
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Pip- you two should get the Cutest Couple Award <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Pip- you two should get the Cutest Couple Award <3

    Awwwwwww thanks so much. :0)
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited January 2017
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Pip- you two should get the Cutest Couple Award <3

    I second this
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Someone asked me what Reiki is (TNToni?). It's healing with energy. I took a course last year and want to continue to practice. I've used it on myself for sore joints, headaches and stress relief. I've sent it over long distances to friends in need. PM me if you ever want me to send Reiki to you. I'd be honored. For more information: reiki.org/faq/whatisreiki.html

    Rita and Katie: Wowzers!!! Keep it up ladies. You look fantastic.

    Colorado Foothills
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    BeLLe_60 wrote: »
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    dotennis62 wrote: »
    Just joined yesterday from UK . Target to lose 56 lbs and would like to join the 40lb challenge you've set for 27th may if that's ok?

    You are very welcome to join! It is actually a challenge that is full of which I am a member of. I am posting the challenges here so that anybody on this site can participate right along with me as my workout buddy. Weigh yourself. And we will have a weekly weigh in by Saturday every week. The first challenge that they had was to take your measurements. The only other thing they posted was how to navigate their site. Glad to have you aboard with us!

    Rita- you look fantastic! You have done in awesome job with all that you have been through.


    Mary from Minnesota

    Hi Mary Can anyone join your .. challenge? I am part of the orginial 40 Lbs by May 27th challenge .. I am on the Pink Team .. but it seems to be pretty slow for now. Hopefully it will gain some speed! But I need all the accountability I can muster. I had my husband take before pics yesterday, I just need to take

    Yes! Course you can! The more people that are in a challenge together the more support you will get! It is a little slow on all of the threads. Probably because Tiffany is in Florida until the eighth. Right now as you know they had asked for you to take measurements and put an informational thread up about how to navigate. Since there wasn't any challenges I thought it would be fun to get up and move! So today I am focusing on getting up every hour for 10 minutes and doing something, unless I am already up LOL! It will be great to get to know you! All of the women on this thread are very fun and motivational! You certainly came to the right place!


    Mary from Minnesota

    Thanks... I am glad I found this thread. No I didn't know about the measurements challenge.... I will take a look. I was going to take current measurements anyway. It will be wonderful to have more motivation and make new friends! There seems to be many successful women my age here.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Pip – You are definitely a ‘machine’ … you run, ride, and swim circles around any of us (probably together); I just get ‘winded’ reading your daily posts about what you’ve already done that day. Does your mind ever take a rest from what kind of exercise you are going to do the next day? I wish I had ½ that much exercising ambition. I used to ride a bike; but, that was when I was in my ‘late 30's/early 40's' and I had company doing it’. Riding 10 miles after work and at least 50 over the weekend. My boss out outshone me ‘on the bike’; but, I got even with him on the racquetball courts.

    Penny – We called our sons to wish them a “Happy New Year” and Will sounded like death warmed over. Didn’t keep him on the phone, sounded like I had awoken him from a much needed period of sleep and I don’t think he appreciated it … had been sick all weekend long.

    Either repost your picture of you veggies, or post a list of what you ate. I’m pretty sure that if I did that I would ‘jump off the plateau’ that I seem to be stuck on. Thanks!

    Katie – Looking great! Your avatar shows the additional weight you've lost. I have not posted my ‘before’ picture; but, did post a current picture. Where in North Georgia do you live? You might have already told me; but, apparently I have forgotten. My DOGD goes to UWG in Carrollton and now she and her boyfriend are looking for another place to live. Their roommates told them, today, that they had invited someone else to come live in the house with them. She and her boyfriend are most upset because apparently this person or persons are either not going to pay rent or are going to be helping them pay theirs. She doesn’t think this is fair as she thinks that all should pay 1/3rd or it be divided among however many that are living there … 5 or 6 in a 3-bedroom house.

    She's very neat and we laugh that it borders on being a bit towards the OCD side. She’d going for the angle that their lease is being broken by the party or parties moving in and she emailed the owner that and wants out of the lease. I hope he lets them ‘out of it’. Now to start looking for another place that is ‘pet friendly’. She really did not need this ‘stressor’ on her at the beginning of the school year.

    Yvonne – Growing up our Daddy forbade up from riding “killer-machines’ as he called them; that summer my middle sister burnt her leg very badly on her boyfriend’s Vesper and wore long pants all summer long to keep it hidden. I’ve only been on one, and that was a ‘big’ one that my DBnL had and he scared the living *kitten* out of me. All I wanted to do was ‘get off and get back to my babies’. He kept screaming at me to ‘lean with him’. That just did not make any sense to me; to lean over at a 45° angel; and it was in Florida that does not require the wearing of a helmet.

    I used to wear my hair short and spikey and got so tired of it; then let it grow out below my shoulders; but, it was so find and thin that it looked horrible on me and my ponytails looked pitiful; so last August my DDnL#2 and one of her co-workers cut it in a bob. I have really liked it much better; but, it will take at least one more ‘cut’ to get it all one length. My skin is pretty olive (especially in the summer). I don’t wear foundation; but, I do have to put my ‘eyes’, eyebrows’, ‘lips’, and ‘cheeks’ on. My gray is pretty white so I don’t mind it.

    Becca – When you get finished there – take a long trip to Georgia and help me. I’ve got a ‘lot’ of projects.

    Sue – I agree – every day that I wake up, I feel blessed that I am not on the other side, taking a ‘dirt nap’. While I am not afraid of dying; there are too many things I still want to do here. I’m ‘prepared’; I’m just not ‘ready’. But, I don’t think it is anything that you really can plan for.

    Mary from Minnesota – I’ve gone to that website; but, I am not sure I’ll be able to follow it, I like things that are ‘simple’ and I am not so sure that I see, so far, that it is simple enough for me. I will still try.

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Lenora - my father was very permissive. In high school one of the neighbor kids hurt his leg in a motorcycle wreck. When my dad found out he said, "I don't want you to smoke or drink, I know I can't control what you do with boys, but if you EVER get on a motorcycle - you are not my daughter!" I was so glad my dad was saying "NO" about something. I would never, ever get on one! Still haven't and don't plan to unless it's to survive in the zombie apocalypse!

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Janet and NYKaren, you are too sweet, but let's don't scare the newbs with my leggings just yet. LOL.

    I'm easing into the anti-inflammatory thing with cutting out obvious sweets, added sugar, and stuff like that. As I buy new food I will choose items with no added sugar when possible and work toward a cleaner diet. For example, I will buy natural nut butter from here on out, but I'm not throwing out my Peter Pan. I'll eat it until it's gone. I will begin to make my own salad dressings, but will use up what I have first. I don't think I'm ready to give up rice and pasta altogether, but I will eat it less often and choose brown over white,

    I have started drinking a lemon drink before breakfast that is quite yummy. You throw a quartered lemon in 4 cups of water and two tablespoons of olive oil and two tablespoons of stevia in a blender with a few ice cubes, blend and strain. It makes enough for three days. I'm not sure how it helps, but I like it.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Pip- you two should get the Cutest Couple Award <3

    I second this

    thnx !! :0)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Janet okc and Lenora: My son is 40 and my daughter is 36. My oldest grandchild is 5. I wish that they lived close enough for frequent short visits. :flowerforyou:

    Meg: I'm sorry you have the flu. We had it last year and it had us miserable for weeks. We are lucky so far this year.:heart:

    Toni & Lenora: I injured my left shoulder a year ago in November while saddling a horse. I was diagnosed with frozen shoulder & told it would take a year to heal, and it did. It is fine now. I feel lucky to have the pain gone and my full range of motion back. I kept doing yoga and that helped keep me strong. :smiley:

    Toni & Heather & Janetr: Add me to the 67 group. I tell people I'm a 49er. It was a very good year. I have a 40 year-old son and a 36 year-old daughter. :wink: I also feel younger, more confident and happier than when I was younger. Getting older has some very nice perks. :bigsmile:

    Pip: The matrix machine looks like a huge challenge. I applaud your determination & grit. I love the photo of you and Kirby. :smile:

    Lenora & Toni: Back in the beginning of our marriage, DH borrowed a motorcycle from a friend to take me for a ride. When he kick started that machine his rational mind shut off. We had a ride that we'll never forget and I've never been on a motorcycle again. :noway: People think horses are dangerous, but they're not in the same league as a man on a motorcycle. :noway:

    We got some shopping done and the house cleaned up today. Yay us! One of our cars has a dead battery and we'll see to it tomorrow. Our local Les Schwab Tire Center was closed for the holiday today.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    "Normally I'm quite normal . . ." The Gods Must be Crazy
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening My Dear Friends,

    Allie, I totally support you in whatever you do. I hope for your sake that it doesn’t drag out too long.((((Hugs))))

    NYKaren, you are so right about selling the contents of my friend’s house. We sold so much last week but still have so much left. I think one more sale and I’ll let the vultures have the rest. I have two guys from resale shops that I’ve talked to and will probably get a bid from each of them to take it all after the last sale.

    Rori, I hope your DH is okay. That doesn’t sound normal, for sure. Do keep us posted. (((Hugs)))

    Gloria, I absolutely loved your post. How well you put the essence of our little family of cyber sisters. I haven’t had time to read every post lately and oh my goodness how I miss all of you when I don’t. As I sit and read about your daily adventures it just makes my heart happy.

    I wish I had time to catch up right now but sadly I’m about to fall asleep at the keyboard.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you.
    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    We had a big thunder storm last nite so I didn't get a lot of sleep. Spent the day taking down and storing the decorations. House looks so bare. One of our friends from our Sunday School class has been put on hospice. We didn't even know he was ill. We went over to see him this morning so we've been sad all day.
    Michele-you eat more fruits and veggies than anyone I know. Whatever you're doing, keep it up.
    Heather- Bea is so beautiful. Love to see pics of her.
    So tired I can't think straight. Going to bed early.

    SueBDew in TX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did 10 minutes of a Butt Lift DVD, held my plank for 2 min 50 sec, then the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do Kelley Coffee Meyers 30 Minutes to Fitness DVD.

    Welcome everyone new!

    Cheri - congrats on the new phone. What a way to get in your steps. I bet some people did look at you funny, but then again, some people were probably embarrassed that they hadn't thought of it first!

    Becca - you may sing until you are hoarse, but if I were to sing, this place would get cleared out in no time fast!

    Karen in VA - your tray of veggies looks gorgeous. I'd just like it to have been bigger! I like that the broccoli is steamed. Sometimes when you have raw broccoli, it can be "bitter". I always give mine a little steam

    Alison - happy birthday to your son. My daughter is 32, going to be 33 in March. I just maintain that "you're as old as you feel and I feel 39"

    Is there some way to see all the posts made my one person? I remember that there used to be, don't know if it still is that way now or not. I'd like to find out what happened, Allie. I must have missed it while I was on hiatus.

    Rita and Katie - Wowsa!!!!

    Meg - feel better fast

    Tracie - I know when you work so hard on something and get blood on it, at least I know that I feel terrible. Did you know that if you put hydrogen peroxide on the unwashed blood, it will take it out? Try it, at first I didn't believe it would work, but it does!

    Lenora - when you're in a cleaning frenzy, I wouldn't mind you coming to NC...:)

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member