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Giving up sugar for good



  • getoffin1year
    getoffin1year Posts: 87 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Ty_Floyd wrote: »
    RAinWA wrote: »

    I really wish people would stop listening to this kind of low intellect fear-mongering.


    And I really wish people would read the article before commenting!

    We're all pretty familiar with Taubes and his articles...

    Also, I had a Reece's Peanutbutter Cup yesterday...is that moderation?

    I don't eat much in the way of added sugars...I don't think sugar is so much the issue as is over consumption...but the notion that it's a "drug" and moderating intake is futile is asinine. Sugar is nothing new...we've been consuming sugar since the dawn of time.

    I am more than capable of having a cookie and going about the rest of my day...or having a Reece's, etc. It's not like I eat a cookie and then proceed to eat all of the cookies.
    KetoLady86 wrote: »
    Ty_Floyd wrote: »
    RAinWA wrote: »
    Sorry - I lost interest when he calls sugar a drug. It's not a drug and it's not addictive. People may LIKE the taste of sugar and thus want to consume more but it's no more addictive than cheese is (which is something I have problems moderating but I'm not addicted to it).

    I really wish people would stop listening to this kind of low intellect fear-mongering.


    Define "drug". A psychoactive substance with some addictive characteristics? Yes sugar is a drug, as well as being a nutrient.



    Not YOU but for some its very real. The same way people can get addicted to any healthy or unhealthy behavior while others don't. Some people are addicted to working or, others will always dislike it. Some can do cocaine in college and not develop a habit, others have full blown drug addictions after doing the same blow in college. Science is a long way from knowing all the ins and outs about addiction, but that doesn't mean sugar addiction isn't real and should be avoided by those with those behaviors while others like yourself can moderate consumption.

    Lol...I love the new year...

    I can go to town on a block of chedar cheese and gallon of milk...I have like zero self control around chedar cheese...I don't consider myself "addicted" to sharp cheddar, nor do I equate it to being a drug...lack of self control =/= addiction.

    It seems that today's society would rather just blame everything on addictions and other things than actually taking responsibility for what they do...it's pretty lame.

    Let me guess...millennial?

    No, and its a science issue not a social one. I feel like you lack a fundamental understanding of other brains besides maybe your own.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited January 2017
    Ty_Floyd wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Ty_Floyd wrote: »
    I really must be a special freak snowflake then because I can eat sugar in moderation no problem. OP-if you feel that you need to eliminate it and actually think that it will be sustainable for you, for the rest of your life then you got to do what you got to do. But, I've figured out how to continue eating all the foods I like while hitting my health and weight goals. This is what's sustainable for me, for the next 40+ years.

    Or perhaps the ill-effects may be so insidious that you won't notice them until it's too late. I sincerely hope that is not the case, obviously.

    Humans have been consuming sugar since the dawn of time...

    But not in its current refined state. Similarly (as the article points out) if you chew a bunch of coca leaves you might get a mild effect but nothing like the addictive hit of pure cocaine.

    Again, I don't eat much in the way of added sugar...but on a molecular level, what's the difference? There is none...sugar is sugar...refined sugar is just sugar cane (a plant) that has been processed. Your body is going to treat sugar as sugar regardless of source...this is just fear mongering.

    I don't eat much in the way of added sugars for the simple fact that I think over consumption is a problem and I eat a primarily whole foods diet...but I'm not going to pretend that the sugar I'm having in my apple this afternoon is different from the sugar I had last night in my Reece's cup (by the by, my apple is about 19g...my
    Reece's cup was 8 grams of sugar)...it's just fear mongering.

    As "hits" go, my apple was a far greater crack/cocaine hit than the Reece's...
  • Ty_Floyd
    Ty_Floyd Posts: 102 Member
    "the English had the world’s most productive network of sugar-producing colonies – is that they lacked any succulent native fruit, and so had little previous opportunity to accustom themselves to sweet things."


    I must be hallucinating all the apples, pears, plums, cherries, blackberries, bilberries, carrots, parsnips etc that grow all over England, and even (heaven forbid) Scotland, not to mention the honey from bees.

    Also, we are primates FFS. We have all the apparatus required for digesting sugar. We just shouldn't eat it to the near-exclusion of all else.

    Actually most of the fruits you mention as being grown in UK originated elsewhere, primarily from the Mediterranean, and American continents.
  • birdtobe
    birdtobe Posts: 105 Member

    [/quote] Humans have been consuming sugar since the dawn of time...[/quote]

    Humans have been consuming sugar since the dawn of time, but processed sugar is really relatively new. There is added sugar in so much of what we eat that simply wasn't there two or thee generations ago. You can argue that it has no impact, but to imply that people have been eating sugar in the same quantities and the same manner that they do today is a little misleading.
  • Ty_Floyd
    Ty_Floyd Posts: 102 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Again, I don't eat much in the way of added sugar...but on a molecular level, what's the difference? There is none...sugar is sugar...refined sugar is just sugar cane (a plant) that has been processed. Your body is going to treat sugar as sugar regardless of source...this is just fear mongering.

    Addictive drugs are addictive in their 'refined' state but not when consumed in their natural (plant) state. The same theory is now being applied to sugar.

    The problem has been exacerbated in recent years with the increased consumption of manufactured snacks, fizzy drinks and hidden sugars in diet/low fat foods and breakfast cereals etc (and cigarettes apparently) that are relatively high in refined sugars.

  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Ty_Floyd wrote: »
    RAinWA wrote: »

    I really wish people would stop listening to this kind of low intellect fear-mongering.


    And I really wish people would read the article before commenting!

    We're all pretty familiar with Taubes and his articles...

    Also, I had a Reece's Peanutbutter Cup yesterday...is that moderation?

    I don't eat much in the way of added sugars...I don't think sugar is so much the issue as is over consumption...but the notion that it's a "drug" and moderating intake is futile is asinine. Sugar is nothing new...we've been consuming sugar since the dawn of time.

    I am more than capable of having a cookie and going about the rest of my day...or having a Reece's, etc. It's not like I eat a cookie and then proceed to eat all of the cookies.
    KetoLady86 wrote: »
    Ty_Floyd wrote: »
    RAinWA wrote: »
    Sorry - I lost interest when he calls sugar a drug. It's not a drug and it's not addictive. People may LIKE the taste of sugar and thus want to consume more but it's no more addictive than cheese is (which is something I have problems moderating but I'm not addicted to it).

    I really wish people would stop listening to this kind of low intellect fear-mongering.


    Define "drug". A psychoactive substance with some addictive characteristics? Yes sugar is a drug, as well as being a nutrient.



    Not YOU but for some its very real. The same way people can get addicted to any healthy or unhealthy behavior while others don't. Some people are addicted to working or, others will always dislike it. Some can do cocaine in college and not develop a habit, others have full blown drug addictions after doing the same blow in college. Science is a long way from knowing all the ins and outs about addiction, but that doesn't mean sugar addiction isn't real and should be avoided by those with those behaviors while others like yourself can moderate consumption.

    Lol...I love the new year...

    I can go to town on a block of chedar cheese and gallon of milk...I have like zero self control around chedar cheese...I don't consider myself "addicted" to sharp cheddar, nor do I equate it to being a drug...lack of self control =/= addiction.

    It seems that today's society would rather just blame everything on addictions and other things than actually taking responsibility for what they do...it's pretty lame.

    Let me guess...millennial?

    Hey, leave us millennials out of it.
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