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Giving up sugar for good



  • chocolate_owl
    chocolate_owl Posts: 1,695 Member
    Have any of the people here who think we don't naturally like sweet things ever tasted breast milk?

    Don't be giving people crazy ideas, now! :lol:

    A couple of years ago, a breastfeeding mother went to a local bar. She went to the bathroom with a cup to lactate, but instead of dumping the milk down the sink, she came out and offered the other patrons a shot. They liked it so much they got her to go back and pump out round two.

    She told this story to the owner of my local wine bar, who is currently breastfeeding. She was seriously disappointed when K didn't offer up any of her boob milk.

    ...Now back to our scheduled programming.
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Ty_Floyd wrote: »
    RAinWA wrote: »

    I really wish people would stop listening to this kind of low intellect fear-mongering.


    And I really wish people would read the article before commenting!

    We're all pretty familiar with Taubes and his articles...

    Also, I had a Reece's Peanutbutter Cup yesterday...is that moderation?

    I don't eat much in the way of added sugars...I don't think sugar is so much the issue as is over consumption...but the notion that it's a "drug" and moderating intake is futile is asinine. Sugar is nothing new...we've been consuming sugar since the dawn of time.

    I am more than capable of having a cookie and going about the rest of my day...or having a Reece's, etc. It's not like I eat a cookie and then proceed to eat all of the cookies.
    KetoLady86 wrote: »
    Ty_Floyd wrote: »
    RAinWA wrote: »
    Sorry - I lost interest when he calls sugar a drug. It's not a drug and it's not addictive. People may LIKE the taste of sugar and thus want to consume more but it's no more addictive than cheese is (which is something I have problems moderating but I'm not addicted to it).

    I really wish people would stop listening to this kind of low intellect fear-mongering.


    Define "drug". A psychoactive substance with some addictive characteristics? Yes sugar is a drug, as well as being a nutrient.



    Not YOU but for some its very real. The same way people can get addicted to any healthy or unhealthy behavior while others don't. Some people are addicted to working or, others will always dislike it. Some can do cocaine in college and not develop a habit, others have full blown drug addictions after doing the same blow in college. Science is a long way from knowing all the ins and outs about addiction, but that doesn't mean sugar addiction isn't real and should be avoided by those with those behaviors while others like yourself can moderate consumption.

    Lol...I love the new year...

    I can go to town on a block of chedar cheese and gallon of milk...I have like zero self control around chedar cheese...I don't consider myself "addicted" to sharp cheddar, nor do I equate it to being a drug...lack of self control =/= addiction.

    It seems that today's society would rather just blame everything on addictions and other things than actually taking responsibility for what they do...it's pretty lame.

    Let me guess...millennial?

    Preach it, brother. I will seriously eat ALL THE CHEESE, and knock someone over to get more, but never in a million years would I try to claim that cheese is addictive. Delicious, yes, addictive, no.
  • Ty_Floyd
    Ty_Floyd Posts: 102 Member

    AnvilHead wrote: »

    Look up "mead". It's a drink that can be traced back to around 2800 BC in what's now known as Europe. It's honey (that's sugar, in case you didn't know) fermented with water, fruits, spices, grains and hops. There are many varieties which used various fruits. So it's not like fruit just appeared in Europe in the last few years or anything.

    As I understand it mead is a highly alcoholic beverage (up to 20%) but not necessarily a sweet drink. You can get 'dry' mead as well. The honey is there to provide fermentation and the fruits are an optional extra.

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Ty_Floyd wrote: »
    They even put sugar in Camel cigarettes apparently! Never knew that. Glad I quit smoking...

    so you were more worried about the sugar than lung cancer...?

    Honestly, the sugar is probably the healthiest thing to be found in a cigarette.

    Agreed - this is why I eat cigarettes during a long run.

  • Ty_Floyd
    Ty_Floyd Posts: 102 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Ty_Floyd wrote: »
    They even put sugar in Camel cigarettes apparently! Never knew that. Glad I quit smoking...

    so you were more worried about the sugar than lung cancer...?

    As I explained earlier, that was my little joke. My apologies for unfunnyness.
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