

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Toni – My parents believed that ‘if’ you were not allowed to ‘occasionally face-plant yourself’ and get up and ‘learn a lesson’ … they were failures as parents. But, we were not given choices on some things; and, some things we did ... they had 'no clue' about. Thankfully we never got hurt doing some of the things. We had some rules; but, we also knew the consequences of breaking them. You did NOT break curfew, even 'if' you had actually had a 'flat tire' on the way home. Your friends, when at our house, also had to follow 'house rules' or they would be told 'go home'. I remember once having another girl spend the night with me (her Daddy did not want her dating; so the only way was to not be home). She made 2 dates for the same night; then, left with the first one to show up. I got restricted for it for a week. She never spent another night with me after that.

    We had heard enough stories about people dying or in some cases … being totally paralyzed in wrecks on them. My DOS’s boss was killed on one when a woman pulled out in front of him. Couldn’t stop, couldn’t maneuverer around her. In fact, he was pretty sure of it before they notified his son because it had been his son’s motorcycle and when the business went tits up; he got his Dad to exchange it for his car, since he had a new family. When the son called him at 3:00 in the morning, DOS told him that he ‘thought that had been his motorcycle’. One of DH’s dear friends was crippled by a wreck on one. I’ve never had any desire to ride one, and only did so thinking my BnL would be slow and gentle. WRONG! We were on the highway and I was about to scream his ears off; but, he really could not hear me. Got off and never got back on another one. Told my sons they were not to ever get on one and let me ‘hear’ about it. They both had the same descriptive word for them. I’m not looking to have to survive in a zombie apocalypse either! LOL!

    I think I was way too concerned about ‘embarrassing my parents’ more than anything since they allowed us to learn to make decisions early in our lives. We did not have carte blanc; but, we knew that we had choices to make. Daddy was an attorney and mother was a HS English/Lit/Grammar teacher. To them, it was important for us to learn that we could be anything we wanted to be and we had 'great teachers'.

    Katie – I’ve tried some of the natural peanut butter; the only thing that I question is how much ‘oil’ they must have because you have to stir it up a long time to be able to get the consistency right for spreading. I would have to buy 2 jars; because I love "chunky" but hubby can eat it. It’s more of an acquired taste if you are used to Peter Pan or JIF. I like peanut butter with apples or bananas. I just have to make sure I measure the 2 tbsp. that make up a serving … level, not heaping. Is stevia some sort of sugar substitute? I haven’t found too many that I like. I have used brown sugar in coffee and found that it takes more packets of it to sweeten my coffee the way I like it; but, I don’t even put that much sugar in my coffee. I do have to have sugar in it, I can go black otherwise … no cream. When Louis makes it up in the thermos, he puts Coffee Mate into it and it is way too sweet for my liking. Do you put the rinds and all in it?

    Joyce – I hope you get to feeling much better real soon. Maybe he will take you off that medication since it has made you nose bleed so badly.

    Katla – I’d take riding a horse, any day, over riding another motorcycle. I rode horses during my teens. A friend’s father stabled horses and we could ride them and groom them so he did not have to do it all. My BF rode a beautiful black one; and, she really was the only one other than the owner and his daughter that he liked. One of her cousins would come visit and want to ride him, she always go stuck with an old mare that only wanted to ride the trails she wanted to - mostly in a circle and flat land. We'd rides our down the other trails through the woods, up and down hills. So one day she tried to get up on him and could not put her left foot in the stirrup, much less jump up and sling her right leg over him. He’d turn in circles almost like he wanted to bite at her. She finally gave up even ‘asking’.

    BF's parents used to keep the donkey for the live Nativity Scene at the Church they attended. She’d want to come over a ride him, too. She wasn’t a lot of fun to hang around with because you was a year younger than I was. Her grandmother was really strict and she was an ‘only’ spoiled brat/child. One day she came over wanting to ride the donkey and we had made other plans. The donkey walked around the fenced-in yard’s perimeter and he’d have to be guided around certain things, around the back of the house, around a couple of bushes. Susan was pretty brazen and wanted to ‘do it herself’. We led her around and then said, ‘ok, go for it’. The donkey went around the yard once; then he trotted under the big bush trapping her on his back with her laying back with her head towards his tail. We both got a whooping when we got home. No telling how long she had been out there when Karen’s Dad came home at lunch. She told on us. We both got restricted for doing it. That was back in the time that your friends’ parents could whoop you and you’d, later on, my roommate, growing up and we had a lot of fun doing things together. Lived in a small town where ‘everybody’ knew one another or, at least, knew of them.
    I’m glad that your frozen shoulder was resolved without surgery; but, I had no choice.

    Sue – We’ve had heavy rains for the past 2 nights; bad thunder storms around; but, no tornado warning in our immediate area. Thankfully; but, it make the dirt road a real mess.

    Michele – Let me ‘clarify’ … I’m just in the early stages of ‘thinking’ I need to be in a ‘cleaning frenzy’. That will happen when the rest of the Christmas boxes are ‘out of the house’. Right now, they are just ‘in the way’

    Jana – Glad you are back on MFP and tracking everything. Just don’t lose too much, too quickly. Are you on a special meal plan? I’m with you about exercising … I get at least 15 to 20 minutes in on the treadmill every day. I prefer summer exercising when it is a lot warmer out.

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Janetr - thanks for the update on MiaKoda. She hasn't posted in quite some time. I used to love her avatar with her red hat on.

    DJ - thank you!

    Rita - Please crop your after picture and use it for your new avatar! What an awesome change!

    Beth - wow what a difference!

    Sorry not to answer more of you tonight but I am already breaking my 'be in bed no later than 11'

    I do want to weigh in on the veggie plate. I had a friend years ago who lost a great amount of weight by making one change in her diet - she ate nothing but raw veggies with ranch dip for lunch. It was amazing to see what a difference it made.

    I'm having speed issues with my laptop so not always logging because it is just ridiculous how long it takes to search and log. I think I need to go through and see what I can delete again.

    I really need to get to bed - probably have cranky kids in the morning because back to school after 2 weeks vacation!

    Love to you all

    Gloria in VERY chilly WA faucets dripping and under sink cabinet doors open. zbs4ohggv3pe.jpg

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member

    Kate UK
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited January 2017
    Morning, all,

    Allie, my dear heart, I know it feels like you're a failure, but you are NOT. Something I learned watching my parent's marriage, and looking back at my own first marriage of 27 years - one person who's trying to make it work is not a marriage. While the 50-50 effort thing is not always true, it does take two people to make a marriage. Sometimes it's 90-10, with you taking most of the effort, sometimes it's 20 percent on your part, 80 percent on theirs--but both people must want to be married, and must work at it for marriage to succeed. Tom dropped out of that long before I met you, honey, and that was three years ago now.

    I went through all the stages of grief, some before I walked out, some after--denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, not necessarily in that order, but over and over again. You're on a rollercoaster ride of emotion, and will be for a while, but always remember, you didn't give up on your marriage, Tom did. You deserve better. You always did. And you always will.


    Back to work this morning for the first time in nearly two weeks, looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time. While the prognosis of HT-H gave me some mental relief, the fact is I still have it and always will, so I've been reaching for a way to make my peace with that--I won't start on the Synthroid until later this week, when the meds arrive, but it could take months or even years to get back to "normal."

    I am still exhausted, and have to cope with that somehow.

    So, all things considered, my January word is "peace."

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in West Texas

    My January goal is: "be lighter."
    The actions I'll take to achieve that are:
    • Log every day, every bite
    • Get my happy hiney on the medication
    • Work with my DH to eat healthier foods to get my LDL numbers down (wouldn't hurt his, either, I'm sure)
    • Pay attention, be present at all times in my life
    • Write every day
    • Work out four times a week, two cardio-focused, two flexibility/resistance focused

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,775 Member
    Lisa~ thank you for the love...what I have going for me are friends and family.. that all love me,including Tom's family .. so I look at it as his loss.. he will never ever find another like me that cooked,cleaned and basically did everything for him and his family..he could care less about my family.. so go figure...
    well off to get stuff done before work.. thank you again ladies for all the love...
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,081 Member
    Gloria love it!

    Lenora I like a brand of crunchy peanut butter called Old Home. You find it in the refrigerator section at the grocery store. It is just peanuts and salt. No added oil or sugar. It does not have an oily layer on the top. It is a bit more pricey about $6 for 24 oz., but it has no fillers. You are right about the measurement piece. It is easy to take too large a serving. I have peanut butter with a banana almost everyday for breakfast.

    When I was 17 a motorcycle drove right in front of me I was turning left on a two lane road. He did this so he wouldn't slam into me from behind. Unfortunately I was struck by another car from behind. I shudder to think if I had hit that motorcycle. I have never liked them since.

    2017: Kindness

    :heart: Margaret
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member

    For all of you returning to work today....HUGS! I was so tired after keeping the grands yesterday that I went to bed at 7 PM. Then I was wide awake at 1:30 but stayed under the covers anyway. Today, I have to do a little cleaning and take care of some laundry.

    One goal of mine for this year is to turn the tv off more often, read more, and move more.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,773 Member
    {{{Allie}}} ... YOU are not a failure ... definitely not YOU!

  • cathie2903
    cathie2903 Posts: 85 Member
    edited January 2017
    OMG ! I cant keep up with you lot and your wonderful posts! I weighed in this morning for my starting point (wished I hadn't!) also took measurements yesterday so I don't get hung up on what the scales are saying. Spinning tonight and again tomorrow but also booked in for a pick me up hair cut afterwards. If anyone would like to "friend" me I would love to hear from you and hopefully not loose you in the thread :)

    Cathie (UK) <3
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Heather Bea is "Bea-utiful"! Warms my heart!
    I ate the whole pound of vegetables with no problem, just munched throughout the day, and here are my observations: 1) They were yummy. 2) They were guilt-free no-brainers. 3) They were really filling. 4) They were crunchy and naturally sweet. 5) I wasn't hungry at all the entire day and feel rather full now even though I still have calories left for the day. 6) I am already looking forward to choosing tomorrow's pound of raw veggies.
    Some of you may remember that some weeks back, Penny posted a picture of her veggies for the day and noted that once she started eating a pound of raw veggies a day, her weight loss and exercise endeavors took off (do I have that right, Penny?) I have a feeling this is going to be a winning strategy for me as well, as I love fresh veggies and today was so promising.
    Thank you, Penny!

    Karen in Virginia

    Karen your veggie pics are inspiring! I must increase my veggie consumption and this is spurring on towards this goal.

    in chilly TX
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    It is going to take me a bit to keep everyone straight.. its a quick moving - lively group! <3 I will be back later with a into and measurements.

    Belle in brrrr... AZ
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,923 Member
    Thank you all for the compliments on my pictures. I will crop and change my avatar to the 'after' pic as suggested.

    Motorcycles... I used to own and drive a Yamaha 600cc, my first DH had a Harley ( still has it!). I was very reckless and surprised I never crashed. I was on the bac of the Harley with my 18 month old between us and my 5 year old in front of DH two days before giving birth to my now 32 year old son! I shudder now thinking about haw dangerous that was....

    Allie, you are strong and can get through this. Check in often for support, txt me when you can, visit and talk to friends, all as much as you can. We all love and support you.

    Rita from rainy CT