60 Minutes per Month Plank Challenge - January 2017

b3achy Posts: 2,104 Member
New month! New Year! New challenge thread!

This is a pretty simple challenge thread for those that want to have some accountability with their plank workouts. This plank challenge thread is meant to be flexible enough that people of various fitness levels should be able to successfully complete it as long as they are consistent with doing their planks regularly.

Challenge Goal - 60 minutes of planks for the month. That's about 2 minutes of planks daily, or 3 minutes of planks for 20 days or 5 minutes of planks for 12 days...or...what ever you want to do to reach the challenge goal.
>>If you are already a planking superstar or start to consistently hit the challenge goal, feel free to post your own goal at the beginning of the challenge that is higher than the one for the posted challenge. Or post an updated goal once you hit 60 minutes.
>>If you join us late in the month, feel free to post an alternate goal that is in the spirit of the original challenge (for example, joining around the 15th would be a 30 minute plank challenge to finish out the month).

How many sets? As many as you need. If you can do a 5 minute plank in one set, that is amazing!! If you want to do a few sets of 1 - 2 minute planks, that's cool! If you need to break up your planks into multiple sets of 15-30 seconds, that's okay too!

Types of planks? ALL planks and their variations count! Straight arm planks, forearm/elbow planks, side planks, reverse planks, etc. This allows you to vary your planks depending on your personal workout goals.

How to join / participate? Just post the total minutes of the planks you did for the day and your running total for the month. No spreadsheets, no groups. Easy peasy.

Last month's 60 minute plank challenge thread:

Another awesome plank challenge thread by @Serenade_N, but a bit more structured for each day:

Welcome and start planking!!


  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    edited December 2016
    I'm in as usual. Personal goal 120 min. ;) I'll probably skip the varied planks, not sure my lower spine is ready for that. Maybe after a full month of side planks are under my belt. For now will stick with my 6 minutes of mixed planks a day for this challenge. ;)
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    @BelaGrae Do them as long as you can, there's no set amount of time you have to hold a plank. It's all good. I've read that you can hold for as little as 10 seconds and do more reps and benefit just the same. The more you do them the easier it is to go longer, so that's what most people do. But you don't have to. This challenge is nice because it's unstructured, you can do whatever you feel you can do each day or week just to get the number of minutes per month. Work at your own pace.
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    I'm back for more self abuse! :) Going to do shorter multi sets this month. Should be interesting!
  • KerrySmilesmfp
    KerrySmilesmfp Posts: 13 Member
    Bring on the Planking
  • natashasiddall331
    natashasiddall331 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in 60 minutes should be doable I suffer with my wrists though. Do the handles/bars work?
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,104 Member
    edited December 2016
    Welcome back 'old timers' and welcome to all the newcomers! Things will get interesting tomorrow! Happy New Year!
    I'm in 60 minutes should be doable I suffer with my wrists though. Do the handles/bars work?

    Not sure what the handles/bars are...but if you are doing planks, any type of planks, they count. Long ones, short ones, forearm ones, straight arm ones, static ones, dynamic ones (where you are moving), full body weight ones, modified ones...it's really a place for you to be accountable to yourself to get it done (which I need to learn to do more...lol). January is a new month and a new year for all of us. And my resolution is to make the 60 minutes each month too.
  • sfhappy
    sfhappy Posts: 59 Member
    My Goal for January, 2017 will be 50 planks. I think I can, I think I can...I Will!
  • rclarke
    rclarke Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in. I hope I remember to log them. LOL.
  • kiit1234
    kiit1234 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm in for 90 minutes.
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    I'm in. Will do the 60 and if I can make it for more I will. :)
  • leacunningham
    leacunningham Posts: 7 Member
    I'm new, and I'm joining in. Never done a single plank before but here's to learning and improving. Happy New Year everyone ☺
  • leacunningham
    leacunningham Posts: 7 Member
    Oh and my goal is 60 for January.
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 4,986 Member
    Should be good for the 60 minutes!
  • LenGray
    LenGray Posts: 842 Member
    I'm joining in this month as well :) Hopefully, I'll be able to reach 60 minutes!
  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member
    I'm in 60 minutes. My plank game isn't that strong so working on that.
  • queequeg9315
    queequeg9315 Posts: 9 Member
    Also a complete plank newbie, but I'm in for 60.
  • trudie_b
    trudie_b Posts: 230 Member
    I'm in! I'm shooting for 2 consecutive minutes a day.
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    2 minutes forearm planks done, 58 (or more) to go! Happy new year everyone!