
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2017
    Stronglift Workout A
    Squat-1X5X 45/55, 5X5X 65
    BP-1X5X 45/50, 5X5X 55
    BR-5X5X 75

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-14 X5X 30

    I am also going to get up and move 10 minutes every hour. I will either take ship out for a short walk or keep busy around the house. I have a lot of housework that I need to catch up on since I have been doing the bathroom remodel.

    40lbs loss By May 27th
    January challenge- post daily exercise. In the challenge you get one point for each day that you exercise.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Belle - Congratulations on making a commitment to yourself! I'd love to see some of your furniture projects. There's a store here that rehabs old pieces with chalk paint, and they are just beautiful.

    Joyce - Woo, 124/76! Those are good numbers! Glad you're seeing progress.

    lklinkman - I'm with you on the knee rehab. At first glance I thought you said your daily exercises made you SWEAR! My personal habit is to weigh weekly, first thing in the morning when my weight is lowest. That keeps me accountable without worrying about normal daily fluctuations.

    DJ - Your hair is gorgeous. My mom's hair went grey early and was totally white. She told me she never got as many compliments on it when she colored it as she did after she just let it go natural.

    Lenora - I did the calculations for the pecan butter, and it wasn't nearly as bad as I'd feared it would be. No worse than peanut butter, and its flavor is intense so a little goes a long way. I put maybe a teaspoon on a slice of cranberry-orange bread last night, and it was SO good! The recipe is here: http://cookieandkate.com/2012/pecan-butter-recipe/

    Karebear - You will find a lot of inspiration and support here.

    Barbara - Welcome back! Seems like some people lose weight when they're stressed and some gain it. I'm one who gains it. Glad you are taking care of yourself.

    grandmallie - Attagirl! Under the circumstances, who knows what he's been up to. You are absolutely right to protect yourself.

    lacruiser2016 - I envy your life on the beach!

    KetoneKaren - Before we moved I belonged to a gym and their cafe had an amazing green smoothie. When I had to drop my membership I went searching for a recipe and found several nice ones online. I'm good with some raw veggies but the smoothie was a great way to get in some greens, whose leaves aren't that much fun for snacking on.

    Got on the ski machine last night for the first time since my accident. I managed 20 minutes before the knee started to complain, then hopped over to the stationary bike to finish.

    I'm looking at my pound of veggies for the day - it's not as much as it sounds like. I've got raw carrots, zucchini, snap peas, cucumber, grape tomatoes, and bell pepper, along with a few roasted brussels sprouts left over from Christmas dinner. They're sitting right here next to my desk so I can snack throughout the day. But it's going to be a pain to log them... we need a "pound of veggies" database item!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,207 Member
    edited January 2017
    (((KIm))) I found the book the Dance of Anger helpful to me in dealing with the emotional side to the difficulties in my own family. That was one of my goals last year was to write about the chapters as I read them here on this site. Are all the issues resolved? No Many of them are on going. It just helped me get another perspective and ideas to handle my own anger. Thinking about this is timely for me because of my knee pain my tolerance is down and I find myself more reactive.

    It was in April of 2016 I wrote these reflections. I went back and looked at a couple of my entries. Timely for me.

    Goal is to go back and reread my reflections from Dance with Anger

    Family issues can be hard especially around the Holidays.

    Heather love your attitude of eating is to Live For. I will sometimes find myself when having the opportunity to eat something particularly delicious rather than say this is to die for I'll say this is to live for. I agree with you your body needs the right kind of foods to work at its best. Sharing good healthy foods with family and friends is a bonus Thank you for sharing all your wonderful cooking ideas.

    Mary when I clicked on the social at the bottom of the challenge sites I could only find the red group, so I decided to try and start a blue group, but did not know how to link it to the challenge. I did find the exercise site. Until my knee heals I am going with stretches and exercises for other parts of my body.

    :heart: Margaret
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,697 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Its cold and rainy in the SF bay area today (yesterday too!) the cold is in the 40-50 for a day time high, not cold for some of you, but for us it is.

    I got new rain gear for Christmas, and am loving walking in it with Levi (DD = darling dog) my pervious rain gear was a men’s 2x and this is a men’s large Happy Dance! – I like to wear a layer or 2 under it, and find the men’s style is a boxy-er fit and accommodates layers better.

    While I am out walking I tell Levi my gratitudes for the day… so thought I’d share them here…
    I am grateful for – indoor plumbing (when I am in the camp garden I have an outhouse), the transportation system that delivers all manner of things to my town, my health, my mfp friends, my in area friends, my parents, my dna, my resilience, Levi, my chiropractor that lets me pay with vegies and fruit from the garden, the government programs that have allowed me to re-finance my house and have health insurance, that I do not live in a war torn area of the world, for the birds and wildlife in my area that provide bird song and entertainment, being raised by a mom who was raised in the great depression and taught me thrift, my business, my computer skills, good hair, … there are other things that I add depending on the day, but these are the standard ones….

    NYKaren, and Karen in Virg. – Thanks, it helps to know someone else understands.

    Heather – the sad thing is that crimes are being committed, but because I am not a witness, and my darling mother when the cops come will tell them that her daughter (yes me!) have drug/mental health issues and am reporting things that did not happen, all to protect her son, as men are of more value than women - what bull*hit!

    Margaret – I have read the Dance of Anger many years ago – may need to do it again…

    Newbies – welcome!

    January Goals:
    Write Christmas letter, and have all cards ready to send by Dec1…this was for nov. but still working on it. Jan. still working on this….**** GET THIS DONE*******
    Read and report on a book –
    Log everyday to the best I can, over if need be.
    11,000 + steps everyday –
    Work on water consumption –
    Lunch with Kyle -


    Kim from N. California
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Good morning ladies -

    I am glad I only work part time and have the minutes to keep up with all your activities. I hope this flurry of activity continues.

    Marni - beautiful pictures! Thank you for telling us about yourself. I like your spunky attitude.

    Marcelyn - Ha! The picture of the giraffe definitely needs a caption. If I were the critter, I would be saying, "Girl, a pound of raw veggies a day? No thank you." I make myself eat some raw veggies when I am eating healthy but I doubt I ever will do a pound! I think of them more like medicine.

    Katla - I love the proverb you are posting.

    Dreamwriter - I remember you! I just came back after more than a year's absence. Good to see you.

    Pip - the pup pics always cheer me up!

    It was 64 yesterday and today I woke up to 28 degrees. A shock - but yeah. Winter is being winter today! Today is my youngest grandson's 16th birthday. It is also National Spaghetti Day. One year his mom baked him a "spaghetti cake". She piped the frosting to look like strands of spaghetti all over the layer cake. The she added strawberry jam on top to look like the sauce. My DDIL is very creative! They no longer do parties and I feel very left out. I have to run errands later and hope to go by with his bday card and money and a little gift for DDIL whose bday is tomorrow.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Toni in wintery, sunny Tennessee
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Note to self: adding some of the veggies from my "pound of veggies" bag to my bowl of home made tortilla soup (no tortilla or cheese in/with it) sounded like a good idea...blech! :s ...won't do that again!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,618 Member
    Toni - I eat my raw veggies for my pm snack with 100 gms cottage cheese and HOT mixed pickle! Yummy yum. <3 Today I had a zucchini, radishes, and two raw chestnut mushrooms.

    Kim - I personally think the detachment thing is a better option, but if you can't do that with peace of mind there are lots of very reasonably priced spy cameras available these days. I often see tv programmes where people have used them to investigate a nanny or a carer. Some can be monitored from your phone. Just a thought.

    Today I had my hair trimmed in town and used lots of vouchers for holiday medicines, deodorant, shampoo etc. Good job. Also did an online order for groceries, coming on Sunday. They had a big half price sale. :D Mostly boring stuff like teabags and dishwasher tablets, but useful.
    This morning I did some more memoir. Now well over 30,000 words. I'm writing about a farm holiday we had in Devon. A HUGE may bug scared the life out of me in an outside toilet at night. :laugh: Also called a cockchafer. (I bet that's censored)

    Lots of good tv tonight for a change. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,207 Member
    edited January 2017
    Kim I am so sorry you are not being heard by those who should have your back. Your mother is not helping your brother by enabling him. I watched this with my mother with my eldest brother, too. It is painful to watch a loved one being abused. In the case of my brother it was his hoarding. I know social services are a mixed place to go for help, but have you gone to them to report Elderly Abuse. Perhaps with a neutral third party the police will listen and both your mother and brother will get the help they need. Meanwhile the best thing is to take care of you and watch your back with your brother. I know I had and have to do this with my brother. It is sad for both of us.

    Heather idea of a camera is good too if you can figure a way to install it. It provides documentation. Make sure you are safe first. I do like that saying you give yourself oxygen first before putting the mask on someone else.

    I hear you.

    :heart: Margaret
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2017
    Margaret - if you are in the red group you're going to want to bookmark that site not the blue site. Did you go all the way down and click on all discussion? Because, then all of her discussion will open up. You should be able to see all of the groups. You can also go to administration up at the top and send them a message as to any difficulties you are having. You're doing fantastic! Stretching is a great exercise! Do what ever you can do with your other body parts and you will see improvement!
    I went in and opened up the red team and copied the link for you. Let me know if this works. Don't forget to bookmark it at the top!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,207 Member
    I am in the blue group.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member

    Kate UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,207 Member
    Mary found my group. Thanks for your help!
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Woah, Mary - My birthday is in October. This is my grandson's bday. Don't age me any faster than mother nature is already doing, gal!

    Heather - I will be doing cherry tomatoes, yellow peppers and cucumber with my cottage cheese this afternoon. Thanks! (I still don't think I could do a pound but who knows, I might be making that a weekly goal soon.

    I forgot to mention that my best friend's husband had a stroke before Christmas. He had not seen a doctor since 1970. Can you believe that! Needless to say it has been a wake up call. They are changing their lifestyle and working together on being healthy. I was a little hurt that she did not call me at some point to let me know. I called her yesterday and found out the news. I could have at least been praying for him. She is so resistant to "leaning" on anyone. Doesn't want to bother people. What are friends for?!?!?!?

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member