Who Gained Weight During The Holidays? I Have A Solution!!!



  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    Good post! Just came from a FB page where everyone was beating themselves up over enjoying one holiday meal. One meal can't cancel out a whole year's
  • bexilashious
    bexilashious Posts: 116 Member
    Excellent post
    I needed reminding of this

    My sodium intake has been through the roof the last 2 days.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,668 Member
    I gained a half pound. I need to PP.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    I'm up 3lbs and not worried. I know most, maybe all, is temporary water weight. Today I am logging normal again and I only missed one scheduled work out this week.
  • suzeexoxo
    suzeexoxo Posts: 170 Member
    This is just what I needed to read! Thank you!!
  • zoedewmelon
    zoedewmelon Posts: 2 Member
    I, along with my dad, were worried about the holidays and the excessive eating on Christmas. But when you take a step back and really look at it, it isn't so bad. If you wanted to, you could control portions for dinner or treat yourself to the goodies bestowed upon you. Besides, it is the holidays after all and you should be enjoying them and having a jolly time! Like it takes time and a steady progress to lose pounds of fat, it takes more time than we think to gain fat immediately back. And when we get back to motivation, we'll to the water weight and get back from where we left off.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,867 Member
    [quote="WinoGelato;38424880"In each of those years I've never had any lasting impact on the scale that I wasn't able to take off within the first week or so of January.[/quote]

    What are you, some sort of an "in a hurry" Queen? ONE WEEK? I thought PATIENCE was our keyword here!

    Last year I stayed in holiday mode and gaining till January 4 and had to wait all the way till January 24 before I matched my lowest December weight!

    I find that a trending weight app is also quite helpful when it comes to dealing with these "weight increase" issues.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    [quote="WinoGelato;38424880"In each of those years I've never had any lasting impact on the scale that I wasn't able to take off within the first week or so of January.

    What are you, some sort of an "in a hurry" Queen? ONE WEEK? I thought PATIENCE was our keyword here!

    Last year I stayed in holiday mode and gaining till January 4 and had to wait all the way till January 24 before I matched my lowest December weight!

    I find that a trending weight app is also quite helpful when it comes to dealing with these "weight increase" issues.[/quote]

    Yes I am an advocate for patience and slow/steady weight loss. My point was that no matter how indulgent or devil may care I have been with calories during the holidays, it was never more than half a pound to a pound of true weight gain which can usually be corrected in a week or two. People seem to have this belief that by going crazy at Christmas they are going to put on 5 or more pounds, and concerned that will be a major set back for their weight loss.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Feels like this could use a bump today.
  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    Ahhhh I love this post
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Does everyone remember that it takes 3,500 extra calories ABOVE Maintenance in order to gain 1 pound of fat? Did all of you who are lamenting your choices during the holidays log what you ate? Even guesstimating? I did. I ate and drank everything I wanted, and then some, for an entire week (we had a lot of celebrations and a lot of leftovers!). I was over my calorie target every single day - nothing but red for the entire week. OMG, can you imagine seeing all that red? EEEK! Guess what the weekly overage was? 3,657 calories. That's right. With indulging to my heart's content, by logging what I thought I was consuming, I realized that I really didn't go over that much. That's about 1 pound of true fat gain, even if my estimates were way off, I know they weren't off by a factor of 5. Perspective!

    Now, who's ready for New Years!?

    Yep, I looked at the 5lb weight gain, decided there was no way I ate 3500 Calories above maintenance for every one of the five days I didn't log for and decided that I still managed to hit my target of getting down to 180lb by the end of the year (got there in the week before Christmas). Dropped one out of the five pounds in the last 2 days and fully expect to pee the rest out in the next week.

  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    Gained 12 lbs in 4 days and I ain't even mad
  • barni71
    barni71 Posts: 30 Member
    I gained 5.5 lbs in the last 5 days, but then i probably did do an extra 3,500 calories a day :wink:
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Indulged for three days (Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and day after) and am now right back where I started. It really isn't worth all the panic it seems to incite!

    Mostly commenting to keep this thread bumped up!
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I sure have noticed a lot of threads the last week or so with people concerned about all the weight they gained over Christmas, and wanting to get back on track for the New Year. Never fear, I have a solution - it's called the PP Program.

    What is the PP Program you ask? Well it's simple.
    Perspective + Patience = PP

    Let's start with Perspective. This has two critical components.

    First, Perspective about the holidays themselves. In mid-December, there were so many threads about how people were dreading Christmas and what it was going to do to their diet and worrying they were going to undo all their progress. Christmas is supposed to be a joyful time! It comes once a year - and it is filled with so many wonderful things - and one of those wonderful things are food traditions. It is sad how many people are dreading something that should be so enjoyable! After Christmas, I've counted dozens of threads of people regretting their eating/drinking choices during the holidays, talking about throwing out food and never doing this again. Seriously - perspective people!

    Now let's talk about the numbers Perspective. Does everyone remember that it takes 3,500 extra calories ABOVE Maintenance in order to gain 1 pound of fat? Did all of you who are lamenting your choices during the holidays log what you ate? Even guesstimating? I did. I ate and drank everything I wanted, and then some, for an entire week (we had a lot of celebrations and a lot of leftovers!). I was over my calorie target every single day - nothing but red for the entire week. OMG, can you imagine seeing all that red? EEEK! Guess what the weekly overage was? 3,657 calories. That's right. With indulging to my heart's content, by logging what I thought I was consuming, I realized that I really didn't go over that much. That's about 1 pound of true fat gain, even if my estimates were way off, I know they weren't off by a factor of 5. Perspective!

    What's that you say? You've been weighing yourself and you gained 10 pounds? Who here ate a lot of sodium rich, carbohydrate heavy foods during the holidays. Oh yeah - everyone, right? That's what holiday meals are made of. Guess what - those things cause a big spike in water retention. You know what happens with weight gain from water retention? It goes away in time...

    Which brings me to the second P. Patience. Everyone just needs to take a breath and be patient. You didn't put on all your initial weight over night, you didn't lose your weight over night, and you didn't put on 10 lbs in 3 days at Christmas. Things will normalize, you just need to be Patient.

    But wait, I'm not done yet! You know how you get rid of water weight? You drink a lot of water (I know, sounds counter intuitive) and guess what you do? You go Pee Pee!!!! And the more you go Pee Pee, the faster you'll lose that water weight and the faster things will return to normal.

    So just to recap:

    Patience + Perspective = the PP Program. (And in the meantime, if you can go PP, it will help!)

    Now, who's ready for New Years!?

    I love this! This was my 3rd Christmas since maintaining my weight loss. Each one of those Christmases, I gained around five pounds. I knew though something I didn't before losing my weight. All I had to do was count my calories, eat that many and I would re-lose it. I still like to enjoy my holiday food and it's worth it, at least to me.

  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I got on the scale this morning, I'm a good 10lbs up on my lowest recorded weight and I give no you know whats. It's not all fat, though some definitely is (I discovered hot buttered rum this festive season, completely obsessed).

    But I also have had a very sad festive season due to losing the chap in my profile picture very suddenly the week before Christmas. It prompted me to just go eff it, I need to look after myself emotionally more than anything right now and I will resume where I left off on the 1st January. So I have eaten all the foods, am super bloated and have really rather enjoyed it!
  • CurlyCockney
    CurlyCockney Posts: 1,394 Member
    Oh @VintageFeline I am so sorry to hear of your loss :-( You are absolutely right to take time to look after yourself emotionally in my not-so-humble opinion, and you're smart to have a plan to look forward to on 1st Jan.

    I'm back down 2.8lb this morning, bring on the Cadbury Heroes!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    @VintageFeline I'm so sorry to hear about your baby. He looks so sweet, and to lose a family member at this time of year is so hard.

    Hoping you can get back on track when your mind is in a better spot. Also, I've always been curious about hot buttered rum. Sounds dangerous!
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    @VintageFeline - I'm so sorry for your loss, which is especially difficult when it's sudden like that. :(

    Big hugs to you!
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Slightly under a pound gained. I'm thrilled with that. Still have New Years eve to contend with but was back on the treadmill this morning. Still have the rest of the week off and having an issue with the lack of routine and wanting to snack, but will get through.

    @VintageFeline Sorry about your loss. Hard this time of the year.