday was FABULOUS. In fact, my whole weekend has been amazing. I got some great deals on dresses (at the Gap and Target of all places) and some super cheap running gear (Champion brand, which isn't high end but it more than good enough for me). Also picked up a new set of specs and will be taking a pic in the coming days to get your opinions! :blushing: We ate super well all day and then went out for Caribbean for dinner, which was very tasty. We shared a salad and roti and I think did pretty well on calories... But then I totally derailed my day and drank two pints of beer on a patio with my brother for his birthday. The two of us are actually quite estranged, so it was a bit weird, but I told him I'd take him for beer and we ended up just talking on the patio for several hours. I followed up those beers with terrible half-drunken food choices, including a serving of ice cream that I definitely didn't need. Got to bed at 3:15am - and then was up at 6:25 for my run! Eeeep :noway: What's wrong with me...??? hahaha

    Anyway, I should get going! This is just getting wayyyy too long. I'm sure I've forgotten loads but c'est la vie! Have a great Sunday ladies. Much love to you all :heart:
  • ashleymmc20
    ashleymmc20 Posts: 39 Member
    So thankful for this thread! There is nothing like accountability to motivate you! My goal is to lose 5 pounds by my birthday, which is August 20th!
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Just a quickie update here:

    Michelle: I'm not sure why she is holding on...she's so close to death. I hope she's not trying for our sakes. I think we are going to have to bite the bullet and just tell her it's ok to let go. Last night she stopped breathing for short periods of time. So close. Her nail beds are turning greyish-black...her lips are grey. I wish there was something we could do...its all in God's hands now. I just pray she goes her sleep...painless.

    House: On the flip side, I am absolutely elated (trust me, the split emotions are about to tear my body to pieces) because...WE'RE BUYING THE HOUSE! I just can't wait until it's officially ours :-)
  • cmg2008
    cmg2008 Posts: 139
    Its been a while since i've been on here .. sorry guys! but good news I got a laptop finally soooooo I should be on here a lot more now. Anyways I've kept up with my exerieses I try to do a little of something at least everyday. Yesterday I went to the zoo with the family we were there for 8 hours :noway: and it was sooo much fun. Sorry this is sooo short but I just want to tell everyone to keep up the great work!
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    Hi Ladies,

    Meag- I cooked the porridge in the microwave and it was awesome! I used 1 grated carrot + 4 chopped dates + cinnamon + allspice + a little water for 2 mins, stir, then 2 more mins. Then I added the oats and water and cooked for another couple of minutes. Once cooked I added the vanilla and salt, stirred through and topped with roasted walnuts, coconut and a little golden syrup (in lieu of maple syrup). I didn’t use the brown sugar as I don’t like my oats that sweet. It was so delicious!
    Can- Go you, that is awesome that you got through the cruise without drinking, it must have been really hard at times so well done.
    OK I gotta do some work now. Keep up the good work ladies!
    X Anita
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Meag-thanks for your kind always!! :wink:

    AFM- I am still doing well. I think, that after I post how I did for this month, I am gonna step back from this thread (seeing as it has "died" down a bit, and has turned away from where it originally started). It has been a great group...and if any of the "vets" aren't my "pals" as of right now...feel free to add me, otherwise...good luck to you all! :heart:

  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    JILL: sorry to hear about your car! what a mess! atleast her insurance will cover it! still a hassle though. Hope it gets sorted soon. and good luck with the marathon training.

    Ashley: thats not a bad gain at all. goals are there to help us focus they arent the be all and end all. so 2lbs is a good aim, and next month you will rock it!

    im arunner: great news about your house! will be praying for your friend :)

    Meag: your weekend sounds amazing and relaxed! love the shopping bit- great when things fit eh? love that! and as for waking up to run- you are a nutter! but then im getting addicted too! was quite bummed its started raining heavily when i chose to go out today making me retreat before id even run a single step! booo! i dont take chances with my asthma hence why i cant run in the rain! winter is going to be my big challenge! eek! as for runners gear- i sooo need to get some! ive got simple trainers and run in a vest and leggings! need to invest in some proper gear!

    Anita: your porridge sounds weird but yummy at the same time! i will have to investigate at some distant future! lol

    tara: it would be a shame to see you go as i love your enthusiam and drive.

    AFM: im going ok, pretty rubbish weekend foodwise but im hanging on! back on form today as did my shred but couldnt go for my run unfortunately! trying to cut down my cal intake for some damage control!
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Monday Lovelies!!

    Meag – well I am ultra inspired by your run and that post!! You seem to be a new and rejuvenated version of yourself. And after everything that I have watched you go through over the past few months, I am so glad that you found some sort of happy place in your life and are truly embracing it despite the chaos that still exists in your bubble. And I am hoping to find some amazing recipes along the way but as I get started and slip into my new routine, I am attempting to just keep it easy and simple so that I don’t get overwhelmed and throw in the towel before I really ever get started. Glad to hear that your weekend was amazing!! Even I was quite shocked to see that you were enjoying beers with your brother but glad that it all worked out!!

    Anita – that porridge still sounds amazing!! I save oatmeal for the weekends now cause I have zero extra time in the morning before work. I think even my kids would like that one…just can’t let them know what is in it…haha!! I LOVE to bake too!! The only problem is that my roommate’s kitchen does not have close to the amount of baking paraphernalia that my mother’s did!! And even if I were to buy this stuff, there just isn’t room for it so I am having to make do with what I have!!

    Kandace – so happy to have you back girly!! And despite the emotional breakdown at dinner, sounds like you had a great time on your cruise. I am starting fresh on this journey as of today so I know we can do this together. And you are absolutely correct about your dad wanting you to be happy and healthy!

    RJS – welcome to the group!! Follow along for tons of encouragement, motivation, and conversation from a wonderful group of lovelies!!

    Tara – sounds like you are on track for where you want to be. Now its just a matter of time before your body finally lets go of those last few pounds that it has become very comfortable with. Keep killin it girly!! AW…saddens me that you will no longer be a part of this forum!! You always bring such amazing motivation and inspiration to this group!!

    Jill – not necessarily the way you pictured your return home to be, I’m sure. Hope the girl pulls her head out of her *kitten* and takes responsibility for her actions. But on a good note, hope you have a great time with marathon training!!

    Mandy – congrats on the decision to buy the house!! That project with your husband will be trying at times but also a lot of fun!!

    Cmg – glad that you are still keeping up…even if you can’t check in from time to time.

    AFM…the internet was down at the house for the weekend. Although I think the roommate just turned off the wireless router and wouldn’t fess up to it. So I could log in from my phone but catching up was impossible. Well today began my first day of my new journey. I think I overindulged though since I knew that I was gonna have to buckle down and get serious about this. Despite my no-scale challenge for the month of July, I decided to weigh in this morning to get an OFFICIAL starting weight and took my measurements last night. I was not pleased with the numbers but that’s what I get. I had a hard time staying asleep last night so I didn’t get out of bed when I wanted to this morning but I packed my breakfast last night so food will still be good today. And I told my daughter that we were going to the gym tonight. She is always excited to go but I am not necessarily excited to pay the fee to have her in the kid’s club. But I will suck it up and pay it this time since I was the one that didn’t get my *kitten* out of bed when I should have. I am very excited to be on this journey again and I look forward to the results that I am about to see.

    My food for today :
    Breakfast – fruity Cheerios w/ soy milk and chai tea
    Lunch – Rigatoni w/ meatballs Lean Cuisine
    Dinner – brown rice, teriyaki chicken with grilled zucchini and squash
    My workout for today:
    Starting C25K today. Will start with day one and figure out how to go from there since I had made it up to week 5 or 6 the last time around.

    QOTD (mine) – all depends on my mood but I love the powerful woman anthems like Stronger by Christina Aguilera

    QOTD (Sat) – I attempt to stay focused on the positive people and things that I have in my life. My life is far from perfect and not even close to where I want it to be but I know that I still have a ton of things to be grateful for and I can’t lose sight of those things.

    New QOTD – what are you going to do this week to keep yourself on track?
  • RobynFaye133
    Hey lovelies! :drinker: And all you newbs too :bigsmile: Welcome to the 10th installment of our Kickin' *kitten* Challenges! If you are looking for some stellar encouragement and support from a group of awesome ladies that know the ropes and understand the trials and tribulations of weight loss and healthy living, you have come to the right place!

    Same deal applies this month: Post your goals and keep those posts coming! But as I've said before, whether you update with us regularly or not, make sure that you always keep your own personal goals on the radar and take time each day to dedicate to your own health and well-being. You deserve it!

    For those of you unfamiliar with our challenges...

    This group/forum is an on-going conversation between motivated, dedicated and totally kick-*kitten* young people all working towards their own individual goals. Each month we are tasked with setting reasonable and attainable goals for ourselves and then checking-in with the group periodically, either to post questions or advice, update on your own personal progress, or provide support and encouragement for those of us that struggle with the everyday stresses and ups & downs of our journey toward healthier living.

    Here's how it works:

    1) As our veteran members (and newbs alike) sign onto the challenge once again, a list like the one found at the bottom of this post will start forming. This is our “goals list”. If you want to join the challenge, we ask that you copy and paste the most up-to-date list and tag your own screen name and goals to the bottom – this is so that we can keep things moving along and no one gets left behind! (If you notice that someone's been left off, due to a high volume of posting, please incorporate their goals back into the list whenever possible.)

    2) Set attainable and realistic goals! I cannot stress this enough, and we will regularly be posting PSAs (as always) to this effect, but I am going to throw it out there right now just so that we're clear. This group is dedicated to supporting healthy living, first and foremost, and that includes physical, emotional and mental health. So set goals that you know you can reach, with hard work and persistence, and find ways to celebrate small victories whenever you can. This will help you stay motivated and on track! We recommend setting some non-scale goals along with a scale goal if you are trying to lose weight – seeing progress in your fitness, your measurements and your diet is a great way to celebrate small changes in your life that make a HUGE difference. Be flexible, know that things aren't going to go perfectly as planned every day, and allow some wiggle room for a bad day here and there. We all have them!

    3) Once your goals are posted, stay active and enjoy the benefits of this awesome community. Oh, and invite your 20-something friends! Let's keep this group moving, ladies!

    Before we get started... Here are our goals for the month of June. How did you guys do? :huh: I know I didn't bother keeping up with most of mine. Goodness knows, life gets in the way sometimes! Let us know how you did and set some new goals (or keep the same ones) for July and let's get this thing going!
    Angela4Health -run 60 miles in June and eat clean for 29 of the next 30 days
    CCSunlight- Drink at least 8c of water a day, lose 8 pounds, and make sure to stay on track as I move and settle in
    Ashleypeterson37:: Finish the last 10 days of 30DS, finally hit ONEDERLAND (8lbs away), run at least 50 miles and start Ripped in 30!
    ashleyk_xox- Lose 10 pounds to make it to my 100 pounds total lost, bring ALL my meals to work, complete entire 30 DS video, NO sweat tea, go to the gym at least 4 times every week, and tone my legs enough to wear shorts!
    Anitanz - loose 2kg to get down to 63kg / 139lb. Drink less alcohol and look and feel great at my 30th!
    ~KanCrav~..... Reach 135. ~ Drink at least 80oz of water a day. ~ Work out 6 days a week, even if its just Shred. ~ Finish Shred! ~Run at least 4 miles a week.
    milieitner-Get into the 8-stone-something category, Finish shred and start NMTZ, and Eat 100% clean 5 days a week
    emmaldownie (Emma)- cycle 100k, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    mkingraham (Megan)- Strength train at least 2 times a week, DON'T Weigh-in until July 1, run at least 2 miles 3 times a week, believe in myself, lose 8 lbs (ambitious I know)
    erinnmcpherson- Goals: Drink 6-8 cups of water a day, lose at least three pounds, run/walk a 5k scheduled for June 18, run 3x a week, cook/eat more fruits and veggies again (and less processed foods) and start 30DS again.
    Crystalfaith: workout at least 4x a week, solidify my spot in the 140s (shooting for 145), containing my eating on the weekends, drink lots of water!
    Finncmh (Cait)- Continue with crossfit schedule of 3 days a week (MWF) get back in to a better running schedule (TR, Sat or Sun), compete in Father's Day 5k (hoping for a solid PR!) work on letting myself just get outside and relax a little bit on my day off, complete my Whole 30 challenge (check out my blog to see what it is), continue to blog everyday about my experience with the Whole30 challenge.
    shannonaufman: hit 168 pounds. Drink 32oz of H2O before any other beverage. Stick with 30DS and OHR. One cheat meal a week, log everything else.
    jyopchick: stay on Turbo Fire schedule as much as possible (even through a 10-day beach vacation), make FUN not FOOD the FOCUS of the summer!! :)
    smapl001-work out 3x a week and lose 8lbs :)
    lostalykat- No weighing in until a month from my last WI day, June 26th. Focus on fueling for my workouts and staying in a good calorie range. Relax and stretch more, worry less. Check in on how I am feeling emotionally and mentally once a week.
    Allie7383- stay in the 140's.. WI once a week.. continue with the 30 Day Shred, focus on changing my eating, continue feeling better about myself, no matter the number on the scale!!
    Mariababe81 (Mariam): I want to keep up with c25k and get to week 8 by the end of june, to continue zumba once a week and shred on days i cant run, get back to my clean eating!!! I am going to try to not weigh in every day and stick to once a month or fortnightly as i dont want the scale to rule my life! get the hang of maintainance!
    kafoteh (Kristin): *Lose 2-5 lbs *Workout at least 4x a week and at least 45 mins each session *Go to the golf driving range at least 3 times this month
    guamgrly (Bethany) - no scale!! Focus on the lifestyle, the routine, and meal planning. Work out 3x per week. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Eat more fruits and veggies
    shelsab (alexis)- lose 5 lbs. Strength 3 x week. More veggies. Read more. Find some new healthy meals to make.
    tjradd73(Tara)- lose -6.0llbs, follow my new workout plan every day, try 2 new recipes, <1400 cal avg/week, and <4 days over cals total.
    meagalayne- get settled into a fitness schedule that works with my new job and stay accountable, continue logging only 5 days/week, make 2 spin classes, make fitness social at least once a week (cycling, running, walking, something - not including baseball games on Wed night), drink more water (!!!) and aim to get at least 6 hours of sleep at least 5 nights a week.
    imarunner8908- hit 155 by July 1st, start running again , drink at least 80 ounces of water a day, and give up eating fast food more than once a week, no TV
    Leela30: I'd love to lose at least 2-3 real pounds, but realistically my goal and what will happen is more maintenance.
    cmg2008: I would love to get down into the mid 140s, continue trekking on with C25K and I want to not eat any fast foods for the month of june =)
    Eleanoreb- Continue with maintenance and focus on eating healthier. I've been more caught up in maintaining, than in eating healthy. I need to cut back on all the treats ive been allowing myself lately
    Ley2ndtry: Complete weeks 1-4 on C25K
    Complete the 30 day shred and continue with Zumba - Fit into a size 14 finally and keep up healthy eating!!
    hanna1210 (Meghan)- Consistently work out with C25K, get in the 210s, work out at least 5 days a week.
    ComfortFoodAddict: 64 oz water/day, jog/run 35 miles, walk dogs at least 10x, No sodas, fit in size 12 pants with comfort, sleep at least 6 hrs 5x/wk (meagalayne....hope you don't mind I borrowed that one from ya :D), and create and follow a workout plan with at least 90% success! Plus overall eating healthier :D
    Stuartme123 (Meredith): 1) Cook three health conscious meals a week 2) More veggies! 3) Pressometric movements 5x/wk 4) Yoga 2x/wk 5) 30 min of cardio 3x/wk
    i_love_vinegar-to get down to 100 pounds. I'd love to beat it too!

    Keep it up, ladies! One day at a time! :heart:

    i achieved my goal today :bigsmile: i ran 3 miles without feeling out of breath afterwards go team moi hahah im rather proud i just ran i didnt think just ran like forrest gump :laugh:
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    I can just report that all is going well, maintenance is going great and I ran my fastest 5k today (32min) and signed up for another race, yay!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey Everyone. I have been MIA for a full week and I have to say I feel better. Everything is going OK with me I just have to focus on my fitness and training and not stress and unfortunately this website was creating unnecessary stress. I am proud of all of you but I am not sure I will continue with this thread. Only time will tell. I wish you all the best of luck.